Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Alliances ❯ Not exactly an orgy ... ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This was originally published by me under the name Anduril at Anime Addventures, with the only changes being a few corrections in spelling, punctuation and the occasional word choice. If you like the beginning of my story but think I've gone off the rails, or have your own ideas for a great branch-off, or think I'm taking too long to update and want to continue the story yourself, come to Anime Addventures and join in the fun!
I claim no ownership rights to any of the works of Rumiko Takahashi.
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Akane was still glaring at nothing, carefully ignoring Ranma, as she sat in the classroom waiting for school to start, her early morning good mood ruined by Kasumi's question and her encounter with the Blue Blunder, as well as her own niggling doubts that she was finding harder and harder to ignore.
Suddenly, she was jerked from her thoughts of a handsome pigtailed boy, cute redhead, insults and fights, smiles and good times, as the usual murmur of pre-school day conversation died a sudden death. Looking around, Akane found everyone staring at the doorway to the classroom. Following their gaze, she froze in shock.
Standing in the doorway was Ukyo, her usual battle spatula on her back. But while the cute chef normally avoided feminine (not to say sexy) dress, that was very much not the case today. One could say she was wearing the school uniform, sort of, if one was very generous. The white blouse was still there, but the sleeves were gone, leaving arms and shoulders bare. The rest of the blouse was much tighter than usual and so was the top of the blue dress split down the side, making it obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. The dress's skirt had also been tightened up, as well as being shortened to well above the knee and split high up both sides so that the overdress was held in place only by tied strings on each side of her neck and two strips of cloth above her hips. If she was wearing panties, they were the thong variety.
Blushing, the brown-haired girl struck a pose and the room burst into a hum of speculation while Okano-sensei frowned. “Miss Kuonji, that attire is not appropriate for school. You will have to leave and ...” His voice trailed off as Ukyo glared at him. After a long moment, she smiled as she reached to adjust the white bow in her hair, coincidentally brushing the back of her hand along her spatula's handle.
“Please, Okano-sensei, won't you please let it go just this once?” she sweetly asked. “It'll only be for today.”
Somewhat pale, the teacher forced a stern look on his face, but eventually nodded. “Very well, so long as this is the only day I will permit it. Please take your seat so we can start class.”
Smiling, the girl strode to her desk, smiling toward Ranma.
Growling, Akane whirled in her seat to yell at her fiancé to stop gawking, only to freeze at the sight of sweat beading on his forehead and a hint of panic in his posture, as if he was holding himself in his seat through willpower alone. He even had a slight tilt toward the window. Reaching out, Akane took his hand and smiled as his eyes jerked to her face, and he relaxed slightly at what he saw there.
Turning her eyes back to the chef, Akane grinned savagely. You may have to sleep with him once to save him from his mother, but he's mine! she thought fiercely. No way I'm going to let him be your trophy to show off to your father!
Unfazed at her rival's challenge, Ukyo merely smirked at the byplay and took her seat, and a now sweating Okano-sensei started the class.
* * * * *
Akane sighed as the last class before lunch came to an end. It had been a tense morning, as she waited for the other shoe to drop ... and waited ... and waited ...
Now the morning was over, she had a pounding headache, and she'd just remembered that when she'd pulled out her breakfast bento that morning, her lunch bento had been missing.
Looking over at Ranma as he pulled out his usual oversized bento, Akane sighed as her stomach rumbled. Okay, I suppose I ought to forgive the idiot. He did try to let me know about Ryoga, after all. And it really is a good thing that his honor is so important to him ... I suppose — though if he was a little less uptight we wouldn't be in this mess with his mother. And Kasumi prepared my favorite today.
Rising from her desk, she walked over to Ranma, carefully ignoring how he stiffened slightly at her approach. Smiling (and grinning inside at the slightly poleaxed expression the smile brought to Ranma's face), she leaned down. “Ranma, I lost my lunch. Can I share yours?” she asked sweetly.
“Uh ... sure, Akane, I'll be g-glad ta!” Ranma managed to get out, and Akane reached down and pulled him to his feet.
“Great, let's eat outside,” she said as she looked around the schoolroom, just in time to see the chef's back as she left the schoolroom.
Ukyo's leaving? I thought ... dressed like that, I thought she'd be trying to move in on us. Where's she headed?
Ukyo stepped out of the stairwell onto the roof of the school, looked around, and smiled appreciatively when Xian Pu stepped out from behind one of the roof installations. The purple-haired girl was dressed in another of her high-cut, tight dresses, but this one was split all the way from the hem to the armpits and had a series of circular windows cut up the sides, the circles closed with metal rings. There was another circular window cut out of the chest. With this dress, underwear was not only optional but impossible.
“Looking good, Sugar,” Ukyo commented with a whistle of appreciation, and Xian Pu smiled.
“Spatula Girl look good, too,” she replied. “Shampoo and Spatula Girl certain to get Ranma when herbs work.”
“Uh, about that — Ranma's sharing his lunch with Akane,” Ukyo said.
Xian Pu looked thoughtful, then shrugged. “So there be three girls with Ranma, not two,” she said offhandedly. “That not matter, more important all girls get Ranma, so mother think manly. Besides, here,” she added, pulling out several liquid-filled corked vials and handing one to Ukyo.
“What's this?” Ukyo asked, holding up the vial and looking dubiously at the translucent blue liquid speckled with flecks of some unidentifiable substance.
“Amazon potion for woman with problem having baby,” Xian Pu replied. She shook her own vial, pulled out the cork, and quickly drank the contents.
“Ah — I assume Cologne doesn't know about this, either?” Ukyo asked, then nodded when Xian Pu rolled her eyes. “Right.” Popping out the cork for her own vial, she gulped down the vial's contents, then gagged. “Kami, that's vile!” she gasped.
Xian Pu nodded, looking thoughtful. “True, all real potions are. Shampoo no know why. Now, Airen done eating?”
Ukyo glanced at her wristwatch, and nodded with an eager smile. “Yeah, as fast as he eats he'll be done, even if he slowed down for Akane. Let's go save Ranma.”
Kuno leaned back against a tree (coincidentally, the same tree he'd been crumpled under that morning), and smiled dreamily as he gazed off into space, an empty bento box on the grass beside him. Truly, the angelic Kasumi is a mistress of the culinary arts as magnificent in her art as her glorious sister and the pigtailed girl are in theirs. Once Akane has accepted our destined union, Kasumi, too, should become a part of our household. What higher calling could there be than to serve the epitome of civilization?
Then, closing his eyes, he drifted into fantasies of life with his two idols, the three together at events and parties, amazing all that watched them equally with their skills and suavity. Soon he was squirming as the fantasies grew more torrid and the amount of clothing all around grew less. Reaching up, he unbuttoned the top buttons of his school uniform's shirt as he grew flushed.
Finally, shooting upright with a gasp, he reached out and grabbed his ever-present bokken and, not bothering to dress in his usual samurai robes, rose to his feet as he went in search of his loves.
Ranma sighed contentedly as he leaned against a tree with Akane at his side, the two sitting in companionable silence, the empty oversized bento discarded to the side. He was never going to understand girls. He was grateful that after the Ryoga fiasco Nabiki and Kasumi had succeeded in talking their younger sister out of trying to kill him, but the cold shoulder she'd been giving him ever since hadn't been all that much more comfortable. He'd tried being nice, stopping the insults, even coming up with a compliment or two, but nothing had seemed to work.
Then, out of the blue, suddenly Akane was acting as if nothing had ever happened. No, better than that — she was acting at her best, one of those times that made it possible for him to put up with all the yelling, insults, and hits. He had no idea what had happened to change her attitude, but he wasn't going to complain about the results!
Luxuriating in the warm presence by his side, he closed his eyes, his mind drifting to thoughts of the future — he and Akane together, sharing the teaching duties for a once again opened dojo, a new family around them.
Then, dreaming of the children, his thoughts turned to their beautiful mother, and what it would take to bring those children into the world. He thought back to the evening several days ago when a redheaded girl had been seated in her fiancée's lap, warm and wet from the rinse bucket, and their lips met....
Ranma jerked, shaken from his daydreams. Panicked at his thoughts, he jerked away from the tree even as he turned toward his fiancée only to freeze at what he saw. Akane was flushed, but her expression wasn't angry, or petulant, or smiling, or any other expression he was used to seeing on her. Instead, she seemed ... hungry.
“A-A-Akane?” he whispered.
The black-haired girl didn't answer, at least not verbally. Instead, she leaned forward, eyes closing, and Ranma remembered the furo ... and leaned forward to lightly kiss her on the lips.
The kiss didn't stay light for long, and neither would be able to remember later which was first to embrace the other as the kiss deepened, their lips parting, tongues entwining ... neither heard the scream of outrage as Furinkan High's true loon caught sight of them and charged forward.
Nabiki stared at the couple, trying desperately to come up with a way to separate them without being obvious about it as she set aside her half-eaten lunch. She had no idea what was going on with the two, but she was staring disaster in the face — of all the possibilities in her discreet betting pool for which girl would bed Ranma first, the Akane option was the only one that would actually lose her money.
But even as she came up blank on an intervention strategy, fate provided in the form of a screaming kendoist waving a bokken as he charged at the pair. Nabiki sighed in relief—until neither of the pair seemed to notice the approaching menace. But that maniac could slice through trees with that thing....
The mercenary Tendo found herself charging forward, completely clueless as to what she was going to do, but she had to do something ... and then more competent help was there, as Ukyo's battle spatula rang from the impact of the bokken, her arms quivering from the strain of the off-centered block. Then Kuno was hammered to the side by a flying sidekick from a screaming Amazon. Ranma's Amazon “wife” dropped into a crouch as she recovered from her leap, hands unclasping and clasping at empty air, as if seeking the missing chuí that were her chosen weapons.
“So, the foul sorcerer has enspelled yet more fair damsels, truly his evil knows no limits,” Kuno snarled as he rolled to his feet. “But it shall not avail him, the Blue Thunder shall yet triumph and overcome his malign influence!” And with that, he charged forward, bokken upraised with a battlecry, Ukyo bracing to receive the charge as Xian Pu circled, looking for another opening.
Nabiki's eyebrows rose as she took in the way the two girls were dressed, then she shrugged. Look into that later, first things first — that'll take care of the Blue Blunder for awhile, now for the two love birds.
Turning to Ranma and Akane, her eyebrows rose again — not only was the pair still in a solid lip-lock, taking no notice of the fight taking place only yards away, but their fingers had gotten into the act, both their shirts open and ... Akane was rubbing Ranma's chest while he was working on her bra's clasp?! And Akane wasn't trying to hammer the pigtailed boy, even beginning to moan a little?!
Then Nabiki noticed the single oversized bento box lying to the side, and glanced again at the two girls holding off Kuno, taking in the way they were dressed. Right, that explains it. So, how to snap them out if it ... okay, that ought to work.
The middle Tendo quickly scanned the crowd watching, looking for ... yes! One of the girls was holding an open thermos. Running up to the first-year student, Nabiki grabbed the thermos from the startled girl, checked — yes, the leftover tea should have cooled off enough — circled the fight, sidled up to the amorous couple, and now her younger sister was embracing a petite redhead.
Ranma started, eyes widening as the kiss was broken by her size change — then Nabiki stared as a shocked murmur ran through the watching throng, chins dropping, as Akane gazed at her now very busty fiancée (as her own hand was busy verifying), smiled, then lifted her free hand to the back of Ranma's head to pull her into another kiss.
Oh, great, and Akane was pissed at the rumors that were circulating before! So, if at first you don't succeed ... Nabiki looked around, looking for something, anything, and grinned as she saw that a new player had been added to the mix — a large, fanged boy wearing dusty, ragged clothes and a black and yellow bandana, even now beginning to charge toward the pair.
“Ranma, how dare you involve Akane in your own perversions! Release her at once and prepare to die!” Ryoga howled, eager for a chance to redeem himself in the fair Akane's eyes, only to be intercepted in his charge by a pageboy-haired girl.
“Ryoga, thank all the kami you're here! Kuno's gone completely insane, he's trying to attack Akane! Ukyo and Shampoo are trying to stop him, but need your help,” Nabiki shouted, pointing toward the fighting trio.
Ryoga glanced over at the three and froze, blood trickling from his nose. The clothes the two girls had been wearing had been designed for seduction, not fighting, and showed it. Xian Pu's dress had split up both sides and was now, thanks to various bokken swings, only a tattered rag held on across the shoulders. Ukyo wasn't any better off — her overdress had split on one side and was now a trampled rag while her blouse's buttons had given way under the strain and was hanging open, showing that she was definitely female. And, no, she wasn't wearing any panties, as her attempts to cover herself with one hand as she awkwardly wielded her battle spatula with the other totally failed to hide.
Good, now for Akane. Leaning over the couple, Nabiki shouted into her sister's ear, “Akane, Ryoga's here!”
“What?! Where is that pervert ... oh.” Akane stared as “her P-chan,” eyes glazed over and blood now spurting from his nose, collapsed backwards under the weight of his backpack, umbrella slipping from his suddenly lax grip, as Xian Pu performed a standing high kick to the back of Kuno's head — she wasn't bothering to cover up anything, and her purple-hair was indeed natural.
Akane's gaze went from the crumpled Lost Boy to her again-wide-eyed fiancé, clearly torn between hammering on her former friend and returning to her previous activity, and Nabiki drawled, “You know, the two of you are being very ... public.”
Ranma and Akane glanced around at the throng staring at them and blushed deep red. “The dojo?” Akane asked.
“Right!” Ranma eagerly replied, gathered her fiancée up in her arms, leaped for the top of the school ground wall, and they were gone.
Nabiki watched them vanish out of sight and shrugged. Oh, well, I guess I won't be losing too much money. Then with a sigh of relief, she looked toward the fight even as she turned her attention to the need that had been growing in the back of her mind, demanding attention more and more loudly. Now, she finally relaxed the control she'd been exerting to resist that need — to a point. Her eyes traveled over the body of the bokken-wielding upperclassman, her appetite jumping at the sight of the way his uniform's sweat-soaked shirt clung to his upper body. Okay, so he's a bit of a loon. But he's honorable and so controllable, he's in really good shape, and he's rich. He'll do. This'll be fun.
“Hey, Kuno-baby, the lovebirds have gone!” she called out, and Kuno stiffened, glancing around, then went flying head over heels as Ukyo finally solidly connected with a one-handed swing. Sitting up and shaking his head, the kendoist desperately looked around again.
“Where has that monster taken her?” he demanded, but Nabiki shook her head.
“They fled at top speed, and who knows where they will end up?” Then as Kuno's face fell, she added, “Kuno, I have something important to tell you about Ranma and your loves, important enough that I won't charge you for it. Let's talk — in private.”
Kuno stared, eyes wide, then choppily nodded. “Let us retire to my humble abode,” he intoned.
“You got it, Kuno-baby,” Nabiki purred, taking him by the arm, and the two walked out of the school gates, leaving behind stunned silence and a pair of gasping, near-naked, sweat-soaked girls.
In the tree Ranma and Akane had been sitting under, Ku Lon relaxed her death-grip on the branch she was sitting on as she finally fought her near-overwhelming urge to howl with laughter under control. I miss the village, but I must admit that Nerima is in a class of its own. I haven't had entertainment this good in decades! Putting on a suitably solemn expression, the shrunken, wrinkled matriarch dropped out of the tree. “Xian Pu!” she called out, and her heir presumptive whirled.
“Great-grandmother!” she cried out in shock.
“An interesting plan, great-granddaughter,” Ku Lon said sternly, “but based on incomplete information. And when you `borrow' some of my stock of herbs, don't try to hide the bottles — their absence is more noticeable than a slightly lower level.”
Xian Pu dropped her gaze, blushing. “Yes, Great-grandmother,” she mumbled.
“Now, let's return to the café, we have much to discuss,” Ku Lon said, then added with a stern look at the other near-naked girl, “You too, Miss Kuonji.”
Ukyo slumped. “Right, I'll grab some clothes and —”
Now, Miss Kuonji.”
Ukyo opened her mouth to protest, froze at Ku Lon's glare, then jerkily nodded and, with a deep blush that spread down her neck and covered the tops of her on-display breasts almost to the level of her nipples, walked toward the school gates, quickly followed by Xian Pu and a pogoing Ku Lon.
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And that does it for the slapstick, on to the lemons!