Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ Thoughts ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The Tao is an empty vessel; it is used, but never filled.
Oh, unfathomable source of ten thousand things!
Blunt the sharpness,
Untangle the knot,
Soften the glare,
Merge with dust.
Oh hidden deep but ever present!
I do not know from whence it comes.
It is the forefather of the emperors.
--Laotsu on Tao Te Ching.
The Next Day:
Ranma awoke groggily to the fact that someone was pounding in his head and telling him to get ready for school. He turned away from the intruder and tried unsuccessfully to raise the warm quilted blankets over his head in desperate hopes of tuning out the whining voice. He was sleepy for Kami's sake!
Yesterday after his talk with Dr. Tofu he had gone back to his room and searched for the scroll, but unfortunately he had been careless with it after he had found out the information concerning Taira and thrown it somewhere with his Japanese dictionary. In his messy room.
That was a depressing thought. What if he would have to clean his room! Ranma shuddered and tried futilely yet again to raise the covers, but someone just whacked him-hard.
It had to be Akane, he had unfortunately become familiar with the aches and pains her punches could pack and could recognize victims a mile off. And he was usually the victim. His stupid father told him to allow Akane to beat him up because it would develop his resistance. So far all it had gotten him were several major fractures and black and blue bruises. He wondered why she was so abusive to his person in the first place especially when she caught him unawares at times and just hit him for no reason. It was strange and disconcerting, and Ranma didn't trust her behind him at all. He finally jerked the covers off and glared at Akane.
“What do you want now?” he asked sleepily.
Akane only scowled at him before whacking him again for good measure.
“It's time to wake up, like duh!” Akane growled.
Ranma got up, and looked at his alarm, it read 4:00 a.m. There is no way logistically that waking up this early could compute as banal. For him at least. He still had three more hours before he had to get ready for school, and he would snooze until seven and then hurry on to school and be in class by 7:30. This was going to be easier than before because he was super fast now! He would have to calculate the minutes it took him to get there so he could grab a couple of extra Zzz's . With that Ranma again flopped down on his mattress and hid from the perky sun glinting over the horizon trying to intrude with its flaming tendrils the cool abode of his room. But he would not allow it too…and Ranma quickly closed hiss shutters and feel back to bed, asleep instantly.
Akane glared at Ranma's sleeping form, curious as to why he was still a girl. He had been awfully secretive lately and had disappeared for a long time even though he still managed to keep up with his class work and had accidentally gotten ahead. Not that she'd tell him that. She'd peacefully wait for him to embarrass himself in front of the whole class looking like the nerd he was. Not that anyone knew this about him, but she was always catching him reading on the roof and had a large collection of musty old books stored reverently in his room, and he was fluent in Chinese, Japanese and English. He had recently started to learn ancient Japanese and could translate some texts partially. Ranma was constantly trying to understand an obscure culture or other, which Akane found frankly boring, and this could be because he always traveled with his father she supposed. Ranma was smart, but he always hid it and acted normal and never talked about his scores which she knew were well above the par because when they sent his record it showed that he had the highest G.P.A in the school, not to mention he was taking lots of advance classes which he would claim in public to be martial arts practices when he disappeared from their peers.
It was puzzling. Everyone else thought he was just a dumb womanizing jock with strings of woman. Which he did in fact have lines of woman waiting for him including her own best friends! And while Akane had never taken it real seriously, sure in the fact that he would marry her and didn't care about the other girls except there was that weird co-partner thinga ma jiggy when she saw him out in a date with Shampoo she felt betrayed. Sure they weren't dating even though they were engaged, but it was just because whenever she tried to broach the subject he would inescapably disappear. And Akane knew she was attractive, which is why she had given him an `accidental' view of her bosom getting out of the shower knowing he'd go in at that time. He simply raised his eyebrows in question before stopping briefly to throw a towel at her and went on his way, deciding to use the public baths instead. That was a year ago, and now they were still in the same boat.
Ranma stirred in his sleep, trying to escape the nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong. But he shooed it away, and slumbered on. This though brought Akane's attention back to Ranma and she decided to join him ever so innocently…Akane took off her bulky robe, and raised the covers to fit in beside Ranma. She then removed the top two buttons of her blouse before taking out a steaming kettle filled with hot water to change Ranma into his sculpted male form. Akane poured water over him, only to watch as nothing happened.
And then she feinted.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooo
Had to make it short `cause my mom needs the computer for her crap, so tomorrow it will be extra long.
Same credit as before.
Review!Cup the warm mouse in the palm of your hands and gently stroke it down its halved length until you reach its precious button and then I want you to press down-ever so gently-and submit a review while in the throes of lashing out at me with your loquaciously heated tongues…
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo