Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ohara Devils ❯ The Evils of the World Government ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ohara Devils
By CrossoverFanatic
Chapter 1 - The Evils of the World Government
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters who are originally from Ranma 1/2 or One Piece… even if I could own them, I'd much rather prefer to just create my own characters that can rival them in every shape and form.
Summary: The destruction of a country.
(Don't read if you're not up to date on the current chapters in Japan)
“characters talking”
`characters thinking'
Oh, here comes Robin!!!
How come I have to be here Jii-chan? That girl doesn't even like me, she thinks I'm mean because she thinks I hate her because of her devil's power, but that isn't true, she thinks way too much for someone her age. What a retarded girl
Be quiet, Ranma!!! The old man said as he smacked his grandson over the head, who just grumbled, Get ready everyone!!!
Hello? Robin pondered as she opened the door, Dr. Clover, I've come to return the books I……” She was interrupted when the dark room suddenly filled with light, and she saw a giant cake and everyone waving their hands around in joy.
Congratulations, Robin!!!!!! Everyone, minus one annoyed boy, shouted out in unison.
Congratulations, Robin!!! Dr. Clover repeated once more, before settling on a huge grin, You've definitely inherited the blood of a genius, without a doubt!!!
“……??? The small girl blinked in confusion.
Geez, how slow can someone be?” Ranma said, before Clover step on his little body, keeping him on the floor with his foot.
Clover was still grinning happily, despite his grandson being under his foot. “Don't mind him, Robin!!! He yelled, That archeologist test you took the other day, you aced it with a perfect score. Take pride in the fact, that from this day forward you can call yourself an archeologist of Ohara!!!
Ranma, with a heavy blush, had to admit the joyous smile on the older girl's face was definitely a sight to behold. `So cute…' He furiously rubbed his face to try and get rid of the blush, no point in giving these nosy busy-bodies any ideas.

After a while of eating cake and celebrating, Ranma decided to take off. I'm leaving now, He announced after shoving the last piece of cake into his mouth, I already know this whole speech from when you thought I passed the test, but my real test actually got mixed up with someone else's and I ended up getting a zero-score.
Ranma-chan, don't you have something to say to Robin-chan, A female scholar berated, while pushing him towards her.
“Ehhh… no? He was answered with a smack over his head by several of the archeologists, causing him to turn around in anger, You didn't all have to hit me, you stupid old farts!!!
As he turned back to face Robin, he tripped over his own feet and ended up falling on top of her, bringing them both down to the floor. “Awww!!! So adorable!!!! Everyone said at once, and immediately took out cameras and started snapping as many photographs as they could.
The scene in front of them was of one Saotome Ranma and one Nico Robin, spread out on the floor with wide, shocked eyes, kissing each other. Ranma hastily jumped off her and opened up his mouth to say something but could only let out gasps of disbelief. He then quickly ran out the door before anything else potentially embarrassing could happen to him.
Robin was in no better position as she was still on the floor with huge eyes and gaping mouth, `My first kiss……'
……was with that weirdo!!! Ahhhhhh!!!! Ranma screamed out as he banged his head on a mountain wall, near his home, Not that I really minded though, she is kinda cute. No wait!!! What am I saying, she's super-duper weird, what kind of person always avoids everyone and never speaks to them!!!
He stopped as he lightly touched his lips with his fingers, But she had really warm lips, it felt nice oh dammit, I'm only 7, I'm not supposed to be thinking these thoughts!!! He grabbed his head and started shaking it fiercely, Damn you `Jii-chan, for being so smart!!! Why did you pass your brains onto me, you stupid old coot!!!
Ranma paused in his ranting as he heard screams from the distance and was about to run back to his home, only to bump into a teary Robin, Oi, what's wrong with you? She didn't answer as she just ran passed him towards the beach.
What the hell, why's she crying? He questioned to himself as he walked back to the `Tree of Knowledge.' He was about to open the door, but stopped when he heard voices speaking in hushed tones, She's clearly following her mother's path, a female voice stated.
She doesn't know yet, of what took place just the other day, He heard his grandfather say, Robin's mother has already been captured. There's nothing more we can do, Olvia's fate has already been written in stone.
Four days later, Ranma was walking down the beach in hopes of finding Robin. He's seen her going there several times during the past few days, carrying food, and was curious as to what she was up to. The reason he didn't do this sooner was because he was contemplating on whether or not he should tell Robin about her mother. `Olvia-sanI've heard such great things about her and her husband from `Jii-chan. She's someone who'ssupposed to be really strong, but I guess you have to be, to leave behind someone you love very deeply for an important mission.'
Dereshi!!!” His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the oddest sound, `Dereshi? What a strangeword.Hmmmthat voice sounded like Robintoo.'
Good, good, dereshishishishi!!! A loud voice complimented, You're getting much better at laughing, Robin. Ranma peeked out from behind the mountain to see a giant laughing weirdly, even more surprising was the fact that Robin was sitting beside him laughing the same way as well.
What in West Blue is going on? He quietly wondered.
Saul, I have to go now, Robin told him, Obaa-san's probably going to be angry with me for taking the bread and jam, so I need to buy some more before she realizes it's gone.
Dereshishi, take care then Robin and be careful, Saul laughed.
Hai!!! She hopped off the rock and quickly ran off, I hope the market isn't closed…” When she turned the mountain corner, she froze at the sight of Ranma casually leaning on the wall, looking at her with a questioning gaze.
You got a new friend, huh? He asked, which she responded with a hesitant nod. Ranma raised an eyebrow at her saddened expression and dashed away her doubts, Oi, don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone about your giant friend. Robin's face brightened afterwards, and they began walking towards the village together, So when'd you meet him?
Four days ago, She answered, I found him washed up on the beach shore, and we became friends.
Wow, looks like you are capable of making friends after all, Robin sadly lowered her head and shook her head, No, it's only because we were both alone……”
What are you saying, stupid? Ranma muttered, You're not alone, you got `Jii-chan and the rest of the scholars……”
Robin still looked depressed, But, it's not the same.
“… and you got me too. Robin looked up in surprise, and saw Ranma with his head turned away from her, probably in embarrassment, You see, you got plenty of people in your life. That giant just counts as one more friend you have, seems like a nice guy too.
They continued their walk in awkward silence, By the way, why'd you run out of your party bawling like a little baby? Ranma questioned, You know, if you don't mind talking about it.
Robin just puffed up her cheeks in irritation, It's because Dr. Clover and the others wouldn't let me study the `Void History' with them!!! He was treating me like a child……” She trailed off when she noticed Ranma wasn't beside her anyway, and turned around to see him looking at her with wide eyes.
Void History? He mumbled in shock, Y-you you know about the poneglyphs?!?!?!
She tentatively answered with a nod, Yeah, what's the big deal about it? It's just a piece of history from what I read on the big rock; I don't see what the big deal is.
Robin flinched when Ranma suddenly grabbed her arms and gripped a little too hard, Ranma, you're hurting me…”
What did you mean by what you read? Ranma hastily asked with a twitch of the eye, Can you really read the poneglyphs?!?!
Robin was on the verge of tears as she nervously nodded, and he let go of her and stepped back in horror. He was panting in a loss of breath and sweat poured down his face, `Ro-Robincanreadthemtoooh god,I can't let anyone else find out about this or elses-she'll be taken away from me…'
Robin, listen to me very carefully, He softly told her, Don't tell anyone that you can read those things alright?
Why not? She whimpered and rubbed her arm. For a kid so small, he was really strong!!!
Just don't okay? If you do, you'll never get to see Jii-chan or any of the scholars again……” Ranma stopped himself before he could mention her mother as well. Robin had every right to know that Olvia was back, but with this new information brought to his attention, it'll be best if she doesn't interact with her mother, especially if the Marines are involved with her.
`It may seem cruel, but this is the only way she'll be safe!!!' He thought with a clench of his tiny fist.

The next day, Ranma was walking around the village, bored out of his mind. `Stupid Jii-chan, why'd he wake me up and then kick me out. It's Saturday, it's my right as a kid to sleep pastnoon!!!' He thought with a yawn. Just as he was passing by a jewelry store, something caught his eye, `……now that's pretty,' He thought in awe as he stared at a ruby and sapphire choker-necklace, it was real to boot!!! `Come to think of it, I didn't get the weirdo a present either…' Ranma leaned closer to the window to check out the price and felt his mouth go dry, `…What the hell!!! 120,000 Beli, for that piece of junk!!!'
He reluctantly took out his pirate-skull wallet and stared at the money he had, coincidently it was exactly the same price as the necklace. Oh man I was planning on buying a cool sword today too, so I could practice being a pirate, He whispered in agony then gritted his teeth, Stupid girl better appreciate this, I had to do hundreds of crappy jobs to get this money.
Ranma slowly walked into the shop and a few minutes later came out with a bag in hand, and an empty wallet. Well, at least they put it in a nice box, so it won't get damaged, He sighed, and made his way towards Robin's place when all of a sudden, people started running towards the west shore.
Hurry, flee the town!!!
Those marines are up to something!!!
`Marines, here?!?!' Ranma quickly ran towards the Tree of Knowledge but was slowed down by the fact that he had a lot of people to get through, Get the hell out of my way!!!
They said that all the scholars' committed a crime!!!
`The scholars?!?!' He tried to push his way through the crowd even faster, Would you bastards get out of my way already, Jii-chan!!! Minna (everyone)!!!
“…Ohara has learned too much!!! Prepare for attack. Ranma got close enough to the Tree of Knowledge to see his beloved grandfather get shot by one of the marines, `No……'
Doctor!!!! Robin cried out in shock and worry.
You bastards, how could you!!! The other scholars shouted as they rushed to their fallen comrade.
Ahahahaha!!! Now I'll use this Golden Den-Den Mushi I got from Admiral Sengoku…” Spandine said as he took out the snail phone, and pressed the button, “… to trigger the Buster Call!!! Why don't you people stay awhile, the real show's about to begin. Hahahaha……
Oh god, look!!! One of the scholars screamed as he pointed at the tree, The tree of knowledge is on fire!!!
“You government trash, what the hell are you bastards thinking!!!
There's no need for this, I thought all you were going to do was execute us!!!
Oi, just stop your damn whining already, Spandine cruelly said, That fire was probably just caused by the explosion earlier, besides it's not like anything important is going to get destroyed.
Don't be a fool, do you realize how many one-of-a-kind documents we have stored in there!!! A scholar yelled in anger.
Stop right there or I'll shoot, One of the marines said as he pointed his rifle at the scholar's head.
Forget it, these idiots are all going to die anyway. Let's just go already, Spandine announced.
Clear the way!!!
Do whatever you can to put the fire out!!!
Pass the water over here!!!
Get the books out of the library, save as much as you can!!!
Oi, bring that woman along, Spandine told one of agents, referring to Olivia, There's still one thing only she knows, we can't kill her until after we get that information out of her.
Robin, don't just stand there, hurry and escape while you still can, Clover mumbled.
Robin just continued to stand there starring at the woman being dragged away, with tears in her eyes, Are ARE YOU MY MOTHER!!! She asked with a scream.
What's this now? You have a kid? Spandine wondered.
No, Olvia answered with tears flowing down her face, She must have me confused with someone else.
`Please forgive me Robin, I don't want you to become the daughter of a criminal.'
I-I'm Robin!!! She exclaimed, I've grown up now Don't you remember me!!! I've been waiting all this time for you to come back home!!!
`Don't say it, Robin!!!' Ranma desperately thought as he ran as fast as he could, `Jii-chanI'm almost there!!!'
`I'm sorry, Ranma…' Robin silently apologized, I-I studied so hard to make you proud!!! I'm an archeologist now, I can even read the poneglyphs!!!
This news shocked everyone, That brat can?!?! Spandine mumbled in shock.
It can't be stop it, Robin!!! Clover pleaded.
So please!!! Robin begged, Please let me be you, Kaa-san!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!
Robin…” Olvia whimpered.
Just then huge explosions started erupting all over the `Tree of Knowledge.' No not just the tree, but all over the island. What the hell's going on!!! Spandine shouted in fear, Why are they commencing the bombardment while we're still on the island!!!
They directing the attacks at the `Tree of Knowledge,' those bastards!!!
Dammit all, why are going so far!!!
This is the power of the World Government, Clover remarked, This is what they were planning to do from the very start.
“Chief, that girl said she was an archaeologist …” A CP9 pointed at a surprised Robin.
Whether or not that's true, we don't have time to worry about that!!! Spandine howled as he ran towards the marine ships, Of we stay here any longer then we'll get killed as well, just remember her face for the future!!!”

There it is boys, we're almost clear!!! Spandine exclaimed, just before a blur tackled him from the side and started pounding on his face with a flurry of punches.
You asshole, how could you shoot my jii-chan!!! Ranma hollered in anger as he continued his assault, Die, you heartless bastard!!!
Get him …” Spandine's plea was cut short by a small fist, off…” Another punch, Of me!!! He felt a front tooth become loose by a rather strong punch.
Rankyaku!!! The two CP9 agents used a blurring kick to create a kamikaze-blade which cut open the boy's chest, and sent him flying into the ground.
Gah!!! Ranma cried out, and he twitched on the floor every so often.
“Chief, are you okay? An agent asked as he helped his superior officer up. Spandine just spitted out a tooth and growled in pure rage, then he dashed over to Ranma and started kicking his open wounds, You piece of trash, how dare you touch my beautiful face!!!
Ranma screamed in pain at every kick, which eventually came to a stop. Hahaha, it doesn't matter anyway since I'm getting the last laugh, you sack of garbage!!! Spandine mercilessly declared, then kicked the moaning boy one last time before making his way back towards the ships, Come, let's get out of here!!!
As the marines left, the boy slowly tried to get up but couldn't find the strength to do so, You cowards…” Ranma mumbled, You weaklings can't even kill a little kid……” He looked up to see a cannonball falling his way, D-dammit all to hell.
`So this is how it's going to end, huh?' Ranma thought in resignment, `This sucks, I never even got to say goodbye to Jii-chan. Hell, I didn't even give Robin her expensive gift yet either.'
He closed his eyes and waited for the excruciating pain to happen, but after several seconds all he heard was the sound of an explosion but he didn't feel anything, `Strange, is getting blown up to pieces supposed to be this painless?'
Ranma slowly opened his eyes to see a big man standing above him, Who are you, and what happened to that cannonball?
That's not important, The strange man replied, then helped the boy back to his feet, How are you feeling?
I-I'm okay, Ranma whispered as he tried to take a step only to fall on his knees, then he lightly touched the cross-shaped cut on his chest and flinched, Ow stupid injury.
The stranger took out a jar and applied some kind of jelly on his wounds, Here, this will help you heal faster and stop infection as well.
Thanks, sorry mister but I have to go!!! Ranma scrambled back to his feet and rush over to what was left of the `Tree of Knowledge.'
Don't worry, young man…” The stranger softly said, We're going to meet again.
Senchou (Captain)!!! He turned around to see several people running towards him, Where did you go off to like that? Eh, what's with that huge burn on your back!!!!!!
The back of the strange man was scorched due to the fact that he took the full impact of the cannonball from before. “…… I tripped on a campfire. He lied causing his crewmates to facefault.
JII-CHAN!!!!!!! A pained cry was heard throughout the forest making everyone look up in shock, What the hell was that?
Hmmm get back to the ship, I'll be there soon, there's something I need to do, With that said, the man quickly ran towards Ranma, and found him on his knees, crying into his hands. Before him was the giant tree completely set on fire, collapsing in various places.
Jii-chan!!! Olvia-san!!! Minna (everyone)!!!!!!! Ranma shouted, hoping that someone would answer him, Please!!! Somebody say something!!!!!!
It's too late…” The stranger declared, Nobody could have gotten out of that. The greatest archeologists in the world have all chosen this tree to be their final resting place.
Shut up!!! That's not true!!! The young boy loudly protested, Jii-chan and the others wouldn't just give up their life so easily, there's still so much to learn out there in the world, they wouldn't die just yet……!!!!!!
Ranma clamped up when the man slapped him across the face, and sent him barreling to the ground. Don't be so disrespectful, punk…” He whispered as he poured liquor on the ground to show his respect, You shouldn't be screaming like that in front of your loved ones' graves.
Tell me, gaki (brat) He asked the curled-up Ranma, who was crying endlessly, What did your grandfather want you to become?
He he wanted me to become an archeologist like him.
Is that what you wanted to be? The man asked again.
No, Ranma replied and start bawling even harder, I told him I didn't want to be a recorder of history, because it was boring and only a loser with no life would waste their time doing that.
I see…” The strange man breathed out, So what is it that you really want to be?
A pirate…” The stranger raised an eyebrow in surprise, For heaven's sakes gaki, why do you want to go into such a dangerous profession?
Be because I wanted Jii-chan to see that I was fighting against the same world government that he was fighting against, Ranma muttered as his body started to shake from crying again, I wanted to show him that I was fighting to protect the history that he loved so much!!!
The man's eyes widened at the boy's answer, I thought you said you hated history?
I never said that, you prick!!! Ranma screamed in fury, I said I hated the idea of dedicating my life to history!!! But how can I hate something that my grandfather and the rest of my `family' loved so much!!! History is a precious commodity that everyone needs!!! Without history, how can there possibly be a future!!!!!!!!!!
What's your name, gaki? The man asked as he picked the tired and weary boy up in his arms.
Ranma, Saotome Ranma, He whispered just before he fell unconscious.
Well Ranma, my name is D…… Gold D. Rogers.
Author's Comments (R&R)
Well here we go, my Ranma/One Piece fusion. Yes, it's a fusion, no explanation as to how Ranma got there or whatever, it was too much of a hassle. In this story I'm going to give Ranma a Akuma no Mie (Devil Fruit) power, and his own crew, as I already explained in the Author's comments of my other fanfiction. Don't bother giving suggestions either, because I already have the first 3-4 chapters all worked out in my head.
One Piece history is going to change, the execution of Gold D. Rogers happens 22 years prior to the manga, but in my story I'm going to make it 16 years prior, I'm going to do my best to make sure other events don't get screwed up because of this either. Besides Ranma's inclusion in the crew is going to mean big changes!!!
Like a good 1 and 1/2 pages of this was directly from the manga, only because it was important to the reader's who don't know what the hell's going on. As my previous story, characters from Ranma are going to show up and you can already guess what powers they're going to receive.