Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Love Brings Seperation?! ❯ SM Town Photo Shoot (Pt 1) ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 2:
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dear Diary,
Well the performance on Inkigayo went absolutely wonderful as I knew it would! It felt so wonderful to be In front of thousands of people once again as SUPER JUNIOR instead of just Heechul or just part of SUPER JUNIOR. I will definitely miss this whenever Eeteuk and I go off to do our military service soon but right now I will enjoy every single minute of it.
Today was a photo shoot for SM town….which means that we will once again release another album together. We are always psyched to see all our label mates; it gives us a chance to catch up with one another and see how everyone has changed since we last met. “Alright….. You guys will never believe this…” I paused for dramatic effect. “…. I'm actually ready for once, which means I'm NOT late today!”
Kibum and Hankyung (who just happens to live in my dorm…. YES!!!) turned around in shock as if I just told them someone died or something. I know that it's some kind of miracle or something but that should be a happy occasion not some kind of bad news reaction. “Are you guys going to be happy for me or are you going to sit there in a state of shock all day?” I couldn't help but smirk as Hankyung lifted himself off of the couch.
“As a matter of fact I couldn't be any more proud of you…” Hankyung replied as he patted my back and walked off to the kitchen. For a moment I could only stand still and try to control my heart as it tried to jump out of my chest, but as I stood still I started to smell the delicious scent of Beijing Fried Rice. (Hankyung's special dish)
“You read my mind…I was just about to ask you to make some…” I laughed as I sat down at the kitchen table. “…you truly are a psychic.”
“Well you just got finished getting ready without us having to push you out the door so I think that you deserve this… don't you think so?” Kibum answered as he sat down in the chair next to me.
“You just took the words right out of my mouth Kibum…” Hankyung smiled his absolutely gorgeous smile my way once again. “….so you guys just sit tight and it shall be done in a couple of minutes.”
The whole time that Hankyung was cooking I couldn't help but stare at him the whole time; occasionally he would look back at me and smile but most of the time we just sat in silence waiting for the rice to finish.
“Alright…here you go you guys…you got to finish it fast though we only have about fifteen more minutes before we have to go and leave for the photo shoot today.” He quickly sat down the plates of steaming Beijing Fried Rice in front of Kibum and I and then quickly went to grab his own.
“I didn't know I would get treated like this just for already being ready to go…I guess I should do this every time we have a schedule together…” I could feel my cheeks getting red, so I immediately looked down and continued to eat.
****************SM TOWN PHOTO SHOOT****************
“CONGRATULATIONS…..CONGRATULATIONS!!!” All of SM Town shouted as I walked through the doorway. “You're on TIME for ONCE!”
“Ha ha ha…very funny…” I sneered as I went into the dressing room to get ready for the photo shoot.
“Hey Heechul…long time no see…” Jaejoong whispered right beside my ear almost making me jump out of my skin.
“SHI…. I mean CRAP! What do you think your doing?” I paused to try and get my heart back to normal. “You almost killed me…you could have at least made a sound to let me know that you were there.”
“Well I'm sorry if I wanted to surprise a friend of mine….if you don't want me to then I won't…” Jaejoong pouted puffing his lower lip out and tilting his head to the side. “I just wanted to talk to a friend that I haven't been able to see in a while…”
The way that Jaejoong was pouting I just couldn't be mad, he just looked so innocent and adorable it made me forgive him automatically. “I'm sorry…. I didn't mean it in that way…I was just irritated that you scared me.”
Almost as if the words “I'm Sorry” were an alarm clock, Jaejoong snapped out of the pouting mode and went back to his original smiling self. Little things like this were what I usually missed the most about SM Town., the friends, the fun times and even the bad. It is so great being together.
“Alright Heechul its time to go do a group shot…” Eeteuk said as he poked his head into the room.
“Okay I'm coming….” I called back as I started walking to the door.
***Jaejoong's P.O.V***
I put out my hand to grab Heechul's as he walked out the door but I immediately pulled it back. I knew that no matter how much I wanted to be with him it was never going to happen. So how come I couldn't get over him….no matter how hard I try I can never seem to lose my feelings for him. Something about Heechul just pulls me in, making it impossible for me to get out. I'm in a different group which means that I can't even see him as much as his members do so how come I have fallen for Heechul like I have? All these questions keep swimming in my head and I don't know the answers even though I probably should.
**************** Heechul's P.O.V ****************
“It feels great to be able to see everyone again….” Donghae sighed. “Don't you guys think so?” He put his arm around Ryeowook and walked over to the photographer. “So what is in store for today's photo shoot?”
“Well it's another summer album so I've decided to just do one about the favorite things to do about summer…” The photographer explained as he looked into each one of our eyes. “…and for your separate shoot its going to be a water gun fight.”
The room suddenly burst into a loud cheer as everyone comprehended what the photographer had just said. I wasn't exactly thrilled about it (…water isn't exactly my friend…) but when it comes to doing things as a group, I look forward to doing it no matter what it was. “I guess I'm going to have to get this gorgeous hair wet….even though it took me forever to get it like this…” I moaned as I went to the dressing room.