Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma 1/2: The Truth and the Tempest ❯ Prelude to the Purge ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[Author’s note: The characters and setting herein- with the exception of one or two O.C.’s of my own design- are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I just borrow them for my own and other people’s amusement. And now, on with the show.]

Ranma ½: The Truth and the Tempest

Chapter 11: Prelude to the Purge


The final bell signaling the end of classes for the day was a welcome relief for both Akane and Ranma, despite the fact that it had been an almost eventless day for them. Once they had gotten over the confrontation with the Amazons, Ranma’s rooftop shortcut had put them in front of the school gates with enough time to avoid being on bucket duty. Each of them had subsequently groaned in irritation as Kuno limped out from behind a tree, spouting more poetry about Ranma being the vile Paris who was stealing his rightful Helen, i.e. Akane. Ranma, being oblivious to Greek epics, had no idea what Kuno meant, so was very relieved when Akane cut the spiel short by threatening Kuno with another place kick to the crotch. A look of severe pain had crossed Kuno’s face as he backed away, obviously still in deep physical agony from the previous day’s injury to said area.

That one confrontation aside, the school day had proceeded without any violent incidents- which prompted some students to speculate that maybe they were dreaming, that they’d made a wrong turn that morning and weren’t at Furinkan High after all. Kuno’s rants were nonexistent for the rest of the day, Ukyo hadn’t come to school at all in the past week, there was no random hole in the wall being created by Shampoo’s bonbori- and strangest of all, Ranma and Akane weren’t fighting with each other. Sure, they did trade a few verbal jabs between classes involving homework and Ranma’s messing up a few easy questions, but the usual fury seemed to be absent. Daisuke and Hiroshi were arguing a conspiracy theory, that they’d been brainwashed by the Men in Black. Sayuri and Yuka both pondered whether they were beginning to come to terms with each other. Gosunkugi brooded all day before disappearing to make a new Ranma voodoo doll. The other students didn’t say much, but did cast a few odd looks their way. Thankfully the principal was at a conference somewhere, so nobody had to suffer through a bout with the hair clippers. (Someone later speculated there was no conference, and that the principal was off at a luau.)

As they were walking home, Ranma’s brow furrowed and he pinched at the bridge of his nose absently. “Man, I never knew school could be so boring when ya aren’t getting in scraps every ten minutes,” he said.

“I know, but it was nice not to have to put up with the usual ton of interruptions,” Akane replied. “I just wish some people would get a clue and butt out of our business; Kuno can’t possibly be dense enough to try something again. Not after today, anyway.”

“Didja see how big his eyes went when ya started drawing your foot back?”

“Yeah, that was priceless,” Akane giggled. “I guess he values the family jewels a bit more than his vendetta against you.”

“Not more than his damn crush on me, you know he left a threat on my desk demanding I release ya and his ‘pig-tailed goddess‘ from my ‘evil grasp’,” Ranma replied, shuddering. “What am I gonna have to do, dump a bucket of water over myself in front of him or somethin’? I’m sick o’ him not pickin’ up the clue.”

“Maybe you won’t have to do that, if Shingen can do something about your curse…” She trailed off, noticing his hand on his nose. “Ranma? Are you okay?”

He stopped pinching the bridge and nodded. “I’m fine, just a twinge.”

“Are you sure?” she asked, concern in her voice. “You’re not just playing it down to keep me from worrying, are you? You’ve had those pains off and on since yesterday.”

“Akane, I’m fine,” he said easily. “It doesn’t really hurt as much as it did before; I haven’t really felt anything all day except now.” He fingered the hematite pendant around his neck. “Dunno about the way this thing looks on me, but I haven’t been hurtin’ much since I put it on.”

Akane nodded. “Um… what about… that other thing?”

Ranma blinked, then nodded as he remembered. “Oh, ya mean arguing with myself… hadn’t really crossed my mind till now.” He shrugged. “Guess that’s a good thing, huh?”

“I guess,” said Akane with a shrug. “Still… it probably wouldn’t hurt to talk to Shingen once we get home. Maybe see if he can tell us more about what he’s planning.”

Ranma sighed. “I just hope whatever he’s got up his sleeve isn’t gonna be another letdown; had to deal with too many false hopes before, so if this is another one…”

“Well, with any luck it won’t be. Remember, he did swear that blood oath to repay you after he nearly eviscerated you, what reason would he have to break his word?” Akane asked.

Ranma scratched the back of his head. “I’ve known a few other people who didn’t give much thought to giving their word and then breaking it. Pops certainly springs to mind.” Akane smirked a bit at that as they turned a corner and started down the street, the gates to the dojo just ahead of them.

“Um… Ranma?”


Akane cleared her throat. “Well… I was just wondering… do you think maybe… I mean…”

“’Bout time you showed up, m’boy!” said a familiar voice tinged with irritation. Both Ranma and Akane winced as they glanced up at the dojo wall where Happosai sat perched on his burglar bundle. “I’ve got a bone ta pick with you, Ranma!” he added, jumping down to the street below.

“With me? What the hell did I do ta you?” Ranma shot back, his fists clenched.

“What is the meaning of that young whippersnapper in there taking over MY room?” the little man snapped. “I no sooner get home from my morning constitutional when I find that some stranger has moved himself into the dojo, and all my silky lovelies moved into the attic storage space! How could you allow such disrespect to your master, sonny? As heir to the Anything Goes school, you have a duty to…”

“Like HELL I do!” Ranma shouted. “I wasn’t the one who offered him the room in the first place! You weren’t here to say anything about it yourself, hell, you come an’ go as ya please, why shouldn’t someone else be allowed to use that room once in a while?”

“Ranma, don’t rile him up…” Akane admonished, but he was too focused to hear her.

“And another thing! I’m sick and tired of hearing how I have a duty to just about everything under the friggin’ sun! I’ve tried my damnedest to live up to other people’s demands, hell I’ve even helped ya out of a jam once or twice and where has it got me? Nowhere! An’ now you’re tellin’ me I gotta act as your own personal landlord as well?”

Happosai scowled. “Are you denying you did nothing when that scoundrel moved in? You just stood by and let him set up shop in MY bedroom, didn’t you? On top of which, he’s put up some sort of warding that won’t let me or anyone else in! The man‘s trouble, I can smell it!”

Ranma gritted his teeth. “You’re lucky I haven’t pounded you flat because you drank that keg of Nannichuan, old freak. Fact is, now that I know a little more I don’t even care! That guy isn’t trouble, he’s tryin’ to help us out with these damn curses! Kasumi offered to put him up here because he doesn’t have a place to stay, it‘s not my fault you weren‘t here to object!”

“Ranma…” Akane whispered, tugging on his vest. “Stop pushing his buttons, you don’t know what he’ll do.”

Happosai blinked, then put his hand to his chin in thought for a moment. “Hmm. You do have a point in that I wasn’t here… and I suppose Kasumi and her dear heart of gold isn’t entirely at fault… but that doesn’t excuse the fact that nobody pointed out that the room was mine or suggested the lad sleep in the dojo. I’m most annoyed at this, m’boy; looks like I’ll just have to teach you a little lesson in respect.” That said, he bounded into the air and darted through Ranma’s legs, striking the side of each knee as he did so. Ranma tried to turn but quickly discovered his knees had locked temporarily; the next thing he knew, a bucket of water landed on his head, obscuring his view for a moment. He- now a she- grabbed the bucket and flung it to one side just as two more sharp stabbing pains shot through her shoulders. Ranma-chan grimaced as she tried to move her arms without discomfort, and realized she couldn’t.

“Ranma! What did he do to you?” asked Akane, concern in her voice.

“Oh, he’ll be fine; I just locked his joints for a few moments,” Happosai cackled, standing in front of them again. “Just long enough to give him his lesson and have me some fun!” With a bounce, he flew through the air and latched onto Ranma-chan’s torso, burying his face in her cleavage. “SWEETO!!!”

Ranma-chan growled in disgust mixed with pain. “You’d think he’d have gotten his fill from Kodachi earlier!” she snarled, grunting as she strained and tried to force her arms to move forward, but only managed a slight wiggle and a flex of her fingers. Sweat began to run down her temples. “Get… off… me… old… FREAK!!!” she shouted, a reddish-gold aura flaring around her body.

“Not until you fulfill your duty as heir and evict that intruder!” Happosai giggled, too focused on Ranma-chan’s breasts to pay any attention. White-gold light flared in the redhead’s eyes and her arms began shaking even harder. “Fight… yer own… damn battles, pervo!!!”

Something warm washed over Ranma-chan from the inside out, breaking the tension on her joints. In a sudden blur of motion, she swung her right arm down and grabbed the top of Happosai’s head, yanking downwards and tearing him off of her blue Chinese vest. A ripping sound rent the air as part of her collar gave way, accompanied by a sharp snap and the clink of something heavy hitting the pavement. “You wanna play games with me, Happy? Fine, let’s play a game of Kick the Can, an’ you get ta be the can!!!” She let go of his head for a brief millisecond before her right leg connected with a front snap kick that sent the diminutive martial arts sensei skyrocketing over the Southern skies of Nerima.

Akane shook her head. “Sometimes I wonder why Dad ever got mixed up with the likes of that jerk,” she muttered. “You alright?”

Ranma-chan brushed her hair back, a smug look on her face. “I’ll be okay. Just hope the freak won’t be back for a while; with any luck that kick took him to Korea.” Akane laughed and started for the gate. Ranma-chan followed suit… then skidded to a halt as a sensation akin to a bolt of fire shot across her eyes.

“Uuhhhh….. Oww…”

Akane’s eyes widened. “Ranma?” She turned to see the shorter redhead stopped dead in her tracks, doubling over and grasping her head with both hands. A strangled gasp escaped her mouth and she stumbled forward, colliding shoulder-first against the gate. Her breathing started to get harsh and she started shaking her head from side to side.

“Urghh… stop it! Stop it, I don’t want to hear it! Leave me alone!!” she gasped. “Arghhh… AAHH!!! DAMMIT, DON’T MAKE ME DO THAT!!!” She smacked herself in the forehead before collapsing and punching the walkway hard enough to crack a paving stone.

“Ranma, what’s happening?” Akane asked frantically. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Voice…” Ranma-chan groaned, staggering up again, hands clamped against her temples. “Screaming… so loud… Great Kami, MAKE IT STOP!!!” Just then her eyelids snapped open, and Akane gasped as she saw Ranma-chan’s eyes glowing bright vermillion.

“Oh gods,” she said in a shaky voice. “Ranma, get a hold of yourself!” Is this what Shingen was talking about? I thought he said we had time! I thought Ranma’s will was strong enough that we didn’t have to worry about anything, so why? What’s happening to him? What am I supposed to do? She grabbed the redhead by the shoulders and shook her gently. “For Gods’ sake, you‘re stronger than this, I know you are! Snap out of it! Please!”

Ranma-chan’s ruby-tinted eyes narrowed on Akane; her hands shot up between Akane’s arms and snapped outward, breaking the taller girl’s hold on her shoulders. Her mouth opened and Akane’s eyes widened as a darker, yet still very feminine, voice found its way from Ranma-chan’s throat. “I will not let you be with him…” A second later, she sprang forward, her clenched fist aimed right at Akane’s head. Akane’s left arm snapped up out of instinct, parrying the blow- but barely. “What are you talking about?” she pleaded, shaking her surprise off as the redhead continued to advance, throwing two more punches and a kick at Akane’s head and abdomen. “Stop it, Ranma! Don’t make me have to hurt you, please!!” Akane’s hands flashed furiously, somehow blocking Ranma-chan’s attacks almost before they happened, but Akane didn’t even notice. Ranma-chan paused and snapped her right fist back, but the movement was slower than usual, giving Akane the chance she needed to dart inside of the smaller girl’s range of motion; once there, she clapped both hands around Ranma-chan’s face and pushed her against the open gate, staring right into her eyes. “Ranma, look at me! You have to get a grip on things and calm down! Don’t give in to this; I know you don’t want to and I’m not going to let you!!!”

Ranma-chan blinked, the red glow vanishing from her eyes. Her arms froze in place, and for a few seconds the two just stood there, staring at each other. A look of revelation passed Ranma-chan’s face and she shuddered, dropping softly to the ground as her knees gave out.

“Oh geez… oh gods, Akane, I’m sorry! I… I can’t believe I just… p-please tell me I didn’t hurt ya…”

“It’s okay, Ranma,” she replied softly, kneeling next to her and drawing her into a hug. “You didn’t hurt me. Don’t worry about me right now; I’m worried about you, and you should be too.”

Ranma-chan shook her head from side to side. “I don’t get it… I was just fine a moment ago, then all of a sudden there’s somethin’ screamin’ at me, tellin’ me to make you cry… I feel like my head’s on fire, an’ then…” She looked up into Akane’s concerned eyes. “I felt like a damn puppet in my own body, ‘kane… what the hell’s happenin’ to me?”

Just then the front door burst open. “I thought I heard someone screaming… Akane? Ranma? Oh my, are you both okay?” Kasumi asked as she approached the two of them.

“I’m not so sure anymore, Kasumi,” Ranma-chan murmured sadly. “I think we gotta talk to Shingen.”

“Something went haywire inside of him,” said Akane. “He was just fine up until Happosai decided to try and grope him, then all of a sudden he screamed in pain and started losing control.” At that moment Shingen appeared on the front steps, followed closely by a concerned Nodoka.

“What’s that about losing control, Akane-chan?” Shingen asked as he approached.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “I’m afraid his curse might be… I don’t know…”

“Let me take a look,” said Shingen as he crouched next to Ranma-chan who was still shivering and shaking her head in disgust at herself. He shifted his perception, examining her aura long and hard, eventually standing up with a heavy sigh. “Hell’s bells. The disruption in his aura just spiked, and it was strong enough that his own force of will barely held up to it. This is worse than I thought; the demon within the curse must be sensing something and is trying to act on it.”

“You mean he might be running out of time?” Nodoka asked nervously from the doorway.

Shingen frowned. “Well, it’s either that or the infection’s been trying to assert itself all day and just now managed to break through his defenses with all its accumulated attempts. Like a roof collapsing under the weight of too much snow.” He folded his arms and looked at Ranma again. “But that shouldn’t have happened, since…” He trailed off, then kneeled once more to look at the redhead’s neck. “Ranma, what happened to that warding pendant?”

Ranma-chan blinked, reaching up and touching just below her throat. “Huh? But I just had it on a second ago…”

“Is this what you’re talking about?” The others turned to see Kasumi at the front gate, holding a broken red cord and the piece of hematite attached to it. “I just noticed it on the ground outside, and I wondered if it might be important.”

Akane stood up and took the pendant from Kasumi. “It must’ve snapped off when you yanked Happosai off your shirt,” she said with a sigh.

“You’d better put that pendant back on for the time being, Ranma,” said Shingen. “And it might be a good idea to change back into your natural body; something about your aura tells me the infection has a stronger hold when you’re in your girl form.”

Ranma-chan nodded sharply. “Akane, have ya got that thermos again today?” Akane nodded and flipped her book bag open, wrenching the lid off the thermos as she drew it out. Steaming water poured over the top of Ranma-chan’s head, turning red hair to black as she turned back into a he. Ranma breathed a sigh of relief and took the pendant from Akane’s outstretched hand. A quick knot later, and the pendant was back in place.

“How do you feel now?” Shingen asked.

Ranma blinked twice, then rubbed his temples once before nodding. “Doesn’t hurt now, an’ I can’t hear anything weird either.”

“Are you sure?” Akane asked warily.

“I am for the moment, at least,” he replied. He stood up slowly, straightening out his vest as he did so.

“I think perhaps it’s time we talked further on what’s to be done; I’m sure that pendant isn’t going to work as a permanent solution,” said Nodoka softly. She cast a concerned look over Ranma as he brushed dust off of his trousers. What could possibly make my son cry out like that? And moreover, what was it trying to make him do that he refused so vehemently? He sounded like… like something was tearing at him from the inside out. And all this because of a cursed training ground, too…

“You’re absolutely right, Nodoka-san,” said Shingen. “Especially now that his father is here; he’ll want to hear about what I have planned as well, since his curse needs treatment just as much as Ranma’s.”

“Shall I prepare some tea for us, Auntie Nodoka?” Kasumi asked.

“That would be most kind of you, Kasumi,” said Nodoka with a smile. Kasumi nodded and headed back inside. Nodoka glanced at her son once more, giving him a hopeful smile before heading towards the tearoom.

“So, what have ya got planned?” Ranma asked as he started up the steps towards the foyer, Akane at his side. “I kinda figured this morning the pendant alone won’t cut it, especially after what just happened… for gods’ sake, I almost attacked Akane just now. Whatever’s inside me, I don’t want it.”

Shingen folded his arms and nodded. “The pendant is just a tool to offset any mental proddings or psionic attacks you might suffer from the infection. It won’t deal with the physical transformation one bit, and as you probably found out, there is the danger of the mental proddings building up and a psychic surge occurring if you lose the pendant.”

“So what do we do, then?” Akane asked.

Shingen closed his eyes and sighed. “I’ll have to perform a Spirit Purge.”


Kasumi brought a tray of refreshments into a tense tearoom. Shingen sat at one end of the table and had just finished reviewing the salient points of the Jusenkyo curses for Soun and Genma- the ley lines deep beneath that section of China, the focal points of the one-way portals that formed when living beings drowned in the springs, and most notably the gradual effect upon one’s mind. Soun was staring alternately between Shingen and Genma, part of him not wanting to believe a thing the younger man was saying, the other half believing the possibility after all the insanity that had plagued the Tendo household for the past year. Shingen’s mention of chaos forces in motion around them merely strengthened the belief it was all true. Genma, for his part, was pale and more than a little nervous. Not so much for his own state of mind or the fact that being cursed also meant a form of possession. Nodoka had had some very strong words with him the past night and through the better part of the morning, and he knew that if he slipped up much further, he’d be in trouble faster than you could say ‘panda-skin rug’.

The other members of the household sat and brooded. Kasumi tried to smile, but it did little to mask the worry lines on her face. Nodoka sported a similar look, while Akane looked sympathetically at an upset Ranma. Nabiki sat on one side of the room trying to look bored, but failing.

“So… what you’re saying, in effect, is that anyone who’s fallen under the grip of a Jusenkyo curse might gradually begin to lose control of themselves?” Soun asked, turning to look at his best friend.

“It all depends on circumstance, timing and the will of the victim, but yes, inevitably some form of mental trauma will occur,” Shingen replied with a nod.

“You can say that again,” Ranma muttered, taking a sip of tea. “Voices in yer head, or ya do something ya didn’t mean to do…”

“I just don’t believe it,” Genma mused, shaking his head. “Who would have thought such an innocuous training ground could lead to something like this?”

“YOU were the one that dragged me there without gettin’ the whole story ‘bout the place first, Pop!!”

“I thought I was doing you a favor, boy! Everything I heard said it was one of the finest training grounds in existence!”

“If you wanted to do me a favor you woulda read the whole story and we never woulda gotten cursed in the first place!”

“Don’t you talk back to me like that, boy!!! You think this isn’t hard for me, too?!?”

“What would you know about it being hard? You sure as hell don’t seem ta mind being a panda!!”

“Stop this, both of you!” Shingen snapped, banging his palm on the table. “Whatever happened in the past, whatever your reasons for going to Jusenkyo, that’s not important right now! What is important is that because of the curses, something has been put in motion and it’s affecting the patterns of order in this ward. The longer it lasts, the more chaotic things may become and the more likely each victim will gradually turn towards madness. This is no time for petty arguments or blame-throwing.”

“He is right, you two,” said Nodoka quietly. “What’s done is done; there’s no point in arguing whose fault it is or who’s suffered more. This is serious. And serious times demand to be treated as such.”

Ranma and Genma each let out a long sigh and nodded as they sat back down. Genma absently fingered the runic pendant around his own neck. This trinket feels pretty silly, he thought to himself. But I won’t argue about it; might as well make sure what happened to the boy doesn’t happen to me. Besides, I’d rather not argue with No-chan about it…

“What do we have to do?” Soun asked. “Will an exorcism work? Or one of the Amazons’ tribal remedies?”

“If an exorcism was all it took, we could’ve solved the problem when that oni paid us a visit a few months ago,” Nabiki piped up. “Remember, the one that kept jumping into people’s heads and we had to use those spirit wards to corner it and put it back in the box?” Everyone nodded, shuddering a bit as they recalled banging those possessed on the head to get the oni out, and how nobody could bring themselves to strike Kasumi when she fell victim.

“A simple exorcism won’t do the job in a case like this,” said Shingen. “The only way to break a curse of this nature is to destroy its essence completely.”

Akane’s head snapped up. “Destroy it… completely?”

“How exactly are you planning to accomplish that?” Nodoka asked, a steely edge creeping into her voice. “You aren’t planning to use that naginata of yours against my son again, are you?” Genma’s eyes widened as he glanced at Nodoka, then Shingen, then at the silk-wrapped polearm standing against the wall.

“I have no intention of attacking demonic essence while it is still confined to a host body,” Shingen answered, his eyes and voice level. “That’s where the Spirit Purge comes in.”

“Spirit Purge?” Kasumi asked.

“An advanced Hunter technique. Its original use was to cleanse land, buildings or inanimate objects of negative energies, ‘purging’ them as it were. In later times it was altered to include a wider range of uses, especially once it was discovered it succeeded in cases where a standard exorcism might fail. Using a combination of ki channeling and specialized warding runes, the Purge takes hold of the affected aura and separates any foreign intrusions therein before ejecting them from the host. In short, it expels demonic energy forcibly from an infested object… or person.” He crossed his arms and looked over the entire room. “It’s a secret that has been handed down by the Hunters for a long time. It’s not just part of our traditions, it’s engrained in our blood, much like a number of our techniques. And like our combat techniques, it’s not one I would use lightly.” He paused, allowing his words to sink in.

Akane was the first to break the silence. “So if you use this, Ranma could be cured for good?”

Shingen nodded. “I won’t deny, there are definite risks involved. The Spirit Purge draws on incredible amounts of ki, both from the caster and from the recipient. A plot of land or a house purified in such a manner wouldn’t necessarily be damaged in any severe way, but a living body is another matter. Once the Purge begins, there is no stopping it, and the person being cleansed would have to remain within a specified area- a casting circle. It’s the only way to properly break the hold the curse has on the victim’s aura, especially if the negative energies are as deep-rooted as yours.” He sighed once more.

“In all likelihood, it will not be a pleasant experience. Because your own ki will be in flux during the casting, whoever is being Purged will be in a great deal of pain… but if at any point you leave the casting circle before the process completes, you could end up in a crippled state, or remain cursed the rest of your life. Possibly even both.”

“Are you serious?” Nabiki asked. “You mean they could go through hell and back again and still wind up the same as before?”

“Oh, my…” was all Kasumi could say. Soun just stared, shaking his head. Genma looked wary; part of him wanted to jump at the chance to be normal, but another part was telling him quite loudly that pain was a very bad thing. For a few moments, the room fell silent again.

“Pain I can handle.”

Akane blinked. “Ranma?”

Ranma took a deep breath. “All I know is I’m sick of havin’ to live like this. It’s caused me enough trouble before, an’ after what just happened to me outside I don’t wanna risk something like it happening again. I put up with that damn Cat-Tongue pressure point, Happosai’s moxibustion, nearly gettin’ locked in my cursed form for good, and gods know what else… what’s another trip through hell if it’ll stop whatever sent me berserk just a moment ago?”

Genma stood up and clapped him hard on the shoulder. “That’s my boy for you! I knew one day you’d see the truth, that every experience, no matter the cost, is a form of training! I’m proud of you, Ranma! This is true courage, being able to risk it all to prove the validity of…” He got no further as Ranma clocked him on top of his head.

“Save your speeches, Pop, you’d just rather someone else went through it before you did so you could see if it was safe or not! How dumb do ya think I am? I’m not doin’ this to be some sorta guinea pig for you, I’m doin’ it so I don’t have to worry ‘bout losing control again!” An’ I definitely don’t wanna wind up in another position like I was earlier; great Kami, I almost punched Akane out! If I don’t get this thing outta me soon, I might wind up hurtin’ her for real! He turned his head towards Shingen. “How soon can we get this over with?”

“I have the materials for one Purge already, and have begun preparing a second ward as well. We could do one right now, another in a day or so. Unfortunately I still have to wait for additional supplies, so any remaining curse victims will likely have to keep those pendants on in the meantime. They won’t prevent the transformation, but their minds should remain sound until I can help them.”

“That’s a relief, I suppose,” said Soun, brightening a bit. “I’d hate to see my old friend Saotome here fall into some sort of breakdown before this is resolved.” Just then there was a clatter as Ranma half-dropped his teacup on the table.

“Oh hell… I can‘t believe I forgot…”

“Son? What’s wrong?” Nodoka asked.

“Yeah, what’s the big deal?” Nabiki added. Ranma looked around the room and sighed.


Akane stiffened at the sound of his name. “What? What about that pervert? What’s he got to do with this?”

“That’s right… that boy who fed me that bad information about you, the one that fell in the fountain. He must be the only one who still doesn’t have a ward,” Shingen muttered.

“Exactly. The guy could be losing it already, if he didn’t lose it months ago,” said Ranma. “I think we’re gonna have to track that guy down an’ get him here fast.”

“Ranma!” Akane snapped. “Don’t tell me you want to help him after the way he used me… and used you, too! For crying out loud, he tried to kill you a few times in the past year and now you’re concerned about him? Why??”

“Because his curse was sorta my fault in the first place, because even with the lies and everything else he still helped us out a few times…” Ranma paused before looking directly into her eyes. “Most importantly, because he’s a friend. He an’ I did team up briefly here and there, and even though he lied about his own curse he still treated ya a lot better than I did. Hell, I dunno, maybe the fact he was cursed is what made him act the way he did… maybe even what helped him master the Shishi Hokodan.” Everyone glanced up; Ranma cleared his throat.

“I’m only guessing, an’ I know he made a big mistake, Akane, but he’s got the same damn possession problem me, Pop and the Amazons do, and there’s one big difference.” He stared down at the table. “If he starts going off the deep end, wherever he is right now, what’s gonna hold him back?” Akane paled, as did several other people at the table.

“Good gods,” Nabiki gasped as images of an Ultimate Shishi Hokodan destroying half the city flashed in her mind. “I sure as hell hope that guy isn’t at that point yet.”

“Me too,” Ranma sighed. “Which is why we probably oughta get him here an’ at least get him a ward, but without knowin’ where he is that ain’t gonna be easy. Besides, he coulda wandered off someplace else by now.”

“Perhaps the old Amazon could help?” Soun asked. “She might be able to divine his aura, perhaps even pinpoint his location… though I’m just guessing, of course.”

“That’s a good idea, Tendo-san,” said Shingen. “I’d rather all concerned parties be in relatively the same area; it could help minimize confusion.” He stood up, straightening out his jacket. “However, I’d rather not have to wait to track that man down before utilizing at least one Spirit Purge. The faster we get started, the better off all concerned parties will be. Especially since there’s already been one incident in which a victim lost control,” he added, glancing at a particular pig-tailed martial artist at the table.

Ranma nodded slowly. “Yeah… I guess you’re right. Might as well get started.”

The others nodded in agreement. Shingen excused himself to gather his equipment and begin making the necessary preparations; the back yard, he said, would provide an ideal space for the casting circle. Soun and Genma decided to retire for a late game of shogi. Kasumi left to prepare the evening meal; Nabiki decided to phone a contact of hers to see if there was any news of a wandering bandanna-clad martial artist. Nodoka excused herself to help Kasumi.

Ranma glanced at Akane. “Hey… you okay?”

She nodded slightly. “I guess so… I’m just a little surprised that you still consider Ryoga a friend.”

“Yeah, well… I guess I just realized I can’t blame him for everything that he’s done. Some of it’s his fault, but some of it’s my fault, too… an’ probably other peoples’ fault. That’s no excuse for what he did, I know, but right now- wherever the hell he is- he needs a hand. I’m not sayin’ you have to forgive him for what he did… hell, I’m not sure I’m ready to do that myself. But I am ready to stop this damn vendetta he has against me, an’ hopefully finding him and getting his own curse taken care of might just do it.”

Akane looked up, wide-eyed. I really do underestimate you, Ranma. That jerk played both of us through his curse, and you’re still ready to help him out… is it because you feel guilty about getting him cursed? No… no, it’s not just that. You’ve done the same sort of thing with some of your other rivals, too- you could have easily beat the living hell out of Kirin, or Toma or Shinnosuke, but you didn’t. You didn’t even want to kill Saffron after all that he did… She sighed and gave him a wan smile.

“I don’t know if I’ll be ready to forgive Ryoga for a while,” she said. “Then again, if he is in the same condition as you…”

“Maybe worse, you know how easy he gets depressed.”

She nodded. “I just hope someone figures out a way to find him and get him taken care of. Then I’ll kill him.”

“Akane, I hope yer joking about that.”

She sighed. “I don’t know… right now I’m not really that worried about him so much as I am about you. You really scared me outside the gates earlier; it was like you were coming apart at the seams. I just don’t want to see that happen again, Ranma.” She turned to face him, placing a hand on his. “I know it’s selfish, and I’m guessing it could easily happen to any of the others as well… but I’d rather be secure knowing you’re okay, not that your dad or Ryoga or Shampoo is going to be okay. If it was just the transformation, I wouldn’t really be bothered, but I don’t want to see you lose control again. You once told me you wanted me to be safe… well, I want you to be safe, too.”

Ranma smiled. “Ordinarily I’d probably tell ya not to worry about me; you know I’m gonna be okay. But I don’t really feel like sayin’ that right now.” He reached up and brushed a loose strand of her hair aside. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” she replied, a slight blush on her face. “Let’s just hope Shingen’s technique works.”

“It will, Akane. I dunno how I know, but I just do. It’s gonna be alright.”

To Be Continued…


Author’s note : I do hope this chapter is satisfactory; there are a few sections I’m not totally overjoyed with but then again I am my own worst critic. Next chapter- a Demon Hunter attempts to succeed where Happosai once failed. What exactly has been lurking inside Ranma since his visit to Jusenkyo? Stay tuned.

-Neon Ronin
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