Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Two Halfs Equal One Whole? ❯ Kimono Days. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Ranma ½ or its characters. I am just an aspiring writer who is into the Ranma universe. I do not mean to insult anyone with my writing. Also I do not make any money off of this story so please don't go through the trouble of sueing me. Thanks.

A/N: Sorry it has takin this long to update. I have been quite busy, and I have just recently moved from Ohio to Colorado. I hope you have enjoyed my story and please review.

Outside the Tendo Dojo a nineteen year old Kasumi swept the walkway that led into the dojo. She hums an old song that her mother sang to her when she was a child. Kasumi soon finds herself outside the dojo's door. A loud hiya booms from the Dojo and a sound of bricks being shattered follows. Kasumi couldn't help but smile. After Akane left with the Saotomes, her father upped his training and soon after much counseling, he soon open his Dojo for younger students to be trained in the Tendo School of Martial Arts.

Though he did not train them in any of the secret techniques, he did teach them how to defend themselves if they ever got into a fight. He also taught them how to avoid fighting, and only fight if you can not avoid conflict. Soon his students mastered the basics and left the school stronger and faster.

Inside the Dojo Tendo Soun stands in front of a group of adolescent students, showing them how to break bricks with out damaging their hands. Soun used this as to show how strong they are going be when they are ready to leave his dojo. The students listened with great intensity while answering Souns questions with, “Yes Sensi.”

Kasumi idly watches the students practice a simple kata. One of the students, a boy named Daisuke, seems to be having trouble with his form and trips, nearly hitting the floor, when Hiroshi grabs his arm and pulls him back to his feet.

“I told you. Don't stand like that, or you're going to fall on your face.” Hiroshi stated.

“I tried and tried, but I can't seem to get it right.” Daisuke seemed to get a little depressed at his clumsiness.

Soun notices the two and hurries off to go help them. Kasumi would have watched longer except the bell on the gate rang. She hurries over to the gate and opens it to reveal a short skinny man in a postman's uniform holding a sack of what Kasumi knew was the mail.

“Good day Tendo Kasumi,” The postman bows in respect and continues, “I have some mail here for you and your dad.”

For me? Kasumi thought. She never got mail unless it was a love letter from that younger man, Kuno. The postman hands over the mail and bows as he leaves, heading for the next house.

Kasumi quickly looks over the mail, hoping that Kuno did not write her another stupid poem. The letter is not from Kuno. It was stamped with a Chinese stamp and there is no return address, just a name, Tendo Akane. Kasumi's heart skipped a beat as she stared at her little sister's name. It has been many years since she last heard from her little Akane-Chan.

She enters the house and as a habit she closes the door behind her. As she makes her way to the Tearoom she makes herself look at the other mail. Some of the letters are bills and the others are applications for training in the Tendo Dojo. She looked at a postcard with a rather large panda eating a bamboo pole, and curious enough it has a stamp from China.

Kasumi begins to turn over the postcard to read the writing, but then stops at the last second. It would have been rude to read her father's mail, so she just places every letter for Soun onto the table and quietly makes her way into the kitchen. Kasumi lays her letter down and begins to prepare dinner for the family.

Inside the Training Hall, Soun dismisses his class and makes his way to the furo. He cringes as he dumps the bucket of cold water over his head. After recovering from the shock he begins to wash himself. After dumping another bucket of water to rinse himself he slides down into the hot water of the furo. Sighing, he sinks deeper into the water and relaxes.

Unknown to Soun, a camera was placed over the furo. It has wires that wound it across the walls of the furo and made its way into the room of Tendo Nabiki. Nabiki stares through the camera, using a video screen, waiting for the perfect shot before snapping the shutter closed and taking a revealing but modest picture of her father.

Nabiki knew that she was doing something wrong but she keeps on telling herself that it was all for the money. After she develops the pictures she then sells them to the female students of Soun's Martial Arts class. She could pocket at least five thousand yen for each picture.

A movement in Nabiki's other camera catches her attention. It is Kasumi in the kitchen with the knife, Nabiki kidded with herself. It is Kasumi in the kitchen, and she does have a knife, but she isn't a character in the American game called Clue. Kasumi is making the days dinner, cutting up some vegetables. Nabiki wonders what her sister is making then she sees the prawn and knows that it is tempura. One of her favorite dish.

Nabiki, with her camera, takes a few pictures of Kasumi while cooking. Though these are not seductive pictures she knows that the idiot, Kuno Tatewaki, will buy them for twice the price she would get from her father's pictures.

On the other side of Nerima a rather large group of people are walking towards the Tendo Dojo. The leader of the group, or so he claims, is an older man with a bandanna tied to his head and a large campers backpack strapped to his back. He leads the group with great strides. He has been excited about meeting his old friend for a long time.

A teenaged boy easily keeps up with the older man. The teenager has unruly black hair tied in a pigtail and is swinging back and forth as he walks. He is dressed in a black kung fu style clothing with a chinese button down shirt and a rope that holds his pants up. By his side is a girl with short blueish black hair. She is dressed like the boy except that the color of her clothing was blue. The girl has a figure to die for. He chest is large, but not overly large and her hips were medium sized. Though if you commit on how big they are, expect to be beaten unconscious.

Trailing behind the three is a Okonomiyaki cart being pulled by another teenaged boy with a yellow headband with black spots tied to his forehead. He is dressed in a loose gold tunic and black pants. He shoulders a large backpack with a red umbrella on top. He pulls the Okonomiyaki cart with ease and he keeps up the pace with the three in front of him.

Sitting on the cart is a pretty teenaged girl with long brown hair tied with a white bow. She is dressed in a simple blue tunic with black pants. Laying on her lap is a large metal spatula known as a baker's peel. Her eyes sometimes lingers on the boy who pulls the cart. He occasionally looks back at her with a smile, making her blush.

The balding man in the lead suddenly stops in front of a clothing store. The two behind him skids to a stop just inches away from running into the older man.

“Wha'd ya do that for?” Screamed the boy.

“Quit boy. I'm thinking.” came the reply from the bald man.

The boy pulling the Okonomiyaki cart is too busy looking at the girl on the cart to notice that the group in front of him stop. By the time he averted his head in front of him, he was two inches away from them, running them over with the cart, though he missed the older man.

“Ouch.” The two moan in stereo.

“Sorry.” the boy apologizes as he stopped.

After getting back to their feet they looked at the man with the bandanna. He was staring at a piece of paper in his hands.

“Whats that?” The girl asks.

Startled he quickly put the paper away. “It's nothing.” he pauses then says, “Akane, forgive me.”

Akane looks at him in confusion then says, “What is it Genma?”

“Yeah, what's Akane gota forgive you any way?” The pigtailed boy asks.

“Quiet Ranma.” Genma then takes Akane's hand in his and drags her into the clothing store.

A confused Ranma could just look on with a puzzling look. He begins to wonder if he should go in after them, but then decides to wait it out. The boy with the cart walked over to Ranma's side and gave him a 'what is happining?' look, for which Ranma just shrugs.

The girl let herself down from the cart, briskly walks over to the two, and asks “Anyone know what is going on?”

“We sure don't Ukyo.” Ranma replies.

“I better go in...” Ukyo stopped as a loud crash emanated from the clothing store.

The crash is soon followed by a yell. It is Akane yelling at Genma, “No way am I going to put on that tacky looking clothes. What do you mean its for my own good? No I will not where that one either. Why do I have wear a kimono? Come near me and I will kick your ass.” After a long pause Akane finally shouts, “Fine but I get to pick which one I will wear. Now get the hell out of the dressing room!”

Another loud crash is heard and Genma appears in the door's exit.

“What was that all about?” The headband boy asked.

“It's nothin' Ryoga.” was all Genma said.

After a few minutes Akane appears at the door of the shop wearing a blue kimono with a black dragon wrapping itself around the dress. Ranma's heart begins to quicken as he stares at the girl. He wonders why this is happing to him. He averts his eyes away from Akane to hide his blush.

“How do I look?” Akane nervously asks the group.

“You look good sugah.” Ukyo answers.

“I think so to.” Ryoga agrees

“You still look like a tomboy.” came Ranma's reply.

Akane glared at him and then stalked toward her past home. “Come on guys. I want to see my family.”

It took them longer to reach the Dojo, because Akane couldn't move very fast in her kimono. As they stand by the front gate they pause before entering the Tendo's yard. The could not get the Okonomiyaki cart through the gate, so Ryoga lifts it and places it over the gate.

The smell of cooking food wafts from the building in front of them. Genma's stomach growled in anticipation. They made there way up to the front door and Akane knocked.

Inside the house Kasumi finishes with the family's dinner and is about to put it onto the table when a knock came from front door. She quickly sets down the food and walks to the door and opens it to reveal the large group.

“Hello. May I help you?” Kasumi asks politly.

“Hello, is Kasumi here?” Akane asks in return.

“I am Kasumi. How can I help you?”

“Big sis!” Akane yells and hugs Kasumi.

“Oh my.” was all Kasumi said before fainting in Akane's arms.

A/N: Well this is the end to the chapter. I will go in some detail of the training trip in the next chapter. Flames will be used to cook my meal and reviews will be gladly accepted.

Peace, Seguh.