Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Envy and Dark, Vampyr and Witch ❯ Chapter 1
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
He was making his way through the hall, finishing his last day of the school year. Holding some books in his left hand, he bowed to some people who first bowed to him. Indeed, he was famous amongst the campus in which he was studying. How could he not be when he came from a Vampyr family with Pure Blood? He stopped by the library. When he opened the door, he noticed that nobody was there. That's good. My favorite place is empty. No people, no contact to the outside. He thought to himself with a smile.
There was but one student in the library. Out of his sight, she studied solemnly in a far corner.
Suddenly he felt another aura. “Ah, so I'm not alone after all.” He whispered the words before walking to the far corner, his usual spot. He noticed the girl studying. He looked at her smiling, “Studying?”
She looked up. “Sure, one could call it that.”
He only smiled. “Well, then, I'd better stop bothering you.” His smile was warm and gentle as he bowed. He was taught to respect women by his family. I have only just met this person, I do not even know his name, and I feel this strange connection with him.
“You are a Vampyr, are you not?” She was next to him, whispering. Yes, a Vampyr's charm is most likely to be the answer to this controversial emotion.
The young man only smiled. “Pure blood.”
“I have never met a Vampyr before. My name is Dark.” She stuck out her hand. The young man touched the hand and kissed it as he bowed.
“Never met a witch before either. My name is Envy.”
“My runes gave it away, did they not?” she glanced at her book.
Envy nodded, released her hand, and smiled.
“I love your scent. Vampyrs have such a distinct aroma.”
He chuckled. “Well, I can't lie . . . the smell of your blood can trigger me as well.” His red eyes stared straight at Dark.
She smiled. “You certainly are amazing.” Trust is this feeling, I know that much.
Envy raised an eyebrow. “Amazing? How so?”
“Oh! I said that aloud?” she blushed. Maybe I trust him too much?
Envy chuckled. “You are attractive yourself,” he moved closer to her and touched her hair. “very . . . attractive.” Dark blushed harder. Suddenly Envy stopped and turned away from her. “I'm sorry; it's just that you taste so . . . delectable.” He smiled sadly turning back to her. “Anyway, if you have to study, I will stop bothering.”
“I have memorized this book. I only `read' here in the library to free myself from the tight grasp of civilization.”
Envy stared at Dark. Hmm, I've never really met anyone who worships the same perspective over society. Interesting. He smiled at her, gently yet sadly. “If I wasn't who I am today, life wouldn't be this hard.” He chuckled taking a deep breath. “Anyway, do you care for some drink?”
“Not at all.”
Envy smiled. “Let's get the hell out of this campus for a while then.”
“Sure. It is not like anyone would bother acknowledge my absence, much less care.”
Envy chuckled, taking Dark's hand gently and leading her outside the campus to a small secluded café. It was not too bright despite the fact that the sun still shone brilliantly.
“Welcome, Envy -sama.” One of the waitresses greeted them both with a bow. Envy bowed back with a small nod and walked to the corner.
He smiled at Dark. “Sit down.” He motioned to the empty chair across from him. She sat down.
“I can see that you come here often.”
Envy only gave her a sad smile. “Is it a problem for you?”
“No, not at all. I am just observant, `tis all.” She chuckled.
“We can go somewhere else if you want.”
“No, no. It is fine, really. I just want to get to know you.”
Envy blinked. “Get to know me? Why?”
“You seem to have an interesting personality.”
Envy smiled. “Really? Well, that's the first time someone has ever said that to me.” A waitress came and bowed to Envy giving them menus.
“I would bet my life that most of the people you have met judge others by their appearances.” Dark alleged. Envy smiled and nodded at Dark. He gave the menu back to the waitress.
“Cold water as usual.” He glanced back at Dark. “What would you like to order?”
“It is okay. I am fine.”
Envy shook his head. “Please…”
“Please what?”
Envy chuckled. “Order?”
“I guess I will have water as well.”
Envy chuckled and nodded at the waitress. The waitress soon left. He glanced back at Dark. “Water?”
“If I had gotten anything else it would have gone to waste. Water cannot go to waste.” She implied smoothly.
Envy chuckled. “Well speaking of interesting, you are interesting yourself.”
“How so?”
The waitress appeared with the waters. He bowed a bit, a thank you. Envy smiled at Dark. “I don't usually find this attitude from a girl.” He took a tablet from a silver pack that he drew from his pocket and put the tablet into the cold water.
“I have always been different from most, but really, there is no difference. If that made sense at all.”
Envy chuckled. “I see….” he looked at the tablet, watching it melt together with the water before drinking it. Dark smiled as she felt herself flush a little. She played with her magyk and scrutinized the many red sparks that flew from her fingers.
Envy smiled. “Will someone get angry if I take you here…like your boyfriend?”
“My what?” she blinked. “Most males just scoff at the mentioning of my name!” I guess that makes me `popular' at school, too.
Envy looked at her. “I didn't, did I?”
“I have none.”
He smiled. “Good…” Dark poked a finger into her glass of water and watched as the many colors swirled. Reds, blues, violets, and magentas. There were even colors that had not even been seen or named by people. Envy stared at Dark. “Are you always this sad?”
“Unfortunately.” She replied in a breath.
“What makes you happy?”
“I am really unsure. I have not felt `happiness' or `joy' or `love' in a very long time.”
Envy stood up, making his way around the table, and sat next to Dark, staring at her. “Really?” he touched her hair with one hand while the other one stroked her cheek. “Too bad…You are lovable…”
“I really hope so.” She said it as if she were unsure, as if that the slightest mishap in words would keep her cold and alone forever. Yes, I truly do hope so. Envy moved closer to Dark. The waitresses and other customers were staring at them, confused as to how Envy, a pure blood Vampyr, could be with a witch. He touched her lips gently with his thumb. “May I?”
“Uh….sure….” she felt so confused at the moment. Her heart raced as she thought of the different possibilities of what Envy was asking to do. What he was going to do. What she just gave him permission to do.