Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Sukuru Deizu ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Jun took the phone. His hand was shaking. With a growl he tossed the phone across the room and watched as it shattered into pieces. The kid whose phone it was yelled, put Jun just pushed him aside as he headed toward the showers. He didn't bother to look at anyone, mainly because he couldn't meet their gazes.
"Jun," Reisha whispered. Marching up to the guy who had shown him the picture, she slapped him. "What did you do that for?"
Anna followed Jun to the showers. She had to explain. She walked through the boy's locker room and looked around. "Jun! It's Anna! Let me explain!" she called as she walked around looking for him.
Several of the guys tried to cover themselves, while several more began to whistle as she walked through there. Jun was grabbing his stuff out of his locker when he saw her. "There's nothing to explain," he told her. Though his face was hardened, his eyes showed that he was hurt. "I thought...." Shaking his head he just walked past her. He had to get home to deal with this. He didn't know what he was going to do. He couldn't keep a rumor like this from spreading. All he could do was try to delay it. Hopefully until he could figure out what to do.
Anna grabbed his wrist lightly as he started walking away. "Jun..." she whispered. "I didn't do it. I wouldn't do that to you. Please, believe me."
Jun turned to her. "I believe you, but that doesn't change the fact that what's done is done." He turned back away from her as he started back. "And now some of us are going to have to pay the consequences," he muttered beneath his breath.
She followed him, trying hard to keep up with his pace. "I'll speak to your father. I'll tell him what happened. I'll take the fall. Jun, you don't have to do this all on your own. I told you," she moved in front of him, "I'll catch you."
Jun just shook his head as he stared at her. "You don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter whose fault it is, it's my fault. I let you stay in my home. I let you take the picture. I let you.... And now I've managed to create a scandal which can be used against my father." He offered her a weak and heartless smile. They were already in the parking lot and he was throwing his stuff into the passenger seat.
Anna got in his car. "Then I will be there beside you the whole way. I'm not leaving it like this, Jun. It was my fault that this happened and if I have to, I'll stay with you every moment of every day if it makes him...if he won't..." Ughh! She couldn't just say it!
Jun looked at her. "Anna, please, get out," he told her. His eyes were stern and cold. He wasn't leaving until she got out.
"No," she said and buckled up. "You can push me away, but I won't budge. You are stuck with me. Better get use to it now."
Jun tensed. Closing his eyes he decided to put this in words that she might be better able to relate to. "If you don't want his father to lose his contract and have his name drug through the mud here in Japan, possibly elsewhere, you will let me deal with this in the way that I have always dealt with this."
Anna froze. That's right. Her father was working with his father. Anna felt her eyes started to water. Why did she have to choose? Why did she even come here? Why did she meet him and stay with him and push herself into his life? Why? Moving her hands to the buckle. She pushed the button then got out. Closing the door, she stood there feeling lifeless as he spun off. The sound of his car was fading and all she could think about was that the bruises he would have tomorrow would be all her fault. Falling to her knees, Anna cried in her hands.
Reisha watched the scene unfold. Her heart felt heavy for them both. Walking over to Anna, she just hugged her. "He'll be okay," she assured her. "He's strong. He'll be just fine."
At the end of the day, Anna got a call from her father. She sat in her house listening to him on the phone screaming about how the picture was shown to him by Jun's father and how it could have potentially ruined everything. Anna did her best to explain after he finally grew quite. After a long pause, her father finally spoke again.
"You only sent it to Brandon? Anna, why would you have to send such an...inappropriate picture?"
Anna was crying. "Because I wanted to be left alone. I didn't think he would put it on my school site."
"You're mother is going to be so upset."
"I know. I'm so sorry, Dad. I had no idea it would get out or that Jun's father would find out. Now...poor Jun..."
"Poor Jun?" Anna grew silent. "Anna, what aren't you telling me?"
"Please, Daddy, don't ask me," she said while she cried. Her dad sighed.
"Should I come home?"
Anna wanted to say yes. She wanted him to end the contract and just come home and potentially go over and save Jun from his father, but it was only wishful thinking. "No. I'll...take care of it."
"I'm so disappointed in you, Anna, but hearing you cry lets me know how much you know you messed up. When you are ready to tell me everything, I'll be here." Anna said nothing. "And whatever it is that you are hiding, I know you are a smart girl and you will do the right thing. No matter what happens, I'll be behind you all the way and so will your mother.”
Jun's father was waiting for him when he got home. He held out a printed out image of Anna's picture. "Care to explain this?"
Before Jun could say anything his father smacked him. "Do you know what this could do to me? Do you have any idea what you childish behavior has cost me?"
Jun didn't say anything, knowing that whatever he did would just incite his father more.
Mr. Higarashi walked to the front door, shutting it. He bolted the door shut and turned back to Jun. His son had to learn one way or another.
Anna grabbed her coat and was out the door in a matter of seconds. She ran as fast as she could towards Jun's house. Her father said to do the right thing and the right thing was to protect Jun, even if it could cause her father to lose the contract. He said he would be behind her and she knew she had to go to Jun. It took her a while to get to Jun's house and by that time, she was out of breath. She ran to the front door and knocked. No one came. She pressed her ear to the door and heard something crash. Anna began banging on the door.
"Stop it!" she screamed as she heard more crashing. She banged louder. "Jun! Jun! Please answer me!" She banged until her fist hurt and they started to bleed. "Leave him alone! Let me in! Jun! Can you hear me!"
Mr. Higarashi stiffened as he heard someone at the door. Looking down at Jun, he growled in disgust. "You have women fight your battles for you? Go to your room. We will finish this later." Going to the kitchen, he wiped his hands off and straightened his shirt. Opening up the door, he looked at Anna.
"I'm afraid that Jun is not here right now," he told her. "Furthermore, after today's little incident I think it would be best if you not come back until things have calmed down."
"You bastard!" she said pushing at him and running into the house. "Jun!" she screamed. "Jun, where are you!" She ran up the stairs. Which room was his? "Jun!" she called over and over again.
Mr. Higarashi followed her up the stairs. His voice calm and composed as he spoke. "As I told you, Jun is not here. It would be best that you leave before I am forced to involve the authorities."
Jun listened to Anna calling for him. What was she doing here? Silently locking his door with his good arm, he closed his eyes. She needed to leave. She shouldn't be here, not for this.
Anna started flinging doors open. "Jun! Please, stop hiding! My family will help you! They will get you somewhere safe!" She looked at his father. "Don't come near me!" she screamed. She came to a door that was locked. Looking at the bottom of the door she could see light coming from the crack and a shadow moved. This was the door. She began banging on it with her blood hands. "Jun! Open the door, Jun! I'll get you somewhere safe! Please, open the door!"
"As I told you, little girl. Jun is not here." His father was beside her now. "Even if he was, he obviously does not wish to speak with you. If you truly cared about his well being, you would leave now."
"If you know what is good for you, you will step the fuck away from me before I call my father!" she snapped. And started banging again. "I know you are in there, Jun! Please, let me help you!" She looked around and grabbed a small table nearby. She flung it at the door. The door cracked. Again she slammed it into the door and the hinges came loose. She dropped the table and started kicking the door. "Jun!" Just a little more and she would have it open.
Jun pressed his hand against his door. Why was she making such a big fuss about this? "Anna, please...go home. I'm begging you. Just leave me be!" Didn't she understand that he was trying to keep her from this? If she got involved, her entire family would suffer because of it.
Mr. Higarashi smiled as he looked at Anna. "You see? Jun doesn't want to see you."
Anna glared at Jun's father. "A wounded bird doesn't ask for help, but if you had a heart you would help it anyways." She kicked the door again and it popped open. She paused for a moment. Using her shoulder, she pushed the broken door open wider and stepped in. Her hands went to her mouth at the sight of Jun. He's arm was bleeding badly and his face was puffy and covered in blood. He looked like he could barely stand. With tears still running down her face, she moved his good arm around her so she could help his stand. "Just lean on me, Jun. I'll catch you if you start to go down. I'm getting you out of here, ok?"
She grabbed her phone and dialed the number to her father.
Jun tried to pull away, but he could barely stand. "Please, just forget this Anna. It's not worth it." He looked at her even as she dialed. "I'm fine. I'm use to this. Don't make things harder on your family."
"You should listen to the boy," Mr. Higarashi stated.
"Go to hell," she spat at him. Her dad answer. "Daddy! I need you! Come home! It's Jun...the secret, Dad...." She looked at Jun's father. "Dad, you told me to do the right thing. I'm doing it. And...I think that it's going to ruin your career."
Her dad was silent for a long time. "Where are you? Are you safe?"
"I'm at Mr. Higarashi's house. Jun is really messed up. He needs a hospital."
It was then that her father put the pieces together. He grew cold and pale. "Anna, listen to me. Get out of that house. Get out of it now before something happens to you."
"I can't leave him, Daddy. Please, just come home. I'm taking Jun to the hospital," she said and hung up the phone while her dad was still yelling for her to get out. She turned to Jun. "It's ok, Jun. I'm going to get you help." She started to help him walk to the door.
Jun looked at his father who simply stepped aside as they walked past him. He had an amused expression on his face, and it was that expression which truly mortified Jun.
Reisha pulled up in her car seconds later. Running into the house she saw Jun and Anna. Her face turned pale. Hurrying to his other side she helped to support him. "He sent me a text to come get you out of here," she told Anna.
"You're suppose to be taking her, not me," Jun winced.
"Like hell I am."
"Thanks, Rei. You couldn't have come at a better time," Anna said. She handed Jun off to her. "Get him to the car. I'm going to get him some clothes."
She walked back in his room and started grabbing some of things while Reisha helped Jun down the stairs and to the car.
Mr. Higarashi watched as Anna came up and went to Jun's room. "I'm not certain why you're bothering to interfere in this. It will change nothing. Tomorrow Jun will be back in my house. I will have his door fixed; and everything will be as it has always been."
Anna turned to him. "He won't come back. I'll make sure of it. And so will my father." She grabbed the bag of clothes. "Don't think the police won't find this out. You ass hole. As long as I live, I swear to you that I won't let you lay another finger on him." With that said she started out and to the car.
Reisha had Jun in the passenger seat. He was pale and his eyes were closed. Reisha motioned for Anna to hurry. "I think his arm's broken," she whispered as Anna climbed in the back seat.
Jun didn't say anything as they drove to the hospital.
Anna paced in the waiting room. She had talked to the police and told them her story more than enough times to be frustrated. Her father was on the phone with her mother and her mother was trying to get a flight back home. Reisha and her parents were there as well, sitting in the waiting room. Anna looked at one of the doctors.
"Can I see him now?" she asked.
He told her to hold on and he talked to someone then nodded to her. Anna ran out of the waiting room and followed the doctors to Jun's room. He didn't have to stay overnight, but Anna's dad wanted him to have his own room. Anna walked in and looked at him.
"Hey," she said as she looked at the cast on his arm and the stitches on his head.
"Jun," Reisha whispered. Marching up to the guy who had shown him the picture, she slapped him. "What did you do that for?"
Anna followed Jun to the showers. She had to explain. She walked through the boy's locker room and looked around. "Jun! It's Anna! Let me explain!" she called as she walked around looking for him.
Several of the guys tried to cover themselves, while several more began to whistle as she walked through there. Jun was grabbing his stuff out of his locker when he saw her. "There's nothing to explain," he told her. Though his face was hardened, his eyes showed that he was hurt. "I thought...." Shaking his head he just walked past her. He had to get home to deal with this. He didn't know what he was going to do. He couldn't keep a rumor like this from spreading. All he could do was try to delay it. Hopefully until he could figure out what to do.
Anna grabbed his wrist lightly as he started walking away. "Jun..." she whispered. "I didn't do it. I wouldn't do that to you. Please, believe me."
Jun turned to her. "I believe you, but that doesn't change the fact that what's done is done." He turned back away from her as he started back. "And now some of us are going to have to pay the consequences," he muttered beneath his breath.
She followed him, trying hard to keep up with his pace. "I'll speak to your father. I'll tell him what happened. I'll take the fall. Jun, you don't have to do this all on your own. I told you," she moved in front of him, "I'll catch you."
Jun just shook his head as he stared at her. "You don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter whose fault it is, it's my fault. I let you stay in my home. I let you take the picture. I let you.... And now I've managed to create a scandal which can be used against my father." He offered her a weak and heartless smile. They were already in the parking lot and he was throwing his stuff into the passenger seat.
Anna got in his car. "Then I will be there beside you the whole way. I'm not leaving it like this, Jun. It was my fault that this happened and if I have to, I'll stay with you every moment of every day if it makes him...if he won't..." Ughh! She couldn't just say it!
Jun looked at her. "Anna, please, get out," he told her. His eyes were stern and cold. He wasn't leaving until she got out.
"No," she said and buckled up. "You can push me away, but I won't budge. You are stuck with me. Better get use to it now."
Jun tensed. Closing his eyes he decided to put this in words that she might be better able to relate to. "If you don't want his father to lose his contract and have his name drug through the mud here in Japan, possibly elsewhere, you will let me deal with this in the way that I have always dealt with this."
Anna froze. That's right. Her father was working with his father. Anna felt her eyes started to water. Why did she have to choose? Why did she even come here? Why did she meet him and stay with him and push herself into his life? Why? Moving her hands to the buckle. She pushed the button then got out. Closing the door, she stood there feeling lifeless as he spun off. The sound of his car was fading and all she could think about was that the bruises he would have tomorrow would be all her fault. Falling to her knees, Anna cried in her hands.
Reisha watched the scene unfold. Her heart felt heavy for them both. Walking over to Anna, she just hugged her. "He'll be okay," she assured her. "He's strong. He'll be just fine."
At the end of the day, Anna got a call from her father. She sat in her house listening to him on the phone screaming about how the picture was shown to him by Jun's father and how it could have potentially ruined everything. Anna did her best to explain after he finally grew quite. After a long pause, her father finally spoke again.
"You only sent it to Brandon? Anna, why would you have to send such an...inappropriate picture?"
Anna was crying. "Because I wanted to be left alone. I didn't think he would put it on my school site."
"You're mother is going to be so upset."
"I know. I'm so sorry, Dad. I had no idea it would get out or that Jun's father would find out. Now...poor Jun..."
"Poor Jun?" Anna grew silent. "Anna, what aren't you telling me?"
"Please, Daddy, don't ask me," she said while she cried. Her dad sighed.
"Should I come home?"
Anna wanted to say yes. She wanted him to end the contract and just come home and potentially go over and save Jun from his father, but it was only wishful thinking. "No. I'll...take care of it."
"I'm so disappointed in you, Anna, but hearing you cry lets me know how much you know you messed up. When you are ready to tell me everything, I'll be here." Anna said nothing. "And whatever it is that you are hiding, I know you are a smart girl and you will do the right thing. No matter what happens, I'll be behind you all the way and so will your mother.”
Jun's father was waiting for him when he got home. He held out a printed out image of Anna's picture. "Care to explain this?"
Before Jun could say anything his father smacked him. "Do you know what this could do to me? Do you have any idea what you childish behavior has cost me?"
Jun didn't say anything, knowing that whatever he did would just incite his father more.
Mr. Higarashi walked to the front door, shutting it. He bolted the door shut and turned back to Jun. His son had to learn one way or another.
Anna grabbed her coat and was out the door in a matter of seconds. She ran as fast as she could towards Jun's house. Her father said to do the right thing and the right thing was to protect Jun, even if it could cause her father to lose the contract. He said he would be behind her and she knew she had to go to Jun. It took her a while to get to Jun's house and by that time, she was out of breath. She ran to the front door and knocked. No one came. She pressed her ear to the door and heard something crash. Anna began banging on the door.
"Stop it!" she screamed as she heard more crashing. She banged louder. "Jun! Jun! Please answer me!" She banged until her fist hurt and they started to bleed. "Leave him alone! Let me in! Jun! Can you hear me!"
Mr. Higarashi stiffened as he heard someone at the door. Looking down at Jun, he growled in disgust. "You have women fight your battles for you? Go to your room. We will finish this later." Going to the kitchen, he wiped his hands off and straightened his shirt. Opening up the door, he looked at Anna.
"I'm afraid that Jun is not here right now," he told her. "Furthermore, after today's little incident I think it would be best if you not come back until things have calmed down."
"You bastard!" she said pushing at him and running into the house. "Jun!" she screamed. "Jun, where are you!" She ran up the stairs. Which room was his? "Jun!" she called over and over again.
Mr. Higarashi followed her up the stairs. His voice calm and composed as he spoke. "As I told you, Jun is not here. It would be best that you leave before I am forced to involve the authorities."
Jun listened to Anna calling for him. What was she doing here? Silently locking his door with his good arm, he closed his eyes. She needed to leave. She shouldn't be here, not for this.
Anna started flinging doors open. "Jun! Please, stop hiding! My family will help you! They will get you somewhere safe!" She looked at his father. "Don't come near me!" she screamed. She came to a door that was locked. Looking at the bottom of the door she could see light coming from the crack and a shadow moved. This was the door. She began banging on it with her blood hands. "Jun! Open the door, Jun! I'll get you somewhere safe! Please, open the door!"
"As I told you, little girl. Jun is not here." His father was beside her now. "Even if he was, he obviously does not wish to speak with you. If you truly cared about his well being, you would leave now."
"If you know what is good for you, you will step the fuck away from me before I call my father!" she snapped. And started banging again. "I know you are in there, Jun! Please, let me help you!" She looked around and grabbed a small table nearby. She flung it at the door. The door cracked. Again she slammed it into the door and the hinges came loose. She dropped the table and started kicking the door. "Jun!" Just a little more and she would have it open.
Jun pressed his hand against his door. Why was she making such a big fuss about this? "Anna, please...go home. I'm begging you. Just leave me be!" Didn't she understand that he was trying to keep her from this? If she got involved, her entire family would suffer because of it.
Mr. Higarashi smiled as he looked at Anna. "You see? Jun doesn't want to see you."
Anna glared at Jun's father. "A wounded bird doesn't ask for help, but if you had a heart you would help it anyways." She kicked the door again and it popped open. She paused for a moment. Using her shoulder, she pushed the broken door open wider and stepped in. Her hands went to her mouth at the sight of Jun. He's arm was bleeding badly and his face was puffy and covered in blood. He looked like he could barely stand. With tears still running down her face, she moved his good arm around her so she could help his stand. "Just lean on me, Jun. I'll catch you if you start to go down. I'm getting you out of here, ok?"
She grabbed her phone and dialed the number to her father.
Jun tried to pull away, but he could barely stand. "Please, just forget this Anna. It's not worth it." He looked at her even as she dialed. "I'm fine. I'm use to this. Don't make things harder on your family."
"You should listen to the boy," Mr. Higarashi stated.
"Go to hell," she spat at him. Her dad answer. "Daddy! I need you! Come home! It's Jun...the secret, Dad...." She looked at Jun's father. "Dad, you told me to do the right thing. I'm doing it. And...I think that it's going to ruin your career."
Her dad was silent for a long time. "Where are you? Are you safe?"
"I'm at Mr. Higarashi's house. Jun is really messed up. He needs a hospital."
It was then that her father put the pieces together. He grew cold and pale. "Anna, listen to me. Get out of that house. Get out of it now before something happens to you."
"I can't leave him, Daddy. Please, just come home. I'm taking Jun to the hospital," she said and hung up the phone while her dad was still yelling for her to get out. She turned to Jun. "It's ok, Jun. I'm going to get you help." She started to help him walk to the door.
Jun looked at his father who simply stepped aside as they walked past him. He had an amused expression on his face, and it was that expression which truly mortified Jun.
Reisha pulled up in her car seconds later. Running into the house she saw Jun and Anna. Her face turned pale. Hurrying to his other side she helped to support him. "He sent me a text to come get you out of here," she told Anna.
"You're suppose to be taking her, not me," Jun winced.
"Like hell I am."
"Thanks, Rei. You couldn't have come at a better time," Anna said. She handed Jun off to her. "Get him to the car. I'm going to get him some clothes."
She walked back in his room and started grabbing some of things while Reisha helped Jun down the stairs and to the car.
Mr. Higarashi watched as Anna came up and went to Jun's room. "I'm not certain why you're bothering to interfere in this. It will change nothing. Tomorrow Jun will be back in my house. I will have his door fixed; and everything will be as it has always been."
Anna turned to him. "He won't come back. I'll make sure of it. And so will my father." She grabbed the bag of clothes. "Don't think the police won't find this out. You ass hole. As long as I live, I swear to you that I won't let you lay another finger on him." With that said she started out and to the car.
Reisha had Jun in the passenger seat. He was pale and his eyes were closed. Reisha motioned for Anna to hurry. "I think his arm's broken," she whispered as Anna climbed in the back seat.
Jun didn't say anything as they drove to the hospital.
Anna paced in the waiting room. She had talked to the police and told them her story more than enough times to be frustrated. Her father was on the phone with her mother and her mother was trying to get a flight back home. Reisha and her parents were there as well, sitting in the waiting room. Anna looked at one of the doctors.
"Can I see him now?" she asked.
He told her to hold on and he talked to someone then nodded to her. Anna ran out of the waiting room and followed the doctors to Jun's room. He didn't have to stay overnight, but Anna's dad wanted him to have his own room. Anna walked in and looked at him.
"Hey," she said as she looked at the cast on his arm and the stitches on his head.