Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ China Girl ❯ A Man Who Wants to Rule ( Chapter 5 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
China Girl
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction by Saotome Ranchan
http://www.allaboutra nma.com/fanfics/China_Girl/
[ Chinese ]
* italics *
Author's notes, acknowledgements, and disclaimers to
follow. Who wants to read that first when there's a story
What's happened previously:
A depressed and newly cursed Ranma is brought to the
Joketsuzoku village, Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, where he is given
into the care of Pao Da, an Amazon elder highly
experienced in aiding Jusenkyo victims. Pao Da begins
helping Ranma accept his female side and lose his sexist
beliefs. However, after viewing a vivid display of the teen's
martial arts skills, Chief Elder Ke Lon orders that Ranma's
lessons include ki-control techniques. Pao Da begins working
on enhancing Ranma's balance, speed, and strength, but
brings in a surprising mentor to finetune Ranma's ki
------------------------------------------ --
Book One: Learning to Accept
Chapter Five: A Man Who Wants to Rule
Ranma blinked and slowly relaxed her guard. "I know you.. "
she began.
The weaver quirked an eyebrow. "Really? And here I'd
thought it was just my silks that captivated you."
Seeing the redhead flush, the Amazon man gave her a
genuine smile. "I'm *joking*. Are all Japanese girls this
sensitive?" Reaching into a trouser pocket, he drew out two
small cups.
"I'm not --"
"Thirsty? That's a shame. I'm known to brew a mean cup of
tea." The man deftly poured some of the fragrant beverage
from the canteen and extended the cup to Ranma. "You
sure? You might be thirsty after all that sugar." He nodded
towards the empty pastry box at the cursed youth's feet.
Ranma, however, cast an almost wistful look at the steaming
canteen. "I thought --" she started.
"That I wouldn't share? That would be downright rude of me,
now, wouldn't it? Especially if I'm to be your zhidaoyuan
today." He gestured at her with the tea and flashed her
another smile.
Ranma accepted the cup. "What's a zhid --"
"Zhidaoyuan. Instructor. I believe your word is 'sensei'." The
weaver looked at her quizzically. "Well, aren't you going to
try it?" he asked, sipping from his own teacup.
Ranma followed suit and found that the Amazon hadn't been
exaggerating. "Oi, this *is* --"
"I told you it would be, didn't I? It's a hobby, I guess.
Blending tea leaves and spices to get just the right taste is a
lot like combining threads of silk to get just the right pattern."
He drained his cup, then noticed that Ranma was glaring at
him. "What's wrong?"
The teen thrust her empty cup at him. "Are you ever gonna
let me get a word in edgewise?" she demanded,
The weaver laughed. "Probably not, Saotome Ranma. I'm
also known for my talking. It's something Pao Da gets taken
to task for rather frequently, I'm afraid."
Ranma looked at the man, carefully examining his features.
Bright grey eyes twinkled on an ageless face, and the faint
laugh lines surrounding his mouth attested to a light-hearted
nature. His glossy black hair, hanging loose and somewhat
mussed, shone cobalt in the morning sun.
"Are you Pao Da's --" Ranma began, only
to get cut off once again.
"She and I are close relatives," he answered. "Too close,
some would say, for an Amazon elder and a mere male," he
added wryly. "My name is Ta Lekhu, master weaver
extraordinaire and resident big mouth of Nyuuchiezu
Genjudi." With a flourish, he bowed, Western style.
Ranma couldn't help but grin. She returned the bow,
although in the traditional Japanese manner. "Pleased ta
meetcha," she said, then paused in surprise. Ta Lekhu had
actually let her finish a sentence!
"Always keep them guessing," the weaver told her with a
Ranma snorted. She and Ta Lekhu were going to get along
just fine. Except...
"Hey, I thought you Amazon guys didn't really do martial
arts. How're you gonna trai --"
"Oh, don't worry, Saotome Ranma," Ta Lekhu reassured her.
"Pao Da has shared much of her knowledge with me. And
besides... " Reaching into his shirt, he pulled out two canvas
folding chairs. "I have a few tricks up my sleeves."
Ranma gaped, speechless, as the Joketsuzoku opened
one of the chairs and gestured grandly to it.
Realization suddenly dawned and she pointed at him
excitedly. "You're one of those Hidden Weapons masters,
ain't ya?"
Ta Lekhu gracefully took his own seat and grinned. "Always
keep them guessing," he repeated. "Now, shall we get
Genma was busily wolfing down another moon cake when
something bright flashed to the rear of the bakeshop. He
didn't give it much thought, chalking it up to a malfunctioning
traffic light... until he remembered that the Amazons didn't
have cars, much less street signals. Slowing his eating
speed down to an almost human level, he kept his face
neutral, watching for the flash out of the corner of his eye.
There. A golden-white light, shimmering slightly, illuminated
the trees just behind the bakery for a few seconds, then
faded out once again. Genma wracked his mind, trying to
figure out just what the light's source might be. Strobe...
lighthouse... mirrored dance ball ... none of these were very
likely. When the golden-white glow flashed again -- holding
for a full minute this time -- Genma's curiosity won out over
his appetite, and he went to investigate.
What he found behind the bakery made his eyes practically
pop out. His daughter -- his *son* -- sat on a folding chair
across from a middle-aged Chinese man. The man seemed
to be instructing Ranma, encouraging her while sipping from
a cup of tea. Ranma had her eyes closed and seemed to be
focusing intently on... something, Genma couldn't see what.
As he watched, however, that golden-white glow appeared
again, coalescing around the teenaged martial artist and
surrounding her with an almost tangible power.
Ranma was learning a ki technique.
Dumbstruck, Genma slowly approached the seated pair.
The only person he had ever seem manifest a controlled
aura was his old master, Happosai, who used his ki to create
gigantic -- and terrifying -- images of himself. Master
Happosai had attempted to teach this technique to his two
disciples -- Genma and Genma's training partner, Tendo
Soun -- but hadn't quite succeeded. Soun managed to
manifest a giant demon's head, but only when he was angry.
Genma couldn't even do that -- he could glow bright blue,
but, like Soun, only when infuriated. Neither of them could
produce a visible aura at will.
And here was Ranma, channeling enough ki to light up a
Torn between pride and jealousy, Genma finally found his
voice. "Ranma!"
The unexpected cry surprised Ta Lekhu, who spun around
to face the intruder, splashing him with the cup of now-cooled
tea. As Genma blurred and shifted into panda form, he
quickly learned a painful lesson: never startle a student just
learning to manipulate ki.
Ranma looked down at the unconscious panda, smoke and
steam rising from his singed, wet fur, then stared at her
extended hand, still glowing with golden power. "Whoops,"
she said.
Ta Lekhu quirked an eyebrow. "That's one way of putting it,"
he remarked dryly.
[He blasted his father with a ki attack?!]
Pao Da grimaced and averted her eyes, choosing to face the
floor rather than the incredulous Chief Elder. [It was...
[I'll say!] Ke Lon pogoed over to stand directly below the
younger woman, forcing Pao Da to look her in the eye.
[Never in 3,000 years of Amazon history has anyone ever
managed a ki attack the very day they begin aura control, not
even me! And he did it on his own, without instruction!]
Pao Da's shoulders slumped. [I am sorry, Chief Elder. I'll put
an end to his training at once.]
[You'll do nothing of the kind,] Ke Lon intoned as Pao Da
rubbed her injured skull. [Did I not tell you this might happen,
that the child might do unintentional harm to himself or to
others? We are fortunate that he was already learning
controlling techniques, or his father might no longer be with
Pao Da smirked. [I'm not entirely convinced that would be a
bad thing,] she commented. Upon seeing Ke Lon's puzzled
expression, she explained. [Saotome Genma seems
uniquely driven by self interest. Although I'm certain he loves
his son, I get the distinct impression that Saotome Genma
sees Ranma more as a martial arts puppet more than as a
flesh-and-blood boy.]
[Or girl,] Ke Lon cackled.
Pao Da said nothing.
[Lighten up, child. It's not the end of the world. We simply
underestimated young Ranma, once again.] Hopping back
to her Council chair, the old Amazon sat back, pondering this
most recent development. Seeing Pao Da glance out the
window at the hospital next door, she sighed and came to a
decision. [Continue his training as we previously discussed.
But!! Have him perfect that attack of his. And see if you can
get him to channel that ki of his into other techniques as well.]
Pao Da blinked. [Which techniques, Elder Ke Lon?]
The ancient Amazon stroked her chin thoughtfully. [Splitting
Cat Hairs for once, since it's an advanced aura generation
technique. You're working on ki-enhanced speed with him,
[Yes... he can run at enhanced speeds, but needs to work
on his focus so that he can do so at will.]
Ke Lon nodded. [Yes. Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken will
provide him with the focus he needs for *all* of his ki
techniques. Be sure to teach him that, as well.]
Pao Da's jaw hit the floor.
The Chief Elder chuckled. [Come now, Pao Da, would you
teach a running child how to crawl? If this is what it takes to
help this young man to harness his energies, then teach it we
must. Go with the flow, I believe my great-granddaughter
would say.]
The silver-eyed Amazon smiled. [She will be home soon,
won't she?]Êshe asked.
[She will indeed,] Ke Lon confirmed . [Her reaction to our
guests should prove quite... interesting.]
Pao Da laughed. [And you say *I'm* the one with the knack
for understatement?!]
The first thing Genma felt when he woke up was his head,
painfully heavy and but dizzyingly light. he noted to himself.
The second thing he felt was the fist pressed up against his
"Kuso oyaji," Ranma snarled. "Whadja go do that for?ÊI
almost fried ya! Dontcha have any brains at all in that thick
skull of yours?"
"Browrf?" Genma woozily replied, still dazed and not at all
certain why the redhead was ranting.
Ranma pulled her fist away and glowered at the confused
panda. "C'mon, Pop, you ain't *that* dense. You should
know better'n to spook me when I'm learnin' a new
technique, especially *that* kind of technique!"
Genma's eyes
widened as he remembered almost being turned to toast
by his son's errant blast. "Browr rowr ro rowr browr rowf!" he
said excitedly.
The pigtailed girl looked at her father with disgust. "Oh, like
I'm supposed to understand panda!" she retorted, pouring
herself a cup of tea from the pot on the nightstand. "If you
wanna talk to me, try changin' back first!"ÊWith that, she
hurled the contents of her cup at her father.
"Ranma m'boy, you're going to learn some respect for your
betters!" a now-human Genma growled. The older martial
artist jumped up into a fighting stance and managed to take
one step toward the petite redhead before his spinning
head sent him crashing to the floor, out cold.
Sighing, Ranma hefted the heavy-set man up and tossed
him back onto the hospital cot. "Stupid oyaji," she muttered,
pulling the bedsheet back up over her father. "Never think
before you act, do ya?"
"That may well be, child, but his actions *do* help you learn
your lessons."
Ranma turned to face Pao Da, who stood near the ward
entrance, her arms folded across her chest. "Oh yeah? How
The Amazon elder sauntered over to the foot of Genma's
bed and regarded the unconscious man. "Your father easily
outweighs me, wouldn't you say?"
Ranma blinked, confused by the sudden change in topic.
Pao Da gave her student a self-deprecating smile. "Well, so
much for my feminine pride," she remarked, then pointed at
Ranma's hands. "Do you often go about lifting your father like
he were made of feathers?"
Ranma scratched the back of her neck. "Uhhh... "
Pao Da shook her head, exasperated. "*Think*, child. How
did you get your father off the floor so easily?"
Ranma looked from Genma to the floor and back again. "I
dunno. I just picked him up and... OH!"
The Joketsuzoku woman watched as comprehension finally
kicked in and Ranma stared at her hands in wonder. "You
used your ki, child, and you not only controlled when and
where you wanted it but also how much you needed."ÊShe
cocked her head. "A couple of days ago, you told me you
usually only needed to see a technique once or twice before
mastering it. I thought perhaps you might have been
exaggerating, but you were telling me the truth, weren't
Ranma met her gaze dead on. "There ain't no honor in lyin',"
she said in a flat voice.
Pao Da looked at Ranma, reading what the cursed youth
wasn't saying out loud. she
noted to herself. She nodded once, then smiled broadly, breaking
the tension. "You'll have plenty of opportunity over the next
couple of days to prove me wrong again and again, child,"
she said, placing her hand on the redhead's shoulder. "I've
been given the go ahead to up your training."
Ranma's eyes widened in surprise. "No way! Even after
what happened with Pop? You ain't kiddin', are ya?"
Pao Da's silver eyes twinkled mischievously. "There's no
honor in lying," she replied. "Let's go now, child. You've a lot
of work ahead of you, and your father needs his... rest."
Over the next few days, Ranma learned more about the
mental and metaphysical aspects of martial arts than she had
in her entire life. She literally spent hours sitting across from
Ta Lekhu, channeling ki to whatever body part he called out,
making her hands, feet, elbows, and even index fingers
glow with golden-white light. She knelt on the ground until her
knees ached, producing sphere after sphere of luminous ki in
her hands while the weaver tumbled and capered about,
doing his best to break her concentration. She stood,
immobile, her entire body outlined in energy, as Ta Lekhu
hurled insults at her, recited heartbreaking poetry, and told
extremely off-color jokes in an effort to shatter her control.
The Amazon man seemed inordinately pleased that her aura
had remained strong and unwavering throughout that
particular drill.
Once she had mastered these ki exercises, her training with
Pao Da quickly fell into place. Both instructor and pupil were
pleased with Ranma's ability to enhance her speed and
strength at will. An afternoon of roof hopping and leaping to
increasingly higher tree limbs verified the teen's aptitude at
enhancing her jumps as well. Ranma also rapidly learned to
use her ki to buffer her falls when Pao Da teamed up with
Sei Lin and a slightly vengeful panda to repeatedly toss her
off the roof of the Council Hall one drizzly afternoon.
Pao Da also enlisted Sei Lin's class of soon-to-be-warriors
for an elaborate predawn game of hide and seek. Ranma
was designated "it" and the 19 Joketsuzoku girls, Sei Lin,
and Pao Da scattered throughout the village, leaving the
Japanese youth to search for them in the darkness, using
only her ki to recognize them by their auras. To Ranma's
surprise, she discovered that each aura had a distinct feel or
flavor to it. Sei Lin's aura was sharp and cool, much like the
swords she wielded. Su Kopu, Li Suterin, and Fa Seling had
light, almost minty auras, while the rest of the girls gave off
airy, quivering auras that reminded Ranma of the giggles.
The redhead located the combat instructor and her class
within the first 20 minutes of the exercise, but the Amazon
elder eluded her. Finally, as sunrise streaked the town with
rosy light, the frustrated teen felt a familiar presence behind
"Don't get discouraged, child," Pao Da told her kindly. "After
all, I *have* been trained in techniques used throughout our
history to disguise and mask ki signatures. While I hardly
expected you to find me, I am quite impressed that you
uncovered the others in so short a time."
Ranma listened to what her sensei was saying, but her focus
was not on the Amazon's words.
The young man squinted up at the clock on the training hall
wall, then peered out the window expectantly, as if waiting
for someone to appear on cue. He *was* waiting for
someone, actually, and time could not pass quickly enough
until she arrived. It had been four long, arduous years since
he'd had contact with the outside world -- his martial arts style
strongly discouraged interaction with anyone besides his
instructor and fellow students -- but he had now completed
his training. He was now a master. He could now go home.
And she was leading the party sent to escort him home. Oh,
he knew that he wasn't the sole reason for the expedition.
They'd undoubtedly spent time exchanging news with the
elders at Nyuuchiezu Chengbao, and had probably done
surveillance at Shan Fenghuang and along the outskirts of
Musk territory. But now they were coming to Jaoyong, to
retrieve him and return with him to Nyuuchiezu Genjudi.
Where they would welcome him with open arms as one of
their rare Hidden Weapons adepts.
Where they would finally admit his bloodline would
strengthen and benefit the tribe.
And where, just maybe, she would finally acknowledge his
love and accept him as her husband.
The young man squinted back at the clock again and
absently ran his fingers through his long black hair. He
wondered how much she had changed during his absence.
As a child, she'd been the cutest of all the girls in her age
group... and one of the most talented fighters. He had no
doubt that she'd fulfilled -- no, surpassed -- her potential, to
become the fiercest, most beautiful warrior in all of Genjudi.
No, of *all* the Amazon lands. He could just see her now,
her thick, lavender hair cascading in waves down her back,
her lush, feminine curves straining voluptuously against her
silk top, her fathomless maroon eyes glittering dangerously,
her graceful hands deftly wielding a pair of deadly bonbori...
[Stupid Mu Tsu, why are you staring at me like that?!]
His vision suddenly full of stars, the young man rubbed his
aching head and squinted at the now-blurry figure standing
before him. [Xian... Xian Pu??]
The purple-haired Amazon glared down at the Chinese
youth, her demeanor and voice icy. [I thought four years at
Jaoyong would have matured you, but I see I was wrong.
You're still as ill mannered and persistent as ever.] The
Amazon girl turned on her heel and stalked off, presumably
to make arrangements for water and other supplies needed
for the trip back to Genjudi.
Mu Tsu watched the blur that was his lifelong love head off,
cursing himself silently for not having sensed her presence.
What kind of martial arts master was he, to let someone
silently approach him like that? he
acknowledged ruefully to himself.
That this wasn't necessarily a good thing dawned on him
when he heard the hushed whispers at the other end of the
training hall. Taking a deep breath, Mu Tsu began patting the
floor around him in a blind attempt to locate the eyeglasses
Xian Pu had sent flying. After a few minutes of increasingly
panicked scrabbling and decreasingly muffled laughter, the
severely myopic youth felt something thrust into his hands.
[Here, Mu Tsu,] a deep, abrasive voice told him. [It's good
to see you again, even if you can't exactly see us at the
The Amazon youth flushed in embarrassment and,
recognizing his glasses, quickly slipped them on and turned
back to thank his savior. Fortunately, his Hidden Weapons
training had sharpened his control or he might have visibly
gagged upon seeing her. Just in case, he inclined his head in
[Thank you, Ka Mei. It is good to see you, too,] he replied
politely. [To see all of you,] he amended, looking past her at
the entire entourage of warriors. He noted with
embarrassment that some -- no, make that most -- of the
women were eyeing him appreciatively. Swallowing
nervously, Mu Tsu returned his attention to Ka Mei, who, to
his dismay, had a hungry gleam in her eye as well.
[I don't know what Xian Pu is talking about, Mu Tsu,] the
Joketsuzoku girl said, her gaze roving appreciatively up and
down Mu Tsu's body. [It looks to me like you've matured
very well, and in all the right places.] Grinning cockily, she
sauntered out of the training hall, the rest of the Amazons
Mu Tsu waited until he could no longer hear their footfalls
before releasing his shudder of disgust. It was bad enough
that he'd gotten off on the wrong foot with his beloved Xian
Pu, but Ka Mei's interest in him made things much, much
worse. Not only was she Xian Pu's chief rival, but the horse-
faced girl just gave him the creeps. With her stocky, muscular
body, ultrashort haircut, and masculine features, Ka Mei gave
the distinct impression of being a Nannichuan victim. Puberty
hadn't done her any favors, either. Quickly analyzing his
prospects as lover and beloved, Mu Tsu wondered if it
were too late to stay on at Jaoyong for another four years.
(to be continued)
A uthor's Notes:
Thanks to everyone who has read and continues to read
China Girl. Your interest in my fic means a lot to me!
zhidaoyuan: instructor, teacher
Nyuuchiezu Chengbao: Amazon Fortress, as opposed to
Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, Amazon Capital.
Shan Fenghuang: Mount Phoenix
I know, I know, Genma knows how to manipulate his ki --
that's evident in the Forbidden Techniques. But... he is not at
all competent at generating an aura, other than the occasional
blue glow. In the entire anime series, he only managed to
manifest a gigantic aura version of himself once, and that
lasted not even one minute...
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. All rights
belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz, and
countless other entities with the power to sue me for
borrowing them for a little while. Please don't -- I'm a
starving, penniless otaku!
All original characters belong to me... if you'd like them to visit
your fanfics, just ask! Their travel rucksacks are always packed
and ready to go.
--------------------------------------- -----
Chapter Six coming soon!
A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction by Saotome Ranchan
http://www.allaboutra nma.com/fanfics/China_Girl/
[ Chinese ]
* italics *
Author's notes, acknowledgements, and disclaimers to
follow. Who wants to read that first when there's a story
What's happened previously:
A depressed and newly cursed Ranma is brought to the
Joketsuzoku village, Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, where he is given
into the care of Pao Da, an Amazon elder highly
experienced in aiding Jusenkyo victims. Pao Da begins
helping Ranma accept his female side and lose his sexist
beliefs. However, after viewing a vivid display of the teen's
martial arts skills, Chief Elder Ke Lon orders that Ranma's
lessons include ki-control techniques. Pao Da begins working
on enhancing Ranma's balance, speed, and strength, but
brings in a surprising mentor to finetune Ranma's ki
------------------------------------------ --
Book One: Learning to Accept
Chapter Five: A Man Who Wants to Rule
Ranma blinked and slowly relaxed her guard. "I know you.. "
she began.
The weaver quirked an eyebrow. "Really? And here I'd
thought it was just my silks that captivated you."
Seeing the redhead flush, the Amazon man gave her a
genuine smile. "I'm *joking*. Are all Japanese girls this
sensitive?" Reaching into a trouser pocket, he drew out two
small cups.
"I'm not --"
"Thirsty? That's a shame. I'm known to brew a mean cup of
tea." The man deftly poured some of the fragrant beverage
from the canteen and extended the cup to Ranma. "You
sure? You might be thirsty after all that sugar." He nodded
towards the empty pastry box at the cursed youth's feet.
Ranma, however, cast an almost wistful look at the steaming
canteen. "I thought --" she started.
"That I wouldn't share? That would be downright rude of me,
now, wouldn't it? Especially if I'm to be your zhidaoyuan
today." He gestured at her with the tea and flashed her
another smile.
Ranma accepted the cup. "What's a zhid --"
"Zhidaoyuan. Instructor. I believe your word is 'sensei'." The
weaver looked at her quizzically. "Well, aren't you going to
try it?" he asked, sipping from his own teacup.
Ranma followed suit and found that the Amazon hadn't been
exaggerating. "Oi, this *is* --"
"I told you it would be, didn't I? It's a hobby, I guess.
Blending tea leaves and spices to get just the right taste is a
lot like combining threads of silk to get just the right pattern."
He drained his cup, then noticed that Ranma was glaring at
him. "What's wrong?"
The teen thrust her empty cup at him. "Are you ever gonna
let me get a word in edgewise?" she demanded,
The weaver laughed. "Probably not, Saotome Ranma. I'm
also known for my talking. It's something Pao Da gets taken
to task for rather frequently, I'm afraid."
Ranma looked at the man, carefully examining his features.
Bright grey eyes twinkled on an ageless face, and the faint
laugh lines surrounding his mouth attested to a light-hearted
nature. His glossy black hair, hanging loose and somewhat
mussed, shone cobalt in the morning sun.
"Are you Pao Da's --" Ranma began, only
to get cut off once again.
"She and I are close relatives," he answered. "Too close,
some would say, for an Amazon elder and a mere male," he
added wryly. "My name is Ta Lekhu, master weaver
extraordinaire and resident big mouth of Nyuuchiezu
Genjudi." With a flourish, he bowed, Western style.
Ranma couldn't help but grin. She returned the bow,
although in the traditional Japanese manner. "Pleased ta
meetcha," she said, then paused in surprise. Ta Lekhu had
actually let her finish a sentence!
"Always keep them guessing," the weaver told her with a
Ranma snorted. She and Ta Lekhu were going to get along
just fine. Except...
"Hey, I thought you Amazon guys didn't really do martial
arts. How're you gonna trai --"
"Oh, don't worry, Saotome Ranma," Ta Lekhu reassured her.
"Pao Da has shared much of her knowledge with me. And
besides... " Reaching into his shirt, he pulled out two canvas
folding chairs. "I have a few tricks up my sleeves."
Ranma gaped, speechless, as the Joketsuzoku opened
one of the chairs and gestured grandly to it.
Realization suddenly dawned and she pointed at him
excitedly. "You're one of those Hidden Weapons masters,
ain't ya?"
Ta Lekhu gracefully took his own seat and grinned. "Always
keep them guessing," he repeated. "Now, shall we get
Genma was busily wolfing down another moon cake when
something bright flashed to the rear of the bakeshop. He
didn't give it much thought, chalking it up to a malfunctioning
traffic light... until he remembered that the Amazons didn't
have cars, much less street signals. Slowing his eating
speed down to an almost human level, he kept his face
neutral, watching for the flash out of the corner of his eye.
There. A golden-white light, shimmering slightly, illuminated
the trees just behind the bakery for a few seconds, then
faded out once again. Genma wracked his mind, trying to
figure out just what the light's source might be. Strobe...
lighthouse... mirrored dance ball ... none of these were very
likely. When the golden-white glow flashed again -- holding
for a full minute this time -- Genma's curiosity won out over
his appetite, and he went to investigate.
What he found behind the bakery made his eyes practically
pop out. His daughter -- his *son* -- sat on a folding chair
across from a middle-aged Chinese man. The man seemed
to be instructing Ranma, encouraging her while sipping from
a cup of tea. Ranma had her eyes closed and seemed to be
focusing intently on... something, Genma couldn't see what.
As he watched, however, that golden-white glow appeared
again, coalescing around the teenaged martial artist and
surrounding her with an almost tangible power.
Ranma was learning a ki technique.
Dumbstruck, Genma slowly approached the seated pair.
The only person he had ever seem manifest a controlled
aura was his old master, Happosai, who used his ki to create
gigantic -- and terrifying -- images of himself. Master
Happosai had attempted to teach this technique to his two
disciples -- Genma and Genma's training partner, Tendo
Soun -- but hadn't quite succeeded. Soun managed to
manifest a giant demon's head, but only when he was angry.
Genma couldn't even do that -- he could glow bright blue,
but, like Soun, only when infuriated. Neither of them could
produce a visible aura at will.
And here was Ranma, channeling enough ki to light up a
Torn between pride and jealousy, Genma finally found his
voice. "Ranma!"
The unexpected cry surprised Ta Lekhu, who spun around
to face the intruder, splashing him with the cup of now-cooled
tea. As Genma blurred and shifted into panda form, he
quickly learned a painful lesson: never startle a student just
learning to manipulate ki.
Ranma looked down at the unconscious panda, smoke and
steam rising from his singed, wet fur, then stared at her
extended hand, still glowing with golden power. "Whoops,"
she said.
Ta Lekhu quirked an eyebrow. "That's one way of putting it,"
he remarked dryly.
[He blasted his father with a ki attack?!]
Pao Da grimaced and averted her eyes, choosing to face the
floor rather than the incredulous Chief Elder. [It was...
[I'll say!] Ke Lon pogoed over to stand directly below the
younger woman, forcing Pao Da to look her in the eye.
[Never in 3,000 years of Amazon history has anyone ever
managed a ki attack the very day they begin aura control, not
even me! And he did it on his own, without instruction!]
Pao Da's shoulders slumped. [I am sorry, Chief Elder. I'll put
an end to his training at once.]
[You'll do nothing of the kind,] Ke Lon intoned as Pao Da
rubbed her injured skull. [Did I not tell you this might happen,
that the child might do unintentional harm to himself or to
others? We are fortunate that he was already learning
controlling techniques, or his father might no longer be with
Pao Da smirked. [I'm not entirely convinced that would be a
bad thing,] she commented. Upon seeing Ke Lon's puzzled
expression, she explained. [Saotome Genma seems
uniquely driven by self interest. Although I'm certain he loves
his son, I get the distinct impression that Saotome Genma
sees Ranma more as a martial arts puppet more than as a
flesh-and-blood boy.]
[Or girl,] Ke Lon cackled.
Pao Da said nothing.
[Lighten up, child. It's not the end of the world. We simply
underestimated young Ranma, once again.] Hopping back
to her Council chair, the old Amazon sat back, pondering this
most recent development. Seeing Pao Da glance out the
window at the hospital next door, she sighed and came to a
decision. [Continue his training as we previously discussed.
But!! Have him perfect that attack of his. And see if you can
get him to channel that ki of his into other techniques as well.]
Pao Da blinked. [Which techniques, Elder Ke Lon?]
The ancient Amazon stroked her chin thoughtfully. [Splitting
Cat Hairs for once, since it's an advanced aura generation
technique. You're working on ki-enhanced speed with him,
[Yes... he can run at enhanced speeds, but needs to work
on his focus so that he can do so at will.]
Ke Lon nodded. [Yes. Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken will
provide him with the focus he needs for *all* of his ki
techniques. Be sure to teach him that, as well.]
Pao Da's jaw hit the floor.
The Chief Elder chuckled. [Come now, Pao Da, would you
teach a running child how to crawl? If this is what it takes to
help this young man to harness his energies, then teach it we
must. Go with the flow, I believe my great-granddaughter
would say.]
The silver-eyed Amazon smiled. [She will be home soon,
won't she?]Êshe asked.
[She will indeed,] Ke Lon confirmed . [Her reaction to our
guests should prove quite... interesting.]
Pao Da laughed. [And you say *I'm* the one with the knack
for understatement?!]
The first thing Genma felt when he woke up was his head,
painfully heavy and but dizzyingly light. he noted to himself.
The second thing he felt was the fist pressed up against his
"Kuso oyaji," Ranma snarled. "Whadja go do that for?ÊI
almost fried ya! Dontcha have any brains at all in that thick
skull of yours?"
"Browrf?" Genma woozily replied, still dazed and not at all
certain why the redhead was ranting.
Ranma pulled her fist away and glowered at the confused
panda. "C'mon, Pop, you ain't *that* dense. You should
know better'n to spook me when I'm learnin' a new
technique, especially *that* kind of technique!"
Genma's eyes
widened as he remembered almost being turned to toast
by his son's errant blast. "Browr rowr ro rowr browr rowf!" he
said excitedly.
The pigtailed girl looked at her father with disgust. "Oh, like
I'm supposed to understand panda!" she retorted, pouring
herself a cup of tea from the pot on the nightstand. "If you
wanna talk to me, try changin' back first!"ÊWith that, she
hurled the contents of her cup at her father.
"Ranma m'boy, you're going to learn some respect for your
betters!" a now-human Genma growled. The older martial
artist jumped up into a fighting stance and managed to take
one step toward the petite redhead before his spinning
head sent him crashing to the floor, out cold.
Sighing, Ranma hefted the heavy-set man up and tossed
him back onto the hospital cot. "Stupid oyaji," she muttered,
pulling the bedsheet back up over her father. "Never think
before you act, do ya?"
"That may well be, child, but his actions *do* help you learn
your lessons."
Ranma turned to face Pao Da, who stood near the ward
entrance, her arms folded across her chest. "Oh yeah? How
The Amazon elder sauntered over to the foot of Genma's
bed and regarded the unconscious man. "Your father easily
outweighs me, wouldn't you say?"
Ranma blinked, confused by the sudden change in topic.
Pao Da gave her student a self-deprecating smile. "Well, so
much for my feminine pride," she remarked, then pointed at
Ranma's hands. "Do you often go about lifting your father like
he were made of feathers?"
Ranma scratched the back of her neck. "Uhhh... "
Pao Da shook her head, exasperated. "*Think*, child. How
did you get your father off the floor so easily?"
Ranma looked from Genma to the floor and back again. "I
dunno. I just picked him up and... OH!"
The Joketsuzoku woman watched as comprehension finally
kicked in and Ranma stared at her hands in wonder. "You
used your ki, child, and you not only controlled when and
where you wanted it but also how much you needed."ÊShe
cocked her head. "A couple of days ago, you told me you
usually only needed to see a technique once or twice before
mastering it. I thought perhaps you might have been
exaggerating, but you were telling me the truth, weren't
Ranma met her gaze dead on. "There ain't no honor in lyin',"
she said in a flat voice.
Pao Da looked at Ranma, reading what the cursed youth
wasn't saying out loud. she
noted to herself. She nodded once, then smiled broadly, breaking
the tension. "You'll have plenty of opportunity over the next
couple of days to prove me wrong again and again, child,"
she said, placing her hand on the redhead's shoulder. "I've
been given the go ahead to up your training."
Ranma's eyes widened in surprise. "No way! Even after
what happened with Pop? You ain't kiddin', are ya?"
Pao Da's silver eyes twinkled mischievously. "There's no
honor in lying," she replied. "Let's go now, child. You've a lot
of work ahead of you, and your father needs his... rest."
Over the next few days, Ranma learned more about the
mental and metaphysical aspects of martial arts than she had
in her entire life. She literally spent hours sitting across from
Ta Lekhu, channeling ki to whatever body part he called out,
making her hands, feet, elbows, and even index fingers
glow with golden-white light. She knelt on the ground until her
knees ached, producing sphere after sphere of luminous ki in
her hands while the weaver tumbled and capered about,
doing his best to break her concentration. She stood,
immobile, her entire body outlined in energy, as Ta Lekhu
hurled insults at her, recited heartbreaking poetry, and told
extremely off-color jokes in an effort to shatter her control.
The Amazon man seemed inordinately pleased that her aura
had remained strong and unwavering throughout that
particular drill.
Once she had mastered these ki exercises, her training with
Pao Da quickly fell into place. Both instructor and pupil were
pleased with Ranma's ability to enhance her speed and
strength at will. An afternoon of roof hopping and leaping to
increasingly higher tree limbs verified the teen's aptitude at
enhancing her jumps as well. Ranma also rapidly learned to
use her ki to buffer her falls when Pao Da teamed up with
Sei Lin and a slightly vengeful panda to repeatedly toss her
off the roof of the Council Hall one drizzly afternoon.
Pao Da also enlisted Sei Lin's class of soon-to-be-warriors
for an elaborate predawn game of hide and seek. Ranma
was designated "it" and the 19 Joketsuzoku girls, Sei Lin,
and Pao Da scattered throughout the village, leaving the
Japanese youth to search for them in the darkness, using
only her ki to recognize them by their auras. To Ranma's
surprise, she discovered that each aura had a distinct feel or
flavor to it. Sei Lin's aura was sharp and cool, much like the
swords she wielded. Su Kopu, Li Suterin, and Fa Seling had
light, almost minty auras, while the rest of the girls gave off
airy, quivering auras that reminded Ranma of the giggles.
The redhead located the combat instructor and her class
within the first 20 minutes of the exercise, but the Amazon
elder eluded her. Finally, as sunrise streaked the town with
rosy light, the frustrated teen felt a familiar presence behind
"Don't get discouraged, child," Pao Da told her kindly. "After
all, I *have* been trained in techniques used throughout our
history to disguise and mask ki signatures. While I hardly
expected you to find me, I am quite impressed that you
uncovered the others in so short a time."
Ranma listened to what her sensei was saying, but her focus
was not on the Amazon's words.
The young man squinted up at the clock on the training hall
wall, then peered out the window expectantly, as if waiting
for someone to appear on cue. He *was* waiting for
someone, actually, and time could not pass quickly enough
until she arrived. It had been four long, arduous years since
he'd had contact with the outside world -- his martial arts style
strongly discouraged interaction with anyone besides his
instructor and fellow students -- but he had now completed
his training. He was now a master. He could now go home.
And she was leading the party sent to escort him home. Oh,
he knew that he wasn't the sole reason for the expedition.
They'd undoubtedly spent time exchanging news with the
elders at Nyuuchiezu Chengbao, and had probably done
surveillance at Shan Fenghuang and along the outskirts of
Musk territory. But now they were coming to Jaoyong, to
retrieve him and return with him to Nyuuchiezu Genjudi.
Where they would welcome him with open arms as one of
their rare Hidden Weapons adepts.
Where they would finally admit his bloodline would
strengthen and benefit the tribe.
And where, just maybe, she would finally acknowledge his
love and accept him as her husband.
The young man squinted back at the clock again and
absently ran his fingers through his long black hair. He
wondered how much she had changed during his absence.
As a child, she'd been the cutest of all the girls in her age
group... and one of the most talented fighters. He had no
doubt that she'd fulfilled -- no, surpassed -- her potential, to
become the fiercest, most beautiful warrior in all of Genjudi.
No, of *all* the Amazon lands. He could just see her now,
her thick, lavender hair cascading in waves down her back,
her lush, feminine curves straining voluptuously against her
silk top, her fathomless maroon eyes glittering dangerously,
her graceful hands deftly wielding a pair of deadly bonbori...
[Stupid Mu Tsu, why are you staring at me like that?!]
His vision suddenly full of stars, the young man rubbed his
aching head and squinted at the now-blurry figure standing
before him. [Xian... Xian Pu??]
The purple-haired Amazon glared down at the Chinese
youth, her demeanor and voice icy. [I thought four years at
Jaoyong would have matured you, but I see I was wrong.
You're still as ill mannered and persistent as ever.] The
Amazon girl turned on her heel and stalked off, presumably
to make arrangements for water and other supplies needed
for the trip back to Genjudi.
Mu Tsu watched the blur that was his lifelong love head off,
cursing himself silently for not having sensed her presence.
What kind of martial arts master was he, to let someone
silently approach him like that? he
acknowledged ruefully to himself.
That this wasn't necessarily a good thing dawned on him
when he heard the hushed whispers at the other end of the
training hall. Taking a deep breath, Mu Tsu began patting the
floor around him in a blind attempt to locate the eyeglasses
Xian Pu had sent flying. After a few minutes of increasingly
panicked scrabbling and decreasingly muffled laughter, the
severely myopic youth felt something thrust into his hands.
[Here, Mu Tsu,] a deep, abrasive voice told him. [It's good
to see you again, even if you can't exactly see us at the
The Amazon youth flushed in embarrassment and,
recognizing his glasses, quickly slipped them on and turned
back to thank his savior. Fortunately, his Hidden Weapons
training had sharpened his control or he might have visibly
gagged upon seeing her. Just in case, he inclined his head in
[Thank you, Ka Mei. It is good to see you, too,] he replied
politely. [To see all of you,] he amended, looking past her at
the entire entourage of warriors. He noted with
embarrassment that some -- no, make that most -- of the
women were eyeing him appreciatively. Swallowing
nervously, Mu Tsu returned his attention to Ka Mei, who, to
his dismay, had a hungry gleam in her eye as well.
[I don't know what Xian Pu is talking about, Mu Tsu,] the
Joketsuzoku girl said, her gaze roving appreciatively up and
down Mu Tsu's body. [It looks to me like you've matured
very well, and in all the right places.] Grinning cockily, she
sauntered out of the training hall, the rest of the Amazons
Mu Tsu waited until he could no longer hear their footfalls
before releasing his shudder of disgust. It was bad enough
that he'd gotten off on the wrong foot with his beloved Xian
Pu, but Ka Mei's interest in him made things much, much
worse. Not only was she Xian Pu's chief rival, but the horse-
faced girl just gave him the creeps. With her stocky, muscular
body, ultrashort haircut, and masculine features, Ka Mei gave
the distinct impression of being a Nannichuan victim. Puberty
hadn't done her any favors, either. Quickly analyzing his
prospects as lover and beloved, Mu Tsu wondered if it
were too late to stay on at Jaoyong for another four years.
(to be continued)
A uthor's Notes:
Thanks to everyone who has read and continues to read
China Girl. Your interest in my fic means a lot to me!
zhidaoyuan: instructor, teacher
Nyuuchiezu Chengbao: Amazon Fortress, as opposed to
Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, Amazon Capital.
Shan Fenghuang: Mount Phoenix
I know, I know, Genma knows how to manipulate his ki --
that's evident in the Forbidden Techniques. But... he is not at
all competent at generating an aura, other than the occasional
blue glow. In the entire anime series, he only managed to
manifest a gigantic aura version of himself once, and that
lasted not even one minute...
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. All rights
belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz, and
countless other entities with the power to sue me for
borrowing them for a little while. Please don't -- I'm a
starving, penniless otaku!
All original characters belong to me... if you'd like them to visit
your fanfics, just ask! Their travel rucksacks are always packed
and ready to go.
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Chapter Six coming soon!