Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Sanity ❯ Sanity ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Outside of the Nerma Mental Hospital, we see two doctors meeting as one of them, Dr. Montoya, heads to his patients.

"Hey Dr. Ijoji." He says. "How goes Sara?"

"She's just fine. Making terrific progress." Ijoji says.

"Whish I could say the same thing about my patient." Montoya replies.

"Its still that bad?"

"Its better than it was. It all started the a few days after that failed wedding."

"You mean the one where it looked like a riot went through one dojo?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Shortly there after, the boy of her affections… Ranma I think it was, declared his love to someone else. From there, she just snapped."

"From what you told me about her, if I knew her I wouldn't be surprised, considering her behavior and all."

"That wasn't the end of it, they tried another wedding, hoping now that the boy declared his love, that it would go smoothly."

"And did it?"

"Yes, but the reason was because they found the bodies of some of the crashers of the first wedding, all of witch had the writing of `He Loves Me! ONLY ME!' right next to them in their own blood."

"And she did all of that?"

"Yes, but it gets worse from there. She showed up in a wedding gown and when Ranma flat out told her `I don't love you,' she totally lost it and went after both him and the bride. In a rage she said `I killed those bitches because they weren't good enough for you!'


"She then proceeded to say `Maybe one of them has gotten to your soul! I must get it out!' She then lunged for Ranma, but when his wife to be tried to stop her, she stabbed the bride. She's lucky to survive."

"How did they…?"

"Get her? I'm getting to that. Ranma, and he'll tell you this to the day he dies because that's what he told me, did the one thing he said he'd never do. He had to hurt her to stop her."

"Oh man."

"That was three years ago, and to this day, she's still in that straight jacket." They stopped in front of the door to Dr. Montoya's patient's room and heard hear say "Raaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…" in a ghostly tone.

"That is creepy Dr. Montoya."

"The sad part is that it's an improvement from last week. During activities, she painted a picture of her killing the one he really loved. I'll catch you at the bar."

"See ya." Dr. Ijoji said as he left. Dr. Montoya opened the door and sat down in front of his patient.

"Hello Akane." He then looked down and saw that during lunch, she spelled "Kill Nabiki" and during activities, she drew a picture of her killing the 'Fiancée Stealer' as she called her. "I can see we still have a long way to go."