Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ If You Love ❯ Chapter 1

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If You Love… by Kalissa


The room was dark; the only source of light was the full moon shining outside the open window.


The gentle wind played with feather-light curtains making the room look magical.


Only the girl who was uncontrollably sobbing on the floor ruined the perfect picture.


She was a short, rather tomboyish looking Japanese girl with shoulder length black hair and dressed in a blue school uniform.


In her trembling hand was clutched a peace of paper with some writing on.


This was the sight that greeted Kasumi when she entered Tendo dojo's guest bedroom in order to check up on Ranma and Akane who should have came down for the dinner some time ago.


"Akane, what's wrong? Where's Ranma?" - asked a very worried young woman. Her sister's only reaction was to start crying harder. Then Kasumi saw the mysterious piece of paper and received her answer.


It Said:




I never did say it to you but I love you more then anything else in the world and I want you to be happy.


I want you to know that I won't stand in your way. No matter how much it hurts me I will leave, it is the only way for you two to be together.


Good-bye and please know yourself and tell Ryoga that I don't blame either of you.



If you love ~

You'll forgive

Betrayal, hurt

And a lot more.


If you love ~

You will wait

No matter what.


If you love ~

You won't forget

The love itself

Won't let you to.


If you love ~

You'll let go

Her heart is a lot more

Important to you.



Forever yours

