Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ New Memories ❯ Ch. 1 ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: darkanime Anime/Manga: Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction | Genre(s): / Romance / Martial Arts | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 12.15.2003 | Updated On: 01.07.2004 | Pages: 9 | Words: 7.1K | Visits: 1.2K | Status: Work In Progress
Disclaimer: I don't own Ranma, Shampoo or any of the other characters…this story is just for fun.
New Memories
It was an ordinary day in Nerima… Well, at least for Ranma Saotome… A bandaged Ranma.
Akane: This is all your fault Ranma!! If you haven't been hanging all over Shampoo I wouldn't have punted you off to the hospital.
Ranma: Ah give it a break Akane! Geez the only reason I went to the Cat Café was `kuz I was hungry. Plus you were just jealous.
Akane: Yeah right. You know perfectly well that I was cooking for today. Admit it! You just wanted to see her you pervert!!
Ranma (annoyed): Akane I went to her place because of you're cooking. The last time I ate your cooking I had to stay in bed for a week! Not to mention that THING you had me eat was crawling around the table. Face it, you can't cook. Why don't you save yourself from giving me misery from it…? Akane?… Uh, Hey Akane?
By this time Akane was glowing a dull blue while her veins were popping up. He stopped talking and looked at her. She looked up slowly and finally got out her trusty mallet in hand.
Akane (clearly P.O.ed): RANMA YOU IDIOT!!!!!
And with that said she punted him off in the sky. But in the distance she could clearly hear.
With her aura still flaring, Akane went into the dojo to set up some practice dummies.
The Cat Café had very little customers today, and to say the least Shampoo was bored.
Shampoo (thinking): Why isn't anything happening today. Ugh… It's so boring. It would even be nice to have Mousse around…. AIYAAH!! I didn't think I'd be THAT bored. That makes it even worse. Why did Great Grandmother have to go to China to get more supplies? Hmm… It would be nice if Ranma was here. Maybe I should visit him.
That being thought Shampoo heard a loud THUNK in the front of the store. She went outside to check it out to see none other but an unconscious Ranma.
Shampoo: Aiyaa!! Ranma!
She went over to him and slung him over her back. She brought him inside and set him on a futon in the next room. She inspected his injuries and got out of the room to get some herbs and a wet towel.
Shampoo (angrily): Shampoo bet Violent Girl do this to Airen.
She got the herbs and cloth and went back to the room he was in. She put the towel over his forehead and put the medicine on his wounds over the head. She checked his other wounds on his chest from the other night.
Ranma was at the Cat Café. Shampoo was trying to feed him. Akane came in and got angry with him. Ranma shivered because of what she was holding. It looked like mud.
Ranma: Oh, hey Akane. Uh, fancy meeting you here. Uh, I can explain…
Ranma looks at Shampoo and forms a sweat drop.
Shampoo: Nihao!
Akane: I see how it is Ranma. I make you a perfectly good meal and you run off to Shampoo's place.
Shampoo finally gets off of Ranma's lap seeing as how Akane had her aura flaring.
Ranma is backing up against the wall now saying…
Ranma: Wait Akane… I can explain…Y-you don't have to be jealous…Akane?
After that it clearly showed a scene of Akane beating Ranma up. She hit him over the head with her "food". Then, she threw a bowl of ramen in his chest, popped his legs, messed up his leg muscles, hit him over the head with her food again, and then punched him out of the Café making him end up in the trash. After that she stormed off to who knows where.
Ranma was moaning in pain from it all, so Shampoo had to bring him to Dr. Tofu's.
Shampoo: Shampoo still no get it… Maybe Violent Girl have problem.
Satisfied with that conclusion Shampoo got the herbs and towel and finally left. By the time Shampoo got back to the room Ranma was in, he was getting up. She of course ran quickly over to him.
Ranma (groaning): Oww. Damn that hurt. Jeez, Ugh, where am I anyway.
He checked around to see a plain white room with books all over the place. By this time Ranma was startled to see Shampoo kneeling beside him.
Ranma: S-S-Shampoo! Hey, where are we?
Shampoo: Nihao Airen! You is in spare room of Cat Café. You umm… beat up when Shampoo saw Airen. Shampoo try to help wounds.
She then pointed to his chest and his head. Ranma was looking around the room again almost like he was expecting someone was going to pop up from somewhere.
Ranma (distracted): Uh thanks for the help Shampoo.
Shampoo (smiling brightly): Is okay Airen. But Shampoo is no finish yet. You should no be moving right now.
Ranma: Shampoo, since when did you have a spare room?
Shampoo: We always have spare room. Now lay back down.
She pushed him down lightly, so she would not hurt his wounds.
Ranma: You don't have to do this you know. I heal fast, so I'll be fine.
Shampoo (stubbornly): Ranma already say that before at nice man Dr. Tofu's. Remember?
Shampoo was currently arguing with Ranma for being too stubborn of not wanting to be treated. Of course he was arguing back that he did not need or should I say want to be treated.
Shampoo: Airen being stubborn. Airen need help from nice doctor.
Ranma: Me stubborn!? Look who's talking. I told you before that I don't need help. I'll recover on my own.
Shampoo: Violent Girl hurt Airen hard this time. You is bleeding.
Ranma: I told you that I'd be fine. Don't worry about me. After all I am Ranma Saotome of Anything Goes Martial Arts. So don't worry okay?
Shampoo looked down. She was losing the battle, but she was more concerned about him. He has been going to Dr. Tofu's for about three or four times a week. She finally spoke.
Shampoo (quietly): Shampoo no can help it. Airen always make Shampoo worry. (Now looking up to his eyes with a small smile) Just be more careful Airen.
Ranma had to look away from her eyes. He was blushing and trying desperately to hide it. He was not used this kind of talk to any of the girls.
Ranma: Yeah, okay fine. I'll try to be more careful.
He finally looked back at her. She was smiling brightly now…
Shampoo: Then Airen should remember what happen next.
By this time Ranma sweatdropped. Shampoo looked at him like she was daring him to argue. He sighed. Oh yeah, he remembered what happened when he got back to the dojo.
Ranma (annoyed): So what? I got hungry and Kasumi has been to Dr.Tofu's place for dinner every night `cuz she's been returning and getting more books. Who else would cook food? (crossing his arms) It's not like I'd let you poi- umm, cook for me. I don't like your gar- I mean food! Let it go Akane you know-
Akane in the meantime was starting to glow blue and had veins popping out of her head with her head down. She finally looked up slowly and very angrily at Ranma.
Akane (threatening voice): I know what Ranma? Tell me.
Ranma looked unfazed by her look or he just wasn't paying attention.
Ranma: I was going to say that you can't cook! Even you should know that by now Akane. After all it is your cooking.
Akane (sweet as honey voice): Ranma…
Ranma: What now?
Akane (still has that sweet as honey voice): You know…
Ranma (getting nervous): (gulp) What?
Ranma (backing up): Hey Akane! You uh shouldn't take it so personally you know? A-Akane? Hey AkaAHHH!
Akane finally has had enough of Ranma's insults. She was currently hitting him over the head with the nearest object near her (it was her book bag). She then grabbed his legs and put it a position that didn't look comfortable for him. His legs were popping and sounded like she was going to break them. At this time Soun and Genma came into the dojo to see what was happening.
Soun: Genma…
Genma nodded his head in understanding. He walked over to the pair and…. Meanwhile someone with long purple hair was watching them from a window with a scowl on her face. When Genma came into view she had a look of curiosity on her face. That quickly disappeared into one of concern.
Ranma: Hey how the heck do you know what happened when I went back to the dojo?
Shampoo looked away and put on that what-did-I-do look when she finally looked back at him.
Shampoo: Shampoo do nothing. Maybe Airen tell Shampoo.
Ranma thought about it for a while. Meanwhile Shampoo tried to act melancholy even though she had a sweatdrop on the back of her head. Ranma finally got a hint that she had been watching him at the dojo when she looked straight up and started whistling. He formed a sweatdrop.
Ranma: Hey, Shampoo. I know now.
Shampoo froze in her whistling. She turned away from him. Ranma formed a grin.
Ranma: Yeah I knew it! You were watching me weren't you? You know I didn't need ya to do that. She didn't hurt me… (Quietly) that bad.
If it had been a normal person they probably wouldn't have heard him… But Shampoo wasn't a normal person. Therefore she could hear him very clearly. She looked upset at the fact that Ranma was being pushed around by an outsider girl… a weak outsider girl in her opinion. Instead of talking to him about it she decided that she would just argue with him more instead.
Shampoo: Shampoo no care! Shampoo always going to try to help Airen no matter what! Even if Airen no like.
Ranma for his part was speechless at her silent oath, but he quickly found his voice again.
Ranma: How many times do I have to tell you Shampoo! I don't need your or anybody else's help.
Shampoo: Do too
Ranma: Do not
They both went forward a step…
Shampoo: Do too
She took another step…
Ranma: Do not
He took another step…
Shampoo: Do too
She took another step…
Ranma: Do not
He took another step…. And by this time they were almost touching noses. They didn't know they were that close until someone pointed it out to them.
Mousse: Saotome you fiend! Get away from my beloved Shampoo!
Mousse apparently was going berserk, but what was even more suprising is that he actually was looking at them. Ranma was the first one to get out of his shock and looked in front of him straight into Shampoo's mystical eyes. He blushed when he saw that she was looking at him with shock. That confused him because he knew she would love being this close to him. Shampoo on the other hand was shocked because she was that close to him. Ranma finally backed away with Shampoo doing the same.
Ranma: Yo Mousse. Uh, we weren't doing anything I swear!
Mousse (furious): Ranma! How dare you almost kiss my future wife!
At that last remark he got hit in the back of the head with a bonbori. Ranma for some reason got mad at Mousse for saying those things that he was about to take a blow at him. Luckily for him since Mousse tried to shake it off until a fist connected to his face along with another bonbori. Of course he passed out. Shampoo looked very annoyed while walking to Mousse to get her pair of bonbori. After she got them back she picked Mousse up and kicked him in the sky. Ranma looked at the dot in the sky for a while. When he finally looked back at Shampoo. She had a look of defeat while looking at the sky.
Ranma (thinking): I wonder what's got Shampoo in the dumps. Could it be that maybe she likes Mousse?… No way!…B-but why is she looking at the sky like that?
He looked back at her. She was still looking at the sky, but she looked like she was in space. Ranma sorta got worried by the look.
Ranma (thinking): Man, I wish I knew what she was thinking about right now…Wait a sec! What if she does like Mousse, but she can't let anyone know that because of that Amazon law of hers…no way! That would be impossible…right? Ah who cares? It ain't like her or nothin'. But still…
Ranma looked back at her again. She looked deep in thought, but she wasn't looking at the sky anymore. She was looking at the ground. Ranma could feel heat rising in anger.
Ranma (thinking): There is no way Shampoo is in love with Mousse! She dislikes him!…The heck! It ain't like I like her or nothin'! Curses I should be happy that she wouldn't be in love with me anymore! Yeah! Then I won't have any of her Amazon glomps or her drugs taking any affect on me or her giving Mousse a beating because he keeps trying to hurt me…but then again she won't be letting me have anymore free meals or her cute smiles and other things…! Ahhh!!! There is no way that I would like her…Dammit! I'm just getting over my head. Yeah that's it! I'm not even sure that she does like Mousse!
While Ranma was thinking Shampoo had a little thinking of her own…
Shampoo (thinking): Why do I even bother? Why do I even bother trying to keep Mousse away…He just keeps coming back! I hope he would find someone to be his girlfriend soon…Yah right. He wouldn't even know that a girl liked him even if it hit him in the face…And then there's Air- Ranma… He's a nice guy sometimes, but I bet he just thinks I'm a bimbo as Akane and Ukyo put it… I don't understand why I even bother with him… Jeez! I don't know what to do. An Amazon never gives up, but I don't want to chase him anymore…! Ha! I know now! I'll just stop chasing Ranma and if great-grandmother doesn't like it I'll… I'll… let me think about it… I know! I'll just tell her that it's just a way to get Ranma to come to me…Yeah right! Like he'll ever come to me… But it still hurts to know that he doesn't love me. I know what to do… I'll just erase my memory of him half way. So I'll forget that I love him so it won't break my heart anymore… But since I am staying here I might as well learn the stupid language. This is gonna take awhile…
Even though Shampoo made a big decision she felt herself smile from the weight that was going to fade away. She finally looked at Ranma who was sort of sulking, but while looking angry. She thought maybe that she was spacing out a bit and that's why he was sort of thinking…What a surprise! Shampoo then thought of surprising Ranma. She grinned at the thought. Then she sneaked right behind him and then…
Shampoo (putting her arms around him and whispering in his ears): BOO!
Naturally Ranma reacted by jumping in the air from surprise. When he came down he saw Shampoo rolling on the floor laughing her head off because he looked so silly. Ranma turned red from embarrassment and shame. He wasn't supposed to be surprised by anyone! His embarrassment turned to anger. He stomped right near Shampoo as her laughter turned into giggles. Ranma wasn't impressed. Shampoo just gave him a wry smile and waved to him. The look he gave her was funny. And just then he started laughing too. That gave Shampoo a warm feeling, but she soon frowned when she remembered her plan. Ranma noticed this and stopped laughing.
Ranma: Shampoo, what's wrong? You don't look well.
Shampoo shrugged the feeling and thought of something quick.
Shampoo: Shampoo fine Ranma. Now hold still Shampoo have to help with wounds.
Ranma frowned. He finally remembered that they were fighting until they, ahem, were fighting. He then stood up straight to face Shampoo. She still seemed a little tense to him. He touched her shoulder and was about to say something, but he was really shocked to feel her touch his and then shrug it off of her shoulder. When he looked up to meet her eyes he could see sadness for a second and then turned into her usually happy ones. He was confused and was about to ask questions, but then felt that his mouth was really dry and his hand was being tugged on. Shampoo worked on his injuries for awhile. Ranma was still to stunned to say anything. After she finished she gave him water to drink. After he gulped it down he felt that he could talk again.
Ranma: Shampoo are you sure you're okay? You don't seem to be yourself today.
Shampoo started to get annoyed with him. She did say that she was fine didn't she. Ah well, I guess he did have a point. She was acting different a bit towards him, but she tried to convince him that she was fine with the best imitation smile she could put on. And of course the imitation of her usual bubbly self.
Shampoo (bubbly): Shampoo fine Ranma! Why do Ranma ask? Shampoo could not be better.
Ranma still thought it was a little suspicious but he shrugged off the thought. He finally gave an answer.
Ranma: Sorry Shampoo. I just thought you looked a little tense.
He looked at her. She tried to give a good imitation smile for him. She really didn't want him to worry about her even if she wasn't in the best of spirits. When she saw that he was convinced that she was fine she finally spoke to him about going.
Shampoo: Ranma…you go know yes? Shampoo have work to do. Be better so Akane no get mad at Ranma, yes?
Ranma sighed. He knew she was right. If Akane saw him here she would probably rip his throat out. But he did wonder why she was so mad about him seeing Shampoo that much. She seemed to be getting more violent nowadays.
Ranma: I guess you're right Shampoo. Akane would likely thrash me if I don't get going. Um, thanks for the help today. See ya!
That being said he ran out the door of the Cat Café. Shampoo smiled a sad smile whil gazing out the door. She spoke softly.
Shampoo: Bye Ranma.
While Ranma was running on the roofs he finally was hit on what Shampoo called him.
Ranma (thinking): I can't believe I didn't notice before, but she called me by my name instead of the usual `Airen'. I think I should be worried now, but whatever the tricks she has in store for me I bet I can handle them.
And with that said he went back to the dojo.
One week later
Shampoo was doing most of her work at the Cat Café with Cologne looking at her. Shampoo seemed to be thinking a lot mused Cologne. Finally she saw Shampoo get a very sad smile that she often had this past week, so she finally asked to talk with Shampoo.
Cologne: Shampoo would you come into the guestroom and talk to me please?
Shampoo got up and knew it was time to tell her great-grandmother.
Shampoo (thinking): okay now is the time to tell my great-grandmother a little white lie. I just hope it sounds convincing enough when I tell her.
To say the least Shampoo was nervous, but tried to keep her composture. She looked at her great-grandmother with confidence.
Cologne: Shampoo I have noticed that you have been acting very differently since I came back here. Tell me child, what's wrong?
Shampoo gave a deep breath and put on the perfect act of confidence.
Shampoo: * great-grandmother I have come to a decision of not chasing Ranma anymore. Before you speak I will tell you what my plan is. I am going to erase my memory of him…well most of it anyway. I am going to erase what I think will help me get him. It is only a slight chance, but I will take it. I will erase the fact that I love him and that he defeated me in a fight. I think it will be best for me. I just hope I'm right. So please let me go on with my plan to go try to win Ranma's heart. And while I have my memory erased I would like for you to force me to go to school. I know that I won't like it, but I guess it's a way to rub it in his face. *
To say the least Cologne was shocked. Never had her great-granddaughter made a very risky plan like that. She could even tell that Shampoo was nervous of asking her to let Shampoo erase her own memory. Maybe that's why she spoke in Chinese instead of her broken Japanese. But was even more surprising was that she asked to go to school.
Shampoo (thinking): I just hope great-grandmother bought the act of going to school for Ranma. She doesn't need to know the real reason…but that remark I gave about rubbing it in his face made me feel bad.
Shampoo looked up and saw that her great-grandmother was thinking about it. Shampoo had felt that she knew when she looked up, but was overjoyed that she didn't even say no to her. Cologne sighed as she thought about it. It was a great risk for Shampoo, but she was a young woman and could think for herself. Cologne smiled at the cleverness of her heir. Even if Shampoo did lose Ranma she would still be proud of her.
Cologne: Alright Shampoo. I will do as you wish this time, but you must remember that you are taking a very great risk. Do you understand?
To her response Shampoo was shaking her head yes vigorously. Cologne smiled at her great-granddaughter again. She hadn't felt this proud of her for a while. Shampoo was going to use her cleverness again. She missed that of her great-granddaughter. Ever since Ranma came into her life Shampoo was either deliriously happy or depressingly sad. She didn't use her mind that much as she did when she was at the village.
Cologne: Well then Shampoo I guess I will call up Furinkan High School and tell the staff that an Amazon will soon be attending.
Shampoo beamed at her great-grandmother. That old woman would actually let her do what she wanted, and that was to stay away from Ranma and the heartache that he gave her. She had a look of pure joy on her features. Shampoo watched as her great-grandmother go to the telephone and start talking to the principal. The whole time Shampoo could practically feel Principal Kuno growing nervous while all the while Cologne had a look of amusement on her face. It almost made Shampoo giggle at the thought of Principal Kuno not letting her go to school. You could practically see the Amazons rampaging around the schoolyard chasing Principal Kuno with their weapons. When Cologne finally hung up the phone, she didn't speak for a while. In fact she just stood motionless. Shampoo got worried so she tried to talk to her.
Shampoo: Great-grandmother. You okay? Old age not getting to you now right?
Of course that ended up with a bump on her head with her body crashed on the ground twitching. Cologne looked at her great-granddaughter annoyed.
Cologne: I'll have you know great-granddaughter that I was just thinking.
By this time Shampoo had finally recovered from the blow to the head and was now rubbing the sore spot.
Shampoo: Shampoo sorry great-grandmother, but you look like dead when just stand still.
Cologne: Yes Shampoo I know…I guess… Anyway congratulations! You will be attending Furinkan High School tomorrow.
Shampoo: Yes great-grandmother!
The whole night seemed like an eternity for Shampoo. She just wanted to go to bed right now. Being a waitress with a crowd full of perverted boys didn't really make her want to be at the Cat Café the whole time. But then again, they did give nice tips… Shampoo looked at the clock on the wall. It was time to close up. She sighed. It really had been a long day. Just then Cologne walked in.
Cologne: Okay Shampoo. You should be getting to bed now. Tomorrow you will start school and I'm pretty sure that you don't want to be late… And have you been feeling differently a little bit today Shampoo?
Shampoo didn't know what she was talking about. The look her great-grandmother gave her sort of was like a knowing one. She pondered the thought until it hit her. The memory erasing shampoo! She smiled at her great-grandmother.
Shampoo: # No great-grandmother. I have still not used the bottle of 111 yet. I will use it in the morning… or I'll use it before I get to bed. Goodnight. #
With that said, Shampoo walked off to her room. She went into her room, pulled out her pajamas, took out the shampoo out of her hair, set it on her dresser, and went to bed.
Right now Ranma is laying on the roof thinking.
Ranma (thinking): Ugh! I still can't stop thinking about that damn Ranma instead of Airen stuff… Why the hell am I acting like this anyway? I should be happy that I didn't get any glomps or nuthin' this whole week… A whole WEEK!!!?? I can't believe I didn't notice. And come to think of it, she wasn't in the usual chase the whole time she didn't try to seduce me… did I just say seduce?
Ranma blushed at the thought. He was right though, she does try to seduce him or at least did try to. But so did Ukyo… heck he only thought of her as a friend. There was also Kodachi… He shuddered at the thought. That woman scared the hell out of him… And Akane… well she's just Akane.
Ranma: Dammit! Who cares! My head hurts! Ah hell, I'm goin' to bed.
To be continued……
Authors note: This is my first piece of fanfiction. Don't flame me please.