Resident Evil Series Fan Fiction ❯ Uncontrolled Exposure ❯ Chapter 15

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

July 1996
Chaosia raised a brow as she followed Wesker out of the Raccoon Police Department and into the parking garage, trying to keep her curiosity at bay as he stayed a few steps ahead of her. She had no idea what had made her accept the man's lunch invitation-especially since she'd turned down every other attempt he'd made - but she finally had. And now she was walking behind him to get to his car.
Because he'd been adamant about her meeting him at the precinct and the two of them taking his car.
She rolled her eyes as they stopped in front of the decrepit lift, trying not to snort as she remembered their very brief conversation on the phone this morning. He'd finally cornered her at the morgue the day before, telling her that he was sending one of his more technologically capable officers to help digitize their files. But as at odds as that had put her, his lunch invitation had made her even more confused; his persistence in tracking her down finally wearing on her last nerve. She'd realized-after she'd gotten home from work-that he wasn't going to stop pestering her until she agreed. And that the sooner she said yes then the sooner she could actually get some semblance of peace at work.
So even though she'd known she could definitely outlast him in the patience department if she'd really wanted to- a literal cake walk for her with two brothers like Bastian and Khail- she'd agreed to let him call her at home this morning to set the terms for the lunch. Though she'd never expected the the phone to ring at 6:15 am; causing her to fumble before finally answering it. Burying her face in her pillow as she let her irritation at being woken up color her voice while he'd chuckled.
“I swear to God someone had better be dead or whoever this is will be.”
“My, my. Now is that anyway to greet someone, Dear Heart? I know your brother taught you better.”
She'd lifted her head from the silk covered down long enough to raise a brow at the phone before she'd blindly reached for her watch. Groaning as she'd deciphered the time before flopping back into her covers, slinging an arm over her eyes in a desperate attempt to block the light shining in through her drapes. Though with the ungodly hour she knew it was probably from a streetlamp and not the actual sun.
It had enough damn sense to still be asleep. Unlike Albert Wesker.
“What do you want Captain?”
He'd chuckled over the line again, the sound grating on her nerves far more than it normally did. Had he seriously called her at the asscrack of dawn to chit-chat? Because if he had he was going to die a slow painful death. Hell, Redfield would help her hide his body. But he'd spoken again, making her groan all over again. God how had she forgotten?
“To inform you to meet me at RPD Precinct 13 at a quarter till noon. I've rearranged a meeting with Chief Irons to ensure I have plenty of time for lunch.”
She'd raised a brow before rolling her eyes, nodding as she'd yawned into her pillow; her eyes already drifting closed again. She hadn't gotten to leave until well after three in the morning the night before . . . and she'd just been praying then that she would be able to get back to sleep. Or Albert Wesker was going to get with her even bitchier than normal. Though he honestly seemed to enjoy riling her up so he would probably just grin and keep harassing her.
Like a schoolboy with a crush.
“Uh-huh. Sure, sure. At the station at 11:45. Got it. Are you going to tell me where we're going now?”
“It's a surprise Dear Heart. But I assure you it will be well worth the wait.”
She'd rolled her eyes again, shifting to lie on her stomach as she fought back another yawn. God he was damn right chatty today. She nodded, letting her eyes close as she spoke; not caring that she sounded as awake as she was. Which was barely.
“Damn. How will I live -*YAWN*- with the suspense?”
He'd snorted over the phone and she could swear she heard him roll his eyes behind his sunglasses. Which he was probably already wearing . . . Mental note: ask why he wears the damn things at lunch.
“You'll manage, I'm sure. Were you still asleep?”
“Yeah. I was gifted with an extra shift yesterday. And before you start lecturing me about being lazy I've only been home since 3:30 and asleep since about 4:00. Why can't you just tell me where to meet you? So you'll have more time to eat?”
“I am Captain of STARS, Dear Heart. I can take a longer lunch if I want . . . and considering I usually don't take one there shouldn't be an issue concerning time. Just be sure to be punctual. And Chaosia?”
She'd jolted awake, fighting to keep her eyes open as she answered.
“Yes Wesker?”
Wear something . . . nice. I'll see you soon.”
Chaosia shook herself as the doors parted, stepping inside right behind the quiet Captain. He reached in front of her as she settled against the side wall, clicking the button for the third floor before he leaned against the wall beside her. They rode the elevator up, her eyes watching the floor numbers light then fall dark as they got closer to their destination. When the light for the second floor went dark however Wesker spoke, jolting her from her thoughts as she jerked her head to look at him incredulously.
Had this really been all that her coming here had been about?!
“I must admit you look stunning. Divine actually. I believe that Irons nearly swallowed his tongue when you walked in.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to keep herself under control. Because she doubted he would let her sock him the way Bastian did. But when he turned to look at her, his glasses sliding down his nose as he smirked she felt her patience start to thin. She took in a calming breathe, trying to collect herself.
“Are you telling me that the entire reason you wanted me to come to the precinct was so Irons could see me?”
Wesker's blue eyes moved over her, making her blush as his smirk darkened. He shrugged his brows at her, turning to look back at the doors as the light for three fizzled to life.
“Partly. But in the interest of full disclosure it was more a case of morbid curiosity.”
She raised a brow, all of her anger and irritation fading as she looked up at him in confusion. She blinked, watching him push away from the wall to hold the door for her; extending his arm in invitation as she tried to figure out what was going on. She took his arm, looping hers through his before hesitantly placing her hand on his bicep.
“Curiosity about what?”
He glanced back to her as they moved leisurely through the pylons and supports, navigating the fairly empty deck with no real sense of urgency. And as he spoke again Chaosia realized something crucial. In the month since they'd gotten back from the mountains Wesker had continued to treat her as he had the night they'd gotten drunk together, openly talking-though mostly arguing with her about their shared interests even when they both knew it irritated Khail and Bastian to no end. But he'd never been like this, so openly well forward.
“About how you would look in something other than your suites and sweaters, Dr. Shaw.”
She felt her cheeks flush dark and hot as she ducked her head, terribly upset with herself over how affected by his words she was. She was a doctor three times over now, not some school girl with a new potential boyfriend. She shook herself, stopping just behind a pristine Mercedes as she glared up at him. He stilled beside her, brow raised over the dark lenses of his sunglasses as she went to pull her hand free. Only to growl when he refused to release her.
“Seriously? Are we really back to this?”
His brows shrugged and she knew he'd just rolled his eyes, something she'd noticed he was prone to when he thought no one was looking. And she had a sneaking suspicion that she'd just figured out part of his reason for wearing the damned things all the time. No one could know that you weren't an emotionless block of ice if they couldn't see your eyes.
“Why must you always be so difficult? Any other woman would be thrilled to receive such a compliment. Or to be pursued openly by someone in an affluent position; or to be whisked away to lunch. But you make it seem as though I am plotting to sacrifice you on an altar.”
“Because you're being an ass. If this is how you're going to act then I refuse to go.”
He moved, stepping back towards her; dipping at the waist to look at her over his glasses.
“You are going, Chaosia. I have already made the reservations and I refuse to cancel because you're intent to carry on with another childish display of immaturity.”
She kept his gaze, refusing to back down as they glared at one another. After a few tense moments she rolled her eyes, reaching up and flicking him in the forehead. Hard. Wesker flinched, moving back as she fought the urge to laugh; biting her lip. His glasses had slid down his nose, exposing the pretty blue eyes she preferred to see as he looked at her incredulously.
“What in the hell was that for?”
He collected himself, glaring at her as he opened his mouth to speak. Only to stutter-actually fucking stutter- when she reached up and took hold of his coveted glasses. Sliding them off and folding them neatly before depositing them in her purse. He blinked, looking her over in confusion before she sighed; reaching up to-lightly- trace from the spot she'd hit down to his right cheek with her fingertips.
“For being an ass. I don't know who or what kind of women you've dealt with before but I personally resent being treated like some kind of idiot that can be ordered around. Or like a whore. We've already covered that we slept together Albert. I'm not holding that mistake against you so do me the same courtesy.”
She licked her suddenly dry lips, keeping his gaze as she continued. But he was still looking at her like she was insane. And she suddenly wondered just how often Albert Wesker got told no?
“I have just as many doctorates as you do, Captain. And while I'm not as old as you are that doesn't make me stupid. We've carried on several conversations that prove otherwise. So I would appreciate it if you didn't behave that way. I'm not your subordinate-“
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Wesker felt his glare hardened as he went to move away from her, Chaosia's hand settling on his skin the only thing that stopped him. He turned his eyes from her, his lip curling in a snarl. He'd already put up with enough shit from Irons-and listened to William whine over him cancelling their lunch plans- that seeing her act this way was enough to enrage him.
He'd argued with Irons over the man dispatching his Bravo team to deal with a minor traffic accident, telling the incompetent ass that his squad was a trained Special Tactics And Rescue Service. They were trained to deal with the situations that SWAT and the other departments couldn't handle; not help direct traffic because he didn't want to allocate other officers to do so.
Especially since the last time he'd done so Marini had ended up shot.
He'd stormed from the meeting and back into the STARS division, uncaring that Irons was following him-still bitching- as he'd tried to get to his office. Only to stop stunned; nearly swallowing his own tongue at what was waiting on him. Apparently Chaosia had taken his partial teasing concerning her punctuality to heart; coming to the precinct earlier than she was supposed to-without calling to inform him. And she'd headed his desire for her to dress nicely.
She was wearing a pale dusky blue pencil dress with a sweetheart bodice, the fabric wrapping and molding to her figure. She'd donned a bone grey fitted blazer and matching satin peep toe stilettos; the light colors making her skin seem incredibly dark and rich. Simple platinum and aquamarine chandelier earrings and a huge diamond cocktail ring glittered in the light while her makeup was done classically; her glossy pink lips spread in a bashful smile as she laughed with Bastian and Speyer.
When she'd turned to him her grin had softened enough to make her brother grunt and roll his eyes; crossing his arms as he'd watched her cross to him. She'd stopped just shy of touching him, her eyes moving over him before she'd glanced back at Irons. A brow raised as he pushed past him to extend his hand to her.
“Why Dr. Shaw. What a pleasant surprise. You're here to see your brother I gather?”
Chaosia had looked at his hand like it was toxic before she'd caught herself, shaking the offered appendage loosely as she'd given him a professional grin. And Wesker had admitted to himself that her little quip almost made the three hour argument worth it. She'd glanced up to him, her smile darkening to damn near sinister as she'd spoken. And even though Bastian seemed about ready to stroke Speyer was staring after her like a rapt idiot.
“Actually I was just on my way to collect Albert. He was almost late for lunch.”
Wesker shook himself, fighting the urge to reach up and pinch the bridge of his nose. God this was a mistake. Every single time he'd tried to accomplish anything with this girl it always backfired, her refusing or moving away just as he'd thought he was laying enough groundwork to progress. He hadn't had to work this hard to get anything in years. At least since he hit puberty.
“If its so horrible to be in my presence then leave-“
She sighed in frustration, laying her other hand over his mouth; looking up to him almost pleadingly as she stepped closer. And he was suddenly aware that she was nearly pressed completely against him, their chests almost touching as her eyes bore into his. She shook her head, her tongue darting out to wet her lips again before she spoke.
But her words threw him for a loop. He didn't like to admit it but she was the first woman who'd ever spoken freely with him like this. All of his lovers and partners had just let him do as he pleased . . . so long as he was showering them in faux praise or spending ungodly amounts of money on them. Actually the only women he even talked to-other than her-were Valentine and Wong. And from what he was seeing neither counted. Valentine deferred to him because of his position and Wong used him just as much as he used her-oh sure he got more out of it with her spying and scheming than she did but he seriously doubted she knew that.
“Its not horrible, Captain. But I don't want to deal with all of this-this posturing you have to do for work. I want to spend time with you, Albert. Not Captain Wesker of STARS or even Dr Wesker of the lab you refuse to tell me about. I just want to get to know you. Okay? You said you wanted the same . . . and it isn't impossible for us to become friendly-even after the other.”
He looked her over before nodding, damning the consequences as he caught her face in his hands; slanting his mouth over hers hungrily. She gasped against his lips before she moved, her arms linking around his neck as she kissed him back. And Wesker had to admit that this was better than any of their other-albeit drunken- kisses. She tasted sweeter, and the throaty little moan she gave sounded so much more rewarding.
She eased back from him, her cheeks bright red as she looked up at through her lashes. And Wesker decided that he would attempt to fulfill her request. At least for today. He pressed his forehead to hers, tucking her curls behind her ear as his thumb traced her cheek.
“As you wish, Dear Heart. But I am informing you now; I will not be content with merely being friendly.”
Her eyes searched his before she sighed, stretching up and ghosting her lips over his; lingering for just a second before she pulled away.
“I'm informing you, Mr. Wesker that you'd better be content to be friendly first. At least until after we see if the first date is worth anything.”
She looked up at him bashfully, her lips spreading into a tiny wry grin as she stepped back.
“Speaking of which . . . are you really taking me to lunch? Because if you are then we need to get to your car.”
Wesker grinned, watching her step towards the Mercedes parked behind them when he called out; enjoying the way she looked up at him in confusion. He was finding that he loved keeping her on her toes. Especially when she looked so damned . . . cute when she was trying to keep up with him.
“What? Isn't this your car? Bastian said you drove a Mercedes-“
He sighed, shaking his head as he wound his arm over her shoulders; leading her away from the gleaming dark blue car. He wasn't going to tell her that Bastian had been right. He did own a brand new Mercedes LE . . . but the car that he'd brought out for today was his favorite. He just didn't usually get the opportunity to drive it.
He pushed her towards the back parking spots, grinning darkly as he hit the unlock button on his keyfob; causing the lights of the black 96 Jaguar XJ220 to flash. Chaosia stopped, looking back at him as he nodded; moving to open the door for her as she spoke.
“You drive this? Seriously?”
He nodded, holding the door for her to sink into the seat. She grinned up at him, nodding as he smirked down at her.
“There's much more to me than what your brother tells you, Dear Heart.”
She rolled her eyes before laughing, shrugging her brows at him playfully as she secured her seat belt.
“Well hopefully I'll actually get to see some of that.”
He nodded sagely, keeping his face blank as he responded; closing the door as Chaosia groaned and shook her head.
“We'll have to see, Dear Heart.”
He stepped around the back of the car, flicking his keys over his fingers as he moved quickly. He had no idea what was going to happen but he sure that today was definitely going to be an interesting day. He slid down and into the plush leather, bringing the engine roaring to life. As he backed out of the spot and moved to navigate the way down to the main street he was pleasantly surprised when Chaosia reached out and laid her hand over his on the shifter; lacing her fingers through his he found that he really didn't mind the sweet little gesture.
And as they pulled out and into traffic Albert Wesker decided that he might actually learn to enjoy having to forge a true relationship with someone. If they didn't kill one another first.
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