Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Psychedelic Kiss ❯ Chapter 7
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
PsychedelicKiss Chapter 7
By: Iron Dragoon
"How would you like to know just how strong Ranma *really* is, Mr. Saotome?" asked Nabiki with a smile that almost made him shudder. "What do you mean? How could you know? You're no fighter," he replied with a grin. "Because I have a tape. A tape that shows just how fast both Ranma and Ranko are," she replied with a feral grin.
*Ranko? What do I care about her? Wait... Didn't she beat that Chinese girl a few times..* he thought to himself. "Where is the tape?"
"Oh, a few thousand yen away," she replied with a sunny smile. Genma glared at the girl, but something in that smile reminded him of someone from long ago. *That's it! If the boy doesn't listen to me, he'll listen to her!* he thought with a grin as he passed the money over.
"That's it? No haggling?" asked Nabiki with a surprised look. "It's not like it's my money," replied Genma as he wandered off to the living room and the VCR. "Oh, by the way, that tape runs at one hundred frames per second," she added as she tucked the cash into her pocket.
"So? What's that mean?" She looked at him for a second, then answered. "It means it recorded at over twice the speed the human eye can see." And with that, she wandered up to her room.
************************************************************************ ***
Genma walked out of the living room woodenly and wide eyed. *No way can he be that fast! SHE can't be that fast!* As he stood in front of the phone, he whispered to himself. "Sorry Tendo, but the boy is too powerful. I have no other choice. I have to call her.. I just hope it doesn't kill us both.." And with that, he picked up the phone.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko floated up to the roof of the school and stared at Ranma's back. She was so lost in her thoughts that when he spoke, it startled her. "You shouldn't be flying around, Ko-chan. Someone might see you and start stories," he said without turning. "Let them. Though I wonder what they would say.. Alien? Demon? Or maybe goddess..." she replied with a slight smirk, still floating a few feet off the roof.
"Those only exist in fairy tales. You and I aren't lucky enough to be in a fairy tale."
"And here I thought flying people were myths too, and here we both can do it."
"People have powers in nightmares, too. You know what the difference between them is?"
"What Ran-chan?" she asked worriedly. *He never talks like this.. He's so depressed..*
"In one you get a 'happily ever after.' In the other you get everything you know and love torn away from you."
She floated up behind him and hugged him before replying. "Sometimes nightmares can become fairy tales, Ran-chan."
"Not without a whole lot of peanut butter and anchovie sandwiches before bedtime, Ko-chan."
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma and Ranko bolted out of the classroom when the lunch bell rang. Ranma because he'd been increasingly agitated with his situation, and Ranko because she wanted to keep an eye on him.
Ranma sped around the corner and dropped to the ground in a slide, dodging the horizontal strike from Kuno's bokken. As he began his slide, Ranma spun around to slide backwards and kicked his legs out, striking Kuno in the side of his knee, dropping the boy before the dodged attack could connect with the training Ranko. Ranma slide backwards, watching to make sure Ranko wouldn't get hit. As he stopped sliding, he looked up into the frowning face of Ranko.
"You know, it's sweet that you want to protect me, but get over it. If I can beat you, then Kuno won't ever be a problem." Ranma smiled guiltily as he stood. "Sorry Ko-chan. It's just reflex and habit.." he apologized as he dodged Kuno's attacks without even looking at the boy.
"Foul sorcerer! Cease your demonic evil and release my pig tailed goddess!"
"WHAT?!" Screamed the couple in unison. "You heard me! I know of your treachery! Only dark magic would allow one as low born as you to challenge me! And only through lies and evil could you bind my goddess to yourself!"
Ranma and Ranko blinked a few times, then Ranko lost it.
"BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Y-you think Ranma is a sorcerer?!" Ranko rolled on the ground in laughter as Ranma fumed at Kuno's words. *HIS goddess?! Who does he think he is?! and who needs magic to kick his ass?!*
Kuno stared stupidly at the laughing Ranko and turned on Ranma. "You dare?! You dare to make my love laugh as if I, Tatewaki Kuno, am some sort of joke?! DIE!!" Kuno attacked with a thrust and followed with a slash, all of which were easily dodged.
"Kuno, you *are* a joke. And it's one that's pissing me off." Kuno's face purpled in response.
"Who are you to call one such as I a joke?! You, who can't win love without twisting it with dark magic! Who can't win favor with anyone without demonic aid! Who can't FIGHT without magic?!" he bellowed. And for Ranma, the world slowed as Kuno's words registered.
*He's right! What if she's being *forced* to love me?!* And as the thought formed, all of the stress, confusion and anger of the last week filled Ranma, and tore through his limits like a wet paper bag.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko was snapped back into reality as she heard Kuno's words. She stared at Ranma wide eyed, fearing his reaction to the jibes. Her heart stopped as she saw the anguish flash across his face. Then, it almost riped it's self apart as his thoughts tore their way into it. "Ran-" she started as the world exploded around him.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma felt the weight of his situation slam into him full force. He fought against it, but the despair and doubts of his own mind forced him to buckle and break under the weight of his emotions. He felt the despair and fear being drown out by rage. Rage at life, at Kuno, and, most of all, fate.
He felt the anger boil until he couldn't stand it, and then, he released it. Ranma's aura exploded into life as his rage consumed him. It exploded with such force, it blew everything away, leaving him floating in a dead space.
Ranko flared her own aura to resist the force of it, and flew towards him. "Ranma! Stop! CALM DOWN!!" she screamed as she felt him power up even more. Ranma, seemingly ignoring her, cupped his hands at his waist as a swirling of blue and red light condensed into existence. Whit a bellow of pure rage, he released his attack at Kuno's inert form.
Ranko zipped into the path of the blast, read to block it, but bolted back in surprise as Ranma appeared in front of her. She stared at him as he powered up to protect himself from the blast as it rocketed towards them.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma's vision was covered by a red sheath of rage. He felt an unexplainable rage empower every fiber of his being. His sense got sharper, his muscles stronger and more toned. And his desire for Kuno's blood increased exponentially as his power did. The world grew blindingly red, and soon the only thing Ranma could see and comprehend was Kuno and his anger at him. As he looked at kuno, he gathered his power in his hands, read to erase Kuno for standing between him and what he wanted, which was a formless concept at the edge of his mind, at the moment.
He released his power and anger at the boy and smiled as the rage left his body and streaked towards Kuno. As the blast closed on the boy, his smile grew, until a flash appeared in between it and it's target. As the form took shape, so did his thoughts. *RANKO!* His desire for Kuno's gory death was turned into panic as he realized his attack could hurt his love and classmates, then the panic turned into determination.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko's jaw dropped as she watched Ranma power up. *When did he get THIS strong?! He *HAD* to have put almost all of his energy into that attack! He shouldn't be able to stand right now! WHAT THE FUCK?!* The last was both thought and screamed as she saw Ranma's hair and aura flash golden for a few seconds. She watched, stunned into stupidity, as his aura flared gold once and focused around his fist as he cocked his arm to throw a punch.
*What's he doing?! That'll make it explode!* Ranko's panicked thoughts screamed in her mind. She bolted towards him to take the attack for him, fearing the blast would cripple him, or worse. As she reached out for him, his aura fluctuated back to gold and he spun, barely fast enough to dodge, but dodge he did. As she passed him, she watched him fire off his punch. Her heart stopped as his fist sped towards the blast.... And missed.
************************************************************************ ***
After dodging Ranko, Ranma fired of his fist, confidant his hasty technique would work. As his fist flew, he dropped it low, swinging just under the blast. The aura of the blast came into contact with the aura around his fist, and reacted to each other.
Like magnets. Same Polars repel each other, thus the blast rocketed into the sky before fading into a dot. He stared at the disappearing ball of light before being slammed into the ground as Ranko tackled him. He squeaked as she crushed the air out of his lungs.
"RANMA NO BAKA! You could have been killed! What the hell were you thinking?!" she screamed t him, burying her face in his chest. Ranma hugged her to himself and smiled tiredly. "Sorry Ko-chan..." he managed to whisper before passing out and going limp.
The school watched as Ranko hesitantly pushed herself off his chest to stare wide eyed at Ranma's comatose form. She started to slowly shake her head in denial, her heart stopping at the sight of his pale face. And then, she snapped, and every living thing with in miles looked up with tears at the scream of a soul tortured beyond comprehension.
Sorry it took so long to get out, but I've been busy. It may be near a month before the next chapter comes out, and I'm working on a few other stories (slowly..), so until then... Oh well.
Iron Dragoon
By: Iron Dragoon
"How would you like to know just how strong Ranma *really* is, Mr. Saotome?" asked Nabiki with a smile that almost made him shudder. "What do you mean? How could you know? You're no fighter," he replied with a grin. "Because I have a tape. A tape that shows just how fast both Ranma and Ranko are," she replied with a feral grin.
*Ranko? What do I care about her? Wait... Didn't she beat that Chinese girl a few times..* he thought to himself. "Where is the tape?"
"Oh, a few thousand yen away," she replied with a sunny smile. Genma glared at the girl, but something in that smile reminded him of someone from long ago. *That's it! If the boy doesn't listen to me, he'll listen to her!* he thought with a grin as he passed the money over.
"That's it? No haggling?" asked Nabiki with a surprised look. "It's not like it's my money," replied Genma as he wandered off to the living room and the VCR. "Oh, by the way, that tape runs at one hundred frames per second," she added as she tucked the cash into her pocket.
"So? What's that mean?" She looked at him for a second, then answered. "It means it recorded at over twice the speed the human eye can see." And with that, she wandered up to her room.
************************************************************************ ***
Genma walked out of the living room woodenly and wide eyed. *No way can he be that fast! SHE can't be that fast!* As he stood in front of the phone, he whispered to himself. "Sorry Tendo, but the boy is too powerful. I have no other choice. I have to call her.. I just hope it doesn't kill us both.." And with that, he picked up the phone.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko floated up to the roof of the school and stared at Ranma's back. She was so lost in her thoughts that when he spoke, it startled her. "You shouldn't be flying around, Ko-chan. Someone might see you and start stories," he said without turning. "Let them. Though I wonder what they would say.. Alien? Demon? Or maybe goddess..." she replied with a slight smirk, still floating a few feet off the roof.
"Those only exist in fairy tales. You and I aren't lucky enough to be in a fairy tale."
"And here I thought flying people were myths too, and here we both can do it."
"People have powers in nightmares, too. You know what the difference between them is?"
"What Ran-chan?" she asked worriedly. *He never talks like this.. He's so depressed..*
"In one you get a 'happily ever after.' In the other you get everything you know and love torn away from you."
She floated up behind him and hugged him before replying. "Sometimes nightmares can become fairy tales, Ran-chan."
"Not without a whole lot of peanut butter and anchovie sandwiches before bedtime, Ko-chan."
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma and Ranko bolted out of the classroom when the lunch bell rang. Ranma because he'd been increasingly agitated with his situation, and Ranko because she wanted to keep an eye on him.
Ranma sped around the corner and dropped to the ground in a slide, dodging the horizontal strike from Kuno's bokken. As he began his slide, Ranma spun around to slide backwards and kicked his legs out, striking Kuno in the side of his knee, dropping the boy before the dodged attack could connect with the training Ranko. Ranma slide backwards, watching to make sure Ranko wouldn't get hit. As he stopped sliding, he looked up into the frowning face of Ranko.
"You know, it's sweet that you want to protect me, but get over it. If I can beat you, then Kuno won't ever be a problem." Ranma smiled guiltily as he stood. "Sorry Ko-chan. It's just reflex and habit.." he apologized as he dodged Kuno's attacks without even looking at the boy.
"Foul sorcerer! Cease your demonic evil and release my pig tailed goddess!"
"WHAT?!" Screamed the couple in unison. "You heard me! I know of your treachery! Only dark magic would allow one as low born as you to challenge me! And only through lies and evil could you bind my goddess to yourself!"
Ranma and Ranko blinked a few times, then Ranko lost it.
"BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Y-you think Ranma is a sorcerer?!" Ranko rolled on the ground in laughter as Ranma fumed at Kuno's words. *HIS goddess?! Who does he think he is?! and who needs magic to kick his ass?!*
Kuno stared stupidly at the laughing Ranko and turned on Ranma. "You dare?! You dare to make my love laugh as if I, Tatewaki Kuno, am some sort of joke?! DIE!!" Kuno attacked with a thrust and followed with a slash, all of which were easily dodged.
"Kuno, you *are* a joke. And it's one that's pissing me off." Kuno's face purpled in response.
"Who are you to call one such as I a joke?! You, who can't win love without twisting it with dark magic! Who can't win favor with anyone without demonic aid! Who can't FIGHT without magic?!" he bellowed. And for Ranma, the world slowed as Kuno's words registered.
*He's right! What if she's being *forced* to love me?!* And as the thought formed, all of the stress, confusion and anger of the last week filled Ranma, and tore through his limits like a wet paper bag.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko was snapped back into reality as she heard Kuno's words. She stared at Ranma wide eyed, fearing his reaction to the jibes. Her heart stopped as she saw the anguish flash across his face. Then, it almost riped it's self apart as his thoughts tore their way into it. "Ran-" she started as the world exploded around him.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma felt the weight of his situation slam into him full force. He fought against it, but the despair and doubts of his own mind forced him to buckle and break under the weight of his emotions. He felt the despair and fear being drown out by rage. Rage at life, at Kuno, and, most of all, fate.
He felt the anger boil until he couldn't stand it, and then, he released it. Ranma's aura exploded into life as his rage consumed him. It exploded with such force, it blew everything away, leaving him floating in a dead space.
Ranko flared her own aura to resist the force of it, and flew towards him. "Ranma! Stop! CALM DOWN!!" she screamed as she felt him power up even more. Ranma, seemingly ignoring her, cupped his hands at his waist as a swirling of blue and red light condensed into existence. Whit a bellow of pure rage, he released his attack at Kuno's inert form.
Ranko zipped into the path of the blast, read to block it, but bolted back in surprise as Ranma appeared in front of her. She stared at him as he powered up to protect himself from the blast as it rocketed towards them.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranma's vision was covered by a red sheath of rage. He felt an unexplainable rage empower every fiber of his being. His sense got sharper, his muscles stronger and more toned. And his desire for Kuno's blood increased exponentially as his power did. The world grew blindingly red, and soon the only thing Ranma could see and comprehend was Kuno and his anger at him. As he looked at kuno, he gathered his power in his hands, read to erase Kuno for standing between him and what he wanted, which was a formless concept at the edge of his mind, at the moment.
He released his power and anger at the boy and smiled as the rage left his body and streaked towards Kuno. As the blast closed on the boy, his smile grew, until a flash appeared in between it and it's target. As the form took shape, so did his thoughts. *RANKO!* His desire for Kuno's gory death was turned into panic as he realized his attack could hurt his love and classmates, then the panic turned into determination.
************************************************************************ ***
Ranko's jaw dropped as she watched Ranma power up. *When did he get THIS strong?! He *HAD* to have put almost all of his energy into that attack! He shouldn't be able to stand right now! WHAT THE FUCK?!* The last was both thought and screamed as she saw Ranma's hair and aura flash golden for a few seconds. She watched, stunned into stupidity, as his aura flared gold once and focused around his fist as he cocked his arm to throw a punch.
*What's he doing?! That'll make it explode!* Ranko's panicked thoughts screamed in her mind. She bolted towards him to take the attack for him, fearing the blast would cripple him, or worse. As she reached out for him, his aura fluctuated back to gold and he spun, barely fast enough to dodge, but dodge he did. As she passed him, she watched him fire off his punch. Her heart stopped as his fist sped towards the blast.... And missed.
************************************************************************ ***
After dodging Ranko, Ranma fired of his fist, confidant his hasty technique would work. As his fist flew, he dropped it low, swinging just under the blast. The aura of the blast came into contact with the aura around his fist, and reacted to each other.
Like magnets. Same Polars repel each other, thus the blast rocketed into the sky before fading into a dot. He stared at the disappearing ball of light before being slammed into the ground as Ranko tackled him. He squeaked as she crushed the air out of his lungs.
"RANMA NO BAKA! You could have been killed! What the hell were you thinking?!" she screamed t him, burying her face in his chest. Ranma hugged her to himself and smiled tiredly. "Sorry Ko-chan..." he managed to whisper before passing out and going limp.
The school watched as Ranko hesitantly pushed herself off his chest to stare wide eyed at Ranma's comatose form. She started to slowly shake her head in denial, her heart stopping at the sight of his pale face. And then, she snapped, and every living thing with in miles looked up with tears at the scream of a soul tortured beyond comprehension.
Sorry it took so long to get out, but I've been busy. It may be near a month before the next chapter comes out, and I'm working on a few other stories (slowly..), so until then... Oh well.
Iron Dragoon