Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom 1/2 ❯ Chapter 1final ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kingdom 1/2

By Kami of chaos

Disclaimer: i dont own ANY OF THESE CHARACTERS all of them are owned by their respective owners. im just using them temporarly.

Traverse town

Mars and Venus slowly started their walk down the back alley's of Traverse town Mars goin on the assumption that they would find the key in the shadier parts of the town.

Venus whistled at the sight, she had forgotten that there were worlds where people arent happy or where there werent any crime.

Mars snorted as if reading her partners thoughts.
Venus looked up at the sky as if looking for any more diffrences in the worlds when something caught her attention.

"Hey look, a star's goin' out!" Venus said noticing the darkining star.

Mars furrowed her brow. Some stars were actually planets in the distance. That could only mean..

"Come on V, let's go. Now where's that key?" She muttered to herself hoping they found it before anymore planets fell to darkness.

"Hey, ya know maybe we ought to go find leon." Venus said brightly. She caught a bit of a dark green seifuku and a heart shaped rod going towards a building.

" Uh, Mars. Ya know, I betcha that.."

"What do you know airhead?" Mars said in a huff. Honestly that girl could'nt keep her mind focused on anything. She thought walking in the opposite direction.

" But Mars I think i saw Pluto.." She replied to her friend who seemed intent on ignoring her. " what do i know?"

In the alleyway across from the senshi duo Pluto was standing over Ranma's form. She nudged him a bit and smiled softly when he mutterd cute under his breath.
She tapped him a few times and frowned when he didnt rouse immediatly. She hit him a little harder.

"Hey crazy chick!" Ranma cried his usual spiel to when his mom woke him his usual way.

"Crazy chick?! I'll get you for that." (1) She muttered under her breath.

Ranma didn't notice her ire or her at the moment rubbing his head at the moment. He looked up at the very long shapely legs to the fuku to the flash of green panties up the flat stomach to the round mountains. And stared into her blushing angry stare.

"Kawaii. Um uh, where am i?" He said absently rubbing his nose from the slight blood. " Do you know where we are miss cheerleader?" Ranma said scratching his head.

Pluto was caught in a little fantasy involving the boy and herself and bed. Handcuffs and wait..

"Miss cheerleader?"

" Yeah you have the baton the seifuku the better than good looks you hafta be a cheerleader right?"

Pluto's eyes twitched on every comment till the last. Then she turned and stomped out of the alleyway not trusting herself to say anything at that moment.

Ranma seemed confused for a moment then realized something. " H-hey where are we?" He got up quickly and ran after her into traverse town.

Ranma realizes that he needs to find information about this weird town. He heads into a nearby Store.

Behind the counter was a man with blonde hair with a bandanna around his head. A white pilot shirt was visible over the counter. And cigarette smell permiated the shop. A moogle sat in the corner staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey there, how can I.. Aw it's only a kid." The man said slumping visibly at the sight of the younger kid.

Ranma redded at the slight to his age.

"I aint a kid! And the name's Ranma!"

The man didn't seem impressed. " Okay, okay, simmer down. So why so glum, Ranma? You lost or somethin'?"

Ranma looked mortified. As if he would get lost.

"No! I ain't never lost. Uh where are we?"

The man chuckled slightly and took a pull on his cigarette.

"Don't get lost huh? Why don't you start from the begining." He said motioning for Ranma to sit down.

Ranma told the man everything that happened, leaving out his weird dreams. The man then told Ranma that he was in a place called traverse town.

"Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?"

"Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid! Anyway... Not sure what you're talkin' about, but this sure ain't your island."

Ranma looked contemplative then shrugged. " I guess i better find Ryoga and Nabiki."

Cid smiled. Well, good luck with whatever it is you're doing. If you ever run into trouble, you come to me. I'll look out for you."

" I guess i'll take some gear. i got some gil here." Ranma said digging into his pocket.

Cid looked at him like he was stupid.
"Gil? I haven't seen gil in ages! No one uses gil anymore."

" What about potch? Gp? Dollars? Yen? Zen? Zeni?"

Cid sweatdropped at the varied currency placed upon his counter. " No brat! we only accept munny!" Cid yelled into a microphone startling Ranma.

Ranma looked around his pants pockets and found the few bits of munny he got from fighting the shadow creatures.

"Oh ok, i'll take some potions then. and two tents." After getting the aforemented items Ranma picked up his money and potions and left the shop.

He wanders around Traverse town going through a big double door which was labled second district.

" Jeez leave it to Ryoga to get lost in a diffrent world. I hope Nabiki is okay. Knowing her though she's probably fine." Ranma looked around after walking further along noticing a man holding his chest and staggering.

" Oi' Ji-san! Are you.." Ranma trailed off noticing the man dropping and a heart flying up into the air. seconds later the heart turned into a dark writhing creature.

Ranma narrowed his eyes and got into a ready stance as more shadows appear from the ground.
' It's those creatures from the island. What are they doing to these people?'

Ranma flexed his hand and subconsciously called forth the Sword noting that it was in his hand. Ranma dashed in low slicing bits and pieces of the armoured one, and absently parrying a shadowed fist and noticing he could hurt them with his fists and feet as long as he wielded the Strange key shaped sword.

After destroying the last shadow he idly noticed the hearts floated up into the air signaling he guessed their demise.

Ranma looked at his weapon in wonder. " Im starting to get the hang of this."

Looking around the disrict he didnt notice. Two sailor girls above him looking in the opposite direction.

Ranma moved into a couple of more districts before deciding he wasn't yielding any results. And headed back to Cid's.

Cid turned around and saw Ranma. " Still haven't found em? Keep Your chin up. "

Ranma looked dejected at that. ' What if they didnt even get sucked through and he was alone?'

He smiled a small grin. ' Then i guess i hafta see for myself if i can get home. Nabiki would kill me if all she had was Ryoga for company.'

Nodding to Cid he walked out of the shop.

"They'll come at you out of nowhere."

Ranma turned sharply coming into a stance and frowning at a orange haired man.

"Who are you?" Ranma demanded hotly. Whoever this was set his danger sense haywire.

The orange-haired man smiled softly. He had brown eyes and wore a black hakama. he had some type of sword with bandages on it. The sword was huge. But Ranma couldnt place what put him on edge about this guy.

"And they'll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade. But why? Why would it choose a kid like you?

Ranma furrowed his brow. 'Kid?' " You dont look much older than me jiji!"

The oranged haired one's eye twitched. 'jiji?'
"Never mind. Give me the Keyblade."

Ranma stepped back. The newly dubbed keyblade appearing in his hands as if summoned.
" Your crazy jiji! You aint puttin ya hands on this!"

"All right then, HAVE IT YOUR WAY!" The orange haired man then glowed fiercely coming at Ranma almost to quick for him to block. Ranma jumped back to get space. He took stock of the man noticing a faint giant outline.

Orange haired smirked before coming in low slicing towards Ranma's mid section. Ranma blocked low and sliced downwards as the other man dashed back and raised his sword. Ranma had to duck suddenly as the man threw his sword a bandage holding the hilt.

Ranma rolled out of the way as the blade slashed down blasting a crater when it landed. Ranma ran forward bringing the keyblade in a wide arc towards his advasary.
He was forced to dodge away a second later as the blade came back far faster than it should have.

" Your not bad kid." The 'man' said grinning.

Ranma was breathing hard. but grinning. " Your not bad yourself jiji." Ranma's eyes widened when he finally saw a giant spectre with black hair. He was even more suprised when his opponents sword shrunk into a black katana and started to glow.

"Heh neat trick... Now your gunna.. gunna.."

"Getsuga...!!!" ?The man stopped glowing as Ranma fell down unconscious.

"Heh. Your slipping, Kuro." A woman's voice said beside him.

Placing the again huge sword on his back he rubbed a spot where Ranma had made a glancing blow.

"I went easy on im'. Looks like things are worse than we thought a lot worse. Help me get im inside."
Meanwhile down in another district.

Rei looked angry which wasn't saying much. She was known for her temper. Minako decided wisely to stay quiet while her friend stewed. She herself was a little irritated but kept her smile anyway, trying to find Her Sometimes klutzy queen and a mythical weapon was kinda trying her patience.

" Huh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!" Minako said. " Should we transform back?"

"Aw, phooey. I'm not scared. until we see an enemy or the queen we dont need to ch.."

"Excuse me."

Both girls turned to see a girl about 17 years old in a kimono blue hair and a bokken at her waist.

" Huh?" they both asked simultaneously.

" Did the queen send you?" She asked with her head tilted?

Minako and Rei exchanged glances.

"Im Kamiya Kaoru." She said bowing.

"Come on, lazy bum. Wake up."

Ranma rolls of the bed and slams into the floor.

"Ouch. Nabiki why'd you wake me i was having a such a good dream."

" You okay?" 'Nabiki' said.

" Yeah you know im made of sterner stuff."

" Those creatures that attacked you are after your Keyblade. But it's your heart they really want, because you wield the Keyblade."

"Huh you're talking crazy Nabiki."

Nabiki? Who are you talking about? I'm the Sorceress supreme Lina inverse!"

Ranma peeled himself off of the floor rubbing his eyes at the light in the room.

He noticed a red haired girl sitting on a bed in a red and brown tunic. Standing next to him was.

" YOU!" Ranma yelled pointing.

The girl smiled a mischievous smile.
"I think you might've overdone it, Ichigo.

"Thats Kuro."

Lina continued as if ' Kuro didn't say anything. "The Keyblade.. Yeah, we had to get it away from you to shake off those creatures. It turns out that's how they were tracking you."

"It was the only way to conceal your heart from them. But it won't work for long. Still hard to believe that you of all people are the chosen one." Kuro walked over to the Keyblade set on the wall ignoring Ranma fuming.

When he picked up the blade it disappeared and reappeared in Ranma's hand.

Kuro continued. "Well i guess beggars can't be choosers."

Ranma stood up, " Oi jiji! Don't talk as if im not here!"
Kuro turned his teeth like a sharks. "Don't call me jiji! Gaki!"

"Gaki?! Why You Super jiji!" Ranma argued reasonably.

"Super jiji!?" Kuro's aura was full on as Ranma's sprang to life as well.

"WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!!" Lina yelled making both men shudder back. A womans anger can easily cower any man.

" We Need to talk about the balance of the worlds."

" Why don't you start making sense! What's goin on?" Ranma exclaimed.

"Okay, You know there are many other worlds out there besides your Crystal Tokyo and this town, right?"

Rei nodded her head yes.

"But they're supposed to be secret. Minako added.

Kaoru nodded. They've been secret because they've never been connected. Until now. When the Heartless came, everything changed.


Ranma seemed puzzled. " The Heartless?"

Lina sighed. " The ones who attacked you, you remember?"

Kuro seemed detached as he stared out the window.

"Those without hearts. The Darkness in peoples hearts. That's what attracts them. And there is darkness in every heart.

Lina smirked at the introspective look that Ranma had.

" Hey have you heard of someone named Ansem?"

Rei looked confused she'd heard that name before.
minako just smiled and tilted her head.


Kaoru nodded. "He was studying the Heartless. He recorded all his finding in a very detailed report."

Minako scratched her head." Can we see it?"

"It's pages are scattered everywhere."

" Scattered?" asked Rei.

"Too many worlds."

"Oh maybe the queen went to find them." Minako thought aloud.

Kaoru nodded again. " Those were my thoughts exactly."

Rei sighed. Of all the times meatball head decided to run off. "Well we better find her quick. But we need to find this Key!" She said slamming her hand in her palm.

Kaoru smiled. "Thats right the key blade."
Ranma held the blade aloft looking at it's bluntness and razor sharp hey shaped edge. "So...this is the key?"

Lina smiled softly. "Exactly!"

Kuro grunted in reply. "The Heartless have a great fear of the Keyblade. That's why they'll keep coming after you no matter what." He said pointing towards Ranma.

Ranma still stared at the Keyblade gazing into it as to seek an answer." It's a martial artists duty to protect the weak. But still, I didn't ask for this."

Lina huffed. " Well the Keyblade is valuble. If i could i would love to take it off your hands...but the Keyblade chooses it's master."

Ranma looked startled.

"And it chose you."

"So tough luck." Kuro added.

"How did this all happen? I remember being in my room.. and..." Ranma stood up suddenly, remembering all that happened when his world was claimed.

"Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My mother? My friends! Nabiki?! Ryoga?!"

Kuro looked away as if contenplating." You know something i don't really know. But.. sooner or later, the Heartless will find you. You'd best prepare yourself."

Ranma nodded.

"Your gonna be fighting for your life. Are you ready?"

Ranma smiled cockily. Getting an unknown blush from lina."Of course, Ranma never looses!"

Kuro frowned." You lost to me gaki."

A vein appeared on top of Ranma's head." That didn't count i'm just getting used to this thing!" He said gesturing to the Keyblade." And you were so slow jiji! Take me on when your a little faster or with your walker!"

A vein appeared on Kuro's head."You wanna go again gaki?!!"

Ranma grabbed the keyblade walked up to Kuro." Anytime! Jiji!"


Both Ranma and Kuro had smoking heads and matching lumps as Lina stood over them her fist trembling.

"Lets go see Kaoru, She should be there by now with the other visitors." Lina said walking to the door into the borough.

Kuro and Ranma followed glaring at each other.

They all stopped when heartless soldier appeared in front of them.

Kuro nodded to Lina and she shot off levitating towards it as it went through a door. Lina blasted the door with a fire ball and sailed after it. Kuro took his sword and jumped out the window. Ranma ran out the door door following them.

Unbeknownst to them standing next to the destroyed door was Kaoru. underneath the door and burnt with ash was Minako and Rei. Kaoru looked towards where Lina was throwing around flare arrows.

Ranma entered the borough and noticed kuro dispatching four with a single blow. There were heartless everywhere.

Kuro took notice of Ranma entering. " Don't bother with the small fry. Find the leader! Let's Go!" Kuro ran off as Ranma was suddenly surronded.

Ranma smiled and summoned the Keyblade. Slashing and killing heartless as he made his way towards second district. He noticed that as he killed more Heartless it became easier to wield the Keyblade and that he could jump higher and seemed to get stronger.

Running into the third District he didn't notice a certain girl eyeing him from above.

Minako was thinking what a hunk. And was about to go down to see him when she was surrounded by Heartless.

" Hey!! Rei Are these the Heartless?"

Rei narrowed her eyes. "Minako let's henshin!" After a quick burst of light for both of them, two sailor girls appeared. They jumped off of the balcony to avoid a bomb thrown by a heartless.

Beneath them Ranma stopped moving when he heard the explosion. looking up he caught a very good look of red and yellow panties heading his way. And thus was caught flat footed when they landed on him.

Ranma groaned noticing his face was close to a sweet smelling place. And his hands were grasping something round and firm. Something was groping him down there too.

Opening his eyes Ranma came face to two faces one smiliing and blushing, the other scowling and blushing.
Pulling his face from the blondes chest and letting go of the red skirted girls breasts. He noticed they were in an awkward position.

"UM. Could you both get off of me there?" Ranma said gesturing to the two hands grabbing his 'other' weaponry.

Rei moved her hand quick jumping off Ranma and blushing furiously. Minako removed her hand slowly. And got up at the same speed.

Ranma was blushing but stood up with a grace the two only saw their queen do. They then saw what the cute boy was holding.

" The key!!" they yelled simultaneously.

Suddenly, the Heartless soldiers appear and Ranma and the two sailor girls attacked them each gaining a feel for how the others fought. Ranma sliced one while a chain of hearts destroyed another and fire rings pierced a few.

After they destroyed the horde. Ranma stood up from a croutch. " Too Easy."

They all tensed when the ground shook violently and armor appeared. When the armor assembled itself it had the symbol on it's chest that denoted it to be a Heartless.

Ranma ran into the fray first slicing downwards and kicking it's legs out from under it, immediatly destroying two of it's legs. Mars and Venus weren't idle each throwing respective attacks at an arm each destroying pieces of the armor.

When all that remained were the head and torso The trinity attacked at once destroying the Guard Armor totally, not noticing a heart fly into the air.

Ranma walked towards the area where the monster was and picked up a braclet. Inscribed inside it was written Brave warrior. Ranma placed it on his wrist feeling a bit more powerful.

Turning towards his newfound allies he saw they seemed to be appraising him. Or his sword.

"So you were looking for me?"

"All these millenia." Venus mumbled. Licking her lips absently.

Ignoring Venus's remark Mars nodded an affirmitive.
The two detransformed, no one raised an eyebrow at it.

Kuro nodded. " They, too, have been seeking the wielder of the Keyblade."

Minako smiled." Hey, why don't you come with us? we can go to other worlds on our vessel."

Ranma frowned. "Actually i need to find my friends Ryoga and Nabiki."

' Nabiki? who's that?' Both girls thought.
"We can find your friends." Rei said.

Minako looked doubtful. "Are you sure?" She whispered to Rei.

"Who knows? But we need him to come with us to help find the queen." Rei whispered back.

Kuro walked to Ranma's side. " Ranma go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends."

Ranma was still frowning. But nodded his affirmitive.

Rei scowled at him. " Don't be so happy about it."

Ranma looked up at her. "Huh?"

Rei smiled brightly, Minako mirroring her. " You can't come along looking like that. Understand? No frowning. No sad faces okay?

Minako jumped in front of Ranma with her hands clasped behind her. " Yeah, ya gotta smile, like us! I betcha have a beautiful smile."

Rei pushed Minako away from Ranma's face. " Don't mind her, but she's right. This boat runs on happy faces."

Ranma looked confused. " Happy faces huh?" Ranma then start to smirk then smiles widely. All girls present start to blush.

Minako was the first to recover. " That's one good looking smile." She said winking.

Ranma blushed but nodded. " Okay, sure. I'll go with you guys.

Rei walked up and put her hand out. " Im Rei also known as Sailor Mars in the seifuku getup.

Minako walked up and leaned on Rei's shoulder her hand on top of her friends. " Names Minako, you can call me Mina-chan, or Sailor Venus if im transformed." She said winking inticingly."

Ranma placed his hand on top of theirs and smiled.
" Im Ranma, Sorry bout this."

"All for one and one for all" Minako cheered. " I can see this will be a great team up."
Else where.

"Who would have thought that a child could take down the Heartless?"

"Ku Ku ku ku. Such is the power of the Keyblade, though he possess considerable fighting skill, the child's strength may not be his own."

" We should just turn him into a Heartless. It'd be quicker this way." A third voice.

" And The boy's friends are the queens lackeys. It's troublesome." A fourth voice interjected.

" Heh your the one thats troublesome."

"What's That!"

"Silence!! The Keyblade has chosen him. Will it be he who conquers the darkness? Or will the darkness swallow him? Either way, he could be quite useful..." A final malicious voice said.
Traverse town:

Meanwhile Ranma and the Senshi were walking from Cid's shop after leaving Kuro Kaoru and Lina. The Three had stocked up on supplies. Kuro having given Ranma one hundred munny and an elixir.

"The gummy ship is outside this gate." Rei said walking in front of the other two.

Ranma walked behind with his hands behind his head trying not to notice the way the two girls skirts kept rising . "The what?"

Rei smiled looking over her shoulder. "Thats our ship."

Minako hopped in front of him doing bouncing around in excitement. " Wait till you see it!"

Rei stopped suddenly as if remembering something.
" Oh if your going to be with us you should take this." Rei handed him a glowing scroll.

Ranma felt knowledge enter his mind on how to bend the mana streams to his will. He gasped softly when it was over. And he placed his hand palm up as a small fire sparked there. Which was probably a bad thing as he freaked out and tossed the fire on a passing by moogle.

"Oops." Ranma said smartly.

Both girls sweatdropped and left the area quickly as the moogle rolled on the ground franticly. Ranma followed quickly.

Wanting to change the subject Rei remembered something. "Mina, Give him that other thing."

Minako was busy staring at Ranma's butt. While Ranma was busy staring at his hand in wonder. " What?" she asked looking up.

Rei sighed. " Give him the item doofus!"

Minako smiled." Oh yeah." Digging into her stuff space she pulled another glowing scroll. Handing it to Ranma, he looked at it in wonder before it desolved into him like the other one and he felt knowledge once again come to him.

He suddenly felt faster. And a name for the technique was placed in his mind. Zanzoken.

" How come you guy's are giving this stuff to me? Not that im not grateful or nuthin."

Rei turned." well we really can't do anything with those only non senshi can use these scrolls. we only brought a few. who knows maybe we'll find more."

" Your abilites allow you to do all sorts of things. We should look for more scrolls on the way." Minako added.

Ranma nodded. "So is that it? Lets get going!?"

Hamtaro popped out from behind Ranma's head startling him. " Hika. I can see big adventures coming our way! I better keep track of this in my journal."

Ranma didn't seem to suprised by the fact that the hamster could talk. More suprised that the creature appeared out of nowhere.
Inside the gummi ship Mars was teaching Ranma how to fly the Gummi Ship. After a small tutorial on screen Ranma flies into a small portal which sent them to a small world with a giant kunai behind it.

Ranma set the ship in orbit and warped them down to the planet side.

As soon as they landed they saw a villiage with a leaf emblem. Walking towards the villiage doors they were surronded by a few people with animal masks.

"Heartless?" Minako asked.

Ranma Shook his head." Ninja, good ones. too"

One in a fox mask stepped up. " What are You doing here?"

In his office the Sandime Hokage sat with his pipe lit looking over the last minute pieces for todays chunnin exam. " He stopped suddenly and looked at the door."

"Bring them in."

As the door opened and the trinity walked in followed by several Anbu ninja, the Hokage stood up and looked at them and grandly intoned Welcome to Konoha!" He said smirking.

" Now Kindly tell me what your buisness is here."


To be continued.

Sorry i this is a longgg chapter but i moved like three times since i started this an each time i had to go get a new computer. But i will finish this story before another kingdom hearts game comes out