Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of being in the Saddle ❯ The plan ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


With Tuesday came my preparations. 


Knowing Ranma's secrets thanks to the footage meant I could produce a pinpoint strike instead of a sloppy swing. 


Yeah, I was using martial arts terms, but that was the world I was getting into. Might as well use some of the lingo.


My first step was sifting through my vast collection to find a particular tape. I think you know which one.

The second was to make sure I had all my information correct, as it had been a long time since I'd gone to check the bank branches, and if it turned out their hours have changed it would invalidate my attempt altogether. 

Then I'd hit my own bank branch and withdraw the requisite money I needed. It had to be crisp and clearly from a bank, not pocket change and crumpled thousand yen notes.

Fourth was to stop by a liquor store that stocked foreign drinks, I needed more bourbon and vodka, maybe some tequila, and especially a bottle of extremely high-proof grain alcohol. Rectified spirit.


And finally, to make a bunch of calls. A few contractors, then some of the neighbors, and then... him. 


I could, at best, hit one target, I'd need help for the other two. 

Hiroshi would be mine, as I suspected it was his idea, his plan, to try what they did in the shower.


Use my work will he? 

Try to fuck what was mine in the making?


And so I began.




I found the tape, confirmed it had the exact same lines they used, and rewound carefully to one minute before Nii started the double team.



The banks branch's hours were indeed unchanged. Though they had extended their Saturday hours a bit, which made my case only the stronger. 



Then I went on, withdrew some money from my own bank, and got it into a professional envelope.



And then the calls. I got some quotes from various contractors. Some low-balls, a few in the middle range, and then one from the best in the business. Numbers were tallied.

Neighbors were called, I was asking about odd jobs, things Ranma could do for some money. I made a list.


Everything was done except for one thing.


With some trepidation, I made the final call.




Mr. Jin, if you introduced him in the American manner of naming, and you did if you knew him, he looked like a good cross section of every Japanese middle manager you'd ever seen.

In his early 50's, balding, a tiny moustache that wouldn't fly in America or most of Europe thanks to a certain German dictator, you could pass by him and never suspect a thing.


You see, if evil -like true, pitch-black, capital 'E' Evil- if it ever had a mascot, it would be Jin. The man was a fucking monster.


And he owed me a couple of favors. 


No I will never, ever tell anyone why he owed me favors. Ever.


In any event, the man was the perfect middle manager, and he knew everything about pretty much every branch of municipal, corporate, and government bureaucracy that existed. Hell, he literally wrote the books for some of their processes. 


He had never married, he had no real family that I knew of, he kept no pets, and he had only one hobby.


Destroying lives. 


People's families, rival businesses, friendly businesses, anyone who cut him off in traffic, anyone who irritated him remotely at wherever he was working at the time.


And he did it all with just a pen. And fairly recently with a keyboard. 


Denying critical loans, getting delicate paperwork into the hands of people it shouldn't, forgeries, arranging promotions for the incompetent, crippling things in committees, and myriad other ways I couldn't understand.


It was his Alpha and Omega. Better than sex for him. Better than booze and drugs.


And all it took was me giving him the name and address of Daisuke's father, followed by a number. On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad was he going to get it? 

I wasn't feeling all that merciful, but this was Jin we were talking about here. 

I said 3. 3 out of 10.


A favor was spent.


Nabiki would be getting her due later, that would take Ranma's cooperation.

As for Hiroshi, well, I'd get to it when I had a taken care of this.


And if this day went as I hoped, someone other than me would be eagerly enjoying it.




I was waiting on my bench reading my newspaper when Ranma went by, female and damp, not even sparing me a glance. 


"Back door, ten minutes." I said quietly as she strode by. 

"Got it." she said without breaking stride.


I folded up my paper, finished my tea, and went inside. 


Ten minutes nearly to the second I heard my back door open, and a small red light blink above of my TV as it did.


Ranma was here. 


"Hey." She was far more composed now, solid. Though I knew that it was only on the outside, nobody recovers that quickly from what I'd saw.


"Hey." I greeted back. "How long we got?" Before she was missed. Our short hand was getting better.


"Maybe an hour." she shrugged. Then she eyed the items on my kitchen table. "What's all this for?"


There was a plastic bucket, a video tape, an envelope, the crumpled bill she'd shown me yesterday, a few lists on a notepad, two glasses currently filled with water, and a bottle of bourbon.


"More things I think you need to know." I answered. "But before we begin I need to know something."

At her raised eyebrow I continued. "Of the two bodies you have, which has the stronger stomach?"


It wasn't something she expected and it took her a moment to give it some thought. "Guy-side I think."


I nodded and then gestured with my head towards the kitchen sink. "You'll probably want to be male for this then, if not, " I shrugged in return. "There's always the bucket here."

My voice and gaze were serious. She knew me well enough by now to recognize that if I said it wasn't going to be pleasant, it really wasn't.


A minute later he was a man and drying his hair.


We sat at the table and I fixed myself a drink. When I didn't make him one I broke the silence. "I'll make you one after if there's time, throwing up booze sucks. I doubt it will help, but I won't begrudge you if you want one anyway."


It was time to begin.




"I won't sugarcoat this for you Ranma," I began, "I respect you too much to do that." My face was grim. His was soon to match mine.


"Thank you, I wouldn't have it any other way." Few people had ever seen Ranma like this, serious, speaking formally, polite. "What is it you need to tell me?"


I sighed and took a sip. "You were lied to."


His eyes narrowed, and he knew exactly about what I was implying. "Who? Nabiki? Hiroshi? Daisuke?"


"All of them."


"What?" He wasn't all that surprised. That meant he suspected something already, good.


"It all breaks down into different pieces, that when I put it all together, tells the story." I explained. 


"First things first, the bill you showed me." I lifted it up and presented it to him. "Fifty-thousand yen, or, about five-hundred American dollars." 


"You see, I called them this morning, this very company." I pantomimed holding and talking into a phone. "Hello? Yes, I saw the work you did on the Tendo dojo and I must say, it looks mighty good. Now, I have an old dojo myself, and it's got a hole as well, could you tell me what you charged him? I'm looking for estimates. Thanks."


I flipped to the first page of the notepad. "Mister Tendo was given a quote for twenty-thousand yen, or two-hundred dollars."


I went on as Ranma was mired in his thoughts. "To be certain, I called a few other places. The cheapest was twelve-thousand five-hundred, and the most, thirty-thousand."


"So the bill is a fake?" Ranma snarled.

"It's a generic invoice Ranma," I replied. "You can buy those in a stationary store."


Ranma grabbed the bill and stared hard at it, before crumpling it into a tiny little ball.


"Next, the money you got from those two." I went on, keeping momentum. "You are certain they got it from their banks? They didn't have it at their house somewhere?"

"The money was fresh, and Daisuke emptied his money out of a bank envelope just like that one." He pointed at my own envelope.

"Did they go running off at lunch?" I asked. 

He shook his head. "They ate lunch with me in the classroom." He looked up from the envelope to me. "Why?"

"You see Ranma, I know you don't use banks all that much, but the nearest bank branch closes at three-thirty on weekdays, and is over a half-hour away from Furinkan High School." I paused for effect. "Unless they ran like you can, or they had a decent bicycle, they couldn't get there in time."


The school had maybe one serious bike, the rest were Mamacharis, and it'd be faster to jog than use one of those things.


"They didn't, they stayed with me for ten, fifteen minutes after school, just chatting." Ranma replied face showing confusion. "But, if that's true, then how did they get the money to me on Friday?"


"That's easy Ranma." My tone slid back into grim. "They got it from the bank on the one day they could. Saturday."


He didn't get it, so I clarified it a bit. "Last Saturday."


Ranma blinked, then his eyes started darting back and forth in their sockets. He started putting the pieces together.


"Nabiki." The name came out in a low hiss.


"Yes, you see it now Ranma," I gently led him to the conclusion. "If the dojo had a hole in the wall last Thursday night, and Nabiki had a quote by Friday, then she had plenty of time to let them know." I finished my drink and my case. "Then they picked up the money and waited for her to present a bill."


Nabiki had sold her sister's fiancée, and had likely took money from Hiroshi and Daisuke beforehand for the opportunity to get Ranma naked in the shower.


Nabiki had pimped out Ranma.


I had made Ranma feel like a whore, and then made it all better by letting him find someone to blame.


Ranma's face was blank, but his knuckles started popping audibly from his clenched fists. He started to shake in the chair.


For a moment I thought he was going to explode, to smash everything in sight. And then he abruptly relaxed and sagged forward in the chair. His hands fell limp on the table.


"I didn't do anything to her." He whispered. "So why?"


I knew why, but to answer would only bring dangerous questions to the fore. Like how I knew. 


Instead I shrugged, and gave the classic answer.


"It's been the puzzle that's plagued man roughly as long as we've had fire, the cruelty of women."


"I can't even hurt her." he muttered. "I mean I could, it would be so easy, but I can't."


"The best thing you can do," I offered, knowing it wasn't the best and would only bring things to a boil. "Is to never let her see how bad it's affecting you, that'll only make her press harder."


It wouldn't help, Ranma was an open book to Nabiki, at least emotionally, and the very act of hiding things would be like blood in the water for a shark. And so, Nabiki would push Ranma into the directions I desired.


I wasn't done though, I had to hammer in a nail that would never come out.


"Lastly, about our talk last night," His whole body clenched in subtle ways. "You remember how I asked about certain things they said, certain lines in particular?"

When he nodded I continued. "Well, I knew I'd heard them before."

I pointed at the cassette tape on the table. "On that. I'd like you to see it."


I picked it and the plastic bucket up and went to the TV to pop it in the machine. "Use the headphones, I'll be in the kitchen." 


And I left Ranma, headphones on his head, as the tape flicked to life.


From the kitchen, I could just see a bit of the TV if I leaned back.


Ranma's face quickly went red as soon as he saw the girl in the shower, and he shifted in his seat when Ichi and Diiko got started, but he soldiered on, confident I had a point to this.


People with headphones on often don't know how much noise they made, and Ranma was no exception.

He yelped quietly but audibly when Nii grabbed Diiko from behind. 

He muttered when he listened to the dialogue.

And then he got to 'Let's take this party down to the ground'.


And it kept going.


He saw that Diiko had her arms and legs trapped by the boy underneath, her legs were spread open, and, without resorting to extreme strength and violence or martial skill there was nothing she could do.


But it wasn't the twins or Diiko that Ranma was seeing, oh no.


Daisuke, he would go first, he'd be the gentle one.

Gently he'd stick it in, gently and slowly he would fuck the girl underneath him.

Gently he would empty his balls inside her.

When he pulled out and the sticky fluids started to leak out of her only to be washed away by the shower, gently he'd hold her legs open with his hands, for it was Hiroshi's turn.


Hiroshi wasn't gentle, he was quite rough.

He would fuck her hard, use her tits and hips as convenient handles, and be merciless in his pounding.

And when he was shuddering and done cumming inside her, he'd trap her legs with his own, and Daisuke would be ready for another go. He'd last longer this time.


Back and forth. 


Back and forth.


Finally, Daisuke would pull out one final time, exhausted and he'd rest on top of her while Hiroshi had his last turn. 


They didn't need to hold her legs anymore. 


And when Hiroshi was done he didn't pull out, just softened while still inside her.


And then came the part that freaked Ranma out most of all from what I heard.


The kissing at the end.

Gentle and passionate with Daisuke on top. 

Rough and with tongue with Hiroshi from the side.


And fade to credits.


"I'm still me." The whisper was loud. 


Thank you headphones.