Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Past and Future ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

* * * * * *"Some People's Lives Are Affected

By What Happens To Their Person

Or Their Property; But For Others

Fate Is What Happens To Their

Feelings And Their Thoughts.

-That And

Nothing More.

-Willa Cather

* * * * * *

Dinner at the Tendo household was rather quiet that evening. The majority of the family sat silently watching the two heirs to the dojo, examining their odd behavior. Nearly between every bite of food, Ranma would glance over at OAkane, a suspecious look evident of his face. She would only give a strained smile in return.

"Um, well, I'm finished. . . and I have some homework to do." OAkane quickly set down her chopsticks and ran up to her room. Closing the door behind her, she slowly slid down it with a sigh, ending up resting her head on her knees. What am I going to do? I was so wraped up in the happenings with Shampoo that I completely forgot Ranma. He knows something's up. . . but what should I tell him? Guess what Ranma, I'm from the future? Yeah, like he'll believe something like that. . although. . . stranger things have definitely happened. . so there's no reason why he shouldn't believe. . . so I guess that's it, if he asks, I'll tell him the truth. Halfway through the derisive nod she had began, the window opened.

"Akane? We need to talk."

* * * * * *

5 minutes earlier

* * * * * *

"Ok, Ranma, tell me one more time. She beat Shampoo how?"

"She used some kinda pressure point technique. I know a few, but I don't know that one, so she didn't learn it from me. . "

"Then who did she learn it from?"

"I told ya, Nabiki. I don't know!"

Nabiki sighed and reached up to slowly massage her temples. "Alright, lets sum it up. We've all noticed that something has been off with her since this morning. First, the endearment over breakfest, then the inviting you for ice cream and acting all lovey-dovy over it with you,"

"Hey! How did you know about that?" By now, Ranma's face had quickly turned a bright red. Damn, why does it have to always have somethin' ta do with me when Akane's actin' stupid. . Nabiki continued on as if she had not heard him.

"And finally the fight with Shampoo. Maybe a potion? No, she's still got her temper, so it can't be a love potion. . More super soba noodles? No, she didn't use strength to win that fight. Then again, is this situation really that bad?"

"What? Of course it is!"

"How so? It seems to be that Akane has woken up and has taken a turn for the better. She can fight and is now being nice to you. And you are complaining. . .because. . ?"

"Because she's not being. . .she's just. . .well, she shouldn't have been able to beat Shampoo!"

"And I thought this was serious. . . Akane gets a little backbone and you think the world must be coming to an end. To think I spent so much of my time trying to figure something that probly won't even last until tomorrow. If her eyes glow red and she starts sprouting fangs, then give me a call, Ranma."

"Nabiki! I thought you said you would fix things!"

"Did I say that? Oh. . .well, the problem with Akane is that she's finally managed to show some of her feelings for you."

"Wha? Feelings? But. . .but what do I do?"

"Talk to her, maybe? Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. Ta ta."

"Talk to her huh? And say what?" The next minute found Ranma outside of Akane's window. He peared through the glass to see her sitting in front of her door. I don't care what Nabiki says. Akane is different. . . I mean, she looks the same, but there's somethin' about her that just ain't right. . just not the same. He slowly pushed the window aside, parting the curtains. "Akane? We need to talk."

OAkane's head snapped up suddenly, the confusion in her dark brown eyes cleaering to form a mixture of shock, fear, and some other emotion that Ranma wasn't entirely sure of. He shook his head, quickly breaking eye contact. "Um. . yeah, we need to talk."

"About what, Ranma?"

"Um, well, is it okay if I come in?" Ok, here's the test. If she's the real Akane, she'll either boot me outta here or tell me to make it quick and get out. .

"Uh. . . sure."

"Ok. That's it!"

"Huh?" Before OAkane had the chance to rise to her feet, her future husband had crouched infront of her, his hands braced against the door on either side of her body.

"If you were the Akane I know, you wouldn't have given me the time of day if I came in here."

Am I really that bad?

"You shouldn't have been able to beat Shampoo. You don't think I know how Akane fights? She's good but not that good. Now," the hands pulled inward to grasp her shoulders and to thrust her none too gently against the door, "you are going to tell me who you are and what the hell you've done with Akane."

What am I going to tell him. . . can I tell him the truth? Will he believe me? Her eyes narrowed as she studded the depths of blue-gray. They held such power and strength and determination. . . and yet fear was clearly present as well. He cares so much. . . why is it so hard for him to express it? He loves me, and he trusts me. . . and if I don't tell him the truth, I don't know what will happen in the future.

"Well? If you don't speak up, so help me I'll-"

"I'm from the future."

"What?" His eyes widened. "What did you say?"

"I'm from the future, Ranma. The future where you and I are married."

The hands suddenly loosened as Ranma fell sideways, passed out, to the floor.

* * * * * *

I didn't know that it would hurt that much. I thought I was on the road to realizing that we weren't going to be together. And then I saw then together, talking, laughing. . . that was supposed to be me. . . not her. Akane filled a tall glass to the brim with ice cold water. After taking a small sip, she began to stroll through the bottom floor of her familiar home, examining it more clearly now that she had no physical distractions. The whole house had a softer, worn look to it. The same old table sat in it's same position, now looking even more well used than it had before. The only real new addition was the small shelving unit resting in a small corner next to the stairs. It looked to contain a number of cookbooks and a few photo albums. Photo albums. . . maybe I can get some idea of when Ryoga and I. . . well. . . Leaving her thought unfinished, Akane knelt before the shelf, pulling out a large dark blue album. On viewing the inside cover, it was obvious it had been organized by Nabiki. The photos were all in chronological order, with detailed descriptions of each event. This album contained when Ranma had first moved into their house till about three years later.

Taking another sip of water, Akane flipped though the pages. I remember some of these. The kiss from when Ranma went cat? What is that doing here? Pictures from Santa Day. . and the trip to Tomo's Island. . the failed wedding. . and just. . just more of the same? More pictures of Ranma and me arguing. . the family watching the cherry blossoms. . Kuno and Nabiki? That looks like a very formal dress. . I guess that's how that romance happened. But. . there's hardly any picture with Ryoga in it? How. . how on earth did we get married. She flipped to the last page, and that's where her hand suddenly clenched onto the glass. The last photo contained a small group. There was Ranma, Ukyo, Ryoga all sitting on a large checkered blanket. . and on the edge she spied herself, smiling at Ryoga. Wedding pictures. . I want to see the wedding pictures.

She reached out to pull out abother album when, as if by fate, another album came forward to land on her lap, opening to fall on a page of herself putting on her wedding dress. I'm smiling. This is it, the wedding. My wedding to Ryoga. Looking to the picture on the oposite side showed Ryoga and Ranma, in sharp looking tuxes, standing next to eachother and smiling broadly. I guess Ranma was the best man. She lifted a hand to turn the next page when,

"Akane, I'm sorry for intruding. . but I'm kind of lost-"

"Ryoga!" Akane quickly rose to her feet to face the fanged and still eternal losing his way, man. This is it. This is your husban, Akane. Here goes. "Welcome home!" She rushed forward, glass still in hand, catching Ryoga in a too tight embrace. ORyoga immediately went bright red, and then slowly began to turn pale.

What-what is she doing?!? Oh, Akane. . . His arms lifted in a motion to wrap around her smaller frame. No! What am I doing? I love Ukyo. . . and Akane. . but Ukyo is my wife. . Akane is my friend. . . and that is all. "Akane? Are you alright?"

"Oh, Ryoga. . . no. . . I'm not." The dam had broken again, and Akane, now in the arms of the man she did not love, sobbed harshly into the soft cotton of his yelllow shirt.

"Here, hold on, I'll get you a tissue, Akane." Oryoga gently released his good friend, turning towards the kitchen.

"A-alright." He's still the same Ryoga. Kind and gentle. . . but in his arms, it just doesn't seem right. . not the way it felt with. . . She started to follow him towards the kitchen, lost in thought and caught her foot on the small throw rug. The glass flew out of her hand, shooting the water towards ORyoga. As Akane fell to the floor, she noticed ORyoga falling as well. She hit the ground and was now eye level with a small pile of clothing. No. He didn't fall. . . he. . shrunk? All at once the pile started moving until a small snout peaked out of the neck opening. A snout? A few seconds later, a small black piglet emerged. P-chan?!? Ryoga. . . P-chan. . . same bandanna. ..

ORyoga uttered a soft bwee and cocked his head to the side at his now incoherant friend. She turned quiet a second later when he nudged her hand. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she slumped fully to the floor.


"Honey. . . I'm hooooommmmmeee!"

* * * * * *