Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Envy and Dark, Vampyr and Witch ❯ Chapter 3
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dark looked over. “Uh….hi?”
The guy chuckled. “Cute witch!”
Envy smiled at Dark. “That's my little brother, Brennt.”
“Little? I'm only a year younger than you! Plus, I can still kick your ass.” he sneered. “You know you're in a whole lot of trouble, Envy -chan. Kiri was very upset.”
Envy sighed. “I don't care.”
Brennt … I have heard that name before… Dark thought to herself.
“Really? Where, cutie?” Brennt asked.
“I am unsure of the whereabouts, but it was when I was younger. Wait, how did you…?”
“I'm special like that.” he smirked. “What happened when you were younger?” he already knew, but was trying to make Dark speak her past herself.
“I was alone and unsure of things then, but I do recall a war taking place…” she shrugged. “I do not remember after that.”
Brennt pouted childishly. “Awww….You should try and think harder.”
She sighed and closed her eyes. She placed the index and middle fingers of her right hand in front of her face. They glowed with a red aura as she tried to rouse her memory.
Brennt only grinned. Envy silently watched her.
“That was the war my father died in. I remember someone calling that name, `Brennt.'” her eyes were still closed as she repositioned her hand by her side.
“Who was your father?”
“I do not know. I have never met him, but I have heard that he was quite popular.”
“Your dad?” Brennt asked.
Dark nodded. Brennt glanced at Envy and then back at Dark. “What war was he in?”
“That I do not know, I was never informed.”
Brennt pouted. “Awww….He could've fought V
“That's enough, Brennt.” Envy cut the conversation.
“What? Could have fought what?”
Envy shook his head. “Nothing…” he peered over at Brennt. “Leave, Brennt. Now.”
Dark looked over at Brennt, longing for the answer.
“Sorry, girl. Envy -chan said `no.' That means `no.'”
“My name is Dark, not `girl.'” Dark informed him.
Suddenly Brennt's eyes widened. “D-Dark?” he glanced back at Envy. “Envy -chan…” he whined. Envy only shook his head.
“Leave, Brennt ….Now.”
“Am I known here?” Dark asked.
“It's nothing.” Envy smiled. Brennt's footsteps down the vast corridor could be heard from inside Envy's room. Dark went over and sat next to Envy. “I am sure you will tell me when it is right.”
“You don'tï€ You won't want to know.” Envy said solemnly.
“Why would I not want to know if it involves me and my partially unknown family?”
Envy sighed. “Sometimes the truth's hard to hear. Hard to say, even.”
“Are you afraid you will hurt me with it?”
Envy only nodded.
“Yes, I agree. The truth can be like poison, in a way. The way one receives it, it may hurt. It may ruin their life, but I trust you enough that you wouold not hurt me on purpose.”
Envy sighed, moving closer to Dark. “Y-Your father…I've seen him before. I was in that war.”
“Really? Did you know him? What was he like?”
He ignored her questions. “He was dying when I saw him… Brennt was there with him.”
“Brennt was about to take his life.”
“He was about to kill him? Why?”
“Blood has always drawn the Vampyrs near.”
“I believe it. That was not bad truth. I am surprised I do not even care much about that. Probably because I did not know him.”
“Your father kept calling your name. He said that he would willingly give his life as long as he knew that someone would take care of his daughter. You.”
“I silently took the vow. I swore that if I ever crossed paths with you I would watch over you. I never accounted for falling in love with you.”
“Oh…” she blushed. Envy looked down and was silent. Dark looked at him. “Why are you sad? If that is what needed happen at the time, then so be it. One cannot change the past, for it is far behind us. The more one regrets their actions, the more they die on the inside.” she smiled as one single tear slid down her cheek. “Please, do not feel this way. I cannot handle seeing your sorrow.”
Envy glanced back at Dark, touching her cheek gently. “I am sorry, Dark.” he hugged her suddenly. “Don't worry; I will never break my promise.”