Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom 1/2 ❯ Prologue pt 2 ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kingdom 1/2

By Kami of chaos

Disclaimer: i dont own ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS all of them are owned by their respective owners. im just using them temporarly.

Annnnnnnd action!
<means world>
' means thoughts'
(means spells and special attacks)
Prologue 2

The new worlds, Fox boy?

Nabiki Stared at her long time friend with curiosity. Never had Ranma seem so unsure so doubtful of himself. She looked to the ocean and tried to think of a way to cheer him up. She was about to attempt this when he continued with the conversation.

"Say Nabiki, what was your hometown like? You know, where you grew up"

Nabiki gave an internal sigh. He'd always ask this question. She often wondered if it was because he'd want to get rid of her, but she dismissed those thoughts and answered in the norm.

"I've told you before, I don't remember. "

" Nothing at all? " Ranma stared at her face causing her to flush a little.

"Nothing. "

Ranma looked at her for a moment before staring out into the sea once more.

"You ever want to go back?" He said apprehensivly.

Nabiki picked up on his hesitation and smiled a bit.

"Well, I'm happy here." She smiled more looking at the slightly relived posture Ranma was suddenly holding.

"Really... " He muttered to himself was that because of him or because of R..

"But you know... I wouldn't mind going to see it. " She cut off his musings.

Ranma smiled a big cheeky smile." I'd like to see it too. Along with any other worlds out there! I want to see 'em all!" Left unsaid was who he'd be with.

Nabiki got up and dusted herself off taking notice that Ranma's eyes tracked her the whole time. She smiled a little self appreciative smile. Selphie could throw herself at Ranma all she wanted she had Ranma's attention now.

"So what're we waiting for? " She said smiling brightly.

Ranma seemed worried for a moment about something and nodded before standing.

"Hey, aren't you guys forgetting about me? " Both teens turned towards the sound of the voice.

Standing in front of them was another teen his hair spiked and bound by a spotted bandanna. his yellow tunic highlighted by two belts that came down to his chest. He wore blue pants with cargo pockets and yellow and blue shoes. His handsome visage highlighted by small fangs sticking out from his smiling face.

"So, I guess I'm the only one working on the raft?" He inquired, with a slight tilt to his head.

Ranma looked at Nabiki and smiled a crooked smile, and stumbled over as a huge log belted him in the head.

"Ryoga!" Nabiki said suprised at his intrusion.

"And you're just as lazy as he is! " He said pointing a finger at Nabiki all the while grinning.

Nabiki smiled back. " So you've noticed." She glanced at Ranma who was glaring at Ryoga. "Okay, we'll finish it together. I'll race you!" She said while running off.

"Huh?" Ranma looked confused for a moment.

"Are you kidding?" Ryoga Said following after a moment.

Ranma ran after Ryoga both catching up to Nabiki and easily overpassing her.

A little later Ryoga asked Ranma to pick up some items for the raft, Ranma was a bit peeved that Ryoga seemed to be ordering him around but left after some pleading from Nabiki.

After some time passed and Ranma came back from gathering some of the materials they needed they decided to sit at their spot at the edge of the island. Nabiki sat on the tree shooting imperceptable glances at Ranma who was standing aside from her, Ryoga next to him.

"So, Nabiki's home is out there somewhere, right? " Ranma said breaking the comfortable silence.

Ryoga shrugged noncommitably. "Could be. We'll never know by staying here."

"But how far could a raft take us? " Ranma looked troubled saying this.

Ryoga seemed not to care. "Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else. "

' For someone who gets easily lost in a bathroom with one door you'd think he'd want to stay in one place.' Nabiki thought, she said however. "So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?"

Ryoga smiled slightly he'd practiced this for a while he knew how Nabiki liked smarts. "Well, I haven't really thought about it. It's just... I've always wondered why we're here on this island. If there are any other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one? And suppose there are other worlds... Then ours is just a little piece of something much greater. So we could have just as easily ended up somewhere else, right?"

Ranma and Nabiki looked at Ryoga in surprise at the depth he held.

Ranma layed back on the branch before responding. " I dont know..."

Ryoga looked irriated at Ranma for ruining his moment. " Baka, That's why we need to go out there and find out. Just sitting here won't change a thing. It's the same old stuff. So let's go. "

Nabiki Giggled. "You've been thinking a lot lately, haven't you? "

Ryoga looked pleased. "Thanks to you. If you hadn't come here, I probably would've never thought of any of this. Nabiki, thanks. " He said genuinely.

"You're welcome" Nabiki said smiling back.

Unnoticed Ranma had one eye peering at them before closing it moodily.

Later that night Ryoga had called over Ranma to his hut.

" Hey Ranma," He said and tossed something to his rival.

Ranma caught it deftly and stared at it in suprise.

" A paopu fruit... "

Ryoga smiled. "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what. C'mon, I know you want to try it. "

Ranma looked a little green at the implication. "What are you talking- "

Ryoga looked sick too. " Not WITH ME YOU BAKA!"

"THEN SAY SO STUPID" Ranma yelled back.

"I'LL SHOW YOU STUPID!" Ryoga yelled running at Ranma.

And the fight was on..

In a castle made of crystal with walls sculpted meticulously with diamonds.

A Woman With dark hair and a red and white fuku slowly walked the halls.

She sighed for the umpteenth time as she had to wake her best friend and sometimes lover Queen Serenity.

She knocked on the crystal not knowing if the king would be in the room with her, she wanted to avoid embarrasing situations like that one time that turned into a senshi org... clearing her throat she knocked again and slowly walked into the room.

"Good morning, Your Majesty. It's nice to see you this morn- What!?" Slowly walking around. And looking around the immaculate room she saw that her normally hard to rouse queen was not there. Walking to the throne room she saw that her queen wasnt there. But there was someone there.

"Sailor Pluto." Mars said wryly. She would be there.

" Mars." Pluto returned easily.

" Do you know where the queen is?" Mars asked. To her suprise Pluto handed her a letter with the queens seal. Unopened Mars noted. She frowned and was going to question pluto when she noticed the woman was gone.

" Figures." She grumbled. And opened the letter her eyes widening as she read. " Kuso." Mars muttered and ran out of the room.

Headed down past the other senshi rooms to the captian of the guards room.

"Minako! Minako!" She yelled as she noticed the captain of the senshi and of the royal guard sleeping while standing.

"WAKE UP SAILOR VENUS THIS IS SERIOUS!" Mars yelled. But still had no luck Frustrated at her failed attempts Sailor Mars gave her friend a hot foot. Literally.

"EEK!" The senshi of love exclaimed hopping up and down.

"Finally." Mars exclaimed ignoring the glare that was shot her way.

" Venus we got a problem, but we can't tell anyone else."

Venus raised her eyebrow "Princess Serenity? "

Mars Shook her head quickly. " It's top secret."

Venus smiled. " King Endymion?"

"Especially the king!" Why'd they ever make this ditz the captain anyways?

Venus bowed low. " Good mornin guys."

Mars eyes opened wide. " What?" She exclaimed before turning around and smiling sheepishly at the queens' daughter and her king.
<Destiny Islands>

"So what are we Gonna name the raft?" Nabiki asked.

" How about Nabiki's sun cruise?" Ryoga quired?

"How about we let Ranma decide?" Nabiki said wryly.

"Um, How about Ragnorok?" Ranma hazarded.

"Cool."Nabiki gushed.

Ryoga shrugged indifferently. " If you say so." Then smirked. " Guess that makes me captain."

" Huh how'd ya figure that?" Ranma said indignantly.

"What something wrong with that? fine we'll settle this the usual way."Ryoga said walking a little bit away from Nabiki and Dropping into a fighting stance.

Ranma nodded and followed falling into his own.

"Okay Ryoga If i win I get to be captain." Ranma started. " And if you win.."

"I get to share the paopu with Nabiki."


"Deal? The winner gets to share a paopu with Nabiki."

" W-Wait a minute!"

Nabiki sighed. "You guys at it again? All right, I'll be the judge. The usual rules apply: First one to land a solid three hits wins anyone who falls automatically looses. Ready Fight!" Nabiki waved her arm down and the tow were at it.

Ranma went low sweeping out Ryoga's feet and following up with a crescent kick hoping to end it early. Ryoga anticipated the crescent kick and blocked, his body still parrallel to the ground and rotated himself to land on his hand. Swinging his leg out in a quick arc and connecting solidly with Ranma's legs causing Ranma to tilt forward. Ryoga spun his leg upwards kicking Ranma in the face. Ryoga swung himself into a handstand and flipped back to his feet. Ranma frowned at that.

" Thats one." Ryoga smirked confidently.

Ranma nodded and beckoned Ryoga forward. Ryoga dashed in with his fist cocked back, only for his body to jerk three times, and he stumbled backwards and fall down. Ranma stood fist extended, where Ryoga was standing moments before.

Smirking arrogantly Ranma stood and looked down at Ryoga. " That's three."

Nabiki giggled and stepped in between them. " well since we have a captain.. I think our captain should get the rest of the supplies."

Ranma Grumbled and left to get some more stuff.

While getting the provisions for Nabiki, Ranma looks around and walks up a hidden trail to a secret cove.

entering the Secret Place, he saw a carving of Nabiki and Himself and thinks back to the past when they were young and were carving something there.

Getting an idea Ranma then carves something that shows Him giving a star to Kairi to symbolize the paopu fruit and their intertwined destiny.

Feeling the hairs on the back of his neck tense Ranma spun quickly to be confronted by a man in an all black oufit with matching hood standing by a door.

Dropping low and tensing in case of an attack Ranma readied himself.
" Who's There?"

The man seemed unaffected by Ranma's posture.

"I've come to see the door to this world." He said. His voice deep and resonant.


"This world has been connected. " He muttered.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Ranma asked suspiously. The guy must be off his rocker.

" Tied to the darkness...soon to be completely eclipsed." The man continued on not acknowledging Ranma's prescence.

"Well, whoever you are, stop freaking me out like this. Huh? Wh- Where did you come from?" Ranma stumbled back as the Hooded figure suddenly appeared behind him. He didn't even see him move.

"You do not yet know what lies beyond the door." The man continued.

Ranma came to the realization then. " So you're from another world!?"

"There is so very much to learn. You understand so little. "

Ranma seemed peeved at the conversation. The guy seemed to not be paying any attention to him. "Oh, yeah? Well, you'll see. I'm gonna get out and learn what's out there! "

If possible the man seemed amused at that. " A meaningless effort one who knows nothing, can understand nothing."

Ranma looked around again but the hooded figure seemed to be gone.

Later in the sunset, Ranma and Nabiki were sitting at the dock, admiring the sunset while secretly admiring each other.

"You know, Ryoga has changed. " Nabiki commented out of the blue.

"What do you mean? " Ranma quried.

"Well... " Nabiki said hesitantly. Unwilling to try to make Ranma's oldest friend seem like well diffrent. "Ranma, let's take the raft and go-just the two of us! "

"Huh? "Ranma voiced. He didnt understand what she was going on about.

Nabiki sensing that Ranma didn't pick up on the conversation decided that it should be dropped.

"Just kidding." she said after a brief pause.

"What's gotten into you? You're the one that's changed, Nabiki." Ranma said studying the girl.

"Maybe... You know, I was a little afraid at first, but now I'm ready. No matter where I go or what I see, I know I can always come back here. Right?" ' And be with you.' she added mentally while blushing.

"Yeah, of course." Ranma said hoping she would always be with him.

"That's good. Ranma, don't ever change."

Ranma looked confused at the sudden conversation change but he let it slide , selphie was weird too.
Crystal Tokyo


Sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye, but there's big trouble brewin'. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it. There's someone with a "key"-the key to our survival. So I need you and Venus to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we're doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction.


Would ya apologize to Endy for me? Thanks, girls.

Chibi usa or Princess Serenity as they called her these days looked stricken.

"What could this mean? " She wondered aloud.

Endymion sighed hard and looked around. " Where's Pluto? I know she knows something."

" She dissapeared. As usual." Mars said rubbing her temples.

The king of Crystal Tokyo sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I guess this means we'll just have to trust the Queen."

Venus looked troubled. "Gee I hope she's okay."

"Your Highness. Don't worry. We'll find the Queen and this "key." " Sailor Mars said bowing low.

Princess Serenity nodded.

"Of course. You be careful, now, both of you. " Endymion nodded at the same time. " Also to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you." The king said pointing to a little house near the Guards Quarters.

Noticing a furry running creature the girls tensed before seeing the queens royal chronicler. *if theres such a word*

"Over here!" He said, his orange and white fur shining. "It's me Hamtaro, hicka."

"We hope for your safe return. Please help the queen." Said princess Serenity with hope in her voice. " The others and I will protect this kingdom."

Mars smiled a tight smirk. " Don't worry we'll find meatball head."

Venus smiled and saluted as Mars turned to leave, only to feel herself being dragged along by the fiery senshi.

"You're coming, too! "

As they were walking down the stairs Mars and Venus were talking to Hamtaro who was explaining his circumstances in being there.

" Geez, Hamtaro, your world disappeared, too? " Venus asked quietly.

Hamtaro Nodded solemnly. " It was terrible. hika, We were scattered. And as far as I can see, I'm the only one who made it to this castle. "

Mars looked solemn for a moment. "Venus?"

"Oh, right... I gotcha. While we're in the other worlds, we can't let on where we're from. We've gotta protect the world border. " Venus added.

"Order." Mars corrected absently.

" Right. World order." The senshi of love said smiling.

" I guess we'll need new duds when we get there." Venus said to Mars gesturing to their fuku.

As they walked towards a very weird machanical room Known to the users as a gummi room Mars opened a door to the ship room, In the Gummi Ship room, Mars spoke:

"Hello up there? Sailor Mars to launch crew! Anytime you're ready We're good to go."


Meanwhile in Ranma's house, the wild horse lays in bed and looks at the ship he built on the ceiling. He couldnt stop thinking of Nabiki and her last
words to him..

"I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great"

' Is she trying to run from these islands? Is she trying to run from her past? Or is she running from me?'

Glancing out his window he noticed a storm a little above the island, forgetting his thoughts, he hoped the he quickly dressed and made his way towards the island running past a auburn haired woman in the process.

"Ranma, Dinner's ready. Ranma? Oh! he's going to go be with that Nabiki girl isnt he? he's so manly."

Arriving at the island and taking notice of the extra boats namely Nabiki and Ryoga's he ran towards the epicenter of the storm, a great black sphere.
Stopping suddenly he moved his body fluidly to his right just avoiding a small ink black claw whish by his hair.

Cursing to himself he whipped out his practice sword hoping that it would be as effective against the monsters like the shield was in his dreams.
After the sword broke on one of the monsters head he figured he'd try the secret technique. Ducking low he turned....

And ran.

While escap... erm thinking of a strategy he approached the hill where the tree, his tree was. And spotted Ryoga. Ryoga was staring out at sea, looking at the crashing waves.

" Hey Ryoga!" He called out approaching him. Slowing suddenly as he felt something was off.

"Where's Nabiki? I thought she was with you!" He chastized his friend, worry for the girl overshadowing his doubts on his friend.

"The door has opened... " Ryoga stated listlessly, without turning to see his friend.

Ranma looked confused.

"The door has opened, Ranma! Now we can go to the outside world! "Ryoga turned towards rival/ bestfriend. Ranma stepped back slightly. Ryoga's face seemed darker more sinister, and his eyes seemed to absorb the abnormal dark light that held sway over the island.

"Whats the matter with you? Where's Nabs we gotta find her these shadow monsters are everywhere!"

Ryoga just smiled. The smile was anything but friendly.

"Nabiki's coming with us! Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!" Ryoga said prodding at Ranma's ego.

Ranma stared and bristled almost rising to Ryoga's lure. Common sense ruled out his compulsive need to be the best. And he tried common sense again.

" Listen! Ryoga!" He stopped abrubtly noticing the tendrils of darkness suddenly surronding his long time aibo. He ran towards Ryoga and was engulfed in the darkness, recalling eerily how similar Ryoga looked with his hand extended to the one in his dream. It was his last thought before the darkness enveloped him.

"But don't be afraid. And don't forget..."

'What's that?'

"You hold the mightiest weapon of all. So don't forget: You are the one who will open the door. "

Ranma's eye's snapped open. There he seen it again, felt it's warmth it called to him. He reached out and grabbed it and felt the power flow through his fingertips. (*perverts)

The white light blared around him and pushed the shadow away and he stared at the weapon that he now held.

"Keyblade... Keyblade... "

He looked up towards where Ryoga was at and was surprised to see nothing.

Pushing aside the slight pang of despair he ran all out towards the one place he knew Nabiki would be.

Ranma slid around the corner of his and Nabiki's secret area to find, to his relief, Nabiki! He rushed towards her position stopping half way when she raised her face to see him.


She seemed tired and hurt. He growled in his throat whoever did this to her would pay.

feeling something strange he looked up towards the door that seemed to appear behind Nabiki. Not noticing the door opening Ranma ran towards his lo..friend. A dark wind blew from the door pushing Nabiki towards Ranma.

Time seemed to slow down as Nabiki neared Ranma with open arms, speeding up again as she flew through him like a cloud. And he stared after as he was sucked towards the door and all the darkness that lay beyond.

To be continued..

Authors notes: yeah i know i said Ninja world next but damn i played through the game again trying to get the scenary and expressions down before i wrote again. forgetting how long the prologue was before you hit traverse town. so in an effort to make this prologue end and start the story, this is the end of the pro. next chapter Traverse town and the Lost ninja boy.

Oh btw. im going to post a list of worlds perodically. i dont want spoilers but i have all the worlds planned out and story lines. like i said i even have it planned to kh2 and kh c.o.m. so reviews please.