Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ White Angel ❯ Friendly Memories ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Friendly Memories
It had been about nine years since my first day of kindergarten and now I count down the days until I have to step through the doors of the local high school. I couldn't help but relive a few of my past memories. The best ones seemed to revolve around Max. I have been thinking about him more and more lately since I would soon get to see him again. We lost touch when I was beginning middle school. Even though when I was in the sixth grade he was still in eighth, we didn't talk much. His excuse was that he was always too busy to hang out with a kid. When he told me that, it really seemed to crush something deep inside. He had been my only friend since I moved to this town.
After Max saved me from those three bullies on the playground, he started to hang out with me each day during recess. At the time I thought he was the bravest kid that ever existed. At least in the mind of a five year old. It didn't take long until he asked about the way I looked.
So why is your hair so white? It's like the color of my grandmas” he asked as he gently took a few strands into his hand to examine them closer.
I looked up at him, feeling a little uncomfortable at him touching my hair, I ended up blushing. “Well my mother says its because I'm special. She also says thats why my skin is so white and that my eyes are pink unlike everyone else's. It is also the reason why I have to wear a hat all the time. There are a lot of rules because of how I look.”
Max stayed quiet for a bit and just looked into my eyes. “Wow they are pink. That's kind of cool. And I wouldn't worry about rules. No matter how anyone looks parents sure create a lot of them to follow.” After staring at my appearance for a little longer, Max decided to get up from the ground. “Well since your mom says you are special, you are kind of like a princess. Princess Ally,” he spoke with a funny voice like he was announcing me to the world and then he looked down at me and held out his hand. I took it and after he helped me up he proceeded to kneel in front of me. “Princess Ally please let me serve as your knight and protector from the evil villains called playground bullies,” he said smiling up at me. I laughed at him and thought it was a good game of pretend, plus I didn't mind being called a princess.
At that sudden memory I laid back upon my bed and laughed to myself “Princess Ally.” As I stared up at my ceiling listening to the cars pass by on the streets, my mind seemed to carry me to another memory.
Kindergarten had come to a close. Throughout the year Max and I ruled the playground fighting against the kids that would pick on the helpless. I felt braver when around him and we would sometimes get together to play on weekends. His parents soon became friends with mine. That was how they found out about a day camp that was opened during the summer. Max had been going for a couple of years now and that summer I was to attend. I was so happy because I feared that if he went off to camp we would not get to play together until school started again. I wasn't even afraid to go to camp cause I knew Sir Max was going to be with me.
Unfortunately we still did not get to see each other much at camp because of our age difference. There were a few times where he would sneak off to find me and then we would both go to some secret location and play like spies.
We continued to go back to the camp each summer after school had ended. It was a good thing because Max was now in a different school than I was. One moment stands out in my mind. It was two years after our first time at camp and we were still sneaking off together on adventures.
Max where are we going this time?” I asked as he pulled me along with him, trying to get me to walk faster.
Princess, why must you ask silly questions? If you were to know than I would have told you already,” he laughed at me as he hurried along. We kept going at a rapid pace. I guess it was due to the fact that the location was so far and he knew we had limited time before the counselors would go looking for us, but we finally made it.
Wow,” was all i could say, though it was drowned out by the thunderous roar of the waterfall that Max had found.
I found this after I had escaped from hiking time. Those counselors never know where the good places are anyways.” He then turned to look at my expression. “Do you like it?”
It is really pretty. I have never seen a waterfall before,” I smiled at him and then looked back at one of natures greatest works of art.
Max then went and sat on a fallen tree that was close to the small lake where the waterfall was constantly stirring. He looked towards my direction and waved me to come over and sit with him. I gladly did and soon I was gazing into the waterfall. It was a mesmerizing scene.
I have something else for you,” Max spoke with a shaky voice which pulled my glance towards him. He was fishing for something in his pocket, and he appeared quite nervous. After a few more seconds of fighting with whatever it was in his pockets, he won and took the item out. I still didn't know what it was cause it was hidden within his hand.
What is it?” I decided to ask. Max then proceeded to open his fist which revealed the gift inside.
It's a shell I found. It reminded me of you,” he spoke with a nervous shake to his voice. Upon his palm laid a white shell with a shiny pink interior. The shell was strung on a strand of rope like material. “I made it into a necklace during arts and crafts and thought that you might like it?” he looked at me questioningly.
I just stared at it for a bit longer until I could gather some words in my mind. “I really like it. Thank you so much Max.”
Don't forget its Sir Max remember,” he chuckled. “Can I put it on you?”
I nodded in response and I pulled my long white hair to the side while turning my back towards him. I could tell he was still shaking as he placed the necklace around my neck and tied it in the back. I wondered why he would be so nervous but just brushed away the thoughts. After he was done we both decided it best to return back to camp.
“Allison are you upstairs?” came my mothers voice taking me away from my precious memories.
“Yes mother,” I yelled back down at her.
“I wanted to let you know that supper is on the table for you. Your father and I will be out for the remainder of the evening. So eat well and don't forget to go to bed at a decent hour. You need to get back on schedule for school,” my mother said in a happy tone. My dad was actually being a bit romantic and taking my mother out dancing for their anniversary. I was mainly shocked that he remembered such an occasion with his work schedule and all.
“Alright mom, I will,” I replied back to her. Really I was not hungry for the thought of dancing brought back another memory to me. One that was not entirely happy.
It was another couple of years later. The summer before I would enter middle school and finally get to be in the same school as Max again. As we were now older we were permitted to do more activities together, and also this summer was the first time I was able to go to the camp dance night.
You look pretty,” came a very familiar voice. I turned and saw Max dressed in a shirt and tie. I was in a pink floral dress my mother had bought me specially for camp.
Thank you,” I replied. I knew I had rosy cheeks because they felt so warm. “You look nice too Sir Knight,” I couldn't help but giggle at the little nickname that still carried over throughout the years.
He then bowed with a smile. After we both went into the cafeteria where the dance was being held, a nice slow song started to play. We both looked nervously at each other. Max decided to break the ice and proceeded to ask me, “Would you like to dance with me?”
I nodded yes and we both then did the awkward dance of where to put our hands. We finally decided that my hands would go around his neck and his upon my waist as we swayed to the music. We both smiled at each other and blushed. I felt a bit weird inside dancing with my best friend. We had never really even hugged before. I could feel something funny in the pit of my stomach as I looked into his eyes still smiling. He still had such soft eyes, just like when I was in kindergarten.
We both continued to dance but was soon interrupted by a couple of boys that happen to spot us. It was a couple of Max's friends.
Why are you dancing with the freak?” asked Will.
Come on, lets go off and play pranks on some of the counselors. Then some of the guys want to get a game of touch football going,” came Ryan's voice.
With that Max let go of me slightly pushing me aside and ran off with his friends. It was the first time he didn't stand up for me when someone called me a freak. I ended up going back to my bunk in tears and we didn't even see each other for the rest of camp.
I sighed at the thought of that memory. It was the last time Max ever went to camp and during that next year of school he hardly spoke a word to me, besides saying he didn't have time to play with a kid. I never really understood what changed that night of the dance. Why he had followed his friends, when I thought I was his best friend. I wondered how it would be to see him once again on my first day of high school.