Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Why did you Marry Him? ❯ Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why'd you marry Him? A short story by Guan Yu. A quick Idea and a one shot probably won't be continued. Hope you enjoy.
March 21st 2006
It was two days after Ranma and his mother had leveled with eachother. Ranma was at home with his mother. The Tendou sisters left to go shopping. The two fathers Genma Saotome and Soun Tendou where gone off drinking to success of Ranma's Seppuku contract being Null in Void.
Well technically they were done drinking. They got out of the bar and one Ryoga Hibiki offered to take them to the Tendo dojo in there current state of mind. Being so drunk they fallowed him and where now somewhere that all they could by to eat was borsch and wiener snitchel. Yes they where in Russia. Soun and Genma were wondering how Ryoga led them to Russia without even hafting to go across a single body of water.
Ranma and his mother where visiting and just talking about the last ten years of training. Nadoka after hearing how manly her son was got a star struck look in her eyes and started going on about the many grandchildren he was going to have.
“So mom why'd ya marry pops, I mean you are an attractive woman. Pops has a lota be desired wouldn't you say.”
“Funny you should ask that Ranma his situation is a little bit like yours.”
“Wadaya mean?”
“Well it all started about 25 years ago. I lived in the small Japanese village of Amazons. There I lived next door to my best friend Kikuko. She was Akane's mother.”
“It was a normal afternoon. Me and Kikuko were walking to the market when a fat man who was balding wearing a white Gi washed up with his friend with long white hair and a mustache.”
“They looked beat and me and your mother gave them some food. They cam to the village in search of Amazon wives so they could join there schools the Saotome, and Tendo school of indiscriminate Grappling.” (Since this takes place before the Manga I thought I should write it like this since that is what it is called in the beginning. Im not sure where it turns to anything goes martial arts.)
“After the men have ate, they went around challenging various girls from the village. They could not best our amazon's strength so they waited with us for a month.”
“After a while they found out Kikuko and I were the two worst warriors from our village. They challenged us for our hand in marriage. Soun and Kikuko's battle was surprisingly short.”
“First up Soun fought Kikuko. He used his demon head thingy to attack her. She shrugged it off and through a rock at him. He started wail and cry. Kikuko walked over to the man she got to no over a month to see if he was all right when he grabbed her and slammed her too the ground. Kikuko lost and was forced to marry Soun. They eventually grew to love eachother and they ended up Happy with three daughters.”
“Mine and your fathers fight was a long one. Not because of the fighting because your father attacked me and I pulled out my katana. He shouted Saotome ultimate technique crouch of the fierce tiger and begged me to put away my sword.”
“When I didn't he used the Saotome secret technique run away. However, in an Amazon fight one cannot run I was forced to chase Genma for four days. When I caught up he had been planning. He offered me some sake and got me drunk. He then knocked me out and got his wife.”
“Don't get me wrong I loved your father after a while but since they where our husbands we where married.”
“The Amazon council forced us to leave. They told us Genma and Soun ate to much and drank to much. They where to expensive to keep in the village so we where forced to leave.”
“Oh so that's why ya married pop.”
“Yah and that is why I wanted a strong son. I wanted a strong Amazon because I wasn't won.”
“Oh. So that's why you accepted my girl side also. Khu-lon attempted to bribe me by saying id have great respect in Amazon village cuz I was part female.”
“Exactly.” “Okay now Ranma now about your fiancée trouble I have an idea.”
“You'll marry Akane and join the schools. But Ukyou and Shampoo will become your mistresses. With that many ladies ill have more than enough grandchildren.
Ranma sweat dropped and thought to himself. Well… now I can keep my honor, at least I don't have to worry about Kodachi being a mistress to me also.