Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Balance of Power ❯ Journey Danger Signal ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter 10

Danger Signal

(Note: < > Signifies a person speaking in English.)

Happosai bounded across the rooftop with Cologne close behind.

"So have you thought of something we could do to get Dr. Tofu to take that thing?" Happosai asked without breaking stride.

"I was thinking that maybe we could use some pressure points on his throat to try and loosen up his larynx muscles," Cologne replied.

"Well I sure hope this is going to work then, cause were to need his skills if we even want a chance of keeping everybody safe," Happosai said as he jumped and landed in the inside the wall that surrounded the Tendo house.

As Cologne came down beside him, Nodoka appeared around the corner and spotted them.

"Hi you two," she greeted, "are you passing through or can you stay for supper?"

"Actually were here to see Dr. Tofu, Nodoka," Happosai said. Cologne smacked Happosai over the head. He turned in irritation but saw that Cologne was addressing Nodoka.

"Did you say you were having supper now Mrs. Saotome?" Cologne asked.

"Yes," Nodoka nodded, "Kasumi was just finishing things up. And please, just call me Nodoka."

Cologne turned to Happosai and whispered into his ear. "I think there may be a way for us to get Tofu to eat the pill/"

Happosai looked at Cologne incredulously but offered no opinion of his own.

Cologne turned back to face Nodoka and put on what she hoped was a pleasant smile. "Thank you Nodoka," Cologne said. "We would very much appreciate dinner."

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed, "I'll go help Kasumi bring everything in and you can take your seats at the table."

They found Dr. Tofu seated at the table, reading some papers. He looked up when he noticed Cologne and Happosai's presence.

"Well hello you two," Tofu greeted. "I take it your being here means you be staying for dinner."

"Yes doctor," Cologne smiled, "Nodoka was kind enough to invite us."

Tofu smiled at her and went back to reading the papers laid out on the table.

"What are you reading there?" Happosai asked, moving to sit beside Tofu at the table.

"I was just reviewing Ranma's most recent medical files to see if I could try and pinpoint a time when Ranma may reach his breaking point," Tofu explained, not unkindly.

"I see, and how have things been since we were last here?" Happosai inquired.

"Oh fine, fine. Soun and Genma have pretty much moved into the Dojo, it seems they are intent on doing some major training. I don't believe they will be able to move around much tomorrow though, there muscles will be as stiff as a board."

"And how have things been with Kasumi?" Cologne asked.

Tofu immediately began to fidget and there was a hint that his glasses were about to fog.

"S-she's just fine. I-I've been keeping o-out of her way the w-whole afternoon, lest I m-make a nuisance of myself," Tofu stammered out.

Happosai shook his head resignedly and glanced over at Cologne, who had taken a seat on the other side of Dr. Tofu. She bore the same look that was on Happosai's face, helplessness. But even if they were forced to use the "pill" they had brought, Cologne still felt that before they did anything they would need to have Tofu's spoken consent. She was about to say something when Happosai beat her to it.

"So things between you and the girl are still on the same terms?" Happosai didn't wait for a response. "It's such a shame that there isn't some sort of remedy for your condition."

Dr. Tofu, after a visible effort to regain his composure, smiled at Happosai. "If there was only such a convenient thing my friend, I don't think the gods themselves could stop me from getting it."

Cologne and Happosai smirked and had the exact same thought. That would be all the consent they needed.

But how to go about getting Ono to take the pill? Cologne asked herself. He was surely going to reject the offer if he was to see the size of the "pill".

Genma and Soun joined them and, after a few moments, greeted the two martial arts masters.

Happosai was about to issue a reprimand when Nodoka and Kasumi walked in, setting down their dinner.

Cologne watched intently as each entrée was revealed. As Kasumi unveiled the rice balls, a smile lit up Cologne's face. It would be so easy, Cologne told herself. All she had to was roll the pill around in the rice and create her very own, if large, rice ball. But she still needed to solve the problem of getting Tofu to swallow the pill whole.

A glance at Happosai confirmed that he was forming the same plan as her. She nodded once he saw her staring at him and turned to look up at Dr. Tofu. Unfortunately for them, Dr. Tofu had his attention focused on Kasumi, and he was showing the first telltale signs of a Tofu meltdown. They needed to act now or he would be too far gone for them to make any sort of attempt at this.

"You know Dr. Tofu," Cologne began, gaining the doctors and everyone else's attention, "I was just wondering about your knowledge of pressure points. I seem to recall the time when you used that `Tokyo Grandpa Point' to counteract my `Full-body Cat Tongue' shiatsu that I had used on Ranma."

Ono was more or less back to normal, as he could no longer look at Kasumi while he was looking down at Cologne.

"Yes, I have studied them for a good number of years. I learned most of them during my residency," Tofu told her. A residency is when a newly turned doctor is shown all the things that a doctor must deal with at hospitals. This usually includes working thirty six hours straight and making decisions that could save a persons life when you have been on your feet for almost twelve hours.

"Hmm, I wonder if you would let me try a new pressure point that I have been working on."

Ono looked at her for a moment before he smiled and nodded. He turned his head to give Cologne access to the points and was very careful to keep his gaze from moving to Kasumi.

Cologne stood on her staff and reached towards Tofu's neck as she quickly slipped Happosai the "pill". With everyone paying rapt attention to Cologne and Dr. Tofu, Happosai was free to roll the pill over the sticky rice. Once it was completely covered, the "pill" resembled a large rice ball. He set the rice covered pill and looked up and saw Cologne press two different points on Tofu's neck. One was to make the doctor's larynx muscles relax and allow for the pill to move down his throat without causing serious problems, and the other point was to enable his saliva glands, ensuring that the "rice ball" would not get caught in his throat.

"Now, Cologne said once she was finished, "to demonstrate how these pressure points work, I will now give Dr. Tofu a rice ball, which he will swallow, whole."

Everyone gasped and looked at the rice ball Happosai handed to Dr. Tofu.

"Are you sure that is wise?" Soun asked. The rice ball was huge and it looked very stiff.

"Yes, I know what I'm doing Mr. Tendo," Cologne smiled reassuringly.

Tofu looked at the rice ball in doubt. But he shrugged it off and popped it into his mouth.

Cologne and Happosai traded looks of success as they watched the "pill" make its way down Tofu's throat.

The others applauded Tofu. He took a bow and raised his eye's while in mid-bow, looking straight at Kasumi. Her angelic face and beautiful smile floored the poor doctor, as it always did.

This did not escape the notice of Cologne, but she simply thought that this would be an easier way for them to see how the drug would affect Ono.

Tofu started laughing and turned to look at Happosai, who smiled at him. But his smile was erased from his face when Tofu suddenly threw a punch at him. Happosai was caught off guard and was forced to parry the attack as he jumped backwards as Tofu did a follow up sweeping kick.

"What are you doing Ono!?" Happosai shouted.

Tofu did not even react to Happosai's shouts. He charged after him, smashing his fist through the wall panels.

Cologne watched Tofu's face and quickly observed that the smile that had previously been on his face was still there. A closer inspection proved that Tofu had what appeared to be a hysterical glint in his eyes.

Happosai found himself retreating from the doctor. Despite his well-renowned evilness, even Happosai could not bring himself to strike Dr. Tofu. He didn't want to lead him over to where the others were sitting, lest the doctor change his focus to Cologne or Kasumi, so the martial arts master began to parry the attack, or block, whenever Tofu caught him off guard.

"Don't just stand there Cologne!" Happosai shouted. "Find out what the hells the matter with him!"

That broke Cologne out of her revere and she quickly asked where the nearest phone was.


Shampoo quickly moved into the kitchen when she heard the phone ringing.

"Nihao, Cat Café, Shampoo is speaking."

*Shampoo* Cologne's voice came over the line. *Where is Mousse?*

"He upstairs great-grandmother," Shampoo said.

*Alright, I need him to go into my room and find the instructions to the hormone decreaser. It should be on the floor.*

Shampoo set the receiver down and quickly called upstairs to Mousse. Once he called back down Shampoo dashed back to the phone.

"I tell him great-grandmother."


There followed a moment where neither said a word, until Mousse's voice came onto the line.

*Alright ghoul, I've got the instructions right here.*

*Watch your tone boy!* Cologne said sharply. *Now read me off everything on it.*

Mousse read off all the instructions but they were of no help to Cologne. She was about to hang up when Mousse started talking again.

*Oh, there was something written on the back. Says here that the person receiving the pill should not be in the immediate vicinity of the person his affection is for. If they are in the same room together, than the receiver of the pill will enter a state of hyper-arousal and most likely attack the occupants of the room.*

*Dear gods,* Cologne breathed. *What should you do if that does occur?*

*If the person does go into a state of hyper-arousal and attack everyone in the room than it would be in everyone's best interest that those nearest this person attempt to render him unconscious.*


Cologne didn't bother saying any goodbyes; she simply slammed the receiver down and ran back to where everyone else was.

Happosai was still fending off Tofu's attacks, and the wall behind Happosai had taken many punches which. Tofu didn't even seem to be tiring, even though he had been making a continuous assault for over six minutes.

Nodoka and Kasumi had been moved behind Soun and Genma, just in case Tofu did decide to choose another target.

Cologne jumped at Tofu and used the pointy end of her staff to hit a point on Tofu's neck, making the enraged doctor slump to the floor.

Happosai walked over to the doctor and cautiously checked his pulse. Tofu's heart was beating far above the rate that a man should be capable of.

"Let's move him to another room," Happosai calmly suggested.

They moved Tofu to another room, while Cologne explained what happened. This caused Kasumi to blush and Happosai to reprimand Cologne for not reading all the instructions.

Kasumi opted to stay with the doctor, while everyone else retired to the table once again, to finish off their supper, before it grew any colder.


"So what are we going to do now?" Ranma asked, once Seiji and Parker came back.

After the car dropped them off at the embassy, the four Japanese youths decided to go in. Luckily for them, Parker had made arrangements and some staff led them to a room where they could relax. A few staff people stayed and gave them some dinner.

"Well, we know now that either the Politburo knows of our location and has decided that they would like to have a word for us, or the Yakuza have taken out a very large sum of money for our heads," Seiji told them, then continued, "But I am worried for Ishii at the moment, I have not heard from him for at least four hours and he was supposed to check in with me at least every two."

"So does that mean were going to be going to look for him?" Ryoga asked. The faster they were out of Beijing the better.

"I think that would be for the best," Parker said. "And it would also be for the best if I came along. Never know when you're going to need a military man in the Chinese wilderness."

"Do you think that is wise Phillip?" Seiji asked. "I don't know if the military would think very much of you helping out six Japanese criminals on the run from Chinese authority."

"Well, then maybe I'll turn you guys in then and collect the ransom myself," Parker said with a smile. "But your right about that Seiji, I'd better call my dad to see exactly how much I can assist you guys."

Phil walked over a phone sitting on a table and turned to the embassy personnel.

"<Is this phone secure?>"

"<Yes sir,>" the attendant said. "<It's a STU-6.>" (The most secure type phone in production inside the United States.)

Parker nodded his thanks and picked up the receiver, he dialed a number by memory and waited. There followed a few seconds of static which most people would think was just that, static. But it was actually the phone encrypting itself.

Someone picked up on the other line.

"<Hi John, this is Phil,>" Parker said in English. There followed a few seconds where the other person said something. It evoked a chuckle from Parker.

"<Okay, John, but I did call for a reason; I need my dad's office number.>"

"<Thanks, say hi to the other guys there for me, bye,>" Phil hung up and immediately picked up the receiver, dialed another number and turned to face the others.

"I just hate bureaucracies, they always wait for the at least ten seconds before answering the phone, it makes them feel like they have some kind of power over the caller." He turned back to the phone. "<What the hell?>"

"<What is it?>" Akari asked, surprising everyone in the room by saying it in English. "<What?>"

Seiji looked at her with a quizzical eyebrow raised. "And where did you learn to speak English my dear?"

Akari blushed and said in a quiet voice, "From my grandpa. He taught me because we sometimes would do business with people from out of country and he said that learning their language would help the deals."

"<And how long did he teach you?>" Seiji asked in English.

"<For about five years, I can speak and write fluently but it was an easy language to learn,>" Akari told him.

"<Director of Operations!?" Parker roared. "<What the hell is this?>"

"<What's wrong Phillip?>" Seiji asked.

Parker turned to look at him. "<I dialed the number for my dad's office and some secretary just answered the phone, `Director of Operations' Mr. Parker's office, how may I help you?'>"

Parker turned back to the phone and started speaking very rapidly.

Ranma tugged on Seiji's sleeve, the conversation had completely left the other Japanese teenagers in the dark. "What's going on Seiji?"

"Well, Phil has gotten a hold of his father but it seems that instead of being a paper pusher at the Pentagon, he is the DO at CIA," Seiji saw their confused looks. "The Pentagon is a building where most of America's war plan's and operations are started. The CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, is where America gathers its intelligence from. The DO is the man that overlooks all the operations that field officers do so they can either bring agents out of countries or try and recruit one."

The others were still confused but they decided that they would just get further confused if they asked more questions.

<So I can go with them for now?>" Parker asked the phone. "<Okay, I'll tell him, thanks dad,>" Phil hung up.

"So?" Seiji asked.

Phil turned to them, looking a little confused himself. "I can come with you guys but I'm going to have to report to him every day, and under no circumstances am I allowed to interact with any Chinese person that I come across."

"Alright then, so should we leave now?" Seiji asked.

Phil shook his head. "No, it would be best if we stayed the night here first, it might not be wise to leave if the Chinese are this worried about your presences. I'll go work out some of the details with the ambassador and you guys just stay here."

Parker left with the other attendants.

Seiji walked over to a couch and collapsed onto it with an exasperated sigh.

"This has turned out to be one hell of a day huh?"

"Yeah," Ranma agreed, "I don't really know what's going on right now Seiji, but I can tell this is all really big."

"Your right Ranma, even I think I'm over my head right now," Seiji said. "But for now I think were going to be safe, Phil is going to come with us to Jusenkyo and because he's an American, I think were going to be able to move much faster. Most PLA soldiers or policeman will be very reluctant to try and detain an American, unless they can prove that he's really some kind of spy."

"I don't mean to sound rude Seiji but, who the hell is that Parker guy?" Ryoga asked.

Seiji smiled. "Well, I think I should start at the beginning, when I met his dad in Vietnam. I was in Vietnam as a translator, because at the beginning of the war there were not a lot of Americans that spoke Vietnamese so I was assigned as a translator for some of the Green Beret's that they sent over. I met Phillip's father that way and we became friends. I can't tell you about anything we did over there because most of it's complicated and classified. But after the war, I went to America with Phil and I met his family. We remained in close contact until I went back to Japan around `86, then we had a falling out period because of my involvement with the Yakuza. But I guess he knew more about what I've been doing than I thought. Because I don't know how we would have been able to get out of that subway if it wasn't for Phillip. He really takes after his father."

"I know that Phil can come across as a real smart-ass but if you really get to know him, you'll see the gentle person he actually is."

"Gentle? That guy looks like he could give Ryoga a run for his money in the brute strength category," Ranma said.

"Well that's true, but Phil's from a long line of military men, the past four generations if I'm to understand correctly. So you can expect that he's going to be everything that the army looks for. But I want you guys to know that Phil is going to help us out a lot with us getting to Jusenkyo."

The others nodded, and at that moment Phil came walking in.

"Alright you guys, I've got everything straightened out here. Were all going to have to stay in this room for tonight, which will make it a little crowded but it's the best I can do. Now, since we've escaped certain death from the hands of the evil Chinese communists, I think I would like to hear a little about all of you."

Parker went around asking everyone their name and date of birth. He stopped at Seiji. He smiled and turned to look at the others.

"I understand that the last person to ask Seiji his age wound up in a body cast for a month so I think we should just all go with the assumption that Seiji is a twenty four year old swinger."

That made everyone laugh, and Phil decided to tell them about himself.

"I am twenty seven years old; I've been in the military ever since I was seventeen. I weigh one-ninety-six and am five-foot-eleven. I'm a captain in the United States Military. I'm not married, but I think that problem will go away with me being in the company of such lovely ladies," he said with a wink in Akane and Akari's direction.

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, how about you four tell me why you've decided to come to China."

Ranma related the story of Jusenkyo and, because Phil started laughing non-stop, dumped the contents of a nearby vase over his head. Parker found this fascinating and quickly got a bunch of buckets filled with hot and cold water and liberally doused Ranma and Ryoga.

"Wow, that's some weird curse you got there, but I'm sure it comes in handy sometimes though."

"Yeah," Ranma nodded. "This body is great for getting some free eats or trying to attract attention."

Ryoga muttered something under his breath.

"What was that piggy?" Ranma asked coldly.

Ryoga snarled at Ranma. "You think you've got a curse when your body gets you some free eats and my cursed self only gets me a one way ticket to the bottom of a pot by some crazed chef."

Parker gagged and looked at Ryoga in horror. "You mean some people have actually tried to eat you?"

"Yeah, and it's happened far too often for my liking," Ryoga said.

Parker could tell that it was a bad subject so he quickly changed it. "So," he said, turning to the girls, "are any of you dating."

Akane blushed and Akari smiled. "Actually, were dating those two fools right there," Akari said, pointing to Ranma and Ryoga.

"Not dating, were engaged," Ryoga said proudly.

Parker walked over to Akari and looked at her hand. "Wow, how can you even manage to lift your hand up?"

"What do you mean?" Akari asked.

He pointed to the ring on her finger. "That thing's bigger than the iceberg the Titanic hit."

Akari giggled, she was really beginning to like Parker.

Seiji's cell phone began to ring, and he quickly answered it.

"Hello?" There followed a few seconds. "Ishii, why the hell didn't you call earlier?"

Everyone moved closer to Seiji so they could hear as well.

*Minoru's been giving the other Kyodai here all the information they want on you, and he's been talking to some Politburo members.*

"Are you serious?" Seiji asked.

*But that's not the worst part Seiji, the Chinese have-*

The phone cut out and Seiji was greeted by silence.

"What the hell?" Seiji asked no one in particular.


Ishii cursed; his cell phone chose that moment to go out. God must have been against him. He needed a way to talk to Seiji but he was in Xining, a mining town. He was bound to encounter some trouble if Minoru, Kimura, or Koga were to find out that he was here. His best option was to get out of Xining, but where would he go. Maybe he could go to that Jusenkyo place and wait for Seiji and the others to get there.

Ishii didn't notice that he was being followed, and he didn't notice when that person withdrew a cell phone of his own and dialed a number.


"He's probably okay Seiji, his cell phone probably conked out," Parker said.

"But he was trying to tell me something about the Chinese. It sounded important, and Ishii also sounded scared."

No one had anything to say about that.

"I think it would be best if we went to Xining as fast as possible. Were going to need to get there without any more delays."

"I don't know if we'll be able to get you guys onto an airplane again without someone noticing though," Parker said.

"Don't worry," Ranma said with a sly grin, "I've got the perfect idea."


Author's Notes: The first time my wife released this chapter a review was written explaining that Cologne was far too smart to make the mistake that she made in this chapter. Well, I responded in the next chapter that Cologne is not as brilliant as she seems. She forgot that Happosai knew the Heaven-Blast of the Dragon when she was teaching it to Ranma when he was weakened by the Ultimate Weakness Moxibustion. She also left the Reversal Jewel out in her jewelry collection for Shampoo to use, while this ended up working in her favor, it could have very easily backfired.

I hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far, and I hope that everyone has been reviewing it.