Romance Fan Fiction / Original Stories Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Night ❯ Winter Night ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Warning: This fiction contains material unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. If you are under 18, kindly direct yourself away from this page. Thank you ^^

This is an original fiction inspired by Caroline Lufkin's song titled Winter. Any comments/critiques would be greatly appreciated. Please review? ^^


He was late again. If she were honest with herself, she would have expected it. But the irrational part of her spoke louder than experience, and she managed to make herself believe that this once would be different. The room around her was blanketed in silence, just as the world outside her window was blanketed by sheets of fluffy ice. The tick of the clock in her bedroom was deafening, the stroke of the second hand beating a steady rhythm to remind her of how late he was.

Restlessly she paced, each foot fall against the wooden floor drumming a beat.

Pat pat pat.

Worrying her lower lip, she came to a halt before her window and tried to see through the torrent of white cascading across the night sky. The wind howled and hissed, slipping through the cracks of the old window frame and settling coldly against her bare feet. The chill was enough to send her rushing back to the warmth of her bed.

All of her senses stood on alert as she froze then. The wind howled once more before the young woman recognized the familiar sound of keys jingling in the lock of her door. The chill of the air forgotten, she raced the short distance from her bedroom through the small kitchen and towards the front door, her brown hair bouncing in waves around her shoulders.

Despite the darkness of the small apartment, she did not stumble. She knew the place just as well as she knew the jangle of those keys. As the light from the hallway spilled through the doorway of their apartment, she took in his features. She unconsciously held her breath as she tried to memorize every detail—from the glittering snow littered along his collar that quickly melted as it came into contact with the heat of the room, to the sheepish grin he wore.

The grin he always gave her when he knew she would be upset with him. The grin he used to offer a silent apology. The grin she adored.

Numbly she surveyed the flowers clutched nervously in his left hand, the keys still dangling from his right. Her eyes traced the silver buttons of his pea-coat down to his dark, snow covered boots and the luggage that lay forgotten beside him before coming to rest once more on his face. He was here. He was finally back. And that was all that mattered.

The flowers she recognized as her favorite—lilies—slipped from his grasp as the young woman latched onto the front of his still wet coat and pulled him fully into the apartment. The keys followed soon after with a loud clank marking their collision with the floor and the surprised man barely had enough time to kick the door shut before a pair of persistent lips crashed against his own. His arms wrapped instinctively around her waist as he pulled her further onto the tips of her toes to better meet the caress of his lips.

Luggage was forgotten, apologies evaporated, and excuses deemed unimportant before he even had a chance to utter them. Together they backed further through the apartment, her delicate fingers working nimbly on the clothes she sincerely felt he wore too many of. By the time they reached the kitchen, his expert tongue had worked her into a frenzy, and she had managed to divest him of his coat and boots. A light trail of water and clothing marked the path towards their bedroom, a new article of clothing gliding to the floor with every six feet of distance they covered.

Momentarily satisfied with his state of undress, the young woman's fingers roamed the length of his torso, mapping their way across the hard planes of his chest, then along his collarbone to finally tangle themselves in his short, dark hair. She tugged gently at the strands between her fingers as she felt his hands slip stealthily beneath the loose t-shirt she wore. Relishing in the sensation of his hands once more upon her after what felt like an eternity, she released a mewl that passed between their lips and was swallowed by a groan from her lover.

It had been too long. Far too long. And even though she remembered vividly every caress from his fingertips, memories paled in comparison to the experience itself. Memories could not extinguish that fire that was built and stoked by her longing for him. Memories could not make her react this way, or slow the pounding of her heart. No. She could not hold memories. It had been too long.

Their lips finally pulled apart as they reached the bedroom, both sucking in greedy gasps of breath. Their eyes locked and a multitude of silence passed between them that spoke volumes. They did not need to say the words to voice their thoughts. They never did.

I'm sorry.
I've been waiting...I'll always wait.
I know...I'll always come.

With a gentle smile playing across his lips, the young man caressed the cheek of his lover. He was oblivious to the mid-winter storm staking its claim on the city just outside their window as he re-examined her features, reassuring himself that everything was just as he had left it. Nothing had changed. His fingers dipped into the dimple on her left cheek then slipped under her chin to tilt her head back as he bent to deliver a less hurried kiss to her waiting lips. He was reminded now that he had no reason to rush. He would take his time with her, please her thoroughly to make up for his absence, remind her of everything time had forced her to forget; and he would savor the moment when her eyes lit up in recognition. It had been too long.

The heat of his skin eliminated the previous chill she had felt so that now she could focus on nothing but the way his lips slanted across hers, pulling and sucking, his tongue wrestling with her own. She was vaguely aware of his hands lifting her shirt, and a shocked gasp escaped her when those warm hands cupped her bare breasts. A coy smirk graced her lips when he pulled back and gave her a heated look to let her know just how he felt about her not wearing a bra.

Wasting no more time, the young man pulled the shirt over his lover's head before tossing it over his shoulder. He stepped closer to her then, pulling her body flush to his as he guided her legs around his waist. They slid into place there with practiced ease and she looped her arms around his neck to further steady herself—even though she knew he would never let her fall. His strong hands held her as he walked towards the bed, one cupping her ass and the other stroking the underside of her thigh.

She stared at him, features radiating trust and devotion as he lowered her to the soft mattress, her hair fanning out around her head. He hovered above her then, supporting his weight on his hands, and drinking in the image she provided. Her nipples were erect against the cool air that hissed through the cracks in the old window frame and her chest heaved in anticipation of her lover's touch. He stared down at her adoringly, committing the moment to memory. His life was filled with millions upon millions of tiny moments, but he savored each with her with a fierceness that bordered on obsession.

His head dipped to the crook of her neck and he sucked the sensitive flesh there. He nibbled and licked in all the ways he knew she enjoyed. To his delight, she squirmed deliciously beneath him, each movement pressing her ass against the erection nestled comfortably between them. He continued to lick and bite his way down the caramel colored column of her neck, along her collarbone, and down towards the erogenous zones that were her breasts. His heated palms found their way to the soft mounds once more, caressing gently as his mouth alternated between laving one nipple and then the next.

Moan after moan met his ears that were so acutely tuned to her. Her back arched from the mattress, her head thrown back in ecstasy as she ground her pelvis into his as an attempt to find some sort of relief for the dull ache that was building between her thighs. He did not disappoint and pressed one hand to her now damp shorts. She moaned once more, but it was not enough. A light whimper from her lips alerted him to this fact, so he paused to completely strip her of her clothing.

The last barrier between her and his eyes was gone in a matter of seconds, leaving only the flustered woman laying completely still, her legs clamped tightly together. Her lover smiled patiently at her momentary shyness. It seemed time was more of a nuisance than he remembered it to be. No matter—he would never tire of teaching her how to trust him. While he observed the slightly frightened look on her face, he contemplated how he would go about erasing it.

A gentle kiss was placed to each of her raised knee caps before he traced his left hand along the seam of her thighs. His right hand found her left hand and he placed a kiss to her palm and pressed it to his chest just before his left hand wedged itself between her thighs to pry them apart. He smiled in celebration of the small victory when her knees fell apart with little resistance. He watched her face and the way her nose scrunched with the effort not to look away from the scrutiny of his eyes.

Deciding to relieve her, he placed both hands on her inner thighs, stroking them in small circular motions while he leaned over to press a kiss to the protrusions of her hip bones. He ignored her fidgeting, raining kisses upon her lower belly and inner thighs, careful to avoid more sensitive areas. The insistent whimper she released let him know she had had enough teasing, and he rewarded her patience by plunging his tongue deep within her.

She cried out, hands clutching at the back of his head as his tongue stroked her into a blissful unawareness. The crafty appendage dipped and dove, strumming along her clit with a frantic pace that made her toes curl and her eyes clench shut. It was maddening and fulfilling all at the same time, and she was sure the two sensations could only ever be simultaneously produced by the man between her thighs.

A single digit plunged into her then, his tongue moving to solely claim the bundle of nerves that made her writhe wildly beneath him. Another finger later and she was crying out unashamedly, shyness ripped from her by his skilled ministrations. Beneath him now, she feared nothing. And as she tipped over the edge, his name ghosting across her lips, she remembered why.

Trapped somewhere between the world of post-coital bliss where gravity was not a limitation and her mortal existence, she did not notice her lover's slow ascent up her body. He watched her eyes flutter open then, content to trail kisses along her jaw while waiting for her to come back down from her high. His nose nuzzled into the crook of her neck and she wrapped her arms around him, smiling like a woman who had just discovered the secret to life.

As she regained her senses and her limbs began to move to her will once more, she became aware of the evidence of his arousal tucked snugly against her. A calculating smirk tainted her otherwise innocent features just before she used the element of surprise to flip her lover onto his back and straddle his waist. He surrendered to the whims of the woman whose hips he held, the passionate gaze she leveled him with burning through him and straight to his groin. This was the woman he remembered. The bold, sassy, unbreakable spirit she possessed sent jolts of pleasure racing along his spine. He was humbled by the image of her poised over him, naked and fearless, her hair falling over her shoulders and into her eyes.

The open mouthed kisses she laced his skin with made him clutch at the sheets beneath him, his fists clenching and unfolding with each warm press of her lips. His hips lifted off the bed involuntarily when she ran her tongue along the waist band of his underwear. Her teeth scraped the skin of his lower abdomen when she tugged the final piece of clothing down with her mouth, and he shivered. He had nearly forgotten himself...the amount of power she wielded over him.

The delicate heat of her hand engulfed him and he hissed at the pleasure of finally having her hands on his aching flesh. He had longed for this moment night after night until the memory of her would no longer do, and his imagination could no longer form the ghost of her hand passing along his skin. The pressure her hand created on his taut flesh had his back arching rigidly; but when her lips encased the tip of his member in a strong, slow suction just before her tongue swept across it, he had enough.

He sat up and pulled her to him quickly for fear of how easily she had brought him to the edge. He would always enjoy her warm mouth and teasing tongue, but tonight he knew he would not settle for less than being buried deep within her—where he belonged. Tonight when he came undone, he would do so pressed against her and joined in the most intimate way he knew of.

So he turned them over once more, his mouth seeking hers as his eyes slid shut and their bodies aligned automatically, tongues imitating the practiced dance that was about to occur between them. He broke their kiss and glanced down at her with half-lidded eyes. Her expression mirrored his own, her kiss swollen lips still slightly parted, a light sheen of sweat coating her bronzed skin. His hands moved on auto-pilot, finding hers and pinning them to either side of her head. She could feel him brush against her, and her breath was stolen by the simple action, suspended somewhere out of reach.

And then his hips pushed forward. And their fingers laced together.

Her face became frozen in a silent cry of ecstasy, her eyes fluttering shut against her will. Above her, the disoriented young man struggled to swallow past the lump in his throat that threatened to choke him. He was suffocating on the emotions that bubbled up from deep within his chest, churning within his stomach and threatening to overflow. And yet something was not right. He pulled back and pushed forward once more, agonizingly slowly, trying to put his finger on the feeling of something being out of place.

“Look at me,” he demanded. His deep voice broke the lengthy silence in the apartment, causing seemingly glowing eyes to lock with his. It had been too long since she had heard his voice. She truly missed it—the way words always rolled so effortlessly off his tongue.

“Look only at me,” he repeated while setting a pace that had her eyelids threatening to fall once more.

He stared into her eyes as each thrust pushed them closer to the edge. The howl of the wind barely registered on his consciousness. It was too was not enough. It was overwhelming and pulling him under, and yet the eerie glow of her eyes anchored him. The way her hips rose to meet his, the way her hands clutched desperately at his, the way she whispered his name like it was the single, largest guilty pleasure she possessed. Like his name was a secret she was afraid to say too loudly. He stared into her eyes and got lost there...because he could. Because he knew that he was clinging to her just as desperately as she clung to him. That he needed her just as much as she needed him, and that the swelling emotion that made his chest tighten was not lust.

He fought with himself to keep a slow pace, determined to make this moment last as long as possible. This torment, this pain, this bittersweet pleasure. He would make it last. He would make her remember. Gripping her leg behind the knee, he angled to penetrate deeper, keeping one hand locked tightly with hers. Her head tilted back, her teeth capturing her lower lip and biting to stifle her cries.

“,” he demanded once more, a deep thrust punctuating each word. She obeyed.

They were tumbling head first now, and she was leading the way. Her cries escalated, her free hand clawing shamelessly at his back. He enjoyed every bit of it. The light burning along his shoulder blade, the way her walls clenched tightly around him, and the way she bit the juncture of his neck to silence herself as she slipped over the edge before him. And he followed swiftly after, free falling into that place where nothing mattered but that sliver of time.

“I love you,” he said between breaths. Because that feeling that pulled at his conscience and caused the tightening in his chest was not lust. No, not lust.

“I love you too,” she exhaled without hesitation. Because it was true, no matter how much time or distance came between them.

“Happy birthday,” he added before slipping off to sleep holding her tightly.

She smiled and clutched her birthday present tightly. For many nights she had waited. From her foggy apartment window she had watched as the world continued to push forward in a cacophony of slush and grime created by trampled winter beauty. But he was there now, and all the time that had passed, all the games fate had played with them...meant nothing at all.