Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Medical Inquiries by Dr. Tofu ❯ Much Madness is Divenest Sense ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It's another beautiful day in the neighborhood, and Mr. Robinson is happy. At least that's what this brat is watching in my room. Grr! I think I shall write and update. Enjoy my idiosyncrasies. Is it okay to hit annoying children? He's evil I say!
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Much Madness is Divinest Sense
Much madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
`T is the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
---you're straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain.
By: Emily Dickinson
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Married After:
Kasumi knocked on Ranma's door she'd been quiet lately, even listless and she also came home late last night with a dark hooded figure. She was worried at first but then she distinctly heard Ranma call out Dr. Tofu when she inclined her red head to the figure hidden queerly in the shadows. Seeing their obvious secrecy she chose to leave them in peace. Dr. Tofu would see to Ranma's well being after all he had cared for their family for years. And with one last searching glance towards Ranma she had departed to her room with chamomile tea as she slowly turned off the lights until only one candle flickered whimsically in the obscured room. Then she fell asleep wrapped ephemerally in a cloud of tranquility.
But now with the first burning rays of the sun filtering in through the opaque hallway she was worried. Ranma was usually up at 4 in the morning on Wednesday's because he would go to the corner market and purchase a whole box of Ramen to last her a month. It was distinctly unusual that she could not detect her harried steps as she rushed outside clad in her old Chinese uniform. Kasumi decided that just this once she would intrude on Ranma's privacy and see what was the matter.
Anyways, if Ranma got mad then Akane would wake up and hammer her for whatever reason occurred to her, and she could escape safely in the mayhem that typically follows.
She was brilliant, no doubt about it. Then she would just smile vacuously and say it was an accident and that she was sorry. People were so easy to fool when your nice, Nabiki was a bit slow on the uptake and had to coerce people! Now she had an even nest egg and no one suspected a thing.
Taking a shuddering breath Kasumi squared her shoulders and for the first time entered Ranma's lair.
It was cleaner than she'd thought, on one hand the bookshelf was meticulously organized as were several notebooks piled on top of Ranma's desk. The computer screen shone through the obsidian room with the image of a butterfly crawling out of its cocoon and the words, “Liberare Mentis” appearing on the latent screen in cursive letters.
The carpet was free of debris but Ranma's closet was not so lucky. Only her elegant dresses and rows of feminine suits were spared the disgrace of the unkempt floor. Jeans, blouses, and socks were tidily or untidily-as could be perceived-thrown in random disarray at the corner.
Finally Kasumi turned to the lush azure bedspreads and pulled back the covers from the lump on the bed. At first she noticed Dr. Tofu and thought that he had a very fine form although she could never take him seriously because of his crazy manner when near her. He was cute she supposed but she liked men that didn't start dancing with skeletons when she got near them. She had secretly had a crush on Ranma afterwards when she discovered his guy form. He'd been bathing in the furo when she'd stepped into the waters only to witness Ranma's muscular body sprawled out in supreme relaxation. His skin had been slick and wet, and she'd noticed that he'd been very well endowed.
Then she'd felt a hot coiling need spread in her nether regions and had quietly walked away without waking before she raped his unconscious form. Now she repented not taking advantage of him. The wonders that he could have done with that….where was she?
Kasumi unclouded her mind and again saw a naked Dr. Tofu in front of her and recalled her train of thought.
Oh yeah…she felt not excitement at all with Dr. Tofu, this proved to her that she wasn't as lecherous as Happosai if she had only reacted to Ranma. Heck! The whole school likes her in the same manner; guys have pictures of her girl form and girls of his guy form. She was just irresistible in that way. Everything she did looked provocative like a deadly sexual dance that only she knew of, and the way her nipples hardened when she was slammed into cold water made her just want to…
Wooah! She was here on a mission! Ranma could be injured or worse. Now back to the dweeb.
With his mouth partially open and drool falling in cant to his breaths, Dr. Tofu laid upturned with a Cheshire grin on his face, Kasumi inspected him closely.
Hmm…sure Dr. Tofu was handsome in that clean/boyish type if you were into pedophilia, but she could never get his goofy smile out of her head therefore his attractiveness was marred with her memory. Although watching drool collect steadily on his collarbone was not helping much.
Kasumi shuddered and decided to remain a spinster forever if these were her only options. No way would she marry that psychotic freak!
Still this did not answer her question to where Ranma was. Did she give up her room to Dr. Tofu seeing as how she had been stuck in her girl form for a while? Where did the poor thing sleep?
Ranma probably slept on the cold, hard roof again. At least she's gained some maidenly modesty at last!
Not that she would mind if Ranma would discard those scruples with her…
Recently Kasumi had been thinking more and more about Ranma. It wasn't that she was a lesbian or anything because she wanted to screw him when he was in guy form too, but she had become kind of obsessed with Ranma's girl form too.
I mean what was there not to like?!
Ranma had perfectly round breast that were nice and plump-begging to be cupped. Her lips were full and sweetly curved, while her fingers were deftly nimble. She had an hourglass figure and long, curling tendrils of fiery red hair as hot as her temper. Her face was angelic and had grown more mature, no longer was she simply cute but she was beautiful. Her legs were long and smooth, and she had filled out more. Before Ranma reached her up to her shoulders but now Ranma surpassed her and appeared as graceful as a gazelle with long lean legs, and a straight graceful back. Did she mention her legs?
And she had the perkiest, cutest ass ever!
Okay she was going over board here.
More and more she had found herself using any excuse to touch Ranma while making it appear as if it were an innocent caress. She would innocently hug Ranma and make sure her breast brushed hers, and she would lay her head on her flat tummy when Ranma was watching sumo wrestling on Saturdays, truly any excuse she could find.
And Ranma did not suspect a thing. She was oblivious to her advances.
Not that she minded because then she would turn that slight shade of rosy red and flee.
It was becoming harder and harder to control herself, but Akane always served to bring her back to Earth with her screaming. It was obvious that she would not make a good bride to Ranma. I mean Ranma did not even eat her cooking, she considered it toxic and when she did Kasumi had to stay with her all night rubbing her tummy and dabbing at her sweating forehead. The pro's were that she got to touch a hot, sweaty Ranma that kept arching her back in irritation, but the con's were that she could do nothing about it.
Anyhoo, where in the world was Ranma? She had walked around her whole room and could find neither hide nor hair of her! She even looked in the roof. Did Ranma fall down? It was all Dr. Tofu's fault! Why did he have to take her Ranma's bed? Well, she would wake him up…
Kasumi ripped the covers from Dr. Tofu and stared agape.
There, entwined in the covers was HER Ranma NAKED!!
It was time for some explanations, and she would get them presently. Now, to detract the culpability from her and blame another person when these two got mad at being interrogated…
“Oh dears! Are you two hurt? Maybe I should get Mr. Tendo to take you to the hospital? Although he couldn't possibly carry you let me go get Akane, just wait a moment okay?” Kasumi said an disappeared quickly before delicately knocking on her sister's door who had woken up at the sound of Kasumi `accidentally' dropping the potted plant outside her door.
“What do you want?” Akane called groggily from the bed, festooning her covers protectively over her eyes as the sun blared ahead.
“Oh Akane! Ranma is hurt and naked with a man in her bed! Could you take them to the hospital? Oh and the mad does not seem to be able to detach his middle leg from her core? Do you think they are seriously injured and that I should call the ambulance? Or could you take them for me?” Kasumi called sweetly from outside.
“WHAT!!!!!” Akane yelled up and ready with a huge sledgehammer out of no where.
“RANMA NO BAKA!” Akane screamed at the top of her substantial lungs until the house quaked slightly.
Kasumi swiftly left the corridor smirking inwardly while outwardly ringing her hands in agitation.
Step one accomplished. Even though her sister was vulgar and tactless sometimes you needed brunt force to get the answers one needed.
And Akane would do nicely.
Now she had to hide behind the shoji screen and watch as her drama unfurled and she got the answers she wanted. If Ranma cares one iota for Dr. Tofu…lets just say she was an expert at poisoning and had killed her mother when she did not allow her to go outside and play.
It was a thing she wouldn't live to regret.
Kasumi smiled pleasantly when she saw Nabiki hiding in the corner too and went over to her `dear' sister.
“Oh Nabiki, would you like some tea?” Kasumi asked thinking that Nabiki had no right to spy on her Ranma and would learn her lesson soon enough.
“No Kasumi, just leave me alone and go play with your pots and pans, I'm busy right now.” Nabiki said ignoring her.
“But Nabiki! I made this just for you, won't you please taste it at least so I can see if you would like some for dinner?” Kasumi asked with saccharine sweetness, enough to rot your teeth. She was thinking that Nabiki was in for an awakening, the sooner the better.
Nabiki sighed and grabbed the tea cup and swallowed it quickly before gagging an dropping to the ground unconscious. Kasumi allowed herself a moment to smile victoriously before dumping her sister's body in a closet. She'd tell Happosai that Nabiki wanted to play S&M with him and where to look for her `eager' sister. Then people would just call Happosai a pervert and blame him for the tea.
No one would suspect a thing.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update in 4 days.
Am I not devilish?
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