Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Kuno's Plan ❯ Ryoga's Sorrow, Akane's Confusion ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello and welcome back to this story. For anyone who’s interested, I corrected some spelling and grammar errors in my story, “How Kuno Finds Out About the Curse”. Now let’s get on with this story.   Disclaimer: I don’t own Ranma ½   Ryoga’s Sorrow, Akane’s Confusion   Ryoga ran off through Nerima. He was paying no attention to where he was going, but it would probably do him no good anyways. The only thing he could think about is how Akane just found out his secret. She’d probably hate him now. ‘No Akane! It’s not my fault I’m like this.’ He thinks, ‘It’s all that damn Ranma’s fault.’ Tears run from his eyes without stop. He stops and sniffles. “Curse you Ranma!” he screams, “SHISHI HOKODAN!” He unleashes the ultimate version of the attack. Light shoots up in a beam. Onlookers gasp at the sight. Of course in Nerima, this was nothing new. Once the beam of light reaches hundreds of feet into the sky, it plummets down to earth. It collides and creates a huge hole. People are scattered everyone, while Ryoga is still standing in the middle of the hole looking more depressed then ever. “Curse that creep.” He mumbles.   That night, the Tendo’s and their house guests are enjoying rice and sushi for dinner. Well that is most of them are. Akane is still confused about what happened earlier. Was Kuno right? Was P-chan really Ryoga? To think that all this time she’d been sleeping with Ryoga, undressing in front of him, and cuddling him against her chest. Why did he never tell her? And here Ranma was always beating up P-chan and calling Ryoga P-chan. ‘Grrr! That must mean Ranma known all along! Well I’ll show him!’ She picks up a bucket of water and dumps the contents on Ranma.   “Hey, want’d you do that for?” Ranma-chan screams at her.   “You knew all along, didn’t you?” She screams back.   “Huh, know what?”   “About Ryoga being P-chan!” Ranma-chan gulps. So that what this was all about. She knew that Akane would eventually find out, but she had no idea how to stop Akane from killing her.   “Well, um, I did, but I, um, promised Ryoga I wouldn’t tell you.” Ranma-chan tries to explain.   “Why would you promise him that? Did he threaten you or something?” Akane asks.   “Of course not!” Ranma-chan quickly replies, “It was my duty as a martial artist to make that promise. If I knew he was going to take advantage of you, I never would’ve made that promise!”   “But why?”   “I can’t tell you the reason. It was just my responsibility.” Akane couldn’t believe it. Why was Ranma always such a jerk? Did he enjoy torturing her or something? Well, she wasn’t going to take it no more.   “Ranma, you’re such a jerk! Why don’t you just dig a hole for yourself and DIE!” She screams and boots Ranma-chan into orbit.   “But why?” Ranma-chan screams into the night as she flies away.   Ryoga was sleeping in his tent, right in the middle of the park, that night. He probably wouldn’t get much sleep that night. He was still so depressed from what happened. He rolls over to try to get some sleep, but can’t since Ranma-chan comes crashing though his tent screaming and land right on top of him. She lays there for awhile. ‘Hum, am I laying on something?’ she thinks. She looks down to see she’s laying on Ryoga.   “Ranma, will you get off of me?” Ryoga asks.   “Oh, uh, yeah.” She rolls off Ryoga, “Sorry about that. Akane’s just been really moody since finding out that you’re P-chan.”   Ryoga growls. “She’s not the only one that’s been moody.” He gets up, glaring at Ranma-chan evilly. “Ranma, this is all your fault!” he screams, “You’re the one who pushed me into that spring at Jusenkyo, you’re the one who tried to teach that idiot able Jusenkyo curse, and you’re the one who made my life a living hell! Ranma Saotome, I hate you! Now, prepare to die!” Ryoga whips up his umbrella and swings it at Ranma-chan. Ranma-chan jumps out of the way.   “Ryoga, can’t we talk this over?” She asks. Ryoga smashes his umbrella over her head.   “Now’s not the time for talking! Fight me for real!” Ranma-chan rubs her head.   “Fine, if that’s the way you want it, take this.” She brings her fists up. “KACHU TENSHIN AMAGURIKEN!” She launches a barrage of punches, flying at the speed of light. Ryoga gets hit at least twenty times in a single second. He goes flying backwards and lands with a thud. He struggles to get back up.   “Ranma, why you.” Tears flow from his eyes. “SHISHI HOKODAN!” He blasts a huge ball of ki from his hands at Ranma-chan. She is sent flying and lands right in the middle of the girls’ bath at the bathhouse. The girls scream when Ranma turns back into a guy and send him flying back to his fight with Ryoga. Ryoga glares at Ryoga.   “That’s it! Come on at me Ryoga!” He says. Ryoga charges at Ranma.   “It’s all your fault!” He screams as he unleashes several punches and kicks at Ranma, who evades all of them. “You ruined my entire life!” He uses the Bakusai Tenketsu to send several rocks flying at Ranma. Ranma knocks them all down. “Tonight you die!” He releases another punch and lots of powerful battle aura.   “Not quit.” Ranma smirks. He throws his fist into the air. “HIRYU SHOTAN HA!” A huge tornado springs from his fist. Lightning cracks in the distance. Both boys are sucked into the tornado.   “Ranma, this tornado is all your fault!” Ryoga screams and launches several mid-air kicks and punches at Ranma. Ranma dodges and kicks Ryoga in the face.   “Well you’re the one who attacked me.” The boys continue to fight.   Elsewhere, Akane is sitting by the pond. She is still confused and angry at Ranma for not clearing things up. ‘He’s such a jerk.’ She thinks. She looks up to see a huge tornado heading towards her. “What the hell?” She screams. She braces herself for impact, but it never comes. She looks back up to see that the tornado is gone and Ranma and Ryoga are fighting again. “Ranma, Ryoga stop fighting!” She tells them. They both stop and look at her.   “He started it.” Ranma says.   “I don’t care who started it! Now why did this fight begin?” She asks.   “It’s all Ranma’s fault that you know about my curse!” Ryoga screams, “It’s also his fault I have this curse!”   “How so?” Akane asks him.   “When he didn’t show up for our fight, I followed him to China and he knocked me in!” Ryoga explains.   “I didn’t purposely knock you in. I was busy chasing pop for knocking me in.” Ranma counters. Akane asks.   “So, you knocked him in?” Akane asks. Ranma nods. “So that’s why you promised him you wouldn’t tell me, you felt responsible for his curse.” Ranma nods again. Akane smiles. Everything made sense to her now.   Meanwhile, Kuno and Kodachi approach the Neko Hanten with buckets of water. Cologne, Shampoo, and Mouse step out. “What Stick Boy and Crazy Girl want?” Shampoo asks. “We’re here to see if you posses a Jusenkyo spirit.” Kuno replies.   TBC…   Well that’s it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. This feels like the best thing I’ve ever written. Please review.