Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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"Don't Let

Yesterday Use Up

Too Much Of


Cherokee Proverb

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Who is kissing me? Why am I stalling? Whoever he is, he's a pervert. . and he's gonna get it. . just as soon as I open my eyes. . For the first time in her life, Akane felt totally and thoroughly unsure of herself. She knew that if she opened her eyes, she was going to have to kill him. . even if it was Ranma, and even if this was what she had dreamed of for so long and had never thought would ever happen. Then again, if it wasn't Ranma, the male on her person was about to receive the pounding of a lifetime. Akane gulped and prepared herself to open her eyes and reveal the mysterious captor of her lips.

"Ryoga!! Get down her right now!!" They worried shout came from downstairs. What? Hey. . I know that voice. . Ukyo? As the chef's voice echoed through the upstairs room, the mouth and body pressed so intimately against hers disappeared. Akane opened her eyes as she sat up to see a man, his shirt half on, unfortunately covering his whole head, run out of the room, reaching behind him in his mad flight to shut the door. Her heart pounded with each step that thundered away down the hall. That was Ukyo. . and she called Ryoga. . and that guy who was on me ran out. . so that must mean the guy who was kissing me was. . Ryoga? A tiny needle of pain entered her heart as she realized it was Ryoga and not Ranma. Wait a sec. . Ryoga. . that big of a pervert? It just doesn't make sense. .(^_^) She rubbed her hands together absently and gasped as she felt the cool texture of metal. She looked fearfully at her left hand to find a gold wedding band glinting in the sunlight encrusted with three scarlet stones. A wedding ring? How. . ? ((((I wish how I knew how this all turned out. . )))) Is it? Is it possible? Did my wish come true? Stranger things have happened. . but if it did, and this is my future. . then I married Ryoga??

Meanwhile. .

ORanma rushed down the stairs while he quickly finished yanking the white tank top over his head to find OUkyo tapping her foot impatiently.

"Where is he?" OUkyo wordlessly pointed up in response. "The roof? Again?"

"Yeah, Ranma honey, I would have gone up and gotten him myself but," she gestured to her swelling stomach," the doctor said no stenuous exercise. . . and chasing that boy around is definitely strenuous." ORanma grinned.

"Too fast for ya, huh?"

"Well. . he is your son."

"Yeah. . " ORanma's chest puffed out proudly as he added with a wry grin,"he also got Akane's brute strength which, hehe, occasionally, can be a problem."

"I'll bet it can," OUkyo responded with a smile.

"Ah well, what can ya do? Guess I better go get him."

Back Upstairs. .

"Ya better look out, Ryoga!! Here I come!!" Akane looked up at the ceiling, shock evident on her face. That was Ranma? Why is he here if I'm married to Ryoga? Wait. . Ukyo's here too. . does that mean, did they? Him and Ukyo? They wouldn't! Well at least he wouldn't! Akane immediately flared up in anger, her face turning bright red, her eyes a bit ugly, a powerful blue aura ringed around her. She looked around the room furiously, the room with the soft yellow bedspread and the matching flimsy curtains in the window. The room with the dark mahogany furniture and the smooth polished wood floor. The room that was once her parents' when her mother still lived, the room that was now hers. . .and Ryoga's. He wouldn't. . but he obviously did. The anger vanished without a trace, only to be replaced with a deep sorrow. Oh, Ranma. . why did it have to end up this way? Why am I married to him. . why am I not married to yo-- She brought the ringed hand up to cover her mouth. I don't believe it. . for the first time in my life, I've admitted to myself that I wanted to marry you, not because you might love me. . but because I really do love. . love. . She buried her head in the flower-scented pillow and began to sob. It doesn't matter any more. . this is my future. . here, without you. . .

"And I hate it," she whispered.

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"Oh! I almost forgot! I have to get ready for school!" OAkane jumped up from the table to run up the stairs, leaving the shocked and bewildered group at the table behind. Nabiki happened to recover first.

"Ahem.. . and what, may I ask, was that?"

"Oh my."

"Yes, that pretty much says it all, Kasumi."

"Well, Boy, tell us what happened?!?"

"Huh?" Ranma finally managed to turn his head and acknowledge his father, his eyes slightly glazed over in shock, the chopsticks still hanging from his mouth.

"Well, Son? Did you two. . you know. . " The chopsticks fell.

"Oh, Father, you really shouldn't encourage them, they're still too young." Ranma's eyes widened past the width of his head as he quickly looked back and forth from the eldest Tendo girl and her father.

"What?!? Hey! I didn't do nothin'!"

"No need to be shy, Saotome."

"Nabiki!! We didn't do nothing!! She fell out of bed and prob'ly hit her head or something."

"Oh happy day, Ranma watches my little girl while she sleeps."

"No!! I'm innocent! Ya got it all wrong!! I heard a loud bang and went to see what happened!"

"That's it, Boy, you must love your fiancée a lot to check up on her like that."

"The schools will be joined soon, Tendo!"


"That they will, Saotome!"


"Oh, Ranma, I think it's sweet"

"So when's the wedding?"

"Arg!! I give up!"

"Shouldn't someone tell Akane that today is Saturday?"

On To Chapter Three