Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Phoenix: Reignited Edition ❯ 2.23: Tickled, Pink ( Chapter 47 )
Akane grabbed the brass handle, pulling open the heavy glass front door of the Phoenix to the sound of thundering applause. Under her breath, she cursed her calculus teacher for holding her late after class and making her miss the first hour of Ranko’s performance. She hadn’t even taken the time to go home and change clothes, so she was still in her blue and white school uniform. Akane wished she’d thought to bring a change of clothes, as she worried that her Furinkan pinafore reminded Ranko too much of the life she’d left behind. She’d promised Ranko - by way of a message delivered via Nabiki the day before - that she’d be there, though, and keeping her word had been the most important thing. She didn’t want her new girlfriend to think that she’d been stood up.
My girlfriend. Holy shit. I have a fucking girlfriend, Akane thought, her cheeks flushing hotter than the flaming Dragonfire cocktail Mei carried past her with a wave and a smile. The flustered high schooler was barely coherent enough to return the gesture. Does that mean I’m… gay? I mean, I don’t like girls. Not like that. It’s not like she and I have… Somehow, her face warmed further still. I don’t think I could ever do that with a girl. I’ve never even done anything like that with a boy! Never really wanted to either, though. Wait, does that mean…? Shit.
She shook her head vigorously, almost launching her teal headband across the barroom. I don’t like girls! I just really like that one! And, I mean, Ranko’s definitely not like other girls. She’s… special. She was a boy when I met her, and…
Akane swallowed hard as her mind filled with memories. No. No she wasn’t. When she and her father came to the house that first time, she was a girl, and pretty much the first thing I did with her girl side was see her naked. And when I did… The high schooler leaned to her left, gripping the hostess podium while she waited for a path to clear to the bar. Whoa. Feeling a little lightheaded all of a sudden.
Man, Dad’s gonna be so pissed, if he ever finds out about us. She snickered to herself as she started to push through the crowd. It’s not like he has a right to be, though. You wanted me to end up with Ranma, right, Dad? Akane turned her eyes up to the new wooden stage that dominated the back wall of the Phoenix, her eyes drinking in the sight of its occupant captivating the Friday night capacity crowd with an energetic pop cover and the dance moves to match.
I’m doing exactly what you asked, Daddy, Akane resolved with a self-amused grin. I’m being a good girl. I’m just doing it… my way.
Ranko was wearing a baby pink ankle-length dress with short sleeves and a thin red vinyl belt, and her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail with a matching pink ribbon. Her ever-present silver dragon bracelet reflected the stage lighting as she danced. Whereas she had usually carried herself with a sort of quiet resignation at the thought of feminine attire in Akane’s memories, that night, she seemed to revel in it. Every move of her hips and every kick of her legs seemed calculated to maximize the swish of the puffy tulle skirt around her body. She looked every bit the part of the babydoll idols in the popular girl groups, all the way down to the smile that was almost too radiant to be authentic.
Akane chuckled. Sheesh, Ranko. Call you cute one time, and look at you. I’ve been a girl my whole life, and I don’t have anything half that frilly and girly in my closet. You always were one to take everything as a challenge and do it all the way, though, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She finally made her way to the main bar counter, giving a nod of acknowledgement to the tall, lanky blonde behind it.
Yui gave her a welcoming wave and started pouring her a soda. “Hey there, Akane! Seems like you’re becoming something of a regular here.” She glanced up at the stage. “Can’t imagine why.” Snickering, Yui slid the Collins glass across the lacquered countertop to her sister’s guest.
The teen blushed deeply, hiding her face behind her soda glass under the guise of drinking from it. “It’s not like that!”
“Uh-huh,” Yui replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes with a knowing smirk as she turned to a different spot at the bar to take another order.
Akane groaned, shouting after the bartender. “Hey! It’s not!”
Behind the service bar, Izumi finished dropping a few glasses in the dishwasher and grinned deviously up at Akane. While maintaining eye contact with her, she spoke, but not to her. “Yui, did you see Ranko today?! I couldn’t believe it! How many times have I tried to drag her shopping? She always comes up with some excuse why she doesn’t wanna go. But, today, she just had to go out by herself and get a new dress special for tonight. Any idea what the occasion is?”
Almost on cue, Mei pushed through the saloon doors, her long blue pigtails bobbing out from under the large mushroom pizza she carried over her head. Even with the aluminum pan raised as high as she could reach, the diminutive server had to be careful not to hit any of her taller companions with it. “I mean, Ranko’s working tonight, so she couldn’t possibly have a date…” She flashed Akane a devilish wink from under the pizza pan.
Akane’s face was warm enough to light a campfire. How do they all know? Did Ranko tell them? She said she wasn’t gonna! She looked around the room, frantically searching for help she did not find. “Aww, come on, you guys! Ummm…”
Yui smiled, taking Akane’s poorly-concealed nervous reaction as confirmation. “For whatever it’s worth, you have our blessing, not that you needed it. Or, seemingly, waited for it.”
Mei nodded along with her sister. “Just don’t hurt her. Ranko’s been through too much already, and I suspect we don't know the half of it.”
On that point, Akane could not argue. She stammered, looking to the three girls for some sort of clue as to how they all knew what she and Ranko had agreed to keep secret.
Seeming to sense the question in her mind, Izumi walked up behind her from the direction of the service bar and put her arm around Akane’s shoulders. “Don’t worry. She didn’t spill the beans. Not directly, anyway.” She glanced over at her fellow waitress with a smile. Ranko had descended from the stage and was taking an order at a six-top table near the back of the bar. “But she’s been walking on clouds since the last time you were here. It didn’t exactly take a rocket surgeon to figure it out.”
Akane blushed deeper still - somehow - but smiled happily. They all know she's with another girl… and they're okay with it? Hell, they seem to be reacting to it better than most people did when they found out I was engaged to a guy. But, more importantly, she hoped that Izumi was right, and that the idea of being with Akane was at least part of what was making Ranko so happy.
After a few more moments of light-hearted ribbing from the trio, Akane heard a familiar voice over her shoulder.
“Hey, Mei, can I get a basket of chicken wings for table eigh…” The redheaded waitress blinked as she rounded a bulky man seated at the bar and caught sight of her partner. “A- Akane! You made it!”
Akane spun around with a beaming smile. “Hey, you! Sorry I was late! I got held up at school.”
The redhead shook her head. “Don’t worry about it. I’m glad you’re here! Yui, do you mind if I…”
The bartender rolled her eyes with mock indignation, but smiled. “Alright, alright, but only ‘cause you've been singing your ass off for an hour. Go on, go take a break. We got this.”
Waving her thanks, Ranko pushed through the saloon door into the back room, Akane in tow. The pair excitedly headed up the stairs to Ranko's little apartment. Ranko closed the door behind them, and as soon as she turned her back to it, Akane’s arms were around her.
Akane could feel the smaller girl relax her muscles and melt into the embrace, as if Ranko had been holding her breath waiting for the hug for far too long. “Look at you!” Akane smiled. “You look like a freaking princess!”
Ranko blushed a shade as red as her vinyl belt. “Do you like it?” She said she wanted me to be cute. I’m so glad I didn't disappoint her. I've disappointed her so much already, and I don't know how many more chances I'm gonna get. I mean, she's not acting like she's holding any of the old stuff against me, but I'm not in a hurry to find out if she is. Especially not when things are going so good.
While running the backs of her fingers gently over Ranko’s cheek, Akane bobbed her head in confirmation. “I do! Was all this for me?”
Ranko nodded, panic washing over her face. She wasn’t sure if the shudder running down the whole of her body was a physical response to Akane’s whisper-soft touch on her ever-sensitive skin, or just her nerves. “Is it too much? It is, isn’t it? Fuck, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to…”
Akane leaned forward, silencing her stammering girlfriend with a quick peck on her lips. “It’s not too much. It’s perfect. You don’t have to be so nervous, ya know.”
Again, the redhead nodded meekly. “I know, and… I’m trying. I just…”
Offering the trepidatious teen a reassuring smile, Akane sat gently on the foot of the immaculately-made bed. “You just, what? Talk to me, Ranko.”
The redhead walked closer to the bed, standing in front of Akane and reaching down for both of the taller girl’s hands with both of her own. “I don’t know how to be anybody’s girlfriend. Like, I know what guys like - not that I’m trying to get guys to like me or nothin’ - but you’re not a guy. And I just… I feel like I’m getting a second chance with you that I didn’t especially deserve, and I don’t want to mess it up. You’re taking a huge chance on me, and I don’t ever wanna do anything to make you regret it.”
Akane chuckled, rolling her eyes with an amused grin. “Is that what this is about?” Receiving a sheepish nod in reply, Akane squeezed the smaller girl’s hands tightly. “You don’t have to impress me. All I ever expect you to be is yourself, even if you’re still figuring out who that is, with everything being so… different… for you now. I really hope you know that.”
Ranko blushed, the nervousness in her face shrinking to make way for an excited smile. “Speaking of being myself…” She squeezed Akane’s hands once, wordlessly asking Akane to let them go. Once her hands were freed, Ranko flitted over to the dinette table, a skip in her step.
What the heck got into her all of a sudden? Akane covered her mouth with her hand, but failed to stifle her giggles at the way Ranko moved in the puffy pink dress. She looks like a ballerina had way too much coffee.
Having retrieved her black leather purse from the dinette table, Ranko hurried back to the bed and plopped down on the edge of the mattress next to Akane. The tulle of her skirt made a quiet crunch sound as it settled around her legs. After fumbling with the rose-shaped clasp for a moment, Ranko opened the bag and produced her new identification card from one of the thin organizer slots. She stuffed it into Akane’s hands, bouncing on the mattress with glee. “Look! Look! It’s official!”
Akane looked it over, taking a moment to absorb what she was seeing. The finality of the Ranma she once knew being gone forever hadn’t fully hit home with her, and a part of her felt like she was looking at his death certificate. Wow. She’s really going through with this. With a quiet sigh, Akane shook the momentary pang of grief from her mind. There’s no reason to be sad. Everything I liked about Ranma is still here, and so much of the stuff I didn’t like has been replaced with things I like. With things I really like. Besides, even if it’s hard for me, I can’t let her see it. She’s worked hard for this, and she deserves her moment to celebrate it.
“Look at that!” Akane put on a wide smile, rolling her eyes mockingly. “Of freakin’ course you managed to get a cute ID photo. Nobody gets those. You lucky little shit.”
The ebullient redhead giggled, shrugging her shoulders. “Hey, don’t look at me. I had almost nothin’ to do with it. Izzi picked the outfit and everything. All I did was sit there and smile pretty.” Ranko winced slightly at the sight of herself in the blue blazer and ivory blouse, recalling that the photo had been taken the day she’d signed up for the placement exam she’d sat for earlier that afternoon. I still can’t believe I had to do that, and Mama might be trying to make me go back to school. I’m embarrassed it’s even a conversation. And honestly, I’m pretty sure I bombed it and I’m gonna end up in primary school next to fuckin’ Hoshi. Her blue eyes met Akane’s brown, and the intrusive thoughts faded from her mind. Tonight, I don’t care, she resolved. That’s Future Ranko’s problem.
“Yeah, well, you got the pretty part nailed,” Akane said, grinning at the way her girlfriend’s cheeks reddened at her words. Tilting the card to better catch the light from the little lamp on Ranko’s nightstand, Akane looked it over some more. “So… Miss Tendo, huh?”
Akane did not think she’d ever seen a smile as big as the one that formed on Ranko’s face as the smaller girl nodded hard enough to jostle her beribboned ponytail over her shoulder. Giggling, Akane handed the card back to Ranko, her hand lingering for a moment atop Ranko’s with the card between their palms. “But I haven’t even proposed.”
Ranko’s face turned an even brighter shade of crimson. Oh, gods! Proposing? But we’re both girls! We couldn’t possibly! It’s not even legal! Besides… if she were the one that proposed, would that make me the… the… bride?! She rocked back on the bed, her mind flooding with memories of Izumi warning her about one day shopping for wedding dresses. I couldn’t! No way! That’s… like, I’m a girl now, but that’s a whole-ass ‘nother level! I’d fuckin’ never pull that shit off!
Sighing, she looked down at Akane’s hand laying atop hers. Even with the card between their hands, Ranko could feel the warmth of Akane’s palm in her own. The Cat’s Tongue amplified every nerve - every cold breeze, every rough texture - but something about Akane’s touch stimulated it in a way nothing else ever had. It felt as if every cell of her skin were somehow reaching out to Akane, wordlessly pleading for more of her touch wherever it could be had.
But if she ever asked me, Ranko thought, I’d like to think I’d find a way to try anyway.
“I’m really happy for you, Ran-chan… Ranko.” Akane gave the redhead’s hand another gentle squeeze. She’s gone to a lot of trouble to earn this new identity she’s made for herself. The least I can do is give her the respect of saying her name out loud. I bet it’ll feel good to her. The bright grin and the glistening eyes of the girl sitting on the bed next to Akane told her that she had guessed correctly.
Ranko turned to look behind her, craning her neck in the direction of the little digital alarm clock on her nightstand. “I should get back down there. Remember, the other girls don’t know about… us.”
Akane smirked, scoffing quietly. “Uhhhh… I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
Frowning, Ranko groaned quietly. “What? How?! I didn’t tell them, I swear! How would they…”
Akane reached out, fluffing the skirt of her girlfriend’s pink dress for emphasis. “I think they might have caught on from the way you’re behaving, especially around me. It’s a good thing you’re a better singer than you are an actress.”
Ranko looked down at her lap, a slow, disappointed sigh escaping her lips. “I’m really sorry, Akane. I didn’t mean to…” She blinked, her voice trailing off as Akane slipped two fingers under her chin and used them to lift her head up until the two young women made eye contact.
“Don’t you dare apologize to me for being happy we’re together.” Akane’s face formed into a gentle, easy smile, her eyes sparkling with contentment. “I’m glad that you’re as proud to be my girlfriend as I am to be yours.”
* * *
The remainder of the night’s service - and Ranko’s several subsequent performances - had flown by fairly quickly. Akane set herself up at the small four-top round table in the alcove closest to the stage - the one Yui had taken to calling the VIP table - and Ranko made a point to visit her every chance she could between songs and running food and beverages to her other tables. Hana had graciously offered to comp anything Akane wanted to eat or drink, which Ranko greatly appreciated. Asking her girlfriend for money at the end of the night would have been awkward for her.
Akane smiled softly, swaying along with Ranko’s final performance of the evening. Last call had been announced, and people were beginning to pay their tabs and filter out of the bar, but the raven-haired teen in the teal Furinkan pinafore was still fixated on the stage. I don’t think she’s done a single song tonight that wasn’t a love ballad. I wonder if that was for me? Nah. Probably just a coincidence. She raised her eyes from the swishing dress around Ranko’s hips to look deeply into her eyes, and what she saw there warmed her soul. Or… maybe not?
When the last customer had departed, Ranko swung by Akane’s table, leaning over her shoulder with a gentle touch on Akane’s forearm. “Hey, I just need to help them with cleanup for a bit and then we can go hang out. I promise, I’ll hurry.”
She turned to return to the service bar, but before she could take a step, Izumi waved her off. “We can handle it, Ran-chan. You two go ahead. Good night, Akane. Have fun.” She giggled, flitting away to refill another soy sauce bottle.
Ranko blushed at her sister’s sing-song tone. It’s one thing that they figured out we’re… together, whatever that means, but they don’t gotta make it sound like we’re doing… well, shit we’re not! I don’t even know how two girls would do that without a… She buried her face in her hand, feeling the warmth of her cheeks radiating into the skin of her palm. I guess if I ever really wanna know, I can ask Yui. If nothing else, it’d be hilarious to see the look on her face when her baby sister asks her to explain how gay girls fuck.
Akane took Ranko’s other hand, pulling her out of her amused, and embarrassed, daze. “C’mon, you. Let’s get out of here before they change their minds.” Ranko smiled in response, and the pair hurried through the blue slatted door and up the stairs to Ranko’s studio apartment. They flopped down on the bed next to each other, giggling together.
Rolling onto her side to face Ranko, Akane began idly playing with the pink ribbon adorning Ranko’s ponytail. “I can’t believe how freaking cute you are. It’s not even fair!”
The redhead blushed. “You aren’t so bad yourself, you know.”
Akane scoffed, letting her jaw fall slack in mock offense. “Not bad, huh? Not bad?!”
Turning onto her side, Ranko flashed her arm toward Akane at lightning speed, finding purchase on her ribs and tickling her through the coarse fabric of her school pinafore.
The larger girl writhed under the assault, kicking her legs in the air involuntarily. “Hey! Stop that!”
Ranko shook her head defiantly, unrelenting in her teasing. “No way. You want me to stop, you’re gonna have to stop me.” She moved her hands to yet another spot, and another, never slowing for a moment.
Akane flailed to block Ranko’s fingers, but the redhead was simply too quick. She flopped limply to the mattress on her back. “Okay! Okay! Mercy! Mercy!”
“Nope. You can’t stop me!” Ranko rose to her knees, driving her hands down at Akane’s ribs again and again. There was an impish mocking in her tone. “You’ll never be fast enough!”
“Oh?! You don’t think so? I’ll show you!” Akane’s voice took on an air of determination, and her hands swung back into motion, swatting at Ranko’s wrists as best she could.
Ranko grinned victoriously. There it is. There’s the competitive spirit I was counting on. Come on, Akane. That’s it! Fight back!
Akane flung her arms this way and that, blocking about half of Ranko’s attempts to reach her torso with her pinching fingernails. It seemed that the faster she blocked, the faster Ranko’s hands moved. She gasped for every breath, laughter purging the air from her lungs as quickly as it could enter them.
Ranko pinched at her partner’s bare feet, giving chase as Akane tried to retract them under her skirt. “I thought you were gonna stop me! You aren’t giving up, are ya, Akane?!” She had a devilish simper about her. Come on, Akane, take the bait, she thought to herself. I’ve got one chance to make this work.
Akane’s face became one of combative resolve despite the smile still lingering on her lips. “Never!” Her adoring assailant’s arms darted this way and that, and Akane desperately flailed her hands to keep up. If she wanted to breathe, she had to block. Whatever had gotten into Ranko, she wasn’t letting up.
Faster and faster Ranko moved, and faster and faster Akane fought to counter. She reached a point where her hands seemed to decouple from her conscious mind; they moved almost instinctively, sparing the delay between thought and action. She blocked one pinch, then another, then another. Five in a row. Then ten in a row, then twenty. She only focused on her intent; her body did the rest almost entirely on its own.
After what felt like an hour but was closer in reality to ten minutes, Ranko finally fell on her back on the bed, breathing heavily. Akane rose to her knees, looking down at the redhead and beaming with triumphant accomplishment. “Ha! I told you I could do it!”
From her back, the exhausted martial artist grinned ecstatically up at her partner, giggling along with her. “You sure did! You got me.” You did it, Akane! Holy shit! This might just have a chance to work!
Akane reached forward quickly, taking each of Ranko’s wrists in her hands and gently pinning them to the mattress on either side of her body with locked elbows. “No, now I’ve got you!” She bent down with a mockingly sinister laugh, planting a soft kiss on the lips of the entrapped redhead as she felt Ranko’s body tense beneath her own.
The giggling stopped, and Ranko made no effort to respond to the kiss in any way. It was like she had fallen asleep with her eyes open. Akane pulled back, releasing her quarry’s wrists and surveying her face. There was a terror in Ranko’s unblinking eyes that Akane couldn’t explain. “Ranko?! What’s wrong?!” She reached down, rubbing Ranko’s arm reassuringly. “Hey! What’s the matter?!”
A few agonizing moments passed before the redhead finally blinked, looking around the room. “A… Akane?!” She bolted upright in the bed, wrapping her arms tight around Akane. She was shaking like a leaf.
“What’s wrong?! Talk to me!” Akane held the quaking girl, bewilderment in her eyes. What the heck happened to her? I’ve only seen her lock up like this twice before. Both times, it was when she woke the whole house up screaming because she’d had a nightmare. Akane blinked in realization. And both nightmares were about Mikado Sanzenin grappling her and kissing her. She gasped, pulling Ranko’s quivering form tighter to herself than ever. “Oh, gods, Ranko, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…”
Ranko did not respond in words, but Akane felt a tear that was not her own trickle down the side of her neck.
“Shh,” Akane cooed quietly. “I’ve got you, girl. You’re safe with me, I promise.”
She lifted Ranko’s head from her shoulder, holding it in both of her hands in front of her and staring directly into the terrified girl’s soul through her teary blue eyes.
“You always will be.”