Realism Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever it Takes ❯ Whats up Doc? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I stepped through the open doorway into the labs themselves. Tables, machines, cages with animals, work benches, cabinets, and desks covered the walls and were scattered around on the large open floor.
Dr. Hunt was a beautiful woman...I guess. She had these brillaint blue eyes that really looked like crystals that peered over the rims of her boxy glasses and this long hair that was so blonde it was almost white. She normally kept it tied back in a tight bun. I think keeping her hair that tight was how she kept her face wrinkle free, because my god was she old.
“Hello Ollie” She said looking down at me. Did I mention she was tall? Well, maybe not that tall but to a munchkin like me who just bearly reached five feet, she was tall.

“How are you doing?” she asked, holding a clip board in her hand. Her words held no kindness, even that fake happy that you only get from doctors and the lady's who work in the reception room of the registration office. Her words were cold, alarmingly empty. The only reason she cared enough to ask me how I was going was because my emotions affected my curse acted. I just huffed, walking over and sitting on the couch near her desk. She followed me, pulling the chair out from under her desk and sitting across from me. I wiggled on the couch, the cold leather quite uncomfortable, but hey, it was better then standing. Dr. Hunt’s eyes never left me, and after a short pause, I decided to answer her question.
“well I have been a little bit stressed,” I answered. Dr. Hunt nodded, tapping her pen on the touch screen of her clip board. “And why’s that?” she asked, looking from her clip board to me. I looked away, so there was never any eye contact. For some reason, her gaze made me uncomfortable.I guess it was just that major 'I'm going to gut you and run horrible experiments on your brain' vibe she gave off.

“Well Gabe had a dream , and it made me nervous,” I said, wondering why I was answering her honestly. I should've learned by now honesty got me no where. “What was it about?” Dr. Hunt asked, continuing to tap on her board.God! That insesent tapping! I realy wished she would stop it. I clenched my jaw to try and keep from snapping.

“Well he dreamed that the have was breached, became a red zone, and our pups died,” I said, a slight irritation in my voice. I tried to hide it, but obviously, did a poor job, because she caught my eyes, but some how mistook my annoyance for fear, because she suddenly felt the need to reassure me.
“Ollie, this Hive is completely secure. Nothing is going to get in. That’s a completely Illogical fear. You know all this better then any of the other normal citizens. Why does it scare you?” she asked me. The more and more this woman talked, the more and more I thought of Spak from the Star Trek movie. Just to prove her wrong, i kept talking. “Well, Gabe has had a few dreams before, and what he dreamed about has particially or completely happen. Nothing this serious. Just small things, like Alec getting sick, and Chime breaking her arm,” I explained. Dr. Hunt’s interest seemed to peak. “Really? What’s his level of mutation?” she asked, taping rapidly on her clip board.
“Class Qf," I answered, and again I could see the gears turning in her computer brain.Class Q was bonding. Gabe genetically bonded with the pet dove he was holding at the time the radiation blast hit him.

Dr. Hunt thought for a second. “Alright,” she said as if disregarding the conversation completely. She stood up, walking towards the lab tables. That’s probably the only think I liked about Dr. Hunt, her walk. I always stomped, walking clumsily. I thought I would amuse myself, and mimic her movements as I walked towards the lab table. Some of the other men in lab coats gave me weird looks. I just snickered the more freaky the Freak the better I always say. If we're going to be outcasts of society, why not give them a reason to look down on us?
“Lay down,” Dr. Hunt ordered, motioning to the lab table. It had a cushion at the top, but for the love of life did it not provide any comfort what so ever. Several other doctors walked over as I scampered on to the table (which was quite tall and hard to reach with my lack of height). Laying down I rested my head on the cushion at the top. Dr. Hunt held a mask over my mouth and nose.The anesthetic seeped into my body and made it blissfully numb. I could tell my eyes were getting heavy. Through the slits of vision I saw the doctors insert the needles in my arms and legs. I couldn’t feel them at all, but they still freaked me out. I tried to pull away but my body fell limp. There was brief moment of panic before I began to loose concentration. It was always like that. I never remembered much of those test.
When I finally came back from me unconscious state the black of the night sky was already plastered across the tall windows in the lab.. I had to have been out for at least six hours. That was much longer then normal. I sat up and felt a jolt of pain. I screeched and flailed, pulling against the cords. Panic rose sharply in me, blocking everything but the fact I had 4 gage needles sticking out of my body. Dr. Hunt rushed out of her office and over to me, fuming at the other doctor who got their first that I should have been watched at all times.

I felt the preasure of rough hands holding me down as Dr. Hunt pulled out the needles in attempts to both save her equipment and silence me. I pulled roughly. The only thing I could think about was getting away from those needles. “Ollie, they’re all out!” a voice cut through the madness. I calmed, looking at my arms. Only small red dots were left where the needles had pierced my skin.
I panted heavily, rubbing my face. A crash echoed through the room. One of the other work tables laid crumpled on the floor, as if it had fallen from the ceiling. “Did I… do that?” I asked, my breathing having evened out, as much as it was going to at least. Dr. Hunt wasn’t paying attention. She was typing furiously at her computer. “You are free to go,” she said, waving me away. I hopped off the table, grabbing my clothes from a bin. “and bring your friend with you next time,” she said, not even bothering to look at me as she talked. I rolled my eyes, nodding as I walked out of the room"Yeah yeah, I hear you...slim sucker," I muttered under my breath. I guess I didn't like Dr. Hunt much.

I got dressed in a changing room before taking an exit hall to the waiting room. No crazy security on the way out.

When I went to where Gadget was I found him fast asleep. I laughed to myself, the mut brain he was. He was sitting in the chair, his head leaning against the wall behind him, his mouth hanging open like he was a fish. I dug the media pad out of my pockey, snapping a picture. The camera function let out a click, like old cameras. He bulted up in his seat, looking around before letting himself focus on me.

“Ugh, what took you so long?” he asked stretching and standing up. I shrugged “Dunno,” I said walking out of the building with him. His hair glowed adding to the light of the night signs of the Hive. Even though it was dark people still rushed around, like this part of the Hive never slept. “Hey what time is it?” I asked. Gadget checked his watched. “Eh…8:30,” he said. I huffed. “Can you call home, see if they’ve had dinner yet?” I asked him, looking around for a cheap place to pick up dinner if need be. Gadget nodded, pulling out a small ear piece and hooking it around his ear. “Howl’s Castle,” he said. I stopped, looking in the window of a store. There was a small jeweled butterfly hair clip sitting in the stand. I admired it for a few moments, until Gadget came over to find me.

"Kimmi was about to start dinner but, if you want to pick up something it would make her life easier. The kids have been a pain. Oh, and Gabe picked up a little girl while he was out today. He hasn’t registered her yet so…” Gadget stopped mid sentence, his train of thought having derailed again. I laughed, nodding. “Alright, let’s grab some burgers,” I said. Fast food restaurants had survived all the years, as well as the burger. We made our way to the closest Mickey D’s. It seemed not even a nuclear blast could kill that stuff, though we knew the burgars were no longer real beef, be ate them anyways. The synthetic stuff still tasted as good... and wouldn't destroy your heart.
I placed our orders, pulling out my wallet. Not only was there a chain connecting it to my pants but there was a small lock on it as well. I used a small key to unlock it and give the woman behind the counter my cash card. No pick pocketer was going to steal my wallet even if they tried, heck sometimes I couldn't even get into my wallet if I tried. I had all the Pounds money. I wasn't going to risk it. I put my wallet back in my pocket, looking over at Gadget. He was poking a sauce dispenser. “what the hell are you doing?” I asked.“Amusing myself,” he said. I rolled my eyes. “Grab the food glow worm and lets go,” I said. He shot me a look, grabbing our order and following me out the door.