Rent Fan Fiction ❯ A Mistake ❯ A Mistake Version 2 ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I got the idea for this fic after the scene on the roof where Mark and Roger were singing, just after Roger came back to town. It’s also based on the movie, not the stage production, because I have yet to see it. This is kinda dedicated to Kelly from Tech Crew. This is my 1st attempt at smut slash. I hope you all enjoy!

Guide:“...” speech,‘...’ thoughts,italics and bold= Song lyrics from the Rent movie soundtrack,italics= flashback

Disclaimer: I don’t own Rent, nor do I claim to. I'm just a seventeen year old girl with way too many friends that are into Theater, that have corrupted her poor little mind into liking musicals.

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Title: A Mistake

"It was a mistake Mark!" Roger whispered angrily.

"A mistake!?" Mark whispered just as angrily. The two were sitting in a hospital hallway, waiting for the doctor to come out. The others were in the cafeteria getting a bite to eat after the drama of Mimi's near death experience.

"We've talked about this before! It was a one time thing. It meant nothing."

"Nothing? Nothing. Well it meant something to me." Mark all but yelled. "I can't believe that you'd call wha..."

"Hey you guys, has the doctor come out yet?" Collins asked as he, Maureen, and Joanne walked up. Maureen’s hair was frizzed, Joanne's shirt covered in dirt and the bags under Tom's eyes, there ever since Angel left, were more pronounced then usual. It was safe to say that the group was tired and worn. The time was well past midnight and they had been in that hallway for over two hours.

"No," Roger said trying to ignore the odd looks his friends were giving him and Mark. "Not yet."

Maureen and Joanne shared a look before sitting down on the bench next to Roger. "Its ok," Maureen said hugging him, "she's gonna be fine."

"I know, but I'm still worried."

"That's understandable," Joanne said grabbing Maureen's hand. "But you just have to have faith. She loves you, she won’t leave you."

Mark turned on his heel at the lawyer's words and began to walk briskly down the hall. "Bathroom." He yelled over his shoulder as way of an explanation. Everyone else simply shrugged it off; he had been acting odd lately anyway. They all assumed it was the stress of looking for Mimi. Everyone that is, but Roger.

“Calm down Mark. Don’t let this get to you.” He said as he leaned heavily against his stall door.

You’re not alone. I’m not alone. I’m not alone.

“Welcome back.” Mark said as he and his best friend embraced.

“It’s good to be back.” Roger said hugging back. The two let go and began to walk to their apartment before starting to talk again.

“How was it out west?”

“Fine. All I could think about was home though.”


“Yeah. How is she?” Roger asked looking vulnerable.

“Good last I heard.” Mark said as they walked in the door. Roger threw down his bag and plopped on the couch. Mark watched. Like he always had.

“Is she still with Binny?” Roger asked putting emphasis on the name.


Silence filled the room as the two sat. Minutes seemed to pass like days. Now that the excitement of seeing each other again was over, memories of their last meeting came back.

“About before…” “Look Mark…”

“You go first.” “You go…”

A new layer of awkwardness was added to the silence.

“Look Mark. I’m sorry for what I said. I was out of line.” Roger apologized.

“No, no. You were right.” Mark said looking out the dirt covered window. “I thought a lot about what you said…”

“Mark…” Roger said moving closer to his friend on the couch. Mark could smell the leather from his worn jacket as they sat.

“No, I did. I figured out why I am the way I am.”


“I was afraid.” Mark said looking at his friend with the corner of his eye.


“I was always too afraid to try and get what I wanted.” Mark said, still staring out the window.

“What was that?” Roger asked.

“More like ‘who.’”

“Then who was that?”


"I still can't believe I said that." Mark thought as he relived the night Roger came by. "I still can't believe was happened after either."

Roger sat in silence at the weight of what was said hung in the air. And before he could think of a reply, his best friends lips were on his.

At first he just sat there, Mark kissing him, then, without thought, his body responded, deepening the kiss and causing a moan from the man, now half on top of him. He wasn’t sure why he was doing this. Perhaps it was a mixture of sexual frustration, exhaustion, and curiosity, but the musician didn’t stop when a voice inside his head said to. Instead, he thrust his tongue inside the man's mouth, loving the taste of another human being; loving the taste of the forbidden.

Mark couldn't believe his luck, as he felt his best friend, his secret desire, move his tongue in his mouth. He quickly grabbed Roger's back, pulling him to him, trying to make as much contact as possible.

'Damn the clothes.' Mark thought when he still felt the contact lacking even with the strong grip on the man. Mark gently lowered the man onto the couch, not once loosing contact with his lips. He slipped his hands inside the annoying leather jacket and pushed is aside, in an attempt to remove it. He felt the man beneath him wiggle to free himself, and the offending jacket ended up tossed across the room.

Roger's shirt was next as the film maker moved his hands slowly underneath the shirt to move it up and over the man's head. With the shirt gone, and their kiss broken, Mark now went for Roger's neck. Mark wasn't sure when this would end, but he knew that he wanted to get the most possible out of it.

"Yours." Roger said wildly referring to the other man's shirt.

With those words the last of Mark's hesitation flew out the window. He made short work of both of their clothes. Leaving both man very much naked, very much on top of each other, and very much erect. Mark kissed his way slowly down Roger's chest, stopping his progress only to suck lightly and playfully on each nipple, earning a deep moan from the man below him. Mark felt himself become, if at all possible, more hard at the delicious sound and he hurried his pace, soon reaching is very large prize.

Roger simply laid there, enjoying the feelings he knew he shouldn't be. A small voice in his head told him to stop, that he loved Mimi, that he wasn’t gay. But as Mark moved lower and lower the voice got fainter and fainter until it quieted completely at the first feeling of his best friend kissing the base of his cock. He heard himself moan again, this time louder, as the man's mouth kissed torturously slow up his penis. Roger fisted his hands in his friend's hair and moaned again when Mark finally reached the head.


With that simple name, Roger felt his friend put his entire length into his mouth. He moved up mouth up and down at a quick pace, as if afraid Roger might protest soon. But protest was the last thought on Roger's mind. All he could do was continue to moan as he was sucked off.

"Oh god, Mark. Hmmm.... More."

Mark obliged, using one hand to gently massage Roger's balls. With his other hand, Mark, played with his friend's opening, before placing a finger inside. The gasp was enough to tell Mark that what he was doing was right. Slowly he pumped his finger inside his friend and faster he sucked. Soon Roger was moving his hips upward to meet Mark's mouth and downward onto his finger, moaning louder and louder as he felt himself nearing his limit. The pleasure was almost too much.

Feeling anxious for this final prize, Mark added another finger, feeling the hole clinch and tighten around the new item before becoming accustomed to the feel.

"Fuck, Mark!!" The addition of a second finger, combined with the fast paced sucking, caused Roger to come quickly into Mark's waiting mouth. Mark swallowed, suppressing his natural gag reflex and sucked harder one last time, hoping to get every last drop.

Roger lay on the couch panting from the sexual experience for a few moments before he noticed the look on his friends face. Before he could say anything, he felt his legs and hips being lifted.


"Shhh." The man said quieting his partner with a quick kiss. "Don’t worry, I'll be gentle."

And with that promise, Mark, stuck the head of his cock, in his friend's ass. He was anxious, and very nervous. He had envisioned this day many times before, but he never thought he'd get the chance to feel what the inside of the ass he admired daily felt like. He remembered the feel of his finger inside the butt and couldn’t wait to feel that feeling again, but still he was slow and gentle. He gave his friend time to adjust, and only when he saw Roger's face stop registering pain, did he pull back out.

Soon Mark had a slow and deliberate pace going causing both men to moan loudly at the feeling. "Faster."

That was the permission Mark needed to give into his heart's desire. He soon began to pump faster and harder into the tight hole causing the couch to move a few inches forward. Harder he thrust, slamming in again and again, hitting Roger's prostate each time and causing a louder yell each time.

"Oh fuck." Mark said aloud as he fucked his best friend senseless, fulfilling a dream. With each pump, he felt his stomach tighten more and more, and his penis get harder and harder. 'Just a bit more.' He thought as he felt himself get nearer and nearer. He didn’t want to come yet, he wanted to savor this moment, this moment where Roger was his and only his.

"Mark!" Roger yelled loudly

The man came soon after hearing his name yelled lustfully from Roger's lips. He collapsed then, still inside the man, panting heavily on his friend as they both fell into an exhausted slumber.

"It wasn’t too long later that we found out about Mimi going missing. With that chaos, I never got a chance to tell him how I truly feel. And I never got to tell him what I found out."

A few days after "their night," as he called it, Mark crumpled up the official looking paper he had just been handed and threw it into the nearest waste paper basket.

"Well," he said a loud to himself as he walked out of the sterile building, "I always wanted to be like everyone else."

Mark sighed again after his finally reminisce. "I better get back out there. They'll think something is wrong, if I don’t."

The film maker took one more deep, calming breath before opening his stall door and walking swiftly from the restroom. As he walked past doctors, nurses and patients, Mark began to calm down enough to be, for the 1st time, truly happy that Mimi was back. She was a good friend, and a good person. She didn’t deserve to be hated just because of his feelings. And with that thought fresh in his mind, Mark arrived at his friends just in time to see them talking to the doctor.

"She’s going to be fine. She's gonna need some rest for now, and of course rehabilitation for the habit, but she’s going to make it."

"Can we see her?" Roger asked anxiously.

"Yes, her room is down the hall. Third door on the left. But don’t be rowdy or loud." The doctor warned trying to ensure his patient's health.

"Of course." Joanne said to the man. "Thank you."

The friends walked quickly to the room and greeted their recovering friend. It was there in that room, as he watched the tender, loving way Roger and Mimi greeted each other and observed the intense commitment in Roger's eyes that Mark realized he didn’t have a chance. He would simply have to live with the memory of the wonderful night they shared and the one thing he was given that night. That "gift" as one could call it, is one that Mark would take with him to his grave.

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As the group of friends stood over the grave of another fallen comrade, Roger couldn't help but flinch as he read the obituary.

"... cause of death, AIDs."

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This ended sadder then I intended. (tears up) But whats done is done. I hope you all liked it. I think its a bit confusing, but hopefully, you all get it. Please review. And remember, if you want the other version, just ask for it in your review or e-mail me.

ttyl and slash filled dreams for all,