Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Pacific ❯ Taiyang Hsu - January 28th 1974 ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1: Taiyang Hsu
Zhoucheng, China
January 28th, 1974
To tell you my tale, I must go back the
beginning of my birth. That night in the late January blizzard was a fortunate and unfortunate night. My mother, a woman only of the age of only 23, had plunged a sharp knife deep within the womb. I must have awoken from my slumber because God had heard my cries. God, oh the heavenly God, had other plans for me besides death. Truth be told that I should have died that night with my mother, but I had slipped out of the bleeding woman. I was only a few minutes olds, and I could not have survived a blizzard. Not by myself. Thankful to my God that he had led someone to discover me, and I clung to the young man. From that day on I was known as Taiyang Hsu in the village of Zhoucheng.