Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ As Taro Wills ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay people, I could give you a list of reasons why I have not updated in nearly a month but I'll just settle for this. I'm sorry. I hope this chapter makes up for it. And no, it's not long, so bug off. But it's a continuation. Next time, Tofu.
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Outside with Taro:
Ranma awkwardly tried to disengage her hands from Taro, but he wouldn't let go, instead he started to growl vehemently low in his throat and Ranma could feel the vibrations echo against her chest. Oddly, it tingled each time she felt the deep throated rumble.
“Ummm…dude could you let me go?” Ranma asked timidly as she struggled to free herself-futilely.
“Taro! Let me go!” Ranma yelled exasperated as he started to sniff at the juncture of her neck right above her collarbone, which his deadly claws had revealed, before leaning in close to lick her sensually with his rough hot tongue, brushing tantalizingly against her exposed skin. Ranma felt liquid pool languorously in between the apex of her thighs and snapped out of the dreamy state she had been trapped in.
“Taro I'm a GUY!” Ranma yelled trying to convince herself that she was not wet-that is what she did to girls. Or used to do when she was in her male form, unless making lesbians wet their panties counted?
“Hn.” Taro said as he started to inch his face upwards, kissing and nipping at all of the succulent flesh revealed by Ranma's outfit, before settling on her parted cherry lips.
“Taro, listen to me man, you don't really know me and why would you like to be married to a man? Remember that I'm as cursed as you so why would you like to settle for an inferior `mate' as you call it? And stop kissing me! I'm not like that-I LIKE GIRLS!” Ranma all but shouted, making guys sigh in depression and some shounen-ai fan girls sigh for a different reason altogether.
“Ranma, this Taro does not find you to be inferior to his esteemed person, and regardless of your curse this Taro finds both of your forms sufficiently pleasing to the eye. You will make a most suitable mate, and additionally you are a grandmaster in martial arts therefore you will be able to defend yourself against the lower youkai in my kingdom. As for higher youkaiis such as myself and the other rulers of the Cardinal points, I will protect my mate. Even if you are a ningen, you are strong enough to be worthy of the honor of being my mate.”
“But—t-t-t, I thought the reason we were engaged is because you couldn't find a girl that would take you? And what does ningen mean?” Ranma asked before swatting Taro away from her breasts.
“As if this Taro does not have hordes of women clamoring to be the mate of the Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, this Taro chose you because you have shown more honor and bravery than any ningen or youkai that this Taro has encountered. A ningen is a person belonging to the despicable human species. They are simply revolting and below this Taro's attention.” Taro said before trying to resume his task of fondling Ranma.
“WAIT!” Ranma screamed loudly, and Taro closed his eyes in a pained expression, before growling threateningly at Ranma so she would lower the high decibels of her voice.
“I AM a worthless human, I mean ningen, and therefore I am not deserving of your almighty presence O strong Taro ruler of the Western Lands, and it would be better if you mated with another one of your species, even though I thought you turned into that weird monster because of Jusenkyo.” Ranma said, momentarily forgetting to push Taro away, and receiving a quick nick on her breast where crimson droplets of her blood congealed before he hungrily lapped it up. Ranma of course tried to retaliate.
“Stop moving. You are MY mate and my beast has claimed you as ours, and no. Jusenkyo is not responsible for my glorious form, although that probably would calm the feeble minds of humans. This Taro is larger and stronger than regular youkai because this Taro is of royal lineage and what Happosai did was help my evil stepmother when she was trying to assassinate me. She knew that my father would kill her if she bore my scent before the death she had planned for me so she decided to trick a stupid human. She told Happosai to wash me in a specific pool-it was the pool of death, where millions of youkai had died, so my corporal form would be incarcerated for all eternity. Instead the bumbling fool washed me in a regular pool so naturally the curses, which affect mere humans, had no affect on me. But Happosai was given the honor of picking my name…And Izayoi, my evil stepmother whom I killed with my poisonous claws when I turned eight in Demon years, let him, knowing that only the Elders from the Council were suppose to choose my name because to not do so could result in my premature death. But I didn't die and now that fat cow rests in hell by my own hand. +Just a little pun with his true form, hehe.+
Ranma quivered in fear when she saw the gooey green stuff sap out of his very LONG and SHARP claws, that were unfortunately very close to her face.
“Ranma.” Taro commanded her attention and tilted her face closer to his pale coral lips, and began growling reassuringly.
“I would never hurt you and will protect the calf we will have soon.”
Ranma feinted in a dead panic, imagining giving birth to calf, and then Taro punishing her for eating a Big Mac burger. Ranma visualized her life without meat, and she whimpered helplessly in denial. Not to mention the thought of giving birth to anything+ much less a huge calf+made her sink even deeper into unconsciousness.
Ranma awoke in Taro arms and tried to scramble away quickly, but was prevented by a strong leanly muscled arm which stopped her immediately.
“We will speak later of this, for now you must see Dr. Tofu to see when you are most fertile and ready to be impregnated by my seed.” So saying Taro carried Ranma, bridal style, to Dr. Tofu's office. Ranma turned to ask him a question.
“Taro? Does this mean you were never tricked by my father?” Ranma asked.
“Of course not. This Taro would never fall for the simple devious mind of a mere ningen. Instead I used his plan against him and manipulated him into giving me custody of you...He thinks it is just a regular engagement the way he has fooled the others, but seeing that Genma is not a man of honor, as I have noticed with all ningens except for you Ranma, I added a couple of regulations which neither you nor he can escape from. Unless you marry, which you will. Me…and don't worry, we will soon consummate our betrothal, but we have to wait until the night of the blue moon, koi.” Taro said, finally reaching Dr. Tofu's office.
Inside a tall man, with broad shoulders finished treating a patient before greeting the people standing outside the door.
“Come in, come in! Oh, and Ranma, I thought you were satisfied with all you have learned and had come to terms with your predicament, is something wrong?” Dr. Tofu said, reapplying his glasses after he had taken the smudge off them.
“Nope! I'm fine and dandy, Taro just wanted to stop and say high to you in case he ever got hurt or something. Well…HI…..so bye!” Ranma tried to disengage herself from Taro's tight grasp but he was adamant.
“Ranma. Stop.” Taro said and turned to look at the perplexed Dr. Tofu.
“You will be seeing to my mate's menstrual cycle and you will inform me when it will be the best time to plant my seed in her belly. You will tell me when is she most fertile. We will consummate our bond the night of the blue moon, would this night impregnate her? Or should we wait until the summer solstice?” Taro asked coldly, never removing his frigid gaze from Dr. Tofu.
“Taro! But come on! Please leave me ALONE! I don't want to marry you or have your children! Why don't you mate one of your own species! And there is NO way in hell I'm having sex with you the night of the blue moon!” Ranma shouted in a frenzy.
Taro simply elongated his fangs and bit her, swiftly knocking her out with his poison, not enough to kill her but enough to make her fall asleep.
Dr. Tofu held his tongue in check. In front of him stood a demon with a powerful aura that could kill him, barging in right now would only result in his death but he wouldn't be able to save Ranma. He would wait until this `Taro' left.
“Watch her or die. Is that understood?” Taro regally nodded his dead acceptingly when he saw Dr. Tofu consent and left with careful meditated steps outside before assuming his true form and flying away.
Dr. Tofu glanced at the sultry red head lying motionless on his medical cot, and thought it was going to be a long night.
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In case you have not noticed this is not precisely regular Tokyo +even for the future+ because I have made it a strange melding of mythology and actuality. I might add advanced gizmo's and crap but I doubt it, because it does not really go with this story. Instead the reason I chose such an advanced year is because I am trying to make it into a world where modern contraptions exist as well as demons. Taro is inspired off of Sesshoumaru if anyone has read Takahashi's Inuyasha series. I will try to update every Saturday at least.
Ciao people,
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Review people! You know you want to flame me for writing such a short chappie and for taking so long. Well go ahead. I need the heat for my BBQ. Ymm.