Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ King of the asian sea ❯ an unexpected detour ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was late at night when Akane was awakened by shouting coming outside her quarters. She stuck her out and saw the crew scrambling all over the place. "What is going on?" she asked her guard, who had been standing outside the door. "I know not Lady Tendo." was the precise response. She looked over to the room where Kodachi was staying and saw the same bewildered look on her face. Suddenly there was a loud boom, and the ship shook violently. Akane fell violently to the floor as the concussion smacked into her like a giant fist.

Just as she was getting up Akane saw Tatiwaki come storming up, his Katana unsheathed. "We are under siege by foul pirates! Lady Tendo we will escort you to my sisters room and make our stand there." he gave in the way of explanation. Akane found herself bundled off into the other room just as the ship shook again. She could hear all sorts of screams coming from up above along with new sounds of steel clashing against steel, and the sound of firearms being shot.
She and Kodachi sat in the back of the room, Tatiwaki and the 2 guards that had accompanied them had their blades out and in a ready position in front of them. Akane was really missing the fact that she had not been allowed to bring her blade with her, as it would have at least brought her some comfort. They could hear things quieting down as the crew of ship were mostly cut down or surrendered. They then heard footsteps walking along the corridor outside and doors being kicked in. The door to their room was then suddenly knocked inward. The samurai to Tatiwaki's left made to strike the first person through the door when he got shot right between the eyes.

Suddenly there was allot of screaming, mostly from Kodachi, and a flurry of motion and noise, and the other samurai was dead, with his head split open, and Tatiwaki unconscious. Akane looked at the door and saw who the attackers had been. A young man about her age with jet-black hair, and a girl with flaming red hair were standing there. Both of them had identical smirks on their faces. Female was pointing a pair of pistols at them, while the man a pistol and a sword, Akane believed the Gaijins called them cutlasses, which had a very strange look to it. While most gaijins blades she had seen were one flat steel color this one had various shades of gray running through it and a very ornate handguard. The male yelled something down the hall and feet stomping down the hall approached. Several burly men came in and picked up the corpses and the unconscious Tatiwaki.

Akane was startled when the young man said to her and Kodachi, "Well do you prefer to walk or shall we have someone to come in and carry you." Akane felt her ire rising but could do nothing. The female looked like she was just itching for some sort of excuse to have them toted away like a sack of rice. She looked over at Kodachi and saw that she was a little pale, but that was not what suprised her. Kodachi seemed to be looking rather intently at the young man. It was understandable considering he looked like he had been hewn from stone by a master sculptor, but they were being accosted! "I will move myself thank you very much!" She replied with as much venom as she could possibly muster. Grabbing the sleeve of Kodachi's kimono she pulled her along out into the hallway followed by some rather ruthless looking men.

As Akane and Kodachi stepped out onto the deck they saw what was left of the crew on the deck with their hands on their heads. There was allot of debris on the deck from where the masts had been shattered. Here and there could be seen brownish red puddles. Amongst it all were men going back and forth moving items from their ships hold to a ship that was pulled up next to them.

Akane heard a loud groan off to her left. Turning to look Akane saw that it was Tatiwaki and he was completely wrapped in chains. The two men that were guarding him roughly hoisted him to his feet. The one on the left seemed to be Chinese and looked as if he were having problems seeing as he kept squinting every so often. The one on the right was wearing a tiger striped bandanna to hold back a mop of unruly hair. He also had a very large broadsword strapped to his back. Akane could also swear that the man had a pair of fangs protruding out his mouth. A voice from behind her startled her "So it looks like the blowhard is coming too."

Turning to look Akane saw that the fellow that had led the assault on them earlier was talking to the redheaded girl. Now that she could get a closer look at her, Akane could see that a scar ran down her right cheek and down onto her throat. The girl turned around and caught Akane looking at her. The look she received could have curdled water. She turned back around quickly. It was just in time to see Tatiwaki stick his foot in his mouth.

"WHO WAS THE SNIVELING CUR THAT DARED STRIKE THE GREAT TATIWAKI KUNO?! " Tatiwaki bellowed out. "IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE COWARDLY ATTACK WHILE I WASN'T LOOKING I WOULD HAVE SMITED HIM." Tatiwaki's guards looked like they were getting ready to bust a gut laughing, as did most of the crew.

Akane was almost resigned to die when she heard the male Kuno sibling yell out what he did. Then she caught the whisperings of the young man and lady who were still behind her. "Want me to finish him of now brother?" the girl's voice drifted across. "Naw, I'm feeling good today especially with this haul. Besides we need him to deliver the message and the crew could use the entertainment." was the boy's response.

Akane got a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach when she heard this. A sharp whistle then pierced the air. "Ryouga, Moouse, release him. We shall give him the fair chance that he feels he was cheated of. Let us see if his skill is as sharp as his tongue." With that the crew cleared a circle around the center of the deck, all of them to a man grinning ear to ear. The two replied "Aye captain" as the one that had been called Ryouga grabbed Tatiwaki by the arms as Moouse undid the chains that bound him. Akane could almost swear that the chains were being sucked back into the Chinese style robes the young man was wearing. Akane felt the young man stride past her. It was then that she truly got a look at him for the first time. He was wearing a red, Chinese style, silk shirt that most likely had a very expensive price tag. He was also wearing a pair of pants that looked like they were made of some sort of soft leather. To top it off he was wearing some knee high boots that allot of the Gaijin sailors seemed to favor with the exception of that instead of a hard leather these too were made of a soft leather dyed black. Akane then realized what the two men had called him, <Him the leader of this mob? It can't be! > She thought to herself. Her musings were roughly interrupted when the young man yelled something to her and Kodachi's guards. They were then roughly moved off to one side but still within good view of the makeshift ring that had been formed. It appeared that their captors wanted them to have a good view of the proceedings.