Role Playing Fan Fiction ❯ Always and Forever! ❯ Waking Up Next To You. ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mizuki was awaken by a shining light coming from the widow and tried to hide his eyes from the bright sun. His only escape was within the crook of Hiroi's neck and Noue was willing to seek any refuge away from the sun. Hiroi instinctively moved into to the source of movement and he hugged Mizuki tighter.
Mizuki moaned from the new found pressure on his body but he didn't bother to move away from what was causing it. Instead, Noue snuggled closer into Hiroi's neck, breathing on it. Hiroi bit his lip slightly before opening his eyes. He looked down at the boy and smiled.
`I thought it was a dream.' Noue opened his mouth to yawn and let his breath flow out as if Hiroi's neck wasn't there. His lips now parted touched Hiroi's bare neck and feeling the skin against his lips, Noue instinctively licked them, getting a taste of Hiroi. Hiroi shivered slightly when he felt the boys tongue on his neck.
Noue liking the taste from Hiroi's neck, licked in the same spot again except this time moving up more closer to Hiroi's ear. Hiroi let out a warm sigh as he moved his hand to the boys shoulder. Noue was so close to biting Hiroi's ear, but instead, Noue licked it, relaxing his head to fall closer to Hiroi's. Hiroi looked down at the silver headed one sleeping next to him.
`Is he truly sleeping...' Mizuki felt the sun's presence on his eyes again and retreated back to Hiroi's neck. Hiroi surveyed the boy next to him. He looked almost angelic as the sunlight bathed on his pale skin and hair.
“Mizuki-kun.” Mizuki moaned. He curled closer to Hiroi, burying his head deeper into his neck. Hiroi let out a wispy sigh as he tried to control himself.
“Mizuki-kun.” Mizuki moaned again, digging deeper into Hiroi's neck, rubbing his face into it. Hiroi let out a shaky breath.
“Hmm... Mizuki-kun.”
“Hmmmm....yes, Hiroi...” Mizuki snuggled more into Hiroi as he tried to go back to sleep.
“You sure are affectionate when you're sleeping...”
“Mmmmm....Is that...So...” Mizuki didn't even recognize what Hiroi was pointing out. All Mizuki wanted was to go back to sleep and stay in Hiroi's arms. He was enjoying Hiroi's warmth and wasn't going to let Hiroi take it away from him.
“We have to get to school, Mizuki-kun.” Mizuki groaned not wanting to move from his spot, but knew he had to. Noue sighed on Hiroi's neck, brushing it with his lip, before moving to get up. Hiroi laid down longer trying to regain the senses that his tempting student had scrambled. Noticing Hiroi's hesitation from getting up, Noue stops and crawls back closer to Hiroi, his forehead touching Hiroi's.
“What's wrong Hiroi?”
“Nothing...I just thought...that we shouldn' ...late....”
“Ok.” Noue inched slowly away from Hiroi's face and then got out of the covers. He slid his pants on and pulled off the baggy t-shirt Hiroi gave him. His skinny, pale, body shone brightly as the sun hit it and Noue blocked his eyes from the sun to look for his shirt. Hiroi swallowed hard.
`I didn't think me bringing him would be so...exciting.'
“Ah...there it is...”Mizuki spotted his shirt on the floor on the other side of the bed and he crawled on all fours across the bed to get it. He leaned over the side to get it, for he didn't want to get off bed for any reason until he needed his shoes. Noue leaned over more to reach his shirt, his ass in the air. Hiroi just stared, his thumb curved under his lower lip before he looked at the clock on his bedside table.
“Got it!” Mizuki snatched up his shirt ad fell backwards on to the bed, putting it on. All he needed were his jacket and shoes and they were at the front door. Mizuki sat there and turned to look at Hiroi who was still unmoving from the bed. Hiroi's gaze was frozen on the time plastered on his analog clock. The alarm hadn't even rung yet and it was about to for what seemed like an entire era.
He was snapped out of his fix when he felt the stillness around him and he turned to look at the boy in the middle of the bed. Mizuki cocked his head to the side in confusion and innocence as he looked at Hiroi. Noue turned all the way around sitting on the bed like a tomboy would, his hands holding his feet in Indian style, gazing back at Hiroi.
Even in that position Noue still looked like the quiet boy from class. Hiroi got up from the bed, quiet and determined and came down to where Mizuki was sitting. Mizuki's head and eyes followed Hiroi as he came closer to him on his spot in the middle of the bed. Mizuki whispered, cocking his head to the other side this time, still confused.
“....Yes, Hiroi...?” Hiroi kept still for a second before he reached out and touched the boys face with the side of his hand.
“I can't take it anymore...”
“Hiroi?” Mizuki looked at Hiroi still confused.
“Since you woke've been driving me crazy.”
“I have? How?” Mizuki tilted his head into Hiroi's hand still confused as to what he was talking about. Hiroi didn't think that he could bear to talk anymore.
`45 minutes...more like 40 now...but that should be enough.' He leaned in and kissed Mizuki's neck, putting his arms around the boy's waist.
“Ah! Hiroi!?!?” Mizuki jumped as Hiroi's hands slid further along his waist and Hiroi sucked on his neck. Unable to get what was going on Mizuki tried to push Hiroi off, but to no avail. Hiroi moved his hands down to the boys pants, working his fingers to remove it quickly. He put his lips close to the boys' ear as he spoke softly.
“What's wrong, Noue? Don't you me to eat you?” Noue yelped as Hiroi's cool voice slithered through his ears. Noue shivered as Hiroi took his pants off and kissed his neck again.
“Yes, but! I mean! No! We need to go to you said....can't be late....”
“It's all right...We still have more than a half hour before my alarm clock rings... That's when we should start getting ready. Well...after this...more like clean up.”
“But...Hiroi....what if...we're late?” Mizuki tried to keep a clear mind but with Hiroi kissing the way he was it was kind of hard.
“We're not going to be late... I'll make it quick. Besides... what's one day?” He licked down from his neck to his collar bone before taking off his shirt.
“Ahhh....”Mizuki was shivering again as Hiroi continued to eat him. Noue would have to make an excuse for being late for school and that meant going to his parents; Noue didn't want that. “I don't know the school...does....they'll want...a note....then...what will happen...when I don't have one?”
“I'll tell them I made you late. It's true, isn't it?” He slid the gray slacks to the floor.
“Ahh....Mmm...Yes...but then...what's your...excuse....for late?” Mizuki's hand was twitching as he tried to grab the bed sheets.
“We got caught up... I was... explaining something to you and we... lost... track of time.” He kissed the boys chest, sucking lightly in random places as he ran his fingertips over one of his nipples.
“Ahhh....” Mizuki's heart clench as he felt Hiroi's lips suck on his body. “....But...I don't found me? Our houses are in...The complete....opposite...direction....”
“I stopped you on the way there... that's what I'll say...” Hiroi lowered his head as he kissed down Mizuki's chest and stomach. He looked down at the boy's shorts before he placed his hand on the cloth, smiling slightly when he could feel the cock underneath. Mizuki couldn't help but shudder when he felt Hiroi's hand on his cock. The touch caused it to grow and painfully obvious he didn't want to leave the room. Hiroi rubbed the hardened flesh again, pressing it softly as ran his other hand up Mizuki's thigh.
“Ahhhh....Ahhhh...” Mizuki lolled his head back from pleasure and relaxed his body against Hiroi's touch. Hiroi put his lips to Noue's and kissed him as he slipped his fingers into the boy's shorts.
“Mmmm...” Mizuki left his hands where they were, fully accepting Hiroi without struggle. Hiroi felt delighted that Noue had finally fallen to his advances. He took out Mizuki's cock and pulled down his shorts to his knees.
“What do you want me to use this time, Noue?”
“.....I don't know....What do you want to use...Hiroi?” Mizuki leaned back, holding himself up with his arms. Not looking at Hiroi with a confused expression anymore, it had changed to a smirk. Hiroi's eyebrows twitched slightly before a light smile came to his lips.
“We are in a hurry...” He grabbed the boys' cock in his hand to start a simple up and down movement.
“Ahhh...” Noue let his head fall back again as Hiroi pumped his cock. He didn't care for school, all he wanted was Hiroi. Hiroi moved his hand rapidly up and down Noue's cock, making a steady rhythm with their increasing heartbeats.
“Ah....Mmn...” Mizuki tried to regain his breathe but with each pump he would lose it. His heart and stomach clenched and he moaned more as Hiroi pumped him. Hiroi let his gaze drift from Mizuki's body parts as he squeezed just a bit tighter and pumped just a bit a faster, anticipating when the boy would cum.
“AH!.....MMmmnn...” Noue jerked his head to the side clenching his eyes shut. He was reaching his climax and he didn't want the pleasure to leave in one quick blow like last time.
“What did I teach you last time, Mizuki-kun?”
“....I....I don't...remember....”Noue's hand clenched the sheets under him as he tried to hold in his cum.
`Not now....not yet.' Noue thought.
“I taught you that now...” He dropped the boy's shorts to the floor and held his knees before gently pushing them apart. “Is when you open your legs?”
“Hiroi...” Noue turned to look at Hiroi as he open his legs wider. He knew what was coming and he welcomed it with all his might. Hiroi didn't bother to try inserting his fingers; they had no time for more foreplay. Instead he eased his pelvis forward and shoved his cock inside Mizuki. Mizuki hissed, clenching tighter onto the bed sheets as he turned his head, eyes closed. His body tensed as he arched his back. Hiroi closed his eyes to the point were only the glazed look of his pupils could be seen. He groaned lightly, the tightness still being unbelievable, and he started to move inside Mizuki.
Mizuki was gasping hard but as soon as he felt Hiroi trying to move inside him, Noue relaxed his lower body but his upper part was still clinging on. Hiroi's body moved fluidly forward and backward as he went slowly inside the boy first. He gripped Noue's cock once more in his hand and he started the same slow rhythm.
“Ah!....”Noue's back arched more closer to Hiroi and Noue loosened his grip on the bed. Noue tried to breath as Hiroi pumped him in the same motion he was going in inside. Hiroi took steady breaths as he paced himself. He started going faster and faster with each passing second. Hiroi looked down at the boy once more and the look on his face made Hiroi swallow hard before he pushed his cock deep inside. He hardly took it back out with his erratic movements.
“Ahhh....Hiroi.....more....”Mizuki begged. His heartbeat was too fast for him to breath and he couldn't control what was coming out of his mouth. The pleasure was undeniable, Noue loved it and he wanted more. Hiroi obliged his wanting pupil as he sped up a bit more on both ends. He moaned slightly as he pulled his head back and then forward again to look down at the unison of his cock and Mizuki.
“Ahhhh....yes....Hiroi...more....” Mizuki opened his eyes and closed them again as the pleasure filled his body. Noue resulted to clenching the sheets again as Hiroi sped up. Hiroi closed his eyes, giving the last of him out before he came deep inside Mizuki.
Mizuki had held out longer then he expected, for he came with the last pump Hiroi gave and his tense body relaxed. Noue slumped back, catching himself with his arms, not moving until Hiroi would. Hiroi panted softly before he pulled out of Mizuki.
As soon as Hiroi was out, Noue clasped on to the bed, his torso moving up and down in uneasy breaths. Noue opened his eyes tiredly, his gaze clouded as he stared at the ceiling. Hiroi put his hands at Mizuki's thighs before running them up to his chest. Hiroi lowered his body on top of Mizuki's and kissed the boy softly.
“With time to spare.” Mizuki looked at Hiroi and chuckled.
“...Heh....Do we still....have to be late?....”
“We don't have to be. Especially now after we're so... energized.”
“Hmmmm....I guess your right...” Hiroi kissed Mizuki's neck.
“Let's go and get dressed and I'll make you some breakfast.”
“Hmmmm....I thought we just had breakfast...” Mizuki purred as Hiroi kissed his neck. Hiroi put his hand on Mizuki's ass, rubbing it slightly.
“Having sex fills everything but our stomach.” Mizuki lifted off the bed a little for Hiroi's hand to move more freely around his body.
“I guess you're right again, always....” Hiroi kissed the boy softly before starting to move.
“Let's get up before I make us truly late.” Mizuki chuckled again and lightly pushed Hiroi off his body so as to get dressed. Noue didn't use a lot of force to push Hiroi, for Noue wanted to stay close for as long as possible. Hiroi went into the bathroom and twitched slightly when the alarm clock rang.
“Could you get that Noue?”
“Sure!” Mizuki went over to the alarm clock on the wall and pushed the button for it to sleep. Noue looked down at his body and saw that he was pretty dirty from his early engagement.
“Hmmm....should get cleaned before I get dressed.” Mizuki said under his breath. Hiroi looked at himself in the bathroom mirror before going over to the shower.
“I'll wait for Hiroi...or...NO! Bad idea!” Noue cursed loudly and clamped his hands to his mouth as he watched to see if the bathroom door would open. Hiroi was starting up the shower by running the warm water. He sighed lightly as he touched the cool liquid before he slipped inside.
Noue let out a deep sigh of relief as he heard the water running. He relaxed on the bed as he waited his turn to clean up...or he could...NO! Bad idea.... Hiroi took the bar of soap and rubbed it around himself.
`Must control self....' Mizuki clenched onto the sheets to control himself from walking into the bathroom and taking a bath with Hiroi. Hiroi stood there wondering when Noue would join him.
`It's just a's just a shower...' Mizuki got up and knocked on the door to the bathroom. Hiroi smiled lightly to himself.
“It's open.” Mizuki opened the door and was greeted by a mist of steam and he closed the door behind him. Mizuki could only see a little bit but through the steam he found the shower.
“Hiroi?...Can...Can I....shower with you?” Hiroi looked at the fuzzy image visible through the shower door.
“Of course, Noue. I was waiting for you.”
“You were?” Mizuki got closer to the shower door, hesitant to open it. Hiroi grabbed the handle of the door and pulled it open.
“Of course. You don't want to go to school smelling like early morning sex, now do you?” Mizuki got closer to see Hiroi's face, as he looked up at Hiroi, his hair already getting wet, Noue smirked.
“You could... but I would much rather you in here with me.” He extended his hand to Noue. Noue took Hiroi's hand and walked closer to Hiroi. Hiroi pulled Noue inside the shower before closing the door.
“Hiroi?....You sure your just a Homeroom Sensei?...Your bathroom is pretty big....along with other things you have...”
“That's all I am.” He laughed slightly. “The thing is... The house used to belong to the family, but then when my parents died, they left everything they owned to me.”
“Oh....then that means you didn't have to be a sensei....So why bother?....”
“Because... I like helping you kids.”
“I see....despite all the things you go through you stay with it....I envy you....” Mizuki looked down as the warm water hit his skin. Hiroi touched his face softly.
“Don't envy. I became strong after I learned to overcome things. You can still learn.”
“I guess you're right....” Mizuki grinned slightly and looked back at Hiroi. Hiroi smiled before taking Noue in his arms and kissing him fiercely. Noue closed his eyes and melted into Hiroi's arms and his fierce kiss as he moaned. Hiroi reached for the soap and the pulled away.
“Here, I'm already clean.” Mizuki growled but took the soap and rubbed it against his body. Hiroi got under the water and finished washing wetting his hair. Mizuki's body was covered in soap and he waited as Hiroi washed his hair. Hiroi stepped from under the water before grabbing the soap out of Mizuki's hand.
“Let me wash your back.”
“Ok....but not too hard....”Hiroi ran the bar of soap along the boys back before he went down a bit lower to wash there too. Noue arched a little bit as Hiroi got lower on his back. The bar of soap tickling his body. Hiroi was trying his best not to get sexual again, so he stopped before he got too low. He placed the bar in the soap dish and patted Mizuki softly.
“There. All done.”
“ can control yourself I see....” Mizuki smirked as his now clean body backed up towards Hiroi's body and Noue leaned his back on Hiroi's chest. Hiroi put his hands around Mizuki's hips.
“I have control. But it only goes so far.”
“ I see...” Mizuki was getting tired in the shower as the warm water hit his skin. Showers soothed him and mostly made him sleepily. Being half asleep never helped him in any situation. Hiroi twitched as the alarm went off.
“I thought I turned that thing off....” Mizuki growled sleepily.
“You must have hit the snooze button. Anyway, we should go and get dressed. Hopefully, there is still time for breakfast.”
“Hopefully...” Mizuki lazily pulled himself away from Hiroi and tried to open the shower door. Hiroi pulled the door open and grabbed a towel.
“Thank you....” Mizuki walked out the shower and grabbed the towel next to Hiroi's. Mizuki dried himself off and stumbled to the bathroom door. He opened the door and went to pick up his clothes that were scattered by Hiroi. Hiroi went to his closet and found one of his suits already folded on a hanger. Noue dressed himself before sleepily falling on the bed.
`Damn stupid warm shower....' Hiroi pulled his slacks on before putting on his white collared shirt. He looked over his shoulder at Mizuki.
“Aren't you going get dressed?”
Mizuki looked at his chest and noticed that he didn't have his shirt or his jacket on. His school pants and socks were on but he guessed that wasn't dressed enough for Hiroi.
“Aaaa....I guess I could get dressed all the way.” Mizuki got up and picked up his shirt, putting it on. Hiroi straightened his collar before putting on his blazer.
“There you go.” He looked at the clock. “I'm afraid all we have time for is cold cereal.”
“That's fine....” Mizuki walked down stairs and sat at the table falling asleep again. Hiroi looked at the clock. Mizuki walked down the stairs, falling asleep on the table.