Realism Fan Fiction / Original Poetry Fan Fiction / Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction ❯ Where is My Home ❯ Where is My Home ( Chapter 1 )
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Where Is My Home
Swaying on a tree branch,
Little Butterfly, do you see my village
Far over the mountains by chance?
You do not see it?
Is it cover in sorrow snow?
Little Butterfly, is my village gone?
Lost in the dark abyss of time?
Why are you crying for the new dawn?
You are crying for my lost village...
The days seem colder you say?
Little Butterfly, did you see our suffrage?
I wish you had not.
Little Butterfly, where is my home?
I seem to have forgot.
Swaying on a tree branch,
Little Butterfly, do you see my village
Far over the mountains by chance?
You do not see it?
Is it cover in sorrow snow?
Little Butterfly, is my village gone?
Lost in the dark abyss of time?
Why are you crying for the new dawn?
You are crying for my lost village...
The days seem colder you say?
Little Butterfly, did you see our suffrage?
I wish you had not.
Little Butterfly, where is my home?
I seem to have forgot.