Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Love Brings Betrayal ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLAIMER: All Main Characters In This Story Belong To Koei Games. All Characters In This Story Are From The Game Samurai Warriors By Koei Games.
Chapter 12
Nohime awoke the next morning quite sore all over. Nobunaga was not as gentle as Mitsuhide had been. Mitsuhide had gotten rough a few times, but not as rough as Nobunaga. Nobunaga had made her bleed and that seemed to please him. Nohime scoffed, // And here I thought I was bloodthirsty. //
She looked over to the left side of the bed. Nobunaga was gone. Surprise, surprise. Nohime got out of the bed and dressed quickly then she walked out of the hallway with her head held high. She didn't have to play the shy little bride anymore. Now she was a queen. As she should be. She just wished her king was Mitsuhide and not Nobunaga.
She walked with a casual pace her arms tucked inside her kimono. Then she saw him. Mitsuhide. Eyes locked on each other. Their sides touched as they began to pass each other. Time seemed to stand still. And they stopped.
“Lady Nohime.”
“Lord Mitsuhide.”
“You are looking well.”
“Well I am a wonderful actress remember.”
Mitsuhide turned sharply, “What is wrong?” His eyes shone with concern. Nohime smiled softly, “Let's just say that you are,” she paused, “more... endowed than Lord Nobunaga, and yet you didn't hurt me.”
“He hurt you!”
“He was not gentle Mitsuhide. He seemed to like the fact that I was in pain. Not a lot of pain, but enough to cause bleeding.” Mitsuhide looked around and when he saw that no one was around he pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly.
Nohime blushed when they pulled back, “Mitsuhide?”
He put a finger to her lips, “Shh, Nohime. I am sorry I could not help myself.”
“I was not going to complain Mitsuhide. I just thought we weren't supposed to do that anymore.”
He smiled, “We aren't. And we mustn't let it happen again my love.” He released her from his arms and kissed her hand, “I am sorry you are hurt Nohime. Please, be careful walking around. Rest for the next few days.”
“I will Mitsuhide, for you.”
And with that they parted ways, each with a look of longing hidden away from the world.
Gracia was looking around a corner in a hallway. // Father and Lady Nohime were kissing! And he said that he called her “my love”. He loves her and she seemed to love him! Oh how wondrous! And... unacceptable. //
Gracia whispered to herself, “Now I know what was making Father happy. Lady Nohime. And her marriage to Lord Nobunaga was making him sad. Poor Daddy.”
Nohime was in the library of the castle sitting by herself when Gracia bounded in, “Good morning Lady Nohime!”
“Good morning Gracia. Glad to see you are so happy.”
“Oh yes,” she giggled, “I just played a joke on Mago. I love to tease him!”
Nohime laughed, “You know, I've always found it odd that you and, Magoichi of all people, are friends.”
“Oh yes. At first he didn't really like me to be honest. Especially when we first met. See I had run away and gotten into danger and Mago came along and rescued me. And after that I told him I was going to follow him. So I kinda... forced myself on him. But I grew on him eventually. And now we're the best of pals!”
Bandits were chasing her through the countryside. She had to get away and fast. She was all alone. And then she fell and skinned her leg. She grabbed her leg in pain. The bandits suddenly had her surrounded. She looked all around her as they circled her.
“Stop your running, little girl...”
“You won't get away from us...”
Just as they were closing in on her a voice rang out, “Stop right there.”
The bandits turned, “Huh... who are you?”
“The name's Magoichi Saika... you are?” Magoichi walked over to the girl and leaned down, “You're a little younger than most women I rescue...”
The bandits lunged, “Get him!”
He looked around and the bandits came at him all at once. He knocked one down, flipped another, and butted one of them with his musket. He went flying backward. Then he looked at the remaining bandits. They hesitated and then took off running. Gracia had watched the short battle in awe.
Magoichi called after them, “Whenever there's a woman in need, I'll be right there... Get outta here.”
Magoichi bent down to look at her leg. He removed her sandal and knee stocking and proceeded to bandage her leg, “This place'll be a battlefield before ya know it, swarming with guys like those. You should just—”
“Are you a doctor, Mago?”
“No, I'm a mercenary. I make my way by fighting. I just used some of those herbs on your leg. Just somethin` I picked up.”
“Wow... you're really smart.”
He felt her leg and checked the bandages, “Okay that should be fine,” he stood, “You should take care. Get yourself on home now.”
Gracia stood up defiantly, “I've run away,” Magoichi turned, “I wanna see the world just like my father did.” She got an excited look on her face, “And now I've found the perfect teacher. From now on I'm following you!” She pointed at him dramatically.
Magoichi turned with a bewildered look, “What?”
Nohime and Gracia shared a small laugh when suddenly Mitsuhide walked in. He froze when he saw Nohime and Gracia. His eyes darted across the room looking anywhere but at Nohime. Then he muttered a brisk apology for intruding on them and left. Nohime looked after him longingly.
Gracia watched her carefully. // Lady Nohime does feel the same way for my father. //
Nohime turned suddenly and saw that Gracia was watching her with a sad but small smile. “You know Lady Nohime, Magoichi once told me to never give up. It's the motto he lives by. And so do I. And I think that motto could apply to every trial in life. Every trial.”
Nohime raised her eyebrow, // She knows something... and if she knows what I think she knows... she better hold her tongue. //
Suddenly Nene burst through the door, “Lady Nohime, Gracia come quick I have to tell you all something!”
Nohime and Gracia followed Nene out the door and were soon joined by Oichi. “Nene what has happened?”
“Oh Oichi it's terrible! Lord Nobunaga left early this morning and took Hideyoshi and the rest of his army and they attacked Magoichi's home village!”
Gracia gasped, “What?! Where's Mago?!”
“He left as soon as he heard that his village was being attacked. He doesn't know who attacked. He left before I could tell him. But its too late, Nobunaga is already on his way back. According to the scouts... there were no survivors. The town is completely lifeless. No untouched buildings. All the people are gone... everything is dead.”
“Why did Lord Nobunaga attack the village?”
“Well, according to Hideyoshi your husband was sick of Magoichi fighting against him on the battlefield. See since he's a mercenary he fights for whomever pays him good. And Nobunaga never asked Magoichi to fight for him. Hideyoshi asked him too. And when he was done with that... him and his Renegades got more battle offers, mostly against Lord Nobunaga. And so... Lord Nobunaga got rid of the Renegades.”
“And he made Hideyoshi help.”
“Yes. My poor Hideyoshi!”
“What happened here...”
Magoichi stood among the remains of his home. He looked around as if everything he was seeing was an illusion. Nothing was left. The buildings had fallen and were still burning. Bodies of the dead were everywhere. All lying in the dirt as if they meant nothing to the world. But they had meant everything to him. This was his home. His family.
And someone had killed them all in one battle. Children that he coddled, men that he'd been friends with. Mothers, young women. Everyone was gone. And he'd never even got to say goodbye to them.
He saw a body fidgeting. He ran over to the body desperately, “Hey! Are you alright?! What happened here?! Tell me!” But it wasn't the body that was moving. There was a tiny puppy trapped under the body and Magoichi freed it.
“Magoichi, forgive me.” Magoichi turned to find Hideyoshi and then he quickly turned away. Nobunaga had done this. Hideyoshi continued, “The Saika rifle brigade was too dangerous. We had... We had to stop them.” Hideyoshi walked around in circles looking at the destruction, “But w-we didn't have to take it this far. Lord Nobunaga wanted to make an example. A warning that this is what happens to those who turn against him. There was nothing I could do.”
Magoichi sighed painfully, “Shut up. It was my fault. It was my carelessness... that led them to their deaths. I'm the one that has to take responsibility here.” He stood and pointed his musket at Hideyoshi.
“Stop Magoichi. Please I—!”
“It's no use. I'm... dead inside.”