Romance Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret Admirer ❯ Getting Somewhere ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
After a long night, I was finally able to go back to school. I woke up a little late, but got to my locker seven minutes before the tardy bell. Of course, there was a note waiting with my name on it. I read it on my way to my first class.


I really enjoy drawing scenery. I draw other things as well, except for people. Why is it so hard to draw a human being? I try…..anyway, I would love to travel so I could have something new to draw.

I love to read! That is one of the things I saw about you that I liked. You always have your nose in a book. I really like to read fantasy books as well. There’s a really good series called Pendragon, have you read it?

I live with my mother Alyssa and my father Craig. I have an older sister, but she’s off in college. (Her names Kimber). I have one cat and multiple fish. My cat, Felix, really enjoys watching them. He just hasn’t quite figured out how to get to them yet. (Smart cat). Haha. Hopefully, he never does.

I can’t say I’m all that close to my parents. I try to just keep to myself. Felix keeps me company. ^.^ He’s a very cute cat, very goofy. I think you would like him. Have a good day!


I laughed after finishing. This was turning out to be fun. So far….I liked talking to them. When I got to English, I sat in a seat in the back and wrote them back.


I have read Pendragon, only up to book seven though. I just got the eighth one to read. Your cat sounds funny, I would like to meet him sometime. I’m really close to one of my cats, Mushu. He’s a Himalayan Persian/Manx. Very sweet and loveable, but doesn’t like other cats much. He’s my baby.

So am I going to meet you? I would like to get to know you a little better.


When English was over I slipped the note into my locker and headed to my math class. The class felt long and I spent the whole period just staring and when class finished, I went to my locker to see there was no note for me yet. With a sigh, I slowly closed the locker door and went to my world history class. I was kept pretty busy all hour taking notes and then I was sent to Science and wasn’t able to go to my locker, it was no where near. I was happy to go to lunch and I made sure to go to my locker. There was a note! I quickly unfolded it and read in front of my locker.


I’m waiting for the tenth Pendragon book to come out still….

You will get to meet me…..not sure when. I’m still afraid to meet you, what would you like to know about me?


I dug through my locker and found a blank piece of paper and took out my pen from my pocket and wrote back, holding the paper up against the locker next to mine.


Are you a girl or guy?


I placed the note on the top shelf and went to eat lunch. It was spaghetti day so all I ate was my breadsticks and peaches. I dumped my tray and walked down the hall. I paused in front of my locker and opened it. There was a note!


Does it matter?


Hmm….I wrote on the back of the note:

No, just curious. By the way, we have the same lunch?


I shut my locker and saw there was ten minutes left of lunch so I walked to one end of the school and walked back slowly. There were more people in the halls now with five minutes left of lunch. I opened my locker and saw they wrote under what I did:

Yep and you will see me eventually.


I wondered, were they watching me write them back? I looked around, there were too many people to tell. I wrote under their neat writing:

When do you have art?


There was only three minutes left, I had to get back to Science. There was only twenty minutes of class left so I finished up my book work and when the bell rang, I jumped out of my chair and joined the crowd of students filling the halls. I stopped at my locker to put my Science book up and checked the note.


Last hour.


Finally, I knew something! Feeling very pleased I went to study hall in the cafeteria. I got out a fresh piece of paper from my bag and wrote back:

Thanks! Maybe I will step in sometime! Just kidding! So did you see me when I put the note in the locker at lunch? Cause I’m curious….back to the you being a guy or a girl, it doesn’t really matter I just want to know. I can’t really come up with an image of you. Okay, how about this what color is your hair? Or how do you dress?


I read Pendragon : Quillan Games the rest of study hall, then put the note in the locker and went to my sixth hour and then my last class, Music Appreciation. When class started my teacher asked, “Will someone take something to the art room for me?” My mind clicked into gear, last hour in the art room?

I jumped up, “I will,” I half shouted.

“Ok,” she handed an envelope to me and I took it and tried to not look so excited. I walked quickly out of the room and down the long hall to the art room. I paused in front of the door and peered in through the small window. There were quite a few students, I counted twenty. They all were working on a drawing or painting. They were in this classroom….I took a deep breath and knocked on the door and then opened the door. Some of the art students turned to look at me. I nervously walked over to the teacher and handed him the envelope.

“Mrs. Carry asked me to bring this to you.”

“Thank you.” I turned to leave and saw everyone was back to work. I wonder who it was….I walked down the hall back to my class with my heart racing, but first put the note in locker for them to take.

Yaoi-Freak1990 - Well, the next chapter will be better….I think….I’m in a writing mood. Hope it makes everyone happy! Thank you for reading! Reviews make me happy, so thank you to those who do! (Oh, I went to a gun show with my fiancé and I got a little mini butterfly knife, it‘s so cute!)