Romance Fan Fiction ❯ Twisted Around ❯ Goodnight, Wonderful Nate ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3
It was early morning when Mitchie saw a crowd of people. Reporters and campers all mixed together stood at the door of Connect 3's cabin. She pulled her jacket on tighter, feeling cold. Then, it went off. An ambulance siren. Mitchie's eyes widened as she realized what was going on. She moved through the crowd, whispering, “no, no, no.” Mitchie tripped, but kept going. She finally ran into the cabin. Shane and Jason looked over at her; tears falling heavily down their cheeks. Then she averted her eyes to a white sheet over a body.
“No, no! No Nate!” she screamed, running for him but being stopped by Jason and Shane. “Please, not him. Not Nate. Oh, Jesus, not Nate!” she screamed louder, hot tears rolling down her cheeks. Shane took her in his arms. Mitchie was slipping out of his embrace, but he held on still. “Not him, Shane. Not my Nate. Please, tell me it isn't Nate,” she cried.
Mitchie ran from his grip, pulling back the sheet and seeing Nate's face. She laid her forehead on his, shaking madly. “Goodbye, Nate. I love you,” she whimpered, kissing his cold lips. Shane helped her up as she sounded off another round of sobs. He, once again, held her tight. This time, Mitchie couldn't let go.
“I committed suicide, Mitchie. Because of you. I loved you. And I was hurting badly. All I wanted was to make the pain stop, Mitchie. All I wanted was to live, to marry you someday, and to have children. THEN, Michie, I wanted to die old. But I guess I planned ahead. I should've known you loved him, Mitchie. I should've moved on. But the pain wouldn't stop. It just wouldn't,” Nate whispered, looking at her with teary eyes.
Mitchie sat up in bed, realizing that she was screaming. She threw off the covers and put black shorts on and a sweatshirt over her T-shirt. Michie ran out the door, walking quickly towards Connect 3's cabin. She cried all the way there.
I knocked softly on the door. The nightmare I had was worse than anything else. I wanted to see if Nate was okay. I wanted to talk to him. I didn't care about Shane anymore. It was Nate I wanted to love. When Nate answered the door, I hugged him. He invited me inside, telling me to keep my voice low and I'll wake up the guys. “What's wrong, Mitchie?” he asked, grabbing my hand. We were lying in his bed, facing each other. Both of us under the covers. It's not what you think.
We always did that when it was late and we wanted privacy. It was just talking. I loved how he could be sensitive. “Nate, I dreamed that you committed suicide. Because of me. I just, I just couldn't believe I meant that much to you. And to see you dead, I realized that, I really love you,” I whispered. Nate wiped away the tear on my cheek, but didn't remove his hand.
“Listen, Michie, I love you too. But if you love Shane, you love him. It's not my choice who you love. And sure, it'll take some time for me to cope with it. But you know me. I'll be back to my dorky self in no time. You can't get rid of me that easily,” he joked. I laughed. Nate was always cheering me up, making me smile.
“I don't think you're dorky, Nate. I think you're sweet, funny, and someone a girl would love to be with,” I yawned. Nate smiled at me. He kissed my cheek.
“Goodnight, beautiful Mitchie.”
“Goodnight, wonderful Nate,” I said, hugging my pillow on the empty side of my bed.
Author's Note-Tricked Ya! Well, anyway, if the ending's confusing, It means that after they said goodbye, Mitchie left his cabin and was back in her bed, saying goodnight to Nate one more time. Hoped you liked that chapter. Review!!