Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Much Ado about secrets ❯ Much Ado about secrets ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A Ranma 1/2 and X-Men crossover - mesh AU story

Title: Much ado about secrets

Author: Tokyo Fox

Rated R for Martial arts, humor, violence,language and other things you might suspect in a story like this.

Author: This story idea is just something I came up with, it has nothing to do with any of the story lines you might see in either in Ranma 1/2 Or the X- Men. But they are somewhat based on the anime/ cartoon with a lot of Jubilee in it . P.S. Be sure to read the notes during the story for any info and I changed Jubilee's personal history to make this fic work. E-Mail me at pongdr2000@yahoo.com

Disclaimer: Don't own them no matter how much I wish I did.

< Signs > { Small activity } [ Flashback ]

( small description ) * Fantasy * # thoughts # Subtitle: Happosai has a great grand daughter?

Chapter 1

Xavier's school: Hey Jubilee you got a letter. Said Scott

I do? Who's it from? She asked.

Don't know but the handwiting is bad.

Worst english I ever saw. He said

Jubilee opened the letter.

The letter is in Chinese.. Man the handwriting is terrible.

She slowly read it and turned pale.

Oh no he's found me! I knew it'd be a matter of time!

Who found you? he asked.

My great grandfather Happosai.

You have a great grandfather?

Yes I was hoping that little pervert would never find me.

That's no way to talk about him Jubilee.

But you don't know him like I do. It's his fault that I can't get near cold water without my earrings on anyways.

I often wondered why you can't do that. Said Scott .

I think it's time I told all of you before I go to visit him like he asked in this letter.

You're going to visit him? But why ? It's obvious you hate him.Said Scott.

It's better than him coming here.

And believe me that pervert would love that one.

Please gather everyone up Scott it's time to tell you a bit of my hidden past . Said Jubilee

In the living room : At last I'll know the secret of the earrings said Bobby.

Don't mind Bobby he's just being his usual insensitive self said Logan.

It's ok Wolvie... Now that we all are here I'll tell you of why I wear these earrings. It all started when I was 5 years old, my family was visiting with my great grandfather at this place called Jusenkyo ..... [ Over here dear sirs we have cursed spring of drowned young fox. 1000 years ago a young fox was drowned. Now anyone who fall in take on body of young fox it be very cursed spring.... Whatta haul! Whatta haul! Outta my way! A large group of amazon women is chasing him then he bumps his bootysack into Jubilee causing her to fall into the spring and turn into a little fox ] So now I turn into a little fox without my earrings when ever I'm doused in cold water. In fact if it wasn't for my mom saving me there'd now be a little fox-girl spring .

Oh come on Jubilee you expect us to believe that one? asked Bobby.

I thought that some of you wouldn't believe me I came prepared, just in case.

Ok Jean are you ready to do what I asked you to do?

Yes I am.She replyed

Good I'm taking off my earrings now.

Jean poured cold water on her and before their very eyes Jubilee turned into a little fox, then after covering her lower part with a towel she poured hot water over her changing her back to normal.

I see it but I still don't believe it. Said Bobby.

Jubilee how do your earrings work? asked Henry (Beast)

I don't know, in fact I don't even remember where they got them from.

It doesn't matter the important thing is that they do. Said Xavier.

Well I better go write him and tell him I'm coming.

Tell him that we are coming too . Said Jean .

That's not a good idea, but I won't stop you but boy you'll be sorry Jean!!!

A few days later at the Tendo dojo:...

Wahoo!!! She's coming! She's coming!

Who's coming? Asked Akane.

My great grand daughter is coming for a visit.

Everybody stared then burst out laughing.

Stop laughing it's true!!!

Do honestly expect us to believe that you have a great grand daughter? You old lech! Said Ranma.

Yeah ! You even having kids is unbelievable.

That's telling him Akane! What do you think Saotome?

Truer words never spoken, Tendo.

Oh yeah? Well take a look if you don't believe me!

Nabiki grabbed and read the letter... Oh my god it's true!

They all looked at the letter with murmers of disbelief.

And she even sent a picture. Take a look she's a real beauty even if I do say so myself. They looked at it ....

Unbelievable! To think that such a beautiful young girl is related to the master!

Yeah! But still it makes you wonder what she's like huh Tendo? Said Genma

They all had a vision of her stealing men's undies....

Well you'll meet her next week that's when she'll be here.

I can't wait until she's here. Whahahaha.

( Everybody sweatdrops)

End chapter 1


I started to give Jubilee a necklace but I relized the earrings were a better idea. As for Happosai he must of learned how even if his penmanship is lousy.

Start chapter 2


Jubilee's arrival: The X-men looked at the Tendo home.

Is this the place Jubilee? Asked Scott

Yeah, I'm not to sure why he's here but knowing him girls are involved and he's most likely freeloading again.

Let's go in already! Said Logan.

When they went though the gate the Tendo's, Saotome's, Happosai, Cologne, Shampoo, Mousse, and even Ryoga was waiting.

Jubilee my sweet great grand daughter, come to meee.

Happosai grabs Jean, nuzzles her breasts , she screams and Jubilee and Logan hits him in the face.

I did warn you, she said.

I don't believe this. She was telling the truth. Jean mutters.

Happosai grabs Jean again and Scott blasted him with a low setting......

A little bit later.....

I must say that your great grand daughter is nothing like what I thought she'd be. Said Soun .

Indeed she's nothing like the master .

I hate to admit it pops but for once you're right.

Said Ranma.

Yes even I must admit it, she is fairly kind, considerate, friendly, in short nothing like you Happy. said Cologne

Haya too too true nothing like pervert man. said Shampoo.

I find it hard to believe she's related to you old man,

Said Ryoga.

She is a nice person. Said Kasumi.

Yeah even if she is a mutant. Said Akane.

A lumpy,burnt, Happosai looking nervously at Jubilee's glowing hand and at Logan and at Scott.

Like I was saying I think that it's time that I help you keep this pervert in check so I'll be moving in with you for now.

I'll get an apartment later. She said.

Why don't we move into a nice little apartment together my dear?! asked happosai.

There's no way I'm living alone with you pervert!!!

Can't say I blame you Jubilee but there's a small problem,,, we don't have enough money. said Nabiki

Nabiki!! This is no time to be greedy!! Besides she's a nice girl. Said Akane.

I agree with Nabiki because I know my great grandfather , so I came prepared.

Don't even think of moving you pervert! Said Jubilee.

Don't worry he's not going anywhere. Said Logan showing his claws to her.

You know I can understand why you wanted to keep this one a secret. Said Scott as he watched Happosai beginning to stare and drool over his wife again. ( Jubilee smiles ).

( His visor begins to glow red )

Jubilee got up, got a very large bag and came back and opened it. It was full of money!! This is all your yours, 50 millon yen,, and I'll give you more if need be.

What do think you're doing? { She looks at him }

I think I'm paying our debts that I know about you pervert,, I'm not going to let you freeload again you crooked cheapskate!

We have more than enough money anyways. Said Jubilee.

Anyways I hope that will be....They've all fainted!!

Gee you'd think they never seen 50 millon yen before,Said Happosai. { Jubilee gives a him a cold look } ..... What?!?

Next day on the way to school,

Sorry about yesterday it's just i've never seen so much money. Said Akane.

That's ok I've should've said something sooner.. Not that would've helped much,,. Say what's with you Nabiki?

What's with me? I'll tell you what's with me Jubilee here I thought I knew Happosai and here you come along and blow everything right out of the water. Say just how much money does your family have anyways?

I can tell you how much I have { she whispers in her ear }.

That much!?! She says with a stunned look on her face.

Yeah but my great grandfather is the one with the most money. Said Jubilee.

How could I've been so easily fooled? Well he's going to pay. She said.

Let's stop talking and get going or we'll be late for school. Said Akane...

At the Tendo's....

You're dead meat you prevert. I'll teach you to try to steal Jean's bra and panties!

Woah ! Take it easy, ole wolvie old pal. Said Happosai .

I'm not your pal!! He snarled.

Save some for me Logan. Said Scott. He shoots a blast at him but hits the back fence,. Logan slashes at him with his claws but cuts a small tree down...

I think it's best that we go home now before any more damage is made. Im sure Jubilee will understand and don't worry I'll pay for this damage, Mr Tendo .Said Xavier.

Thank you but could you please leave while some of my backyard is left intact. { He looks }

( his yard looks like a warzone. ) { he crys }

At school during lunch: No way! You mean to tell me that she is Happosai's great grand daughter?

That's right ukyo. Said Akane

You poor girl,, I know how you must feel, she said.

Yeah who in their right mind would want to be related to the old freak? Said Ranma

Isn't that the turth!?! The girls say together!

Yeah I hate him for so many things,,, but mostly because of my jusenkyo curse!!

Jusenkyo?!? they said together.

Jubilee sighs and tells and shows them her curse.

End of chapter 3


I find it hard to believe that Happosai could not make money over all those years. So I made them very rich.

Now that Ranma knows about the earrings one guess what's about to happen.

Start chapter 4


Entering Tendo's home....

Come on Jubilee fight me for those earrings of yours !

I told you no! Besides I told you they only work for me.

Do you expect me to be believe that? he replyed

Son what's the idea of challenging a girl? Demanded Genma.

She has these earrings that stops her jusenkyo curse from working!!

It's true I saw it with my own eyes! Said Akane

Is that so? Then allow me to take them for you!

He lunges at Jubilee she kicks Mr Saotome out the open back door and into the small pond and he changes into a panda.

< I'll leave it to you son >

Stupid old man! She's a better fighter than you. he says.

As your future father in law I will allow this fight to take place and you then will marry my Akane assuring the future of the Tendo dojo. { Jubilee looks at Akane }

It's a looong story. she replys

As she told her about all about it , none were aware of Nabiki's departure to the phone or that of a certain piglet.

5 days later......

Man I can't believe that I'm doing this . Jubilee said to herself.

Ranma stood at one side and her in another in the school's playground.

Now the rules are simple you can't leave the schoolground, you must surrender or be knocked out to lose.

Jubilee can't use her mutant powers.

The winner gets the earrings.

Are you ready? ,,, then fight! Said Nabiki.

Ranma charged at Jubilee then Ryoga showed up.

What are you doing here P-Chan?

What do you think? I want those earrings and my name's not P-Chan!

I'm the one who's going to get them! Said Mousse.

Oh no you're not Said Ranma and Ryoga together.

I know not why but if it means to save my pigtail goddess, I to shall fight! Said Kuno.

Hey!! What about me? asked Jubilee.

Don't worry dear I'll be happy to fight you for them, said Ukyo.

Shampoo fight too!!

I will do anything to help my Ranma! Said Kodachi.

The winner who wins gets to fight Jubilee Said Ukyo.

Agreed! They all said together

Nabiki!! yelled Akane.

What?!? I was only trying to make it more intreresting.

First Ranma started hitting Ryoga with fists.

Then Ryoga hit him in the stomach with his knee.

Then Mousse tried to use a statue but was too near sighted.

Kuno tried to hit Ranma with his sword but was kicked by Ranma and Ryoga knocking him out cold.

Then Mousse was hit on the head by his own statue by Ranma he was knocked out cold leaving only Ranma and Ryoga. The two kept fighting.....

As for girls they staried at each other first then Kodachi blew sleeping powder into Ukyo's face causing her to fall asleep. Then she tryed to get Shampoo too but she covered her face.

So she used her ribbon to grab her weapons away.

One hit Shampoo on the head knocking her out.

The other flew high in the air .

I'm coming to help you my love!! Said Kodachi.

But the weapon that had been in the air fell straight on her head knocking her out.

Leaving only Ranma and Ryoga to fight . Ranma hit Ryoga in the stomach with his leg, Ryoga slammed his fist in Ranma's face. The fighting went on for awhile...

Stop... I said STOP!!!!!!! Yelled Jubilee.

They stopped .....

It looks like I'll have to show you that this is a waste of time.

Follow me!! Now!!!

They followed Jubilee to the pool.

Now Ranma you told me that you wanted these to stop changing into a girl is that right?

Yeah so what ? I'd do about anything to stop.

Ok put these on. She tells him.

{ He puts them on } Now watch!!

She pushes him into the water and he changes into a girl.

I believe that makes my point. She said.

Very well done my dear!

Now I know you are the one! Said Happosai.

The one to what? she asked.

Why to marry my boy Ranma!!! ^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^

{ Ranma spits out water slowly }

End chapter 4


Admit it you saw that one coming. I didn't want to write a lot of fight parts. But I did want give some so this is the result . As for Jubilee she'll will not take this lying down.

Start Chapter 5


Two days later: I can't believe this! My father has been crying for two days!

Take it easy Akane you know I don't want Ranma.

Who said anything about Ranma? I don't care what you do with Ranma!

Then does that mean I can have him? She asked.

NO!! I mean that you said you didn't want him

So I was right you do want him Akane. said Jubilee.


Now, Now Akane there is nothing wrong with admitting to yourself to wanting to have sex with someone.

S-Sex?!? Who said anything about S-Sex?!?

I don't even think about it! She replyed.

You're lying in fact everybody thinks about it sooner or later. I bet even Kasumi has done it .

You're wrong and I'll prove it to you Jubilee!! { she leaves }

That should cool that hothead of hers a bit .

But still the only way to stop this nonsense is to challenge the old freak. But am I ready to take him on? And will he take me seriously?

The only way I can think of is to use the.....

She became aware of someone behind her

Why don't you come on out Ms Cologne.

Oh ho; So you sensed me I'd expect nothing less from Happosai's great grand daughter!

So you want to train me? Not that I am complaining but why?

To be honest there are too many trying to get Ranma as it is and I'm not too sure if I can handle another one and if I consider the fact that you're Happosai's great grandchild,,, well you get the idea . Said Cologne.

In other words he'd prove too much trouble. She replyed.

( Cologne nods )

Well summer vacation is in two days I could do it then.

Then it's agreed! In two days then.Said Cologne.

As she left female Ranma came up to her.

Are you serious about this? She asked

If you have a better idea I'm listening.

I guess not but is being engaged to me that bad for you ?

No, but what she said is true. If it was just you and me I'd go for it and the fact you're a girl half the time don't bother me. Besides we both know what Happosai's really thinking, Said Jubilee * Happosai is chasing the two girls around in their panties with arms crossing their naked breasts and holding their bras in one hand, ( them screaming ) and him cakling gleefully * .

You got a point there! she replyed ( Sweatdrops )

That's no way to talk about me after the sacrifice I made for you! Said Happosai.

I was wondering when you'd show up ! Said Jubilee.

I can't believe that you'd conspire against me with Cologne!

Unlike the rest of you I think that Ranma and me should have a choice in the matter of who we should marry.

Well I won't stop you but you'd better train hard if you want to beat me. He said. ( He cackles )

I will and what's this about a sacrifice? She asked.

Oh that! I remember it well.... * No grandfather I do not want to go to the U.S.A. Said her mom .

Ah but you must there is better life for you there.

He replyes *

WHAM!!!! (Punched in face ) Tell the truth you old goat!! Said both of them.

What really happen Jubilee? Asked Ranma .

[ Happosai is chasing her mother in her panties with her arms around her naked breasts and holding her bra and chasing her around the house . ( Him cackling gleefully )

( Mom sceaming ). Then her father says; That's it we moving out and we are going to the U.S.A. to do it ! ]

That is truly like the master. Said Soun.

Indeed his lecherous ways do not know any boundries. said Genma.

( They came in just before Jubilee's story OK? )

Why,Why you! Prepare to feel my wraith!!

No Master! We didn't mean it! Said Genma.

Too late to apologize ! he replyed

Run for it Saotome!!

Good Idea! He Replyed

The two are soon running for their lives.

( Both Jubilee and Ranma sweatdrop. )

Well good luck with your training. ( Walks away )

Akane walks back in .... She looks a bit shaken..... You,were right about Kasumi but I do not want Ranma that way so there!!! Hahaha.( She walks away again ) Someday she and the rest of them will push Ranma too far and lose him for good someday . Well that's their problem,,, mine is getting ready for that pervert.

[ Happosai grabs her and nuzzles her breasts ]

He'll pay for that one too!!

End of chapter 5


It's not my fault that Akane never learns to grow up.

She's always in denying about Ranma and it should cost her someday. As for the ones popping up out of nowhere, anime people do that kind of thing sometimes.

And Happosai is not the type to let blood relations get in way of his pervertions. Next up Jubilee vs Happosai!!!

Start chapter 6


Two days before end of summer : Jubilee walked into the Tendo home and all could see the change in her.

# Whoh I almost didn't recognize her: Ranma#

# Is this the same girl we met before?:Genma#

# My she's really has changed :Soun#

# Arrughh I can't believe she's improved so much:Akane#

# What did the old ghoul put her though?: Nabiki#

# Did Cologne have to do such a good job?:Happosai#

Sqeall,,, #What the hell?: P-Chan/ Ryoga#

# Oh my!: Kasumi#

Well old man I hope you are ready because we are fighting tomorrow! Said Jubilee. ( He sweatdrops )

Next day: Ok the rules are the same as before but this time if Jubilee loses she becomes engaged to Ranma if she wins Happosai will give up the right to select Jubilee's husband forever and let Jubilee choose her own husband.

Now fight ! said Nabiki. { Girls cheering Jubilee }

Jubilee punched at Happosai who left before getting hit .

He started flipping up the girls dresses. ( Girls screaming )

I knew it! She said As she chased him he laughs.

Oh ho what fun! Ranma let's have some fun !

He grabs a bottle of cold water from his clothes and splashs him turning him into a girl.

( He nuzzles her breasts )

Get back to your fight you pervert! { She throws him back }

Thanks I owe you one Ranma! { she gives her thumbs up }

You know what? She sure has improved a lot since we first saw her. Said Ranma

What do you mean? Asked Akane .

Remember when she kicked pops into the water?

Yeah? What about it? She asked.

She hit him 5 times. He replyed .

Is that true? Mr Saotome?

< Did she have to hit so hard?>

Indeed She may prove more formidable than Happosai relizes. Said Cologne.

Looks like I'll have to force you to take me seriously

{ He smokes his pipe }

Allow me to show you something my mom taught me before she died ! The grass started moving and leaves flew up into the air around her . Tsunami Chi Dragon!!!!

A huge wave of Chi power so thick that it looked like a dragon made of water flew towards Happosai!!

He jumped out of it's way narrowly avoiding it.

It can't be! Haf! Haf! It can't be!! He said

Oh but it is old man!! The Tsunami Chi Dragon is real!

Jubilee said.

It's legend is spoken by the the greatest of martial artists.

The Tsunami Chi Dragon or sometimes called the spirit dragon., It uses not only a martial artist's chi but all the chi surrounding them for miles around them and turning it into a wave of power as unstoppable as a true Tsunami....

To think that I would live long to see it! Said Cologne.

( She laughs as everybody in hearing range sweatdrops. )

It looks like I'll have to take you serious after all! But I also know you won't be able do that again until tomorrow . He said.

He punches at her, she blocks it, then their arms and legs become a blur of punches,kicks,and blocks.

Jubilee used a kick to knock Happosai away.

She bounced out of his reach a few times.

{ He chases her }

Give it up my dear you can't possibly beat me!

Wrongo ! I now know I can beat you anytime !

Because I know more than you! She replyed.

Oh yeah?! Like what? { She faces him }

Like This: Tsunami Chi Dragon! The blast of Chi hits him right square in the middle. NOOOOOOOO.....................

Happosai was knocked out cold..

The Chi Dragon can be used more than once! She replyed.

The girls cheered and picked her up and threw her up and down in celebration, for Happosai had been had at last been defeated by a real girl!!!!

End of Chapter 6


Well That's about it. What do you think of my Chi Dragon?

I bet you thought that I was going to make this a

Ranma/ Jubilee get together but I think that he has more than enough as it is. But enough of that. I may some day come back here for the fun of it.

But this story is almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Akane giving voiceover : Well after shortly after that Jubilee got herself her own apartment and my dad and Mr Saotome celebrated Happosai's defeat for a week.

I just wished that they didn't try get me and Ranma married the whole time!

Jubilee comes by everyday and since she defeated him our school sees a lot less of him when she's around.

Between Ranma and Jubilee our house has seen a lot less of him stealing me and my sisters underwear and as well as our town too but not as much we have .

She and Ranma and me are training together now .

It 's fun to have another girl around besides Ranma.

Even if Ranma's the only one who can keep up with her...

Jubilee is looking into her earrings past and even Ryoga is helping out but I don't why...

There's is one bothering me who is Kasumi thinking of?

She won't tell me.........


The end????.... Give Reveiws Please!!!