Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
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Akane strolled down the empty hallway, her slippers creating a soft swooshing sound on the smooth wood floor. She stopped in mid-stride as a sound came from the closet. Huh? What was that?

"Is someone in there? Hello?" Suddenly something, or rather, someone reached out from the partially open door to grab Akane by the wrist to drag her in. Once in, she found herself crashing into something solid that made a soft grunt. Okay, whatever pervert just grabbed me is goin to get it big time! She looked up to see in the faint sheen of light coming through the slits in the door, a man almost a foot taller than, her, dark lightly puffy hair with a pigtail jutting out proudly, and a pair of blue gray eyes that stared down at her. I was right. . it was a pervert. "Ranma, what are yo-" at that moment, he reached down to grasp her tightly to him and cover her mouth with his. Akane stood frozen in shock, her limbs stiff, and her eyes wide as this man who wasn't her husband proceeded to kiss her like there was no tomorrow. He gave a small laugh when he finally released her.

"Ya know, considering how many times I've dragged you into this closet, how come your always getting so shocked?" Maybe because I'm cheating on Ryoga every time you drag me into this closet? I don't BELIEVE it! How could I do such a thing?!? How long have I been doing it?!? She frowned deeply.

"Ranma! I-" He silenced her once more with a quick kiss. Her expression darkened even further.

"Aww Akane, why do ya look so mad? You know how uncute you look when you make that face," he reached out in an attempt to mold her lips into a demented looking grin. "There, that's better, I love how you look when you smile. . so cute," he leaned down, about to capture her lips once more, "so beautiful. . " he concluded gently. Akane felt her heart clench at his words, the words she had been waiting so long to hear from him. . the words husbands said to their wives. . she turned her head swiftly to avoid his intimate touch. "Oh I see, playin' hard to get again," he laughed, "anyway, as I was about to say, I have some great news." Akane swallowed heavily. So this is my future. I'm a married woman with a child that is cheating on her husband with her ex-fiancé. . well isn't this just perfect. . just great, well, I guess the only thing I can do right now is play along. .

"What is it Ranma?"

"Well, I got Ukyo to take care of Ryoga and Ranko for the night, which means, we get the house all to ourselves." He gave her a grin that could only be described as devilish.
"Ukyo knows?"

"Course she knows dummy, how do you think we ever get any time alone?" U-Ukyo knows? His WIFE KNOWS? Just what kind of future is this? ORanma glanced down at his watch and cursed softly. "Damn, I gotta go, promised Pop that I'd help him get on mom's good side again, stupid old man, always doin' something stupid." He glanced at the door, then back at her and shrugged. "Ah Pop can wait another minute," he then grabbed Akane to kiss her passionately, his arms squeezing her gently, his hands rubbing up and down her back in warm strokes. "He broke away to look down at her, smiling softly as he gently smoothing her hair back with his hand. "I could do that forever. . . I love you Akane," he whispered, and then was gone before she could blink.

"Ranma. . I. ." her whispers died down to silence as Akane slid slowly to the floor, the tears finally breaking free to fall down her cheeks in a steady stream. He l-loves me. . but why. . why am I not with him? Why am I married to Ryoga? Does my future self get some sick pleasure out of being unfaithful? . and what about Ukyo. . and Ranko? Why is this future so horrible?

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"Shampoo, I challenge you!"

"What you talking? You is crazy girl! You want fight Shampoo for real again? You know she going to beat you like always. . " Shampoo looked OAkane up and down, her eyes narrowed. When she finally returned to meet OAkane's gaze, she gave a high-pitched snicker. You laugh now Shampoo. .

"That's right Shampoo, I, hey leggo! Ranma, what are you doing?!?" OAkane gave an outraged yell as Ranma dragger her down to his booth.

"What are you stupid Akane? What do you think your doing?" He whispered furiously. OAkane turned to glare at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I can take care of myself! I'm a martial artist to ya know!" She whispered back just as furiously. He was about to protest further when he looked into her eyes. They held a spark of anger, that was nothing new, but there was something else there too. There was control, there was confidence. The Akane he was used to would have already totally lost her temper, but now, she suddenly had power over the rage. What happened to her? First thin morning, now this. . . something's going on here, and I'm not sure how much I like it. . OAkane looked down at the hand on her wrist then up into the slate blue eyes of the boy who would grow up to be her husband. Ranma. . always trying to fight my battles for me. . The anger faded from her eyes to be replaced by something Ranma didn't quite understand. He only knew that it was a look that he would pay to see forever. She gently detached his hand to rest hers gently on his cheek, "I'll be fine. . trust me," and Ranma suddenly did. He wordlessly stepped aside, puzzled and awed by the Akane before him.

"Shampoo!" OAkane stood, her eyes turning to steel, her voice now cold.

"Gorilla girl still want fight?" Shampoo smiled casually as she cracked her knuckles.

"Yes. . I do."

"What Shampoo get when she win?"

"Well when I win, you leave Ranma and me alone, or you go back to China. . either way, you lose and Ranma is no longer your 'airen." Shampoo frowned, marring her perfect face. Ranma stood shell-shocked. She's. . . she's fighting for me?


"Airen no interfere, fight between Akane and Shampoo! Terms is fine, when Shampoo win, violent girl give up Ranma to Shampoo."

"No rematches, complete knockout is necessary, the outcome final, on your honor Shampoo."

"Shampoo swear!"

"Final?!? But Akane, what if you. . and what if she wi-"

"I told you to trust me Ranma," her eyes never left her opponent, "call it Ranma.

"Call it!" Ranma sighed and closed his eyes, why is this happening, took a deep breath, please be okay, he raised his hand, Akane I. . his eyes opened to lock on hers once more. . be careful. . the hand flew down.

"FIGHT!!" And the adversaries rushed towards each other.

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"I'm shaking and aching

'cause I can't stand waiting.

There comes a time to

Stand and fight."

James Taylor

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