Realism Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Aurora Borealis ❯ Aurora Borealis ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Greenland?” asked Jen skeptically, lowering her rectangular, wire-rimmed glasses to zap Kevin with the full force of her icy stare. The glasses only intensified the cool and educated look she got from the almost metallic gleam in her dark eyes. She had contacts, but she felt the glasses made her seem more professional.
“Well duh,” he replied, giving her a dopey grin, knowing it would irritate her. Jen huffed and crossed her arms, leaning back into the hospital cafeteria booth. Kevin smiled even wider, earning him a glare from Jen.
“Why waste the money? It's in the North Pole, and I'm not the only one here that's allergic to the cold,” she said harshly, gritting her teeth. After a few cooling moments, she looked away from Kevin, staring at the table to her left. She was quiet as she observed scrub-clad people enjoying their pre-paid meals. Kevin silently waited with a blank expression on his face. Must be her time of the month, he thought. Jen didn't like fighting, especially with Kevin. “You're pretty stupid and out-there for a successful accountant,” she finished jokingly. Mood swings detected. Yup, it's definitely her time of the month.
“And you're pretty boring and insensitive for a successful nurse - especially towards a kind, handsome, sexy, intelligent, modest -
“Get on with it,” Jen interrupted, rolling her eyes with a small smile. The action itself showed no affection whatsoever, but if someone was there, they'd easily be able to detect the fondness behind it - unless they were an idiot.
“Especially towards a guy that just drove half an hour to the hospital to buy you lunch and tell you that he just booked a very expensive trip for you and him,” he finished, looking at Jen intensely. That was all it took.
“Okay,” said Jen reluctantly. I'm hoping that I won't regret this, she thought.
After heading home, Kevin sat alone on the queen-sized bed in the small apartment that he and Jen shared, contemplating the happenings in his past and the events that lay ahead of him. Thank goodness he had the day off from work! He stared down at the simple ring pinched between his left fore-finger and thumb. It was small, gold-plated, and clearly made of cubic zirconium, but after booking such an expensive trip, it was all he could afford to buy. It was still cute, but it looked pretty cheap. He honestly hoped that the trip would make up for it. Accounting these days just didn't pay twenty-eight-year-olds as well.
It wasn't actually the trip or the proposal itself though that Kevin thought would impress Jen. It was something he knew any science nerd like Jen would appreciate - Aurora Borealis, also known as the northern lights. The idea of colorful lights - that didn't pollute the atmosphere - bringing a charming mystique to deserted and barren white landscapes and the rarity of it all always intrigued Jen - something he'd known about her since college - and in a way, it seemed almost romantic to Kevin.
Kevin knew it was perfectly normal for two unmarried people in a relationship to live together in an apartment where they shared the rent, but Kevin's strict traditionalist parents thought otherwise. Of course, Kevin wouldn't let that stop him, but, he had asked himself, “If you love her, why not take the plunge?”
That was just the kind of thinking that had brought him to his current state. That girl better say yes!