Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Can I Keep You? ❯ A Different Future (Ukyou's POV) ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Can I Keep You

Can I Keep You?
Chapter 1- A Different Future
By sky princess

(Ranma and the cast are 16 years old)

*Ukyou's POV *
Well, it's been 10 years since I was engaged to Ranma Saotome.
Ukyou Kuonji laid in her bed inside of her shop, Ucchan's. Her mind was thinking back when Ranma was a kid and also, the future.
Ranma…She sighed.
We're now living in Nerima and Ranchan returned to me 6 years ago after 4 years of training. We became better than best friends when I saw him running toward me that day when he came back. That was a really happy day since I had no one to play with while he was gone.
As the years past, I've grown into an okonomiyaki chef. The best in town. Ranchan is a martial artist but doesn't have a job so he just training and making fun of people in the streets. He taught me some techniques but we would always end up playing around.
Ukyou laughed and lessened to a smile.
Ranchan and I don't like our engagement. We just want to be best friends forever but Genma insists. He says "we're just perfect for each other." Gee, the old man sure could make a joke.
She turned over and looked out at the moon and stars that covered the black ink sky.
I don't think Ranchan and I are "perfect" for each other. He's way to stubborn and way to immature. Sometimes, I'm thinking he never grew up at all but he is still lovable. Of course, maybe his lovable side might be from his cursed form.
Hmm… I was surprised when I found out that he fell into a Jusenko pool. It got amusing after awhile at how guys would go ga-ga over Ranchan's girl body and how he/she had to beat 'em all up. Yup, a cute red-head with a great body. I feel so much pity for him.
Now, I defiantly know Ranchan and I were never meant to be.
Her eyes started drooping and she smiled as she was floating into sleep.
Ranchan, my best friend.
To be continued…

Author's note: Chapter 2 is gonna take longer to come out. Well, please review since you've read. See ya! P.S. Wow… this is my first POV!