Role Playing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistique's Requiem ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own both of the characters mentioned in this story so no stealing them.
Author's Notes: I don't really know how I came up with this story. This one is also based off the Cats based RPG that my friends and I play in. I needed a way to get rid of this particular character and this is what I came up with. //Looks at the story.// I sometimes wonder about my sanity. I case you're wondering the main character, Mistique, is the daughter is Mistoffelees and my alter ego, Jagwarakit. She's the second oldest female is a litter of eight. Jag's really quite the 'super mom', she's currently got three litters now (Mistique is from the second one). The other character is from a different RPG that's set in the same time line so technically the two RPGs overlap a lot. He's a powerful demon named Vulturnus. Any ways, sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, I tried to catch them all.
Mistique's Requiem
She sat silently on an old crate waiting for him to come. The moon shone down on her, ripe and full, making her fur shimmer with an ethereal beauty. Her latest kill sat at her feet, his eyes staring blankly at the wall opposite them. She didn't know why she fed that night, though she supposed it didn't really matter anymore. She knew they'd found her last night. Knew that they have pin pointed her location. Up until tonight her instincts had told her to run, to hide, to fight. Now, though, she was filled with a calmness that only those who knew the end was near possessed, just knowing that the fight was lost. That it was finally time to stop running. A smile tugged at her blood smeared lips. The fight was lost, but in the end she knew that she would be free and they knew that too.
The beat of wings drew her attention and she opened her eyes and looked upon the one they sent. He was beautiful to say the least, though she knew the term seemed to weak to be used to describe him for it seemed that it only scratched the surface. He reminded her of her uncle and twin brothers, truthfully, and she figured that he might be of the same breed or something similar to it; her family wasn't pedigreed after all. He made a handsome tortoiseshell, his features angular and well defined while his body was all hard muscle and she couldn't help but wonder if there was any fat on him at all. Broad shoulders lead to a narrow waist and his guarded golden eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire that was kept in careful check. He seemed to melt into the shadows yet still seemed to be apart from them as if he belonged there about as much as he belonged in the sun which was next to nil as it was.
She smiled tiredly at him and his eyes seemed to reflect the wariness she knew was in her own. A soft sigh passed her lips, barely audible, as she closed her eyes once again as a wistful smile played across her lips. She was just so tired. So tired of it all. Tired of the killing. Tired of the feeding. Just... tired. She knew not what lay ahead of her and that had left her with only her memories of the past; a past that would alway seem to haunt her in some way or another even if was it was only a shadow on the ground or a memory turned nightmare. Her smile seemed to widen a bit more as the sound of a sword being drawn echoed through the alley just before it was plunged through her heart and held there a moment before it was withdrawn and used to removed her head from her body. All that was left was the echo of a sword being returned to it's stabber and a head sitting alone on an old news paper as the beating of bat like wings faded into the night.