Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Nimble Wish ❯ The Jewel ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Nimble WishChapter 2: The Jewel

"The Jewel of Four Souls."

She carefully followed along as Shinosuke relay the myth explained in the book.

"The Shikon no Tama otherwise known as the Jewel of Four Souls. The myth behind it is that it can grant anyone a wish and the jewel itself can give its possessor immense power. That little bit around your neck"-Shinosuke nod in her general direction indicating the sparkling jewel that hung on a silver chain-"is a Shikon fragment. Five centuries ago, a young priestess was the jewel's protector, keeping it from getting tinted with evil by purifying it. However, she had fell in love with a demon. To atone for her mistake, she shattered the jewel into thousands of pieces, scattering it. There's more to it but the only place you would fine the rest of the legend is the Sacred Temples in the Saotome Realm"

She didn't know any of it. Her mother left to her the jewel when she died telling her that it's something she should keep close and that's it. Given, she known about the Shikon no Tama, most children learn of the myth, but how can her mother's memento be part of an ancient myth. "Are you sure it's a piece of the Shikon Jewel?"

"It could only be that. It's no ordinary piece of glass. It's not even made of any known substance. I can't even destroy it" He replied in a serious tone. So maybe it could be a piece of the Shikon no Tama wait-

"You try to destroy it!" She bellowed out, annoyance and anger obvious in her tone. She let him borrow it when he said he was curious about it since it's nothing that he had never seen before. He had given it back in one piece the next day so she though nothing of it. How dare he try to destroy it!! It didn't work but what if it did!!!

He gave a nervous laugh, his arm going up to scratch his head in a nervous action. "Well, Akane………uh………I only throw it in……..um……the fire……and try to smash…….it" She's glowing red now.


"Com'on Akane, it was only an experiment to make sure of what it is. Besides, it's fine isn't it?" He cried, defending himself.

"Still! If your `experiments' had worked, my mother's jewel, this `Shikon fragment" would have been damaged!!" She shot him more death glares while he stood nervously hoping she wouldn't mallet him or something. It was worth it anyhow. He was sure it's a piece of the Shikon jewel. `Besides, I could always have a glass maker replace it.'

"If this is a Shikon fragment, where is the rest of it?" she asked as she cool down.

He didn't reply immediately. Instead, he stood up and returned to the crowed table. After ruffling through a few documents, he picked up a parchment. He briefly looked at it before handing it to her to read.

"There were rumors that a majority of the scattered Shikon shards was collected up to about half a century ago and only small number is left unfound. The collected pieces were then transported to the Saotome Realm to be under the protection of the Saotome Royal family. But 12 years ago, the Shikon no Tama disappeared without a trace. During the past decade, there were numerous rumors of the Shikon Jewel but they weren't very legitimate. No reports of the remaining jewel shards were ever made so no one knows of the others. The only connection to the Shikon no Tama right now is that little fragment around your neck."

"If it was 12 years ago then the Saotome Royal family-"

"The young 13 year-old Prince Ranma and the King mysteriously disappeared. Naraku Tagata addressed the people of the country a few days later that the King and the heir to the throne had both died, assassinated. The Queen took over the throne but in it was mostly Naraku that give the shots. Everyone in the Saotome Court believes he was the one that sent the assassin but no one spoke of it out of fear nor do they have any proof. Everything occurs in the same year and time of the rumored disappearance of the Shikon no Tama."

"Then he's the one that took the shards then!" Shinosuke nodded. It took a while for everything to sink in. So Naraku Tagata is here in the Ezru Realm looking for the Sacred Shikon Jewel shards. She supposed that Naraku wants her piece as well. Shinosuke was talking again.

"I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"Akane," He strolled to her side and gives her a stern look. "I want you to be as careful as you can be." He shook her shoulder lightly to emphasize the importance of the his words. "You hear me? I don't want anything happening to you."

"Hai hai, I would Shinosuke. I'm not as careless as you think I am."

"Good. Now…" He somehow produced a bottle of sake, all the while grinning broadly. "How about something stronger for the young lady?"


The guards should be in rotation right about………now.

Quietly, she scaled the 20 feet tall outer walls in two leaps. With quickness and grace, she ran across the moonlit garden to a large blossoming tree outside a large open balcony up on the second story. In a matter of minutes, she was on the balcony leading to her bedroom chambers.

She smirked at herself. Just four years ago, she had to sneak out the old fashion way, having to climb down the tree and agonizingly climb over the outer wall that surrounds the estate. Getting back in was even harder since she it's near impossible to scale the walls from outside so she disguised herself as one of the house guards and sneak back into her room. She wasn't caught on her first trip to the city alone but on the third such trip, she came home facing her two elder sisters. Luckily, her father didn't hear it from them so she was safe. She knew little martial arts then mostly because her father didn't want a lady from the Tendo line wielding a sword or knocking people out. The little she knows back then came from watching either her father or Rouen, the guard captain, practice. It was Shinosuke that taught her martial arts and how to properly wield a sword. And with her determination and stubbornness, she's able to master the use in no time.

She froze in place and eased her breathing, listening carefully to pinpoint who's in the room with her. A moment later, candles where lit up revealing her two older sisters, Nabiki and Kasumi frowning at her. She let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me. I thought it was father."

In the light, both sisters seemed like their ready to go somewhere, dressing up a little fancier then usual. Kasumi, the elder of the three, wore a pale sleeveless blue dress. Her hair is in its usual style, tied neatly together and swept over one shoulder. Nabiki's apparel is a simple mahogany red dress with a small train.

Nabiki crossed her arms underneath her chest and scowl at her sister. "It might as well be father. He came home a few minutes ago and told us all to get ready. We're heading to a revelry at the palace."

"Imagine how scared we were when we found your room empty. You really shouldn't sneak out so much now that you're getting married to his highness." Kasumi added as she hand Akane a dress. Akane frown at the thing. Out of all her dresses, Kasumi had to pick the cream off the shoulder dress with a lace-up bodice. She must admit, the dress is beautiful and the designs on the bodice are magnificent but she can't breath in the damn thing! Akane sigh as she took hold of the dress and duck behind the changing screen. It was a present from the prince and if she were to go to the palace, it's best to wear the infernal thing. After applying light makeup, they were hurrying downstairs and into the awaiting carriage.


The palace isn't as grand as many would think. The large structure was built on a hill*, up near the northern gates of the city. The Ezru forest and canvas mountains lay beyond those gates. Sunsets and sunrises were best viewed at the palace and that's about the only thing Akane liked about the place. That and the many royal gardens. Though she only had visited the palace twice before, she had always felt that the stonewalls of the palace are too cold. If she had to live here for the rest of her life, she'll surely go crazy.

(*a/n: typical place for any palace or castle.)

"Lady Akane?" called the man besides her. She jumped out of her trance and smile at him. He's dress richly in deep blue pants and white shirt, the patterns on his navy overcoat are of a complicated designed obviously hand stitched. The materials of the fabrics are the finest money can buy. She had to admit, the colors went very well with his coal black hair and blue eyes.

"I'm sorry your highness. I'm was just thinking about something." She bowed formally at her soon to be husband, Prince Shinji of the Ezru Realm.

"It's alright. Please, just call me Shinji. All this formally isn't necessary." Oh, he's so nice and so very polite not to mention amazingly handsome.

"As you wish………your highness." She grin up at the taller man as he flash her a dazzling smile. She returns it with an equally dazzling smile of her own. Thinking back to the conversation with Shinosuke that evening, she carefully eyed the Prince when his face was turned. She personally don't think he have any ulterior propose in marrying her; he's too genuine of a person. Yet she must be careful in case her life is at stake or that of her family.

He came to her upon her arrival that evening. He greeted her, compliment on her beauty, and politely ask for a dance. They made little talk with each other afterwards. They talk about their day, the politics and laws, events around the country. Several other nobles engaged in some of their conversation as well. Oh how she hated these kinds of conversations. They're so boring. This on one of the reason she avoided most of the grand balls and social gatherings. She only knew at least a quarter of the people here. They all know her of course, if not by face then by name, as the youngest daughter of Lord Soun Tendo (and soon to be princess).

Halfway through the party, the King stood on a small podium and call to the attention of everyone. He announced that there is a special guest in Court this evening. Whispers broke out immediately as the guest walked through the double doors but hush once the King announced his name.

Naraku Tagata.

Akane had remembered once father had said that he's a very formidable man, strict and brutal. Her father was right in saying so. He look at be in his late thirties or early forties. Black hair, blacker then even the prince or that of the King, and a pair of cold deep blue eyes seemed vaguely familiar. His face, heavily tanned, sport a small scar just below his nose and mouth scarring his almost handsome features. She figured that he was once a very handsome man in his youth that is if he didn't wear that acrimonious look on his face. Three grim looking and very large men trailed him, each towering the other. The last one could possible be bigger then Coren. They each carry a large broad sword hung loosely on their belt.

The crowd part to let them pass. Few bow as he acknowledge them. His long strides came to a stop as he reach her and the Prince.

`So this is the girl. She do look like her.'

The Prince politely dip his head in a silent greeting as Naraku returns the gesture. Startled when he turn to look at her, she immediately bow low, slightly stumbling a bit. His stare unnerve her so much. Even as he continues his trek down the carpet to the King, she still felt his malicious aura. She shiver slightly. She never met this man before but she already hates him. She doesn't know why but she just do.

The prince lean over to whisper in her ear thinking she have never heard of Naraku. "My uncle, Naraku Tagata, Duke of the Saotome Royal family."

`Uncle?' She whirl her head to face Prince Shinji, startled at the little known fact he just whispered in her ear. The similarities aren't very obvious except for the black hair and blue eyes. However, if you look closely enough, the Prince and King both have the same sharp cut nose as Naraku. Now that explains why they didn't take precautions to Naraku. They're family! That isn't very well known even in the inner circles in Court. She's certain her father didn't otherwise he would have mention that. She must tell Shinosuke later, that is if he hasn't already heard of it.

The festivity resumes shortly but there were a lot of whispers about the famed warlord. Naraku, who's engaged in a conversation with the Prince at the moment, didn't seem to notice.

Akane, now among her sisters and other ladies, spare her father a glace from across the room. He didn't seem all too happy with Narkau's arrival. `I wonder if he knew that Duke Tagata had already been here for more then two weeks already.' She's certain her father would be even more upset. He's the most influential Lord in Court and the arrival of such a man as the Duke of the Saotome Realm should have reached his ears much before others.

"Akane, are you listening to me?" asked Nabiki.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Nabiki. What did you ask me?" She's been doing that a lot lately, drifting out like that.

"I would like to ask you something in private little sister." Said Nabiki in her inpatient tone. Her business mask is on so that means it's important. She nodded. They quickly excused themselves and left the ballroom having to stop several times to greet other Lords and Ladies. She followed her sister quietly to the gardens right outside the ballroom.

a/n: There, wad'ya think? No bad? Good? Semi good? I kno my grammar is atrocious. But I guess writing more can only improve it. Feel free to point the mistakes to me. I don't have an editor so it would be useful.

I think I rewrite this chapter and the first one several times, hopefully its good. I'll might add stuff to my previous chapters or change some things completely.

That's all and thanks for the reviews.

Ciao for now! - Miaishme

Disclaimer: Don't own the characters of the Ranma universe