Role Playing Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Syndicate ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Midnight Syndicate
~Original Story~
Haremness, yaoi, hentai, het, smut, lemons, limes, NCS, death, attempted murder, angst, roleplay, supernatural, incest, mpreg (possibly)
Disclaimer: Not all of the characters in this fic belong to me. Here are just a few that I can name off the top of my head: Seppuku (Midnight), Takeshi, Saya, Lucifer, Loath, Sick Lady, Mr. Bear, Hajime. I'll add more to the list as we go on but for now, let's start the fic!

Chapter Four

Meditating didn't work.
Ignoring them didn't work.
Talking to them didn't work.

Midnight glared out at the room. He sat on his back hands resting at his side. His normally neatly groomed hair was wild giving his already exotic features an extra boost. However, the reason behind the look wasn't worth the effort. He had been thrown twice, three scratch marks ran down his abdomen and back, a small gash was just healing above his brow and the temperature had dropped drastically leaving him shivering. He glanced over to where his shirt had been. It was missing probably thanks to one of the ghosts. They seemed to be getting more and more bold as the night approached. Midnight could see the last of the sunlight fading meaning that it was very close to being nighttime. He let out a slow breath and watched it crystalize in midair. Hajime hadn't returned just yet. He only hoped the human had gottent tied up with something and wasn't ignoring his specific request.

Just as the thought crossed his mind, the flap lifted to the side. Midnight raised his gaze to the door way watching as numerous shilouettes moved outside. None of them seemed to want to reveal themselves to him. Only a few paused to turn their grotesque faces his way. Regardless, he watched him all in silence not giving away a single emotion. Instead he closed his eyes and listened.



The whispering voice seemed to be coming through a thick fog of some kind. Midnight shivered violently. It was so cold. His jaws chattered softly as he pushed through the thick haze of awareness.


A light seemed to form as Midnight struggled further. The light grew brighter and brighter causing the dark haired man to wince away. A hand reached out to shake him. Midnight's eyes shot open. His body tensed violently sending sharp pain through every limb. He grunted in discomfort and started to sit up. It was then that a pale arm came up to keep him there. It took a while for him to realize that the arm was warm and had a pulse. He stared at it for a moment before following the sinewy limb back to its owner. His eyes settled on Hajime. The young man stared back at Midnight. "You were cold...." He offered as way of explanation.

Midnight frowned."I wouldn't have died from hypothermia." He stated without a second thought even though the warm body pressed against his felt very nice. He felt his body warming slowly as he turned toward the other. "Where is my water?"

"On the table. I apologize for taking so long. My services were required."

Midnight left it at that. He sat up then pushing the covers away from him. It was cold....much like winter. He had to smile remembering such a wonderous time of the year. Standing, he made his way from the bed to the table noting that his pants had been removed. He looked back to Hajime absently. He was naked also. That bought a smirk to Midnight's lips. Maybe he would have a bit of fun after all. He picked up the small bowl of water and sniffed it. Sure enough, the once clear liquid was darkened. He mentally grimaced and sneered finding that the cold had made the blood cold. It took away from the taste but still, he drank it. He sighed coming to the last drop. He placed the bowl back on the table and turned to Hajime."What are you?" He questioned. His dark eyes were wide in astonishment. He had never seen anyone able to eat much less drink inside this hut. Not even himself.

"Supply me with one thing and I may answer that question." Midnight stated. With a bit of blood pacifying his hunger, he felt almost playful. He walked slowly over to the other knealing and stretching out beside the other unabashed at his lack of dress. His slender finger raised trailing up Hajime's chest.
" you..." Before he could get he question out, Midnight pressed a single finger to the other's lips. Slowly, he leaned forward pressing his lips against the young man's. Slowly, he removed his finger and tilted his head to the side. The same hand he had trailed up the other's chest came up to bury in the hair at the back of Hajime's head to tilt it back. With the new vantage point, he slipped his tongue inside. All the while, Hajime stared to the other side of the room eyes slightly widened. No one had taken the time to touch him other than the leader and even that was one sided. It wasn't long before he found himself pressed against the bed staring up at Midnight. He watched the darked haired man's muscles draw taut and relax slowly.

"Do you enjoy the company of a man?" Midnight asked. His voice was low and sensual as he placed his body over Hajime's. A shiver ran through the both of them at the feel of their cooled flesh against each other.

"I enjoy the company of a warm body." Hajime answered. He wasn't even sure that he liked men or not. A body was a body whenever it came down to it. As long as it was living and human, he never objected. The answered seemed good enough as Midnight lowered his lips to his body again. Butterfly kisses were placed along the human's skin drawing small amounts of heat to the surface until he reached the center of Hajime's chest. The kisses paused there before Midnight rolled the both of them to reverse their position.

"Show me what you can do, Hajime." Midnight purred staring up at the man.
A deep blush formed on Hajime's pale cheeks. He averted his gaze to the side for only a moment before he shifted to his knees above Midnight's steadily growing erection. He swallowed once before bringing his fingers to his lips. He slipped them slowly into his mouth and began to suck on them carefully until they were coated. Once that was finished, he reached behind him hooking fingers until he found hiis entrance. As he worked the first slender digit in, Midnight shifted watching the spectacle absently. His hands ran slowly up and down the other's thighs encouraging him to continue. After a while, he twisted his wrist so that he could cup the other's sac carefully in his hand. Hajime gasped and bucked his hips forward. His finger pressed into him deeper before withdrawing giving him enough flexibility to add another finger. His head lulled back slowly as he rocked into both his own hand and Midnight's. His own erection was standing proudly curled with the tip just centimeters from the other mans lips. "Taste it..." Hajime whispered.

Midnight rolled his eyes up from where he watched his hand gently rolling the other's balls. He contemplated the request carefully.


Again, Midnight looked up. Slowly, he leaned forward closing the rest of the distance so that his lips brushed against the soft head of the young man's cock. He could feel the shiver running through the other's thighs. Midnight parted his lips letting the head inside just enough for him to suck on it. His ears twitched slightly hearing Hajime moan louder than before. It peeked the young hellhound's curiosity since he never had one perform such things on him but now was not the time. He let go out of the member giving it one last lick. His eyes flickered down to his groin then up to Hajime. The human's heat was definately having an affect on him despite the fact that Hajime was unable to bear children. His own member was standing proudly and waiting. "Are you ready yet?" He asked.

Hajime nodded quickly. He pulled his fingers from inside of him carefully. He placed his hands on either side of Midnight's waist gripping the fur bed as he positioned himself. Midnight absently held his member steady feeling it twitch with anticipation. His other hand raised to grip the other's waist. Without a moment to spare, Hajime finally began to lower himself. He rocked against the head of Midnight's member carefully closing his eyes in concentration as he willed himself to relax. He winced as the member finally made it through. Midnight took a slow breath out. It took all he had not to simply start pouding into the other male's body. He had to remind himself that human males weren't built for that kind of treatment. So he force himself to remain still even at the sound of the small slightly pained grunts coming from the other.

A small eternity later, Hajime was seated. His lower half spasmed slightly with the penetration. However, with each through the dull pain seemed to subside some. When it was finally tolerable, he began to lift himself. Both men seemed to breath a sigh of relief then. Midnight's hand flexed unconsciously on the other's waist letting his member be taken from the tight warm. He looked down and watched as his cock reemerged only to be taken in again. His eyes fluttered close. This position...would be fun for another time. With that thought, he sat up sending Hajime backwards onto the bed. The young man shouted as Midnight plunged back in with a powerful thrust. The dark haired hellhound paused panting with the want to pound away. However, Hajime seemed to be able to keep the annoying ghosts away. The man was of use, needless to say.

He waited for the human to open his clenched eyes. Seeing that the shout wasn't entirely of pain, Midnight set into motion. He withdrew and thrust into Hajime's body moaning at how the man's walls greedily took him in and tried to keep him there. He shifted his weigh spreading his legs slightly more so he could plunge in harder.

All the while, Hajime gasped and panted letting the other use his body. His own member slapped lightly against his abdomen. His slightly parted lips occaisionally let out soft sounds of pleasure. Obviously he wasn't loud enough for Midnight. The man rolled to his back once again just as he withdrew. He pressed his hips upward as the other began to fall downward. Both moaned loudly and shuddered. "Nnn ah ah ah." Hajime panted as his body was bounced rhythmically over Midnight's member. His hand clutched at the other's abdomen desperately trying to keep himself upright. His efforts were quickly lost as Midnight changed his angle suddenly striking something inside. Hajime bowed. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as a loud keening shout sounded from him. Midnight smirked and continued to aim for that spot until he felt the young man's sheat shudder around him. His hands lifted quickly gripping either of the man's hips and pressing him down against him as hard as he could. He rocked his hips upward against that spot until the sheath finally closed in around him.

He took that moment, he bounce Hajime once again just as the young man began to cum. He wrapped his arms around the small of the other's back pulling him close again just his own orgasm tore through him. His balls drew up almost painfully forcing him to empty himself inside of Hajime. The two remained frozen this way panting as teh last throes of pleasure left their bodies. Midnight was the first to slowly relax. He laid back on the bed with a heavy sigh. Strands of his dark hair clung to his lax face.

Hajime shivered and opened his eyes slowly. He took in Midnight's expression slowly. There was no way the man in underneat him was human, he decided. There was something so...unearthly beautiful about the other man that he couldn't be anything so unextraordinary. He didn't have the time to dwell on this.

A shrill blood curdling scream sounded in the distance. Both men shot up with the feeling of being sated flying out of the window. Hajime was the first to stand. Paying no heed to his naked state, he ran to the door. His wide eyes stared in the direction of his camp. Bright flames burnt in the distance. Shilouettes of people running and being chased could be seen even from that distance.

"Hajime, what is it?" Midnight questioned. He squirmed to get into his pants. Quickly, he stood as well unconsciously going to the door. He hadn't even made it two steps towards it before he was tossed back by the same invisible force. Unlike the time before, he sat up growling murderously at the room. The growl faltered as the scent of blood waft in from under the thin walls of the hut. People were dying. He sat up crawling to one of the walls. his ear pressed down to where the wall lifted two inches from the ground. Screams, none of them he recognized, sounded from where the camp was. The sound of weapons tearing at flesh and the stench of death seemed to come from all directions. And gods knew where Saya was.

Midnight's eyes widened at the sudden thought. He had sent the girl to stay in the nursery.....

He shot up quickly pacing the confines of the hut. He couldn't afford to be stuck here. He turned quickly several time until the room seemed to spin around him. He finally stopped and dropped to his knees. He lowered his head letting his hair shadow his smooth pale face. His eyes closed in concentration as he pictured his hellhound form. He had only done this once when he was first born. It seemed to come to him far easier than before. He felt his face stretching along with his other limbs. His skin felt as if it was going to tear and shred away from him. The sharp wet sound of bones popping echoed out of the room.

Hajime turned at the sound. He was torn between leaving and staying but the strange sounds made him forget momentarily. "Midnight?" He questioned as he stepped inside. His eyes widened as they took in Midnight's slowly changing body. He took an unconscious step backward watching the man's limbs snap at odd angles. At first he thought it was the spirits doing this to the man. "Please, stop! Leave him alone!" He called to them. When the transformation continued unaffected, he panicked. He ran outside quickly to the ring of stone. Picking up one, he started to move it. Unnatural winds picked up whipping his hair around him. He flinched away from the icy blast.

Seconds later a ground shaking howl filled the air. The hut behind Hajime began to bulge outward. The spirits that had been inside shot out in all directions as the sewn together furs began to tear away from each other. White fur jutted from within the hut until finally the hut gave way in an almost violent explosion. Hajime was sent tumbling forward as a large plank collided with his back. The large rock in his hand sent him further off balance and dragged him to get the ground. His hands were crushed under its weight. As he fell flat, his chest collided with the rock's hard jutting top. All air left him in one swoop. He coughed and rolled to his side clutching his bruised chest. His eyes squeezed together miserable missing the towering sight just a few yards away from him.


A/N: Umm....maybe I do know what I'm doing -nods- yesh...maybe indeed.