Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Symphony ❯ Overture ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Ranma 1/2 fanfiction set in the Finale universe
by SaotomeRanchan
http://ww w.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. Rights to
Ranma 1/2 belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz,
and countless other entities with the power to clobber me
over the head with humongous wooden mallets for
borrowing them for a little while.
This story takes place shortly after the events in Manga 38.
Author's notes to follow.
ÒMy eyes behold the beauteous Tendo Akane! Come, my
love, date with me!Ó
I long ago lost count of the number of times IÕd uttered that
phrase, always certain that a certain lovely brunette would at
last notice my magnificence and acquiesce to my humble
request. Every morning, I would arrive at school early, my gi
top carefully concealing a bouquet of dew-kissed roses cut
by my own hand, a token of my esteem and adoration.
And every morning, those very roses would have their
delicate petals scattered throughout the schoolyard by one
of my raven-tressed beautyÕs Herculean kicks or punches.
Unless, of course, I waited to present the posies to my
pigtailed goddess.
In which case, the delicate rose petals would be scattered
by a titanic kick from my fiery-haired Venus.
It never ceased to amuse me how my two beloveds would
compete with each other for my affection, displaying their
strength and martial arts prowess much like a peacock
prances before a peahen -- I, of course, being much more
resplendent than any drab, dirty bird.
So I allowed my lovelies to continue their competition, I
being more than willing to indulge them in their playful
pursuits. The only shadow on my angelsÕ amusements was
the one cast by the vile sorceror Saotome, who had both of
my beloveds bound to him, one by a dark dealing with her
father, the other ensorceled by nefarious means.
Several months after I foiled SaotomeÕs evil plot to enslave
my ebony-haired ingenue through a sham marriage
ceremony, I began to notice several changes in my angelsÕ
behavior. My beautiful pigtailed girl, once bursting with
vibrant energy, seemed subdued, troubled, as if she bore a
great weight upon her slender shoulders. She seldom
appeared in the company of her bosom friend (and my
other beloved), Tendo Akane, and she no longer frequented
the dining establishments of her other close companions, the
comely gaijin with the purple locks and the slender fellow with
the immense cooking implement. I attempted to console her,
to comfort her with gentle words and a sweet embrace, for
surely she had been shunned because of her affection for
me. But she refused my solace, telling me in her dulcet voice
to just leave her alone and punctuating her sad statement
with a masterful kick to my chin.
I knew not what to think. I was certain, however, that
SaotomeÕs black magicks were behind my darlingÕs
As for the virtuous Tendo Akane, she too had begun to
change. Her transformation, however, was one I
wholeheartedly approved. Through divine intervention or
through fierce determination, she was starting to throw off the
shackles that chained her to that scurrilous knave.
The changes were gradual. At first, I noticed that she no
longer raced to school in an attempt to escape Saotome as
he pursued her to the very gates of Furinkan. She instead
walked with dignity, despite her tormentor remaining close at
her side. Soon the cacophony of insults he habitually hurled
at her on a daily basis trailed off, allowing my love to enjoy
the sweet sounds of the morning birds, the rustling leaves,
and, of course, my quotidian greeting. Saotome still walked
beside her, but his sullen expression made my heart sing:
he was losing his hold on fair Akane.
Then one day, the very earth shifted beneath my feet. Not
because of one of NihonÕs occasional earthquakes, mind
you, but the effects were just as momentous. I stood in the
schoolyard, my gi top and hakama freshly laundered, my
bouquet and bokken both at the ready. I watched as my
beloved bickered with the villainous fiend, then approached
my position. As she drew near, I stepped forward.
ÒAh, the morningÕs glory doth pale beside the splendor of
Tendo Akane. Come, my Juliet, date with me!Ó
She said yes.
At first I thought I had misheard, that the evil wizard had cast
spell on me. But his face betrayed his astonishment -- he
was as surprised as I. Not a sound was uttered throughout
the grounds as I offered my roses and my arm to my darling.
As the entire student body watched, she accepted them
and, with a smile, entwined her arm in mine. Together, we
entered the school building.
Over the subsequent days, I began noticing a change in
myself. I had never before thought that one of my
goddesses would call an end to their competition, yet ended
it had with the beauteous Tendo AkaneÕs open declaration
for me. No longer had I the need to exhibit my magnificence;
no longer had I the need to constantly outshine my fellow
scholars. I was still FurinkanÕs alpha male, mind you, but I now
had my alpha female. I could happily settle into a life of
complacent and comfortable domesticity.
And settle I did. Knowing how fragile my darlingÕs hard-won
freedom was, I courted her slowly, giving her the time she
needed to repair her wounded soul. One day I might leave a
single long-stemmed rose and a haiku on her desk. Another,
I might simply escort her to and from her classes, sharing idle
talk and enjoying one anotherÕs company. It was heavenly.
Our first true date was painstakingly planned by me once I
was certain she was forever free of SaotomeÕs influence. An
afternoon picnic beneath my estateÕs cherry trees, enjoying
only the most exquisite morsels money could by. Once
weÕd eaten our fill, we would stroll along the rock garden,
reading our fortunes in the stones. In the tea room, I would
demonstrate my skill as a recognized cha master, presenting
for her a centuries-old tea ceremony for two. Then, in the
family theater, we would view a selection of films from
America, followed by a light repast under the stars.
I unfortunately forgot to take into account the small matter of
Tendo Nabiki greeted me at the door when I arrived to pick
up my beloved. She scathingly informed me that her
*baby* sister was not yet ready, then escorted me to the
living room, where she proceeded to stare at me as if I were
a festival freak. Truth be known, IÊhad always been of the
belief that she had fancied me, yet had not dared compete
against her sister and the pigtailed girl. The fact that I was
now out of her reach undoubtedly caused her hostility
towards me.
Footsteps on the stairs raised my hope that fair Akane had
completed her preparations, but alas, it was only Tendo
Kasumi descending. After chiding her sister for not extending
proper hospitality to a guest, my loveÕs eldest sibling quietly
asked me if I were pleased with what was happening. When
I replied that indeed, my heart soared every second I was in
my darlingÕs presence, she nodded sadly, cast a wistful
glance towards the family dojo, then retired to the kitchen.
When my love finally appeared, I was only too happy to
vacate the premises. The walk back to my estate, my onyx-
haired angel chatting cheerfully beside me, improved my
mood dramatically. Upon our arrival, I hastened to the pantry
to retrieve the picnic hamper I had carefully packed. I
extended my arm and, with her delicate hand in mine, we
strolled to the sakura, admiring the spring blooms in the
gardens along the way.
At our destination, I unlatched the hamper and, removing a
linen tablecloth, spread it evenly over the ground. As I
reached back in for the silverware and napkins, my hand
instead closed around something soft and silky. Curious, I
drew it out.
It was a black rose.
I had completely forgotten about my twisted sister. Kodachi,
who detested the beauteous Akane simply because
Saotome Ranma had chosen to bewitch my beloved
instead of her. Truly, I would have thought my sister happy
with my assignation, for it meant the evil miscreant was hers
to pursue. Apparently, Kodachi was not satisfied by this.
I must have appeared the total buffoon as I stood there,
spluttering, wondering whether I should dash back to the
mansion for my antidote kit. Not wishing to distress my
darling, I instead decided to forge ahead with our picnic,
vowing to taste everything she tasted so that we would
share whatever fate my sister had in store for us. I do
believe my beloved was flattered by my attentiveness,
although my solicitude was due more to concern than to
chivalry. I kept up my smile and relaxed air as we wandered
past the rock garden, I fervently praying to the kami that she
would not read a fortune of doom in the stones. Never have
I performed such a rigid, formal tea ceremony, although
oddly, she seemed taken by its strict elegance. I was finally
able to breathe again after IÕd prepared a special Òfruit punchÓ
for us to sip as we watched the movies.
From that day on, we made certain to spend at least a
portion of each day together. She would come watch my
kendo tournaments; I would stack cement blocks for her to
smash. She would prepare one of her incomparable bento
for me; I would treat her to a sizable afternoon snack those
days she made lunch. We would go shopping, my love
selecting outfits that emphasized her beauty, I carrying her
packages. We would share immense ice cream concoctions
built for two. I happily took her to concerts, museum
openings, the theater, festivals; she graciously bestowed
upon me our first goodnight kiss.
Eventually, our schoolmates and companions grew
accustomed to our presence as a couple. And, to my utter
surprise and bewilderment, I found that I could not fathom a
day without my Akane. She was always there for me -- as
my date at my promotional dance, as my escort at my
graduation from Furinkan, as my sympathetic ear when my
father, that hellspawn principal, required me to matriculate at a
private academy for a post-graduate year due to my
allegedly low grades.
My one regret through all this was that love was not without
its consequences. Or, in my case, the heart-breaking effect
our romance had on the pigtailed girl. Already a mere
shadow of herself, my once fiery temptress became
increasingly withdrawn, rarely appearing in public any more.
My heart went out to her, yet I could do nothing. There had
been a time when I insisted I could love and have both, but
now IÊknew I only wanted -- I only loved -- Tendo Akane.
I was striding through a park, my umbrella keeping the rain off
my head, when I saw her. It is my belief that she had been
waiting for me, as it was no secret that I often took this path
en route to my assignations with fair Akane. As I wound my
way through the woods, she appeared directly in front of
me. She stood there, her Chinese shirt and black slacks
soaked, her pigtail dripping, her sea-blue eyes wide and
hesitant. I stopped in my tracks.
Quietly, she took a deep breath, then spoke. ÒYou... you
love her, donÕt you?Ó she asked sadly.
I could not avoid causing her further pain. ÒYes,Ó I replied.
We stood there, regarding each other, she battling her
sorrow, I my regret. Finally, with tears and rain streaking her
cheeks, she spoke again. ÒMake her happy,Ó she requested,
her voice quavering. And, in the blink of an eye, she was
gone, leaping through the trees to nurse her grief on her own.
I never saw her again.
It is my belief that, knowing I was lost to her forever, she
gave up her struggle against the foul SaotomeÕs
ensorcelment. Shortly after our meeting in the park, Saotome
left on what he claimed was to be an extended training trip
through continental Asia: China, Korea, Tibet. The pigtailed
girl disappeared soon after his departure, and I am positive
that she meekly accompanied her enslaver on his journey,
her sorrow clouding her judgment.
My love was saddened by the loss of her friend, but
through steadfast companionship and spirit-lifting excursions
in and about town, I was able to return the smile to her face.
And then I recalled the pigtailed girlÕs parting words to me:
Make her happy. I knew beyond a doubt that I wished to do
this, always.
I asked my beloved to meet me at Furinkan at 8:30 AM not
too long after this epiphany. She looked at me rather oddly;
school was not due to start for another two weeks. However,
in the end she chose to humor me. On the designated
morning, I quickly dressed in my blue gi top and black
hakama, then headed to the garden, where I carefully
selected twelve roses of purest white, gathering them into a
bouquet. I then set off.
As the clock on the school tower indicated half past eight, my
raven-tressed ladylove came into view, her curiosity easy to
see. As she drew near, I stepped forward.
ÒMy eyes behold the beauteous Tendo Akane!Ó I
proclaimed. I then dropped to one knee and presented her
with the bouquet.
ÒCome, my love, wed with me.Ó
Author&Ot ilde;s Notes:
Thanks to Nick Leifker for inspiring me to continue exploring
the Finale universe -- in his footsteps I meekly follow.
C&C welcome at SaotomeRanchan@allaboutranma.com.
No flames, please -- I'm more sensitive than Tendo Soun!
A Ranma 1/2 fanfiction set in the Finale universe
by SaotomeRanchan
http://ww w.allaboutranma.com/fanfics/
Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. Rights to
Ranma 1/2 belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz,
and countless other entities with the power to clobber me
over the head with humongous wooden mallets for
borrowing them for a little while.
This story takes place shortly after the events in Manga 38.
Author's notes to follow.
ÒMy eyes behold the beauteous Tendo Akane! Come, my
love, date with me!Ó
I long ago lost count of the number of times IÕd uttered that
phrase, always certain that a certain lovely brunette would at
last notice my magnificence and acquiesce to my humble
request. Every morning, I would arrive at school early, my gi
top carefully concealing a bouquet of dew-kissed roses cut
by my own hand, a token of my esteem and adoration.
And every morning, those very roses would have their
delicate petals scattered throughout the schoolyard by one
of my raven-tressed beautyÕs Herculean kicks or punches.
Unless, of course, I waited to present the posies to my
pigtailed goddess.
In which case, the delicate rose petals would be scattered
by a titanic kick from my fiery-haired Venus.
It never ceased to amuse me how my two beloveds would
compete with each other for my affection, displaying their
strength and martial arts prowess much like a peacock
prances before a peahen -- I, of course, being much more
resplendent than any drab, dirty bird.
So I allowed my lovelies to continue their competition, I
being more than willing to indulge them in their playful
pursuits. The only shadow on my angelsÕ amusements was
the one cast by the vile sorceror Saotome, who had both of
my beloveds bound to him, one by a dark dealing with her
father, the other ensorceled by nefarious means.
Several months after I foiled SaotomeÕs evil plot to enslave
my ebony-haired ingenue through a sham marriage
ceremony, I began to notice several changes in my angelsÕ
behavior. My beautiful pigtailed girl, once bursting with
vibrant energy, seemed subdued, troubled, as if she bore a
great weight upon her slender shoulders. She seldom
appeared in the company of her bosom friend (and my
other beloved), Tendo Akane, and she no longer frequented
the dining establishments of her other close companions, the
comely gaijin with the purple locks and the slender fellow with
the immense cooking implement. I attempted to console her,
to comfort her with gentle words and a sweet embrace, for
surely she had been shunned because of her affection for
me. But she refused my solace, telling me in her dulcet voice
to just leave her alone and punctuating her sad statement
with a masterful kick to my chin.
I knew not what to think. I was certain, however, that
SaotomeÕs black magicks were behind my darlingÕs
As for the virtuous Tendo Akane, she too had begun to
change. Her transformation, however, was one I
wholeheartedly approved. Through divine intervention or
through fierce determination, she was starting to throw off the
shackles that chained her to that scurrilous knave.
The changes were gradual. At first, I noticed that she no
longer raced to school in an attempt to escape Saotome as
he pursued her to the very gates of Furinkan. She instead
walked with dignity, despite her tormentor remaining close at
her side. Soon the cacophony of insults he habitually hurled
at her on a daily basis trailed off, allowing my love to enjoy
the sweet sounds of the morning birds, the rustling leaves,
and, of course, my quotidian greeting. Saotome still walked
beside her, but his sullen expression made my heart sing:
he was losing his hold on fair Akane.
Then one day, the very earth shifted beneath my feet. Not
because of one of NihonÕs occasional earthquakes, mind
you, but the effects were just as momentous. I stood in the
schoolyard, my gi top and hakama freshly laundered, my
bouquet and bokken both at the ready. I watched as my
beloved bickered with the villainous fiend, then approached
my position. As she drew near, I stepped forward.
ÒAh, the morningÕs glory doth pale beside the splendor of
Tendo Akane. Come, my Juliet, date with me!Ó
She said yes.
At first I thought I had misheard, that the evil wizard had cast
spell on me. But his face betrayed his astonishment -- he
was as surprised as I. Not a sound was uttered throughout
the grounds as I offered my roses and my arm to my darling.
As the entire student body watched, she accepted them
and, with a smile, entwined her arm in mine. Together, we
entered the school building.
Over the subsequent days, I began noticing a change in
myself. I had never before thought that one of my
goddesses would call an end to their competition, yet ended
it had with the beauteous Tendo AkaneÕs open declaration
for me. No longer had I the need to exhibit my magnificence;
no longer had I the need to constantly outshine my fellow
scholars. I was still FurinkanÕs alpha male, mind you, but I now
had my alpha female. I could happily settle into a life of
complacent and comfortable domesticity.
And settle I did. Knowing how fragile my darlingÕs hard-won
freedom was, I courted her slowly, giving her the time she
needed to repair her wounded soul. One day I might leave a
single long-stemmed rose and a haiku on her desk. Another,
I might simply escort her to and from her classes, sharing idle
talk and enjoying one anotherÕs company. It was heavenly.
Our first true date was painstakingly planned by me once I
was certain she was forever free of SaotomeÕs influence. An
afternoon picnic beneath my estateÕs cherry trees, enjoying
only the most exquisite morsels money could by. Once
weÕd eaten our fill, we would stroll along the rock garden,
reading our fortunes in the stones. In the tea room, I would
demonstrate my skill as a recognized cha master, presenting
for her a centuries-old tea ceremony for two. Then, in the
family theater, we would view a selection of films from
America, followed by a light repast under the stars.
I unfortunately forgot to take into account the small matter of
Tendo Nabiki greeted me at the door when I arrived to pick
up my beloved. She scathingly informed me that her
*baby* sister was not yet ready, then escorted me to the
living room, where she proceeded to stare at me as if I were
a festival freak. Truth be known, IÊhad always been of the
belief that she had fancied me, yet had not dared compete
against her sister and the pigtailed girl. The fact that I was
now out of her reach undoubtedly caused her hostility
towards me.
Footsteps on the stairs raised my hope that fair Akane had
completed her preparations, but alas, it was only Tendo
Kasumi descending. After chiding her sister for not extending
proper hospitality to a guest, my loveÕs eldest sibling quietly
asked me if I were pleased with what was happening. When
I replied that indeed, my heart soared every second I was in
my darlingÕs presence, she nodded sadly, cast a wistful
glance towards the family dojo, then retired to the kitchen.
When my love finally appeared, I was only too happy to
vacate the premises. The walk back to my estate, my onyx-
haired angel chatting cheerfully beside me, improved my
mood dramatically. Upon our arrival, I hastened to the pantry
to retrieve the picnic hamper I had carefully packed. I
extended my arm and, with her delicate hand in mine, we
strolled to the sakura, admiring the spring blooms in the
gardens along the way.
At our destination, I unlatched the hamper and, removing a
linen tablecloth, spread it evenly over the ground. As I
reached back in for the silverware and napkins, my hand
instead closed around something soft and silky. Curious, I
drew it out.
It was a black rose.
I had completely forgotten about my twisted sister. Kodachi,
who detested the beauteous Akane simply because
Saotome Ranma had chosen to bewitch my beloved
instead of her. Truly, I would have thought my sister happy
with my assignation, for it meant the evil miscreant was hers
to pursue. Apparently, Kodachi was not satisfied by this.
I must have appeared the total buffoon as I stood there,
spluttering, wondering whether I should dash back to the
mansion for my antidote kit. Not wishing to distress my
darling, I instead decided to forge ahead with our picnic,
vowing to taste everything she tasted so that we would
share whatever fate my sister had in store for us. I do
believe my beloved was flattered by my attentiveness,
although my solicitude was due more to concern than to
chivalry. I kept up my smile and relaxed air as we wandered
past the rock garden, I fervently praying to the kami that she
would not read a fortune of doom in the stones. Never have
I performed such a rigid, formal tea ceremony, although
oddly, she seemed taken by its strict elegance. I was finally
able to breathe again after IÕd prepared a special Òfruit punchÓ
for us to sip as we watched the movies.
From that day on, we made certain to spend at least a
portion of each day together. She would come watch my
kendo tournaments; I would stack cement blocks for her to
smash. She would prepare one of her incomparable bento
for me; I would treat her to a sizable afternoon snack those
days she made lunch. We would go shopping, my love
selecting outfits that emphasized her beauty, I carrying her
packages. We would share immense ice cream concoctions
built for two. I happily took her to concerts, museum
openings, the theater, festivals; she graciously bestowed
upon me our first goodnight kiss.
Eventually, our schoolmates and companions grew
accustomed to our presence as a couple. And, to my utter
surprise and bewilderment, I found that I could not fathom a
day without my Akane. She was always there for me -- as
my date at my promotional dance, as my escort at my
graduation from Furinkan, as my sympathetic ear when my
father, that hellspawn principal, required me to matriculate at a
private academy for a post-graduate year due to my
allegedly low grades.
My one regret through all this was that love was not without
its consequences. Or, in my case, the heart-breaking effect
our romance had on the pigtailed girl. Already a mere
shadow of herself, my once fiery temptress became
increasingly withdrawn, rarely appearing in public any more.
My heart went out to her, yet I could do nothing. There had
been a time when I insisted I could love and have both, but
now IÊknew I only wanted -- I only loved -- Tendo Akane.
I was striding through a park, my umbrella keeping the rain off
my head, when I saw her. It is my belief that she had been
waiting for me, as it was no secret that I often took this path
en route to my assignations with fair Akane. As I wound my
way through the woods, she appeared directly in front of
me. She stood there, her Chinese shirt and black slacks
soaked, her pigtail dripping, her sea-blue eyes wide and
hesitant. I stopped in my tracks.
Quietly, she took a deep breath, then spoke. ÒYou... you
love her, donÕt you?Ó she asked sadly.
I could not avoid causing her further pain. ÒYes,Ó I replied.
We stood there, regarding each other, she battling her
sorrow, I my regret. Finally, with tears and rain streaking her
cheeks, she spoke again. ÒMake her happy,Ó she requested,
her voice quavering. And, in the blink of an eye, she was
gone, leaping through the trees to nurse her grief on her own.
I never saw her again.
It is my belief that, knowing I was lost to her forever, she
gave up her struggle against the foul SaotomeÕs
ensorcelment. Shortly after our meeting in the park, Saotome
left on what he claimed was to be an extended training trip
through continental Asia: China, Korea, Tibet. The pigtailed
girl disappeared soon after his departure, and I am positive
that she meekly accompanied her enslaver on his journey,
her sorrow clouding her judgment.
My love was saddened by the loss of her friend, but
through steadfast companionship and spirit-lifting excursions
in and about town, I was able to return the smile to her face.
And then I recalled the pigtailed girlÕs parting words to me:
Make her happy. I knew beyond a doubt that I wished to do
this, always.
I asked my beloved to meet me at Furinkan at 8:30 AM not
too long after this epiphany. She looked at me rather oddly;
school was not due to start for another two weeks. However,
in the end she chose to humor me. On the designated
morning, I quickly dressed in my blue gi top and black
hakama, then headed to the garden, where I carefully
selected twelve roses of purest white, gathering them into a
bouquet. I then set off.
As the clock on the school tower indicated half past eight, my
raven-tressed ladylove came into view, her curiosity easy to
see. As she drew near, I stepped forward.
ÒMy eyes behold the beauteous Tendo Akane!Ó I
proclaimed. I then dropped to one knee and presented her
with the bouquet.
ÒCome, my love, wed with me.Ó
Author&Ot ilde;s Notes:
Thanks to Nick Leifker for inspiring me to continue exploring
the Finale universe -- in his footsteps I meekly follow.
C&C welcome at SaotomeRanchan@allaboutranma.com.
No flames, please -- I'm more sensitive than Tendo Soun!