Romance Fan Fiction ❯ mystery box ❯ mystery box ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Recently, Iori noticed that Kyo was behaving strangely. He doesn't have the same routines as usual and he hides to answer the phone. Iori isn't particularly interested in knowing who's sending messages and calling the Kusanagi heir so much because Kyo has many friends, and they can be especially intense. On one occasion, Benimaru called Kyo five times in a day on the verge of a mental breakdown over a silly fashion trend, and Kyo patiently listened to him each time.

Iori has no idea how Kyo can get along with such annoying individuals, but he doesn't really care as long as they don't involve him. To be honest, he used to be a little jealous of Kyo's social life when they were younger and Kyo was still in school, but since they've been together for a year, Iori has learned to trust Kyo and gradually stopped feeling that way.

However, it's been impossible for him not to notice that Kyo was acting strangely, and he's starting to feel curious. Normally, Kyo visits his apartment on weekends. Iori lives alone, and Kyo still lives with his parents, so to have some privacy, the brunette prefers to stay on the weekend. But this time is different. Kyo says he has to go out and makes a silly excuse not to come on Friday as he usually does.

Iori stares at the phone thoughtfully and suddenly realizes that his birthday is on Monday, so Kyo must be acting mysterious because he might be planning something for that day. He frowns, annoyed, and his first impulse is to call Kyo and tell him not to do anything foolish. He doesn't like celebrating his birthdays; in fact, he doesn't remember celebrating any. When he was a child, his parents didn't have that custom, and as an adult, he got used to ignoring the date; he even refused gifts from fans who went to his concerts or tournaments.

Since they've only been together for a year since they accepted their feelings and decided to have a 'relationship,' this is the first birthday they'll spend together, and Iori has no idea what Kyo is planning. If he's planning anything, he tells himself, because he's not sure if that's the reason. He puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. But what other reason could he have for wanting to hide when his friends call him? Or for not going that weekend as he usually does?

Iori can't stand the uncertainty and decides to spy on him. After all, that ability to perceive the Kusanagi sword can be useful in such a circumstance, and he has been brazen in the past and used it to his advantage.

Without thinking further, he grabs his black trench coat and leaves the apartment.


An hour later, Iori has located him. Being able to sense the energy of the Kusanagi sword within Kyo allowed him to find him in an underground laboratory years ago, so finding Kyo's whereabouts in a café was much easier. Iori carefully observes from afar as Kyo chats with Shingo. Everything seems normal, just a casual meeting with a friend. Shingo, as always, looks lively and talks with a lot of hand movements.

Then Kyo takes a small black box out of his jacket pocket and shows it to the young disciple. As he opens it, Shingo exclaims excitedly and looks at the contents with a tender expression. From his perspective, Iori can't see Kyo's face or the contents of the box, but judging by Shingo's reaction, what's in the box seems to be very important.

Suddenly, Iori realizes that the small black box seems to be the type of box used to store engagement rings. And that thought makes him choke on the tea he's drinking. Is Kyo planning to propose... marriage? To him?

No, that simply can't be, Iori thinks alarmed, and he quickly leaves the place. Not only have they been together for a short time, but the idea of Kyo wanting to marry him is ridiculous. Iori can't stop thinking about it on the way back to his apartment. He goes over all the possibilities in his head, and everything seems incredibly absurd and illogical. Their lives are indeed intertwined by destiny, and it's also true that they have developed feelings beyond hatred and resentment. It's true that they have been intimate and that despite having such fiery personalities, they have managed to coexist for a whole year...

But getting married? The two of them?

No, that's unheard of. Iori needs a stiff drink or something to process it. Then his phone rings and Iori takes it out of his pants pocket with sweaty hands. It's a message from Kyo saying he'll come over the next afternoon and that he finally plans to stay with him that weekend.

Iori replies with a curt 'OK' while wondering, Is it because he already bought the ring and is determined? Is he planning to propose on his birthday?

Iori can't stop thinking about that possibility and spends the night wide awake.


Kyo arrives the next afternoon, dressed in his favorite black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, and blue jeans stained with motorcycle oil at the ankles. Kyo smiles when Iori opens the door and proceeds to take off his shoes. He brings a black backpack with his change of clothes and leaves the jacket hanging by the door next to Iori's trench coat.

Kyo throws the backpack on the coffee table carelessly and then sits on the couch. He proceeds to tell Iori about his hectic week; his father is demanding that he train more often because some distant relatives from Hokkaido will arrive soon and they want to fight him. Iori listens in silence, with a serious face, but inside, he can't stop thinking about whether Kyo brought the box with the ring.

"What did you do on Friday?" Iori decides to ask because he can't contain his curiosity.

Kyo seems somewhat nervous and looks away.

"Train all day, my father is very strict... and I also met with Shingo, to train," he replies without mentioning that he met Shingo at a café.

Iori narrows his eyes but doesn't say anything; obviously, he's not going to mention it because Kyo doesn't know he was spying on him. Kyo changes the subject and asks if he wants to watch a movie; Iori doesn't care and shrugs. Kyo stands up and says he can make popcorn and that Benimaru recommended the movie. Iori isn't thinking about the type of movie it is and stops paying attention to Kyo as he heads to the kitchen. The redhead looks at the backpack still on the table.

"Take it to your room if it bothers you so much," Kyo comments from the kitchen with a mocking smile; he knows that Iori hates mess and doesn't want him leaving things lying around in the living room.

The redhead grumbles in response and takes the backpack to his room.

Since Kyo stays in the kitchen, Iori closes the door and decides he can't stand the uncertainty anymore. He quickly opens the backpack and rummages through Kyo's change of clothes with his hands in search of the mysterious box. Kyo has brought other jeans, underwear, socks, and more T-shirts, along with a bottle of cologne and a shaving cream dispenser. Iori checks each pocket until he finds the small black box.

He stands there, stunned, holding the box in his hand. Although he has a strong desire to open it, at the same time, he fears discovering what's inside. He doesn't know how he'll feel if he sees those engagement rings. He puts the box back in his pocket with slightly trembling hands and decides to organize Kyo's clothes in his closet along with his own. He leaves the cologne, shaving cream, and toothbrush in the bathroom and then returns to the living room pretending he didn't see anything.

Kyo surprises him by hugging him from behind and putting both hands closed in fists in front of his face. Iori stands still, not understanding what's happening, and an unexpected popping sound startles him a bit. Popcorn kernels pop from Kyo's hands, and then he opens his fists to show the rest.

"Hehe, I can make popcorn without a pot," Kyo exclaims playfully, showing him that he used his flames to pop the raw corn.

"Idiot," murmurs Iori and breaks free from the hug. Kyo opens his mouth and eats all the popcorn he has in his fist. "Now you look like a squirrel storing nuts for winter."

Indeed, Kyo looks at him with cheeks puffed full of popcorn and mumbles something unintelligible.

Iori sits on the couch in front of the TV, and after a few minutes, Kyo returns with a bowl full of popcorn. Kyo looks for the movie Benimaru recommended on a streaming app and then settles next to Iori.

Too close, thinks the redhead and his first impulse is to push him away for some personal space, but Kyo puts an arm over his shoulder and raises one leg over his, getting comfortable like a stretched-out cat.

Iori sighs and turns his gaze back to the TV; perhaps watching the movie will make him forget about the mysterious black box.


Iori couldn't stop thinking about the box and didn't pay attention to the movie. In reality, the movie wasn't as interesting as Benimaru said it would be, and Kyo fell asleep towards the end. When the credits roll, the brunette has his head on Iori's shoulder, with traces of popcorn on his cheeks and T-shirt. Iori pushes him to wake him up, and Kyo yawns sleepily as he rubs his eyes.

"You've left popcorn everywhere, you eat like a pig," Iori complains because as he gets up, Kyo spills popcorn on the carpeted floor. He shakes his T-shirt, and more popcorn flies in all directions.

"I'll clean it up later," Kyo exclaims between yawns and heads to the kitchen to find something to clean with.

While Kyo cleans the living room, Iori prepares dinner, and after half an hour, they dine without much fuss. Kyo tells him about other things that happened to him during the week, but most of the time they remain silent, as Iori doesn't usually talk much while eating. Kyo has grown accustomed to the redhead's long silences and no longer feels uncomfortable or the need to fill the silence with words. They understand each other well in that aspect, and perhaps that's why they don't mind spending time together.

Anyone would think that due to their pasts and contrasting personalities, it would be impossible for them to live together. However, because they know and accept each other as they are, they feel comfortable being themselves in front of each other, and that's why moments of silence where they just eat without saying anything aren't uncomfortable.

After dinner, Iori prepares hot water in the bathtub while Kyo washes the dishes. Moments later, Kyo peeks into the bathroom with slightly flushed cheeks and suggests they should save water by bathing together. Iori laughs at such nonsense, and Kyo ends up getting into the tub with him.


As expected, being naked in the tub can only mean one thing, and very soon they are passionately kissing. Kyo takes the lead and sits on his hips while biting his neck, his hands disappear under the water to touch Yagami's groin. However, Iori continues to think about the little box and its mysterious contents, and even with Kyo touching him like that, his mind can't focus on what they're doing, and he keeps wondering what he'll do if Kyo decides to propose.

He likes Kyo, he can't deny that. He wants to be with him and enjoys every moment of intimacy. But getting married? No, that's madness. The clans would probably kill them if they decided to do something like that, not to mention that they would have to go to another country to make the ceremony official.

"Hey... Is something wrong?" Kyo suddenly asks, bringing him back to reality. The brunette has noticed that he's distracted because his body isn't responding to his touch as he expects.

"Umm... I'm tired," Iori lies, looking away. He doesn't like lying; he's always honest with Kyo. But he can't tell him that he's worried about his possible proposal and that he doesn't know how to say 'no'.

Will he say no? Right? Iori questions himself. And what expression will Kyo have when he tells him no?

"Okay, we can leave it for another time," Kyo says, looking somewhat disappointed, but then he gives him a tender kiss on the lips. Iori kisses him back, feeling upset with himself.


They go to bed without saying much; Iori isn't very talkative and generally behaves reserved and cold. However, he feels uncomfortable after what happened in the tub. He has the impression that perhaps Kyo got upset or that maybe Kyo will notice that something is amiss. Frustrated, the redhead brings a hand to his face. This situation is going to drive him crazy, and when Kyo turns to hug him in his sleep, Iori stares at his peaceful face and wonders if he can say no without causing a bigger problem. Iori realizes how much Kyo's feelings matter to him because otherwise, he wouldn't be so preoccupied with the matter.

He doesn't want to hurt him. And that's very ironic considering that he doesn't hesitate to fight with him in the ring.

He closes his eyes trying to sleep, and although he keeps thinking about the same thing, this time the tiredness from the previous day overcomes him, and he ends up falling asleep with Kyo clinging to his torso as if he were a giant pillow.


Sunday passes relatively normally, without any inconvenience or strange occurrence. When Kyo visits him, they don't do anything extraordinary. They don't usually have dates like normal couples; neither of them feels comfortable with the idea of holding hands or doing couple things, so they almost always stay in Yagami's apartment. This time, Kyo lies down on the couch and starts playing on his Nintendo Switch. Iori decides to practice a bit with his bass to try to stop thinking about the damn mysterious box.

But like the day before, he can't concentrate, and he constantly makes mistakes in the notes of the song. He begins to feel annoyed and frustrated because as a musician, he hates that feeling.

Toward the end of the afternoon, Iori notices that Kyo is standing in the doorway of the studio, looking at him. His expression is different; he seems worried. Perhaps he has already realized that something is wrong since it's very obvious that Iori isn't playing well. Kyo has heard him play countless times and knows very well what it sounds like when he plays perfectly.

"Hey... Are you really okay?" Kyo insists, leaning against the door frame.

Iori doesn't know what to answer. The lie that he's tired won't work anymore because he has spent the weekend with him and hasn't had work. Why would he be tired?

"You know? I was thinking of waiting until tomorrow because it's your birthday," Kyo begins when he notices that Iori isn't going to respond and just looks at him with the bass still in his lap. "But I think now is the best time."

Iori holds his breath when Kyo takes the little black box out of his pants pocket, and it feels like his heart skipped a beat. He stays frozen, and everything seems to be in slow motion as Kyo approaches and offers him the box with his hand to take it. Iori stares at him without moving, as if he had forgotten how to speak.

"Come on, open it, Yagami," Kyo insists with a smile.

Iori finally takes the box and opens it with trembling hands, his heart beating so fast and so hard that he suddenly feels like throwing up.

Upon opening the box, he stares at its contents for a few seconds without reacting. His brain seems to take a while to recognize what's there.

"It's a celluloid pick," Kyo explains because Iori is still silent and unmoving. "Medium thickness. I was told it's the most durable and doesn't damage the bass strings."

In the box, there is a black pick with a silver crescent moon carved in the middle.

"I had it carved to make it unique," Kyo continues, then crouches down to kneel in front of Iori, takes the pick from the box, and puts it in the palm of his hand.

"Do you like it? Honestly, I had no idea what to give you, and I thought that..." Kyo can't finish the sentence because Iori leans in and steals a kiss.

" Thank you. " Iori responds once they break the kiss, and Kyo smiles relieved, his cheeks slightly flushed.

" I don't know much about professional accessories, so I wasn't sure if the material would be good, but the music store owner recommended it to me."

" It's perfect."

"Happy early birthday, Yagami."

Kyo looks into his eyes and smiles, a smile that's brighter than the summer sun, and now Iori's heart beats fast not out of nervousness or worry but out of happiness. It's the first birthday gift he's ever received, and he can't imagine a better gift than this. Plus, the detail of the crescent moon is very beautiful.

"Come on, use it, I want to hear you."

Iori leaves the box on the table next to the computer and audio console and proceeds to play the song he was trying over and over again with the pick just moments ago. It sounds much better now because Iori can concentrate finally, his mind can now rest from the mystery and the possibility that it was an engagement ring.

Suddenly Iori feels very stupid in retrospect, as he plays the song and Kyo watches him attentively sitting on the floor, Iori thinks that the mere idea that Kyo would propose something like that is absurd and his brain just played a trick on him.

"Sounds really good, I think I'm a genius at choosing gifts" Kyo comments with a smug air then adds. " By the way... I guess you don't want to do anything tomorrow, right?"

Iori shakes his head.

"Well, it's not like you have friends to celebrate with... besides me. " Kyo remarks with a teasing smile, and Iori kicks him in the knee for the comment.


Kyo laughs at his reaction, no matter how much time they've spent together, Kyo doesn't change his ways and always makes comments to tease him. Iori looks at the pick in his hand thinking that indeed he's right, he doesn't have friends to celebrate with, and the only person he wants to spend that day with is that idiot with the flirtatious smile.

"Let's spend many birthdays like this, just us " Iori comments after a moment, and Kyo looks at him inquisitively.

Iori rarely says things that come straight from his heart so openly, so Kyo looks at him for a few seconds without understanding, but then a blush rises to his cheeks and he nods.


The end.