Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Warming Their Marriage Bed ❯ Warming their Marriage Bed ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


This story takes place three years after Ranma and Genma first arrived at the Tendou residence. Ranma and Akane are both 19 and have just been married. They return to the Tendou residence late in the evening after the party. They have the house all to themselves as the rest of the family have "offered" to stay the night elsewhere.

Carrying Akane in his arms, Ranma opened the door to the bedroom and walked inside. The light was off but the room was still well lit by the moonlight pouring through the window. He looked down at his new bride. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed back at him. Her cheeks slowly reddened and he smiled. It had taken him a long time to realize his true feelings for her and even longer to reveal them. He didn't remember when he first noticed how beautiful she was but he could recall their first kiss only too well.


He had finally swallowed his pride. He knew that he was in love with her and he wanted to tell her so. He had asked her to meet him in the park late one evening where they could be alone. She knew nothing of his intention of course. There she was when he arrived; standing straight with her arms crossed. He walked up to her. She gave him a half quizzical, half annoyed look and his heart sank.

"A….Akane….I….well…." Ranma stammered.

"What Ranma?" Her tone was icy, and he felt his heart slip another few notches.


"Spit it out!"

"Please Akane. I…." He swallowed the lump in his throat. "I love you". Akane's eyes widened. This was not what she had expected. How could Ranma know how much she had hoped and waited for him to say those three little words. A tear glistened in her eye and she threw her arms around him.

"Oh Ranma". A great sigh escaped Ranma. He had been so afraid that she would reject him. Gently he brought her out of the embrace and turned her to face him, cupping her chin in his left hand, raising her face to his.

"Kiss me!" he whispered and leaned forward towards her. Without hesitation she shifted forward and their lips met. Ranma felt her mouth press to his. Her lips were so soft! And warm! His hand left her chin and travelled behind her head, gently easing her forward, deepening the kiss. Akane was in dreamland as she looked deep into his eyes. She could see all his pride and the shame he felt for himself and for the things his father had put him through. She felt his hand move behind her and gently push. Their bodies were pressed tightly together and she could feel how strong his chest was.

After a moment that seemed to last forever, Ranma's hand ceased its pressure on the back of her head and slowly his head moved back. Aane looked into his face. There was no hint of a blush on his face. She entangled her fingers with his and slowly they walked home, hand in hand, Akane leaning on Ranma's shoulder. It was clear to the Tendou family that something had happened between them that night because after that they fought less and less and their was none of the old venom in their bickering.


Ranma blinked, realising that he had been staring at Akane the whole time. She giggled and he blushed. Slowly she raised her head from the crook of his arm and brought her head to his. She kissed him gently, her hand snaking behind his head, pushing him toward her. His eyes closed and his whole body seemed to untense. He returned the kiss passionately and as he did so he gently laid her down on the bed. He broke the kiss and stood up. He took off his jacket (he was still wearing his tuxedo and Akane still wore her wedding dress) and slowly undid his shirt. Akane smiled and beckoned him to the bed with a slender finger.

"Why don't you let me do that for you?" she said seductively. He moved over to the bed and sat next to her. Without getting up she reached up and began to slowly undo his shirt. The motion stretched the fabric of her dress across her upper body, which caught Ranma's undivided attention. She saw where his eyes where looking and smiled.

"All in good time!" As she undid his shirt the other hand stroked his chest as it became exposed. He mumbled something and Akane's smile widened. She had finally opened the shirt and she eased it off one handed, while her other hand moved lower to caress his abdomen. Her fingers traced the lines of muscle and he groaned involuntarily. Teasingly she stopped and he looked at her disappointedly. She laughed and stood up to take off her dress.

"Allow me!" insisted Ranma, standing and moving closer. His hands moved to the straps over her shoulders and eased them down her arms, allowing the fabric to brush along the exposed skin. Akane shivered with pleasure. Once free of the straps she moved to pull the dress over her head but Ranma's hands caught hers.

"I'll do it," he said seductively. His hands slid beneath the hem of the dress then up to her thighs and he slowly lifted the dress up. His hands glided along her sides and she shuddered. Ranma smiled and went slower.

"Ooouuuhhh" Akane moaned as his fingertips skated over the side of her breasts, ever so slowly, ever so gently. Finally the dress came over her head and ranma drapped it over a chair. He looked back at Akane and grinned widely. She was now wearing nothing but white panties and a lacy bra.

Akane reached down and began to undo Ranma's trousers. Her breasts were pushed outwards and he thought he was going mad with desire but he restrained himself. Just as slowly, just as gently as with the dress, Akane eased his trousers down his thighs and his legs, allowing her fingers to brush his skin. She threw them aside as soon as he stepped out of them, leaving Ranma dressed only in his boxers, where she could see a bulge forming. She giggled.

Gently Ranma guided them both back to the bed and laid Akane down on her back. He knelt over her and bent his head to kiss her. She raised herself up to meet him. As they kissed, Ranma eased his tongue through his lips and caressed Akane's lips, requesting entrance. She complied, opening her mouth to him. Just as he slide his tongue into her mouth he brought his right hand up to her right breast and began to massage it gently through the fabric of the bra. His other hand stroked her abdomen.

Akane squirmed beneath him at this multiple assault. Waves of pleasure rolled over her as she felt his tongue exploring her mouth and his hands continuing their sweet caress. She moaned into his mouth and extended her tongue to meet his, bringing her hands to his face to trace the lines of his cheeks and jaw. Ranma's left hand moved from her abdomen to the base of her spine, where it gently moved up and down. His right hand crossed to her left breast and continued to massage her. Akane moaned louder. She thought she was going to die of pleasure. She could feel her breasts hardening and she realised that a strange warmth was steadily growing in between her legs as Ranma stroked her body, while continuing his assault on her mouth. Then both his hands moved up behind her back to undo the clasp of her bra. As he felt it unclip Ranma eased it off and cast it aside.

Akane moaned in disappointment when Ranma pulled back from their kiss then cried out in pleasure as she felt his warm mouth enclose her right breast. She wriggled and squirmed as he sucked on it, while his left hand returned to massaging her other breast. The warmth between her legs was becoming even hotter. Then she felt his right hand on her inner thigh and let out another moan as he ever so slowly moved it upwards. Then his left hand moved down to replace the motion of his right hand, which moved up to her breast, just as he shifted to take her left breast in his mouth, and letting his right hand massage the other.

Ranma was pleased at her reaction to him. He moved his left hand upwards, caressing the soft flesh of her inner thigh. He could feel her squirming beneath his touch. Gently he lifted his head from Akane's bosom. She sighed in disappointment until she felt his hands gently removing her panties. She gasped and tried to sit up but Ranma eased her back down and lulled her, reassuring her. She gave in. The heat between her legs was almost unbearable. She felt Ranma's fingers skimming her flesh as he pulled her panties down her legs and tossed them aside. Akane reached up and eased Ranma's boxers downwards, revealing his hard length. Instead of feeling embarassed as she had expected to, Akane felt a new tingling of excitement and desire in her stomach.

Determined not to be distracted by Akane's removal of his boxers, Ranma returned to massaging her now hard breasts with his left hand while his right inched up her bare leg towards her opening. Gently he brought his hand just in front of it and moved to look into Akane's eyes.

"Ready?" he whispered.

"Oooooooohhh….yes…yes..please! Do it!" Akane moaned. She didn't know why but she suddenly needed to feel his fingers dip inside her. But it was so hard to concentrate with him still rubbing her breasts with his fingertips. Then all thought was wiped from her mind as Ranma moved two fingers into her wet entrance.

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHH…. OOOOOOOHHH RANMA!" she screamed as he moved his fingers slowly in and out of her. She bucked her hips forward to meet his thrusts, squirming, trying to make him go deeper. He got the message and began to move his fingers deeper and faster.

Akane was on fire. She couldn't think or speak. She writhed and moaned as Ranma's fingers continued their sweet movement. She could feel the heat between her legs soaring higher and a deep tingling in her stomach began to grow and move downwards.

"Oooooooooohhh, oouuuuuuhh!" she moaned as the feeling intensified. She felt a strange contraction within her and tried desperately to stop it. Ranma leaned forward to her and whispered:

"It's all right. Let it go." His fingers were pumping in and out of her fast. She stopped fighting just as Ranma claimed her mouth and she felt a warm liquid pouring from her entrance, streaming onto Ranma's hand and covering the bed. It seemed to keep on coming forever. Finally it subsided and Akane collapsed onto the bed breathing fast. Her face was flushed and she was covered in sweat. She looked up at Ranma in fear. But his eyes were soft and he smiled at her expression. He brought his hand from her breast and caressed her cheek. Slowly her breathing relaxed. Ranma brought his other hand to his mouth and tasted her cum. It was so sweet. Then he bent forward and kissed Akane deeply, letting her taste herself. Breaking the kiss he lifted his head and gazed deep into her eyes.

"Now the real fun starts" he chuckled. He moved himself down so that he was facing her entrance.

"Now. Open your legs wider." Without hesitation, Akane complied.

"Close your eyes." She did so. Ranma moved forward and licked round the edges of her opening, then encircled it with his tongue, lapping up her juices. He slowly, teasingly licked her inner thighs clean. She squirmed and moaned as he did so. Then his tongue dove into her entrance.

"Oooooohhh Ranma!" she gasped, as he licked at her insides, exploring her thoroughly. "Please. Don't stop! That feels soooo good! Mmmm. Oooooohhhh." Ranma continued his sweet torture. Akane felt the tension building within her body a second time as he moved his tongue rougher and faster. Finally she came again, her juices flowing into his mouth. She panted, trying to catch her breath but Ranma wasn't finished. He licked her legs clean then slowly began again. Akane squirmed and wriggled, her legs widening for him as he sucked and licked at her opening roughly. She called out his name again and again, moaning with pleasure. Every time she came he slowly lapped up all her juices and then slowly began eating her out again, over and over.

When she came again, Ranma brought his face to hers and kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue into her mouth. He gave her a long searching kiss, letting her taste herself long and deep. For several minutes neither broke the kiss. Finally Akane eased Ranma up, her hands on his shoulders. She flipped them over, so that she was lying on top of Ranma.

"My turn I think" she whispered seductively in his ear. Then she began to kiss her way down his neck, while her hands caressed his muscular chest and his back. Ranma shivered at her touch, his muscles rippling as she stroked her way around his torso and resting her hands on his nimples. She began to caress them then took one into her mouth and sucked slowly, gently nipping the little nub of flesh.

Ranma wriggled below her as she attended his nipples. He could feel them harden as she caressed one while suckling on the other. He moaned. Akane took it as an invitation to her tongue and claimed his mouth, moving her tongue deep inside, exploring him. He closed his eyes and moaned into her mouth. Slowly she moved one hand south. Ranma's eyes snapped open as he felt her fingertips brush his manhood. She saw his reaction and moved her hand on down to his inner thigh, caressing it. He tried to speak but she kissed him again, blocking his words.

Eventually, she decided she had teased him enough and moved both hands to his erection. One hand encircled it while the other enclosed his balls.

"Ooooooouuuuuhhhh….yes….that's good!" Gently Akane moved her other hand up along his shaft, causing him to cry out. When her fingers met the end of it and slowly glided back and forth across it he screamed.

"OOOOOOOHHH AKANE!" She was tempted to take him in the mouth but she decided against it. Her hand moved up and down his length, slowly, gently and he moaned again. His erection was painfully hard, straining for release.

"Please Akane! Stop teasing me!" He tried to sit up but she laughed and pushed him back down, continuing her slow stroking movements. He strained against her, trying to move his shaft through her grip. She laughed again and removed her hand. He groaned and gave in, sinking onto the bed.

"That's better"she said seductively. "I will control the pace." She returned to her ministrations on his manhood. Then she started going faster. He squirmed and moaned as she pleasured him. He called out her name as she caressed him. Suddenly, he caught her shoulders and turned them both over. She looked at him quizzically.

"This may hurt a little bit! I'm sorry." Ranma kissed her and as he did so he thrust himself into her entrance. Her scream cut through him like a knife but moments later she was crying out in pleasure, calling his name, as he moved in and out of her.

"Deeper! Please Ranma. Go deeper" she cried out and he increased his pace.

"Ooooouuuhhh…Yes…Yes…That's it!" Both could feel the pleasure building inside them. Ranma moved faster, pumping in and out of her as fast and deep as he could. Finally they both cried out as they both came in a massive burst of pleasure, Ranma's seed spilling into Akane. They both collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily, as Ranma pulled out of Akane and rapped his arms around her.

"I love you Akane" he breathed as sleep claimed him.

"And I love you Ranma" she replied as she too fell asleep.


Author's notes: This is my first fanfic and is based on what I have read in other fanfics. Unfortunately for me I have not yet experienced it, being innocent as I am, so if it is inaccurate don't blame me! I thought it turned out well. If you liked this please read "Ranma's Sexual Nightmare", about his night of sexual torture, at the hands of Akane.