Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Strike the Gong ❯ Chapter 1
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Strike the Gong
A Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by SaotomeRanchan
http://www.allabout ranma.com/fanfics/
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. Rights to
Ranma 1/2 belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz,
and countless other entities with the power to sue me for
borrowing them for a little while. I promise I'll give them back,
and I'll even launder them, too!
Cologne watched as her great-granddaughter crumpled the
letter in her hands and wordlessly headed out the
Nekohanten's door. Mousse made a move to follow her, but
the Joketsukozu elder held her staff out, blocking his way.
[Let her be, Mu Tsu,] she told the bespectacled youth. [Xian
Pu needs to handle this in her own way.]
Shampoo held her hands up to the heavens, cradling the
morning sun in her palms. The golden light enveloped her,
energized her, warming her with its purifying embrace. With
feline grace, the young Amazon slowly lowered her upraised
limbs, fluidly shifting into a different posture, her breathing
slow, her mind clear. With slow, deliberate movements, she
stretched her right arm out diagonally, changing positions yet
again, her stance abstract yet still very natural.
All around her, people paused as they rushed to work,
stopping to observe the Chinese girl as she performed her
mesmerizing dance. Some went their way after a few
minutes, smiling and feeling somewhat more at peace for
having watched the violet-haired beauty. Others stayed on,
enthralled and marvelling at the sense of tranquility that
emanated from the girl.
"Is this some kind of show to increase tourism?" a curious
onlooker asked a stern-faced guard. The guard did not reply.
Shampoo ignored the crowd, her focus completely on her
kata. With every move, she felt calmer, more serene, as if
her soul had expanded beyond her body to merge with the
spirits -- both those divine and those of others who practiced
what she did that very moment. Slowly, the Amazon raised
her arms again, palms out, finishing her form with a shoulder-
level circle, as if she were trying to embrace the world.
The people gathered around her applauded as Shampoo
brought her palms together in a prayer-like pose and
bowed, her expression proud yet peaceful. As a guard
came up on either side of her and led her off the Chinese
Embassy grounds, she turned to the crowd of spectators
and spoke two words:
"Falun Gong."
At the Nekohanten, a tear coursed down Cologne's cheek as
she held the discarded letter in her hand. [Liu Shu. Liu Juan.
My sisters ... Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.]
Author's Note:
Since July 1999, the Chinese Communist Government has
cracked down on Falun Gong, a movement of spiritual
beliefs and slow-motion qigong exercises that practitioners
believe leads to enlightenment. More than 10,000 followers
now languish in prison camps... or worse: in June 2001, 15
female followers were tortured to death at Wanjia Labor
Camp, Heilongjiang Province. Thousands of other followers
are in hiding. Chinese police are authorized to punish the
family members, neighbors, colleagues, employers, and
even local officials of any Falun Gong protesters who reach
the capital, Beijing.
Several months ago, five Falun Gong practitioners reached
Beijing and set themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square,
Two, a 12-year-old girl and her mother, both allegedly from
Qinghai Province, died, sacrificing themselves for their
An estimated 75,000 Americans practice Falun Gong
A Ranma 1/2 fanfiction by SaotomeRanchan
http://www.allabout ranma.com/fanfics/
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. Rights to
Ranma 1/2 belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz,
and countless other entities with the power to sue me for
borrowing them for a little while. I promise I'll give them back,
and I'll even launder them, too!
Cologne watched as her great-granddaughter crumpled the
letter in her hands and wordlessly headed out the
Nekohanten's door. Mousse made a move to follow her, but
the Joketsukozu elder held her staff out, blocking his way.
[Let her be, Mu Tsu,] she told the bespectacled youth. [Xian
Pu needs to handle this in her own way.]
Shampoo held her hands up to the heavens, cradling the
morning sun in her palms. The golden light enveloped her,
energized her, warming her with its purifying embrace. With
feline grace, the young Amazon slowly lowered her upraised
limbs, fluidly shifting into a different posture, her breathing
slow, her mind clear. With slow, deliberate movements, she
stretched her right arm out diagonally, changing positions yet
again, her stance abstract yet still very natural.
All around her, people paused as they rushed to work,
stopping to observe the Chinese girl as she performed her
mesmerizing dance. Some went their way after a few
minutes, smiling and feeling somewhat more at peace for
having watched the violet-haired beauty. Others stayed on,
enthralled and marvelling at the sense of tranquility that
emanated from the girl.
"Is this some kind of show to increase tourism?" a curious
onlooker asked a stern-faced guard. The guard did not reply.
Shampoo ignored the crowd, her focus completely on her
kata. With every move, she felt calmer, more serene, as if
her soul had expanded beyond her body to merge with the
spirits -- both those divine and those of others who practiced
what she did that very moment. Slowly, the Amazon raised
her arms again, palms out, finishing her form with a shoulder-
level circle, as if she were trying to embrace the world.
The people gathered around her applauded as Shampoo
brought her palms together in a prayer-like pose and
bowed, her expression proud yet peaceful. As a guard
came up on either side of her and led her off the Chinese
Embassy grounds, she turned to the crowd of spectators
and spoke two words:
"Falun Gong."
At the Nekohanten, a tear coursed down Cologne's cheek as
she held the discarded letter in her hand. [Liu Shu. Liu Juan.
My sisters ... Your sacrifices will never be forgotten.]
Author's Note:
Since July 1999, the Chinese Communist Government has
cracked down on Falun Gong, a movement of spiritual
beliefs and slow-motion qigong exercises that practitioners
believe leads to enlightenment. More than 10,000 followers
now languish in prison camps... or worse: in June 2001, 15
female followers were tortured to death at Wanjia Labor
Camp, Heilongjiang Province. Thousands of other followers
are in hiding. Chinese police are authorized to punish the
family members, neighbors, colleagues, employers, and
even local officials of any Falun Gong protesters who reach
the capital, Beijing.
Several months ago, five Falun Gong practitioners reached
Beijing and set themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square,
Two, a 12-year-old girl and her mother, both allegedly from
Qinghai Province, died, sacrificing themselves for their
An estimated 75,000 Americans practice Falun Gong