Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction / Other Fan Fiction ❯ Sukuru Deizu ❯ Chapter Thirty Six ( Chapter 36 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Anna's mother looked at her. "Well, go on up and shower off too."
"But...Jun's in there..." Anna said slowly.
"You are marrying the guy, Anna. I don't care," she said. "Go, I am going to clean this and order some food."
Anna smiled and nodded. She walked upstairs and opened the bathroom door. She pulled her clothes off while looking at Jun.
Jun stopped as he stared at her. What was she- When she took off her clothes he just smiled. "Your mom is going to kill me," he said as he slid off his shirt and pants and looked at her. It had only been a few days yet already his body ached for her.
"No, she told me to come in here. She said we were getting married and she didn't care," she said while turning on the water.
"You know, I always liked your mother," Jun said. Once the water got warm he let her get in first before he got in behind her.
Anna moaned as the warm water hit her, washing the foam from her golden locks. She grabbed the shampoo and washed her hair then turned around. "The soap in behind you," she pointed out.
"Uh...right." Jun took the soap and smiled as he started to rub it down her back and over her arms. "But I'm not really interested in what's behind me," he whispered as he wrapped an arm around her.
Anna smirked. She grabbed the soap from him. "Too bad because I want to be clean," she said and began to finish cleaning herself.
Jun moaned. Really? They were in a shower. Together. Naked. Yet she was more concerned about getting clean. He muttered something as he grabbed the shampoo and began to shampoo his hair.
Anna smiled to herself. Her power over him was just too cute. Being a wife would be a piece of cake. Flash him a few times and she gets anything. Already she was plotting against him.
After washing his hair, he took the soap from her and began to wash his body. Once he was all squeaky clean he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulders. He didn't want this to end. Just them. Alone. No clothes. Hot water pouring over them. He could stay like this for quite some time. Especially if someone was willing to put out.
Anna pulled herself from his arms. She pushed him back against the wall and pushed her lips against his. She promised to make it worth his time if he got better, but he wasn't better yet, so she would have to give him something to satisfy his lust. Slowly, she trailed kisses down his body as she got to her knees.
Jun's eyes widened as she kissed him and pushed him against the wall. They got even bigger as she started to go to her knees. Was she really about to do what he thought she was going to do? His hands ran over her face as hardening cock stood just inches from her mouth. Anna smiled and looked up at Jun. She licked the tip of his cock with her eyes trained on his. After teasing him a bit she took it fully in her mouth and grabbed the base with her hands. Slowly she started sucking and swirling her tongue around his penis. Jun's face turned red as he pressed against the wall. A small moan escaped his lips as she started sucking and her tongue swirled around it. He'd never felt anything like this. It was amazing! Anna moved her hand with her mouth, pumping it up and down while her head bobbed. She moved faster and kept one hand on his hip to steady herself and keep him from bucking so she wouldn't choke.
Jun's breathing was picking up and he let out another soft moan. His fingers ran through her hair as he guided her face down onto his cock. Slowly but surely his hips started to move slightly so that he could feel more of her mouth, more of her lips wrapped around him. Anna pushed him back. She knew what it was like to have a guy buck and nearly choke her. She didn't want it to happen again. Her tongue whirled around his tip as she sucked hard. Finally Jun groaned. This was just too much. Holding her head he moaned loudly as he finally came. Anna's eyes widened as her mouth filled. She swallowed a few times then pulled back. Taking a few deep breaths, she stood and opened the curtain slightly. Reaching out, she grabbed the mouth wash, opened the top and poured some in her mouth. Why cleaning her mouth, she put the bottle back and closed the curtain. After a few swishes, she spit the mouth wash out and smiled at Jun.
Jun was panting as he stared at her. "Yes," he said after a few moments. "You can pay me back with lots of blowjobs."
Anna laughed. "Yeah, no man can turn down a blowjob."
Jun just smirked even as he his cheeks turned red. "Well, you can do wonderful things with your mouth."
Anna grabbed her jaw lightly. "Yeah...I've been told."
Jun stopped and looked at her. "Brandon?"
Anna turned around and turned off the shower. She shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
It was at that point that Jun wondered just how many guys she'd been with before him. Did it matter? least it shouldn't. She wasn't marrying any of them. She was marrying him. Still.... Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into a deep kiss. She was his. All his. No matter what she may have done or who she did it with, she was his now and forever.
Anna moaned into the kiss, enjoying his lips for a moment before pulling back. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. "Get better and I'll give you more than just a show," she teased and walked out.
Jun grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself as he also grabbed their dirty clothes. Taking them down to the washing machine he threw them in and turned it on. The entire time he was shaking his head and cursing the fact that he was sick. Of course while he was thinking that his mind was already going to their honeymoon. Oh what fun that was going to be!
Anna changed into her night clothes then walked down stairs. Her mother had the take out ready. She left a note.
"Anna and Jun,
Went to see your dad for a few days. Stay out of trouble and call if you need anything."
Anna smiled and grabbed the take out. She walked upstairs to Jun's room and sat on his bed with the food. "Mom went to see dad for a few days."
Jun was just putting on his boxers as she walked in. "You know it's rude to come in without knocking," he smirked. Kicking a bag under his bed he set beside her and grabbed his food. "Well that's good. Hopefully once he gets everything set up at the site he can come home for a few days."
Anna laughed. "You don't know my dad. I'll be lucky to see him a handful of times while he works on it."
Jun just smiled as he picked at his food with chopsticks. "Well, if it comes to that then I'll order him to take some time off. I am his boss now," he laughed.
Anna smirked. "Good luck with telling you guardian what to do. And you're not the boss. You're his partner."
"Hey can't you let me have just a little fun without bringing logic into the conversation?"
She smiled. "I let you have your fun a few minutes ago."
There was a pause before he conceded. "Yes, that was rather fun." He shoveled noodles and grilled chicken into his mouth at a record pace. He was starving for some reason.
Anna ate at her normal pace. After they finished she took their leftovers and went down stairs. She put the stuff away then went back up stairs. She kissed Jun's cheek. "Goodnight, Jun," she said and headed to her room.
Jun stopped her as she left. "You want to sleep in here?" Her parents were away and it wasn't as if they were going to do anything.
Anna thought about it a minute and nodded. She walked over to his bed and crawled in. "No funny business mister!"
Jun chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "It's not funny business if you're my wife."
Two months passed. It kept snowing, they were close to getting a record. It was two weeks till Christmas and everyone was buzzing. Jun's schedule consisted of school, then immediately after he would go to work until around ten that evening, sometimes later because it took him so long to get everything done. It was taking its toll on him. Having to do both school and run a company, he barely got anytime for Anna and that was killing him.
Anna juggled school, wedding plans, and occasionally going to Jun's office to play secretary. She never had time to just enjoy Jun, however, when he wasn't working, she was and when she wasn't he was. Her mother tried to tell her to slow down, but it's not like it would have mattered. Jun was so busy and he was the only thing she wanted to take a break for. She ended up taking extra classes after school to get a jump on graduation day. She wanted to graduate early since she was getting a head start on the marriage thing. By the time winter break came around, all she wanted to do was sleep.
Jun collapsed on the couch and rubbed his eyes. All these late nights were wrecking havoc on his eyes. He was starting to have trouble reading papers. They were having a family dinner tonight, so he'd taken off of work for some personal time. He'd have hell to pay tomorrow for it, but he had something important to talk to them about.
Anna walked in the door with a hand full of books and covered in snow. She was taking winter break classes that only lasted a few hours a week, but they drilled you like crazy and Anna felt like she was falling behind. She went to the library and grabbed as many books as she could to study. Her mother and father rushed over to her and grabbed the books from her.
"Anna, you'll get back problems if you carry that many book around all the time," her dad said.
"I just need them to study with. At this rate, I'll be able to graduate early if I take summer classes and spring classes too."
"You need to take a break," he mother said. "And so do you, Jun," she added and looked at him.
"Jun?" Anna didn't even notice he was there. "You came home for the family dinner. I'm happy." She smiled. It felt like days since she had seen him. Was this what their marriage was going to be like?
"Yes, about that..." Jun stood and walked over to her, kissing her cheek he took her hand before looking at her parents. "I'd like to talk to you about something. All of you...."
Anna froze. "Oh God...please tell me you are not breaking things off...." She knew they hadn't seen much of each other and maybe Jun had decided that they were better off apart. She felt like crying.
"No! No! God no," Jun said quickly. "It's just that...lately it's been hard trying to divide my time between school, work, and Anna. Quite frankly Anna is the most important thing to me, yet I never get to see her. When I do come home I'm exhausted. Anna is the one thing I need, but I also need to run my father's company. That helps everyone.... The only thing I don't need is school."
Already he could see their eyes growing wide. "The reason you go to school is to have a better life. Well, I'm sixteen and running my own company. There's not much more school can teach me. At least if I'm not in school I can do all my work during the day while Anna's at school, then I can come home and be with her when she gets off."
They were all quiet for a long time. No one said anything which made the room thick with tension. Finally, Helena spoke. "Well, if that's what..."
"No," Mike said. "No. School is important and I think this is a huge mistake. You can't go back to high school. What if the company fails and you lose all the money? How will you be able to take care of my little Anna then?"
"Mike, he gave us some good points."
"No. I don't agree. And since he has to have parental consent, I'm not giving it," he said firmly.
"Michael!" He looked at her. "We have to think what is best for Jun. He is exhausted. Look at him! He can't run a company, spend time with Anna, and go to school. Anna doesn't even have time to tutor him anymore. His grades have gone down and eventually he will fail."
"I don't like this, Helena. I young man needs a good education. Especially a man that is going to marry my daughter! I want her to have the best and not have to worry about going broke."
"Jun is what's best for Anna. And if you were home more, you would know that!"
Anna looked at her parents. She had never seen them fight. Not ever. She watched as her father went upstairs and her mother follow. A door slammed and Anna flinched. What's gotten into them?
Jun couldn't believe it. In the months he'd lived there he'd never seen them fight over anything. They were all happy and jovial that he was marrying their daughter at such a young age, but the thought of him dropping out of school to run his father's company made them fight? The way they looked at each other for that brief second made Jun think of his father and mother. That alone made him shudder. "Anna, I'm sorry.... I didn't think that this would be such a big deal for them."
Anna started grabbing her books. "I have to study, Jun." She walked upstairs and into her room. In the back ground she could hear her parents yelling. They were fighting about how her father hadn't been around much and how her mother never gets to see him anymore. Just like Anna and Jun. She turned on her radio and blared the music. Opening her books she tried to concentrate on her studies, but her mind was racing and her heart ached. Nothing seemed right lately. All she wanted to do was cry.
This was the perfect family...until he entered their lives. He wondered if that's how his mom and dad had been before he was born. Shaking his head he went up to Anna's room. He knocked, but he doubted that she'd be able to hear him. Pushing open the door, he walked up to her and sat on her bed, watching her study. He didn't say anything, he was simply there for her.
Anna didn't even look up as Jun walked in the room. She flipped the page on her book, but the words were blurry. A tear dropped on the page and she sat back. She was crying. She looked down for a few seconds then broke down into tears and wails. Was this was happened to a family after time apart? Would Jun be gone all the time to and fight with her about it? Would she come to resent him for having a job that took him away from her? And what about her parents? They're not suppose to fight. They never fight.
"But...Jun's in there..." Anna said slowly.
"You are marrying the guy, Anna. I don't care," she said. "Go, I am going to clean this and order some food."
Anna smiled and nodded. She walked upstairs and opened the bathroom door. She pulled her clothes off while looking at Jun.
Jun stopped as he stared at her. What was she- When she took off her clothes he just smiled. "Your mom is going to kill me," he said as he slid off his shirt and pants and looked at her. It had only been a few days yet already his body ached for her.
"No, she told me to come in here. She said we were getting married and she didn't care," she said while turning on the water.
"You know, I always liked your mother," Jun said. Once the water got warm he let her get in first before he got in behind her.
Anna moaned as the warm water hit her, washing the foam from her golden locks. She grabbed the shampoo and washed her hair then turned around. "The soap in behind you," she pointed out.
"Uh...right." Jun took the soap and smiled as he started to rub it down her back and over her arms. "But I'm not really interested in what's behind me," he whispered as he wrapped an arm around her.
Anna smirked. She grabbed the soap from him. "Too bad because I want to be clean," she said and began to finish cleaning herself.
Jun moaned. Really? They were in a shower. Together. Naked. Yet she was more concerned about getting clean. He muttered something as he grabbed the shampoo and began to shampoo his hair.
Anna smiled to herself. Her power over him was just too cute. Being a wife would be a piece of cake. Flash him a few times and she gets anything. Already she was plotting against him.
After washing his hair, he took the soap from her and began to wash his body. Once he was all squeaky clean he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her shoulders. He didn't want this to end. Just them. Alone. No clothes. Hot water pouring over them. He could stay like this for quite some time. Especially if someone was willing to put out.
Anna pulled herself from his arms. She pushed him back against the wall and pushed her lips against his. She promised to make it worth his time if he got better, but he wasn't better yet, so she would have to give him something to satisfy his lust. Slowly, she trailed kisses down his body as she got to her knees.
Jun's eyes widened as she kissed him and pushed him against the wall. They got even bigger as she started to go to her knees. Was she really about to do what he thought she was going to do? His hands ran over her face as hardening cock stood just inches from her mouth. Anna smiled and looked up at Jun. She licked the tip of his cock with her eyes trained on his. After teasing him a bit she took it fully in her mouth and grabbed the base with her hands. Slowly she started sucking and swirling her tongue around his penis. Jun's face turned red as he pressed against the wall. A small moan escaped his lips as she started sucking and her tongue swirled around it. He'd never felt anything like this. It was amazing! Anna moved her hand with her mouth, pumping it up and down while her head bobbed. She moved faster and kept one hand on his hip to steady herself and keep him from bucking so she wouldn't choke.
Jun's breathing was picking up and he let out another soft moan. His fingers ran through her hair as he guided her face down onto his cock. Slowly but surely his hips started to move slightly so that he could feel more of her mouth, more of her lips wrapped around him. Anna pushed him back. She knew what it was like to have a guy buck and nearly choke her. She didn't want it to happen again. Her tongue whirled around his tip as she sucked hard. Finally Jun groaned. This was just too much. Holding her head he moaned loudly as he finally came. Anna's eyes widened as her mouth filled. She swallowed a few times then pulled back. Taking a few deep breaths, she stood and opened the curtain slightly. Reaching out, she grabbed the mouth wash, opened the top and poured some in her mouth. Why cleaning her mouth, she put the bottle back and closed the curtain. After a few swishes, she spit the mouth wash out and smiled at Jun.
Jun was panting as he stared at her. "Yes," he said after a few moments. "You can pay me back with lots of blowjobs."
Anna laughed. "Yeah, no man can turn down a blowjob."
Jun just smirked even as he his cheeks turned red. "Well, you can do wonderful things with your mouth."
Anna grabbed her jaw lightly. "Yeah...I've been told."
Jun stopped and looked at her. "Brandon?"
Anna turned around and turned off the shower. She shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
It was at that point that Jun wondered just how many guys she'd been with before him. Did it matter? least it shouldn't. She wasn't marrying any of them. She was marrying him. Still.... Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her into a deep kiss. She was his. All his. No matter what she may have done or who she did it with, she was his now and forever.
Anna moaned into the kiss, enjoying his lips for a moment before pulling back. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around herself. "Get better and I'll give you more than just a show," she teased and walked out.
Jun grabbed a towel and wrapped it around himself as he also grabbed their dirty clothes. Taking them down to the washing machine he threw them in and turned it on. The entire time he was shaking his head and cursing the fact that he was sick. Of course while he was thinking that his mind was already going to their honeymoon. Oh what fun that was going to be!
Anna changed into her night clothes then walked down stairs. Her mother had the take out ready. She left a note.
"Anna and Jun,
Went to see your dad for a few days. Stay out of trouble and call if you need anything."
Anna smiled and grabbed the take out. She walked upstairs to Jun's room and sat on his bed with the food. "Mom went to see dad for a few days."
Jun was just putting on his boxers as she walked in. "You know it's rude to come in without knocking," he smirked. Kicking a bag under his bed he set beside her and grabbed his food. "Well that's good. Hopefully once he gets everything set up at the site he can come home for a few days."
Anna laughed. "You don't know my dad. I'll be lucky to see him a handful of times while he works on it."
Jun just smiled as he picked at his food with chopsticks. "Well, if it comes to that then I'll order him to take some time off. I am his boss now," he laughed.
Anna smirked. "Good luck with telling you guardian what to do. And you're not the boss. You're his partner."
"Hey can't you let me have just a little fun without bringing logic into the conversation?"
She smiled. "I let you have your fun a few minutes ago."
There was a pause before he conceded. "Yes, that was rather fun." He shoveled noodles and grilled chicken into his mouth at a record pace. He was starving for some reason.
Anna ate at her normal pace. After they finished she took their leftovers and went down stairs. She put the stuff away then went back up stairs. She kissed Jun's cheek. "Goodnight, Jun," she said and headed to her room.
Jun stopped her as she left. "You want to sleep in here?" Her parents were away and it wasn't as if they were going to do anything.
Anna thought about it a minute and nodded. She walked over to his bed and crawled in. "No funny business mister!"
Jun chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. "It's not funny business if you're my wife."
Two months passed. It kept snowing, they were close to getting a record. It was two weeks till Christmas and everyone was buzzing. Jun's schedule consisted of school, then immediately after he would go to work until around ten that evening, sometimes later because it took him so long to get everything done. It was taking its toll on him. Having to do both school and run a company, he barely got anytime for Anna and that was killing him.
Anna juggled school, wedding plans, and occasionally going to Jun's office to play secretary. She never had time to just enjoy Jun, however, when he wasn't working, she was and when she wasn't he was. Her mother tried to tell her to slow down, but it's not like it would have mattered. Jun was so busy and he was the only thing she wanted to take a break for. She ended up taking extra classes after school to get a jump on graduation day. She wanted to graduate early since she was getting a head start on the marriage thing. By the time winter break came around, all she wanted to do was sleep.
Jun collapsed on the couch and rubbed his eyes. All these late nights were wrecking havoc on his eyes. He was starting to have trouble reading papers. They were having a family dinner tonight, so he'd taken off of work for some personal time. He'd have hell to pay tomorrow for it, but he had something important to talk to them about.
Anna walked in the door with a hand full of books and covered in snow. She was taking winter break classes that only lasted a few hours a week, but they drilled you like crazy and Anna felt like she was falling behind. She went to the library and grabbed as many books as she could to study. Her mother and father rushed over to her and grabbed the books from her.
"Anna, you'll get back problems if you carry that many book around all the time," her dad said.
"I just need them to study with. At this rate, I'll be able to graduate early if I take summer classes and spring classes too."
"You need to take a break," he mother said. "And so do you, Jun," she added and looked at him.
"Jun?" Anna didn't even notice he was there. "You came home for the family dinner. I'm happy." She smiled. It felt like days since she had seen him. Was this what their marriage was going to be like?
"Yes, about that..." Jun stood and walked over to her, kissing her cheek he took her hand before looking at her parents. "I'd like to talk to you about something. All of you...."
Anna froze. "Oh God...please tell me you are not breaking things off...." She knew they hadn't seen much of each other and maybe Jun had decided that they were better off apart. She felt like crying.
"No! No! God no," Jun said quickly. "It's just that...lately it's been hard trying to divide my time between school, work, and Anna. Quite frankly Anna is the most important thing to me, yet I never get to see her. When I do come home I'm exhausted. Anna is the one thing I need, but I also need to run my father's company. That helps everyone.... The only thing I don't need is school."
Already he could see their eyes growing wide. "The reason you go to school is to have a better life. Well, I'm sixteen and running my own company. There's not much more school can teach me. At least if I'm not in school I can do all my work during the day while Anna's at school, then I can come home and be with her when she gets off."
They were all quiet for a long time. No one said anything which made the room thick with tension. Finally, Helena spoke. "Well, if that's what..."
"No," Mike said. "No. School is important and I think this is a huge mistake. You can't go back to high school. What if the company fails and you lose all the money? How will you be able to take care of my little Anna then?"
"Mike, he gave us some good points."
"No. I don't agree. And since he has to have parental consent, I'm not giving it," he said firmly.
"Michael!" He looked at her. "We have to think what is best for Jun. He is exhausted. Look at him! He can't run a company, spend time with Anna, and go to school. Anna doesn't even have time to tutor him anymore. His grades have gone down and eventually he will fail."
"I don't like this, Helena. I young man needs a good education. Especially a man that is going to marry my daughter! I want her to have the best and not have to worry about going broke."
"Jun is what's best for Anna. And if you were home more, you would know that!"
Anna looked at her parents. She had never seen them fight. Not ever. She watched as her father went upstairs and her mother follow. A door slammed and Anna flinched. What's gotten into them?
Jun couldn't believe it. In the months he'd lived there he'd never seen them fight over anything. They were all happy and jovial that he was marrying their daughter at such a young age, but the thought of him dropping out of school to run his father's company made them fight? The way they looked at each other for that brief second made Jun think of his father and mother. That alone made him shudder. "Anna, I'm sorry.... I didn't think that this would be such a big deal for them."
Anna started grabbing her books. "I have to study, Jun." She walked upstairs and into her room. In the back ground she could hear her parents yelling. They were fighting about how her father hadn't been around much and how her mother never gets to see him anymore. Just like Anna and Jun. She turned on her radio and blared the music. Opening her books she tried to concentrate on her studies, but her mind was racing and her heart ached. Nothing seemed right lately. All she wanted to do was cry.
This was the perfect family...until he entered their lives. He wondered if that's how his mom and dad had been before he was born. Shaking his head he went up to Anna's room. He knocked, but he doubted that she'd be able to hear him. Pushing open the door, he walked up to her and sat on her bed, watching her study. He didn't say anything, he was simply there for her.
Anna didn't even look up as Jun walked in the room. She flipped the page on her book, but the words were blurry. A tear dropped on the page and she sat back. She was crying. She looked down for a few seconds then broke down into tears and wails. Was this was happened to a family after time apart? Would Jun be gone all the time to and fight with her about it? Would she come to resent him for having a job that took him away from her? And what about her parents? They're not suppose to fight. They never fight.