Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist ❯ Bullies and Mythology ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Kathrine here. I finally got to have more fun with my blonde Seiji. Hehehehe.

JC: I actually like what she did with him this time.

Kathrine: It's because we all love Seiji fight scenes.

JC: Only when he wins.

Kathrine: Well we'll just see what happens, won't we?

JC: We also added another character we hope you all remember. But please don't get attached. We all know what happens to him, don't we?

Kathrine: Enough talking and on with the fic!

Disclaimer: Won't repeat.

Warning: Nothing really bad in this chapter. YAOI/Shounen Ai. If you don't like then get the hell away!

Our Version of RW with a Crossover Twist

By JC and Kathrine

Later on that Day

Touma didn't understand how the day could go by so fast, but the next thing he knew it was lunch period. Seiji wasn't in any of his other three classes before lunch and his mind continually drifted to thoughts of the mysterious blonde. He could here girls whispering about the beautiful new student and the guys whisper exactly the opposite. He thought it was slightly funny how Seiji had become infamous within his first day of school.

Outside, he smiled as he walked over to the tree where his friends sat waiting for him. He knew that it was a far shot but he looked about in hopes that a certain person had the same lunch as him.

" Come on Touma!" Shu called to him. " Get your head out of the clouds!"

" It's not in the clouds," Touma growled.

" No it's up Blondie's ass," Ryo snickered. " You should have seen him when the Hormone Bitches mobbed Seiji after English, it was so funny!"

" Shut up!" the blue-haired teen punched him in the arm as he sat down. " He was in trouble."

" I think he can take care of himself," Ryo said. " He sure seemed to be prepared when we first met him."

" He's in my Biology class," Shu added. " Gods that guy is cold. He just seemed to stare at the teacher. He didn't even take notes."

" He was supposed to meet me out here for lunch," Shin looked around. " I thought it would help if he sat with people he somewhat knew already."

" He's in this lunch!" Touma's voice raised in surprise.

" Don't freak out on us," Shu said. " I didn't think you had it THIS bad!"

" I…" Touma didn't know what to say to his friend's words. That's when he noticed a crop of peculiar blonde in the crowd that had just entered the yard. " There's Seiji!" Touma pointed to him.

" Well I'll go get him," Shin stood up and set his lunch on the ground. " Shu don't eat it!"

" Okay, okay," the azure-haired boy put his hands in the air.

" Oh no," Ryo said as he kept his eyes on Seiji. Four boys definitely twice the skinny blonde's size, or even more, had just walked up and stood in his way.

" Maro and three other soccer players just walked up to him," Shu growled.

" Ryo doesn't that guy ever leave people alone?" Shin asked with a frown.

" No," he shook his head.

" I'm going to help him," Touma stood up, but Ryo grabbed his arm.

" Leave him alone, he can take care of himself, I can tell," Ryo told him. " Just let him deal with this on his own."

" Fine," Touma gave in. " But I'm still gonna go up there if something does happen." He sighed inwardly and kept his eyes on the blonde as the events began to unfold.

Seiji hated the amount of people that surrounded him as his day continued. Girls continued to stare at him and whisper, their thoughts disturbing him. Guys would glare and him and mumble under their breath to each other, their emotions forcing him to be prepared. He didn't know whether or not he would have to fight someone.

His Algebra class proved to be easy and his Biology was simple. Computer fourth period was not even worth his time. They hadn't even learned how to hack into a simple school system yet and the computers themselves were outdated. He was sued to dealing with far more advance equipment, but knew he would have to try to act 'normal' in order to not become suspicious. He couldn't help it if his Comp. Teacher, Sensei Musaki, was so ignorant in his knowledge. 'The students were being lead to the river, but not being allowed to drink from it' as one of the scientists had once told him.

Shin had told him to meet him outside for lunch, but the blonde knew he didn't need any nutrition until that night. He had been raised with only two meals a day and trained so that his body would not over use its supply. But I have to be 'normal', he told himself. I will just have to meet him anyway.

Reluctantly, he wandered through the halls, following the large number of students to their destination. As luck would have it, they led him to the cafeteria. But where is Shin? Seiji wondered. He looked around the large room and saw people staring at him, girls giggling uncontrollably. The sight of so many people together made his heart beat faster and left him wanting to run and hide.

He saw a large door that was open at the back of the room. He watched three students walk through it and thought he saw a crop of blue. Was that him? He wondered. Was that Touma? Something about the blue-haired boy left him confused. The strange anger he felt from in as he pulled him away from the girls in English was a question mark. Why would Touma have been angry with those girls in the first place? Was it because of him? Maybe he was angry because he didn't Seiji talking to them.

I guess I'll have to be more observant, he told himself. He walked around the outside rim of the tables and headed towards the door. He could see a light coming in from it and a light breeze. It leads outside. He smiled inwardly for he had stayed inside the house the entire time he was there, too afraid to actually leave. But now he had a chance to go out and see what the world looked like in the day and not just the night.

" It's him," he heard a voice whisper. His eyes turned to meet a pair of brown that he had met earlier that day.

" Hello Seiji," Gia smiled as the other girls around her giggled.

" Hello," he repeated out of the politeness Heero said he should use. The girls giggled even more and he just stared at them.

" Why don't you sit with us?" she asked with half-lidded eyes. " It would make us very happy. Wouldn't girls?" The other two girls giggled as they nodded.

" Someone is waiting for me," Seiji explained. " I have to go." He nodded to the girls and walked away.

" That was sooo cute," Gia laughed with a smile on her face. " He's mine, I can feel it."

" Don't forget Hashiba," Hoka warned. " He's watching what you around him."

" All because he's bi doesn't mean he can take all the guys too," Gia frowned. " That flirt-a-holic isn't gonna get him."

Seiji didn't even hear their conversation because he had just stepped outside the door. The wind was gentle and comforting to someone who had only first felt it a few days earlier after ten years of absence. The sun shined brightly and he had to fight the urge to put up his hand to block it. It was so much different from the artificial light he had become accustom to. It warmed his pale skin and also gave him a sense of closure. The light felt like an old friend he had missed for so long.

His senses perked it seemed from the exposure to the light and he could feel three familiar auras closed by. He turned to look toward the large tree in the yard and saw four figures sitting under its branches. He could see Shin, Touma, and Ryo with a boy he remembered sitting next to him in his Biology class. They sat smiling and laughing until Touma turned to look at him.

He quickly looked away for some reason and reclaimed his features of indifference. He hadn't realized that Shin would be with those two. He still didn't know what to do about them. Nii-chan had told them there weren't a threat and yet he couldn't stop feeling something strange towards them. They had been wearing strange metal suits that disappeared instantly when he first met them and hadn't forgot about them.

Besides that he felt as if he had met them before. Something about them was familiar and he couldn't place it. Had he met them before now? No, he would have remembered. He could not picture a single one of them in the orphanages he'd lived in and knew they'd never been near the labs of Doctor J. But why do I feel this then? He wondered when he thoughts were invaded.

" Hey Pretty Boy!" he heard someone yell. He could tell by the way it was said and the jealousy behind it that it was directed at him. He ignored the person and began to walk towards where Shin sat under the tree. He was supposed to sit with him anyway.

" I was talking to you!" he watched a figure stand in his path. He was a tall brown-haired boy with black eyes that held contempt within them.

" I have somewhere to be," Seiji told him. But he could tell that this boy wasn't about to let him get away.

" Well it will have to wait, eh Maro?" another boy with dark red-dyed hair smirk at him.

" Yeah," the brunette nodded as two other boys walked up behind them.

" Get to the point," Seiji told them. " Wasted time is not to be permitted."

" What does that mean?" Maro asked. " Trying to talk in code on us?"

" I have no time for your interruptions," Seiji clarified.

" Oh, we're sorry Emperor," one of the unknown two said. " Just trying to make some friendly conversation."

" I have to go," Seiji said and tried to walk around them. The other of the new two put out an arm to prevent his movements. Seiji glared at him and the boy seemed to stiffen slightly.

" We just wanted to give ya the ground rules of Hana High," Maro told him.

" Nani?" Seiji was really beginning to get irritated now.

" Rule one is that you have to pick who you want to fit in with," Maro stated. " You want to fit in don't you?"

" I don't care," Seiji growled.

" Rule two is that you watch who ya mess with," Maro began to cut his eyes. " Some of us really don't appreciate you coming in here and trying to steal all of our girls."

" Steal your girls?" Seiji raised an eyebrow. They were talking like he wanted to be followed around and whispered about behind his back. Unable to stop it, Seiji let out a disgusted laugh that made the three boys with Maro back away. His laugh was like ice that cut into them.

" You can have your girls," Seiji told him. " I am not trying to take anyone." With that he turned and began to walk away.

Maro could here the whispered from people around them. No one had ever blew him off like that. Out of anger he reached out and grabbed onto Seiji's long braid. " Rule three is don't ever…" he started but was cut off by a punch to his gut. All of the air left him and he fell to his knees.

" Hey!" the red head glared when Seiji back away from his unexpected retaliation. They didn't think the blonde would fight them. He made a swing at the blonde, but he ducked and easily swept his feet from underneath him. He crashed to the ground with a thud and a gasp of pain.

The other two decided to jump him together as one came up from behind and twisted his hand in the blonde's braid. He pulled Seiji's hair back as the other made ready to hit him in the face. Quickly, he elbowed the one behind him in the side, which caused him to let go of his braid. The one in front of him he kicked in the chest and sent a few feet back and to the ground. Next, he flipped the boy behind him over onto the ground and was about to slam his palm into his nose when he heard someone yell out.

" DATE!!" the voice dripped with authority. Seiji let go of the boy's shirt and stared at Principal Jerotaki in confusion. He had lost himself in the fight and hadn't realized what he was doing. He looked at the face of the boy, who eyes were wide with the fear he could feel dripping off of him. Seiji's own eyes widened and he back away from the carnage he had done in such little time.

" Come here now, Date!" Jerotaki ordered and the blonde complied with walking over the stand in front of him with his back straight and his eyes staring right at him.

" Its your first day and you've already caused trouble," Jerotaki glared as he watched some of the other students help the four boys to the nurse's office. " What am I going to do about you?"

" Whatever you want," Seiji answered. " Punishment is decided by chief of staff." The bell rang and no one moved. All the other students seemed to be in too much shock to do anything.

" Get to class!" the principal ordered and they quickly complied. He then turned his attention back to Seiji. " Where is Shin? He is supposed to be keeping an eye on you?"

" Right here Principal," a voice came up from behind them.

" Where were you while all of this was happening?" he asked.

Shin looked to the ground sheepishly. " I had told him to meet me out here and then Maro and his friends showed up," he started. " I couldn't get to him in time."

" What happened?" Jerotaki questioned. " I have to tell their parents something."

" He pulled my braid," Seiji stated. " I took it as a threat and defended myself."

" Then the others jumped in," Shin added.

" So you were only protecting yourself?" the principal didn't seem convinced.

" Yes, he was," Shin nodded quickly. " I saw the whole thing. Maro just grab his hair and pulled on it. He provoked Seiji."

" All right," the man sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. " Shin take him to his next class and then get to yours. I'll send notes to explain why you're late."

Shin smiled and grabbed Seiji's wrist as he pulled him along. " But Mr. Date," Jerotaki called. " I will need to speak to your brother tomorrow morning about this."

" He's out of town," Seiji replied.

" Then I must speak to another guardian," he said.

" Hai," Seiji bowed to him and followed Shin.

" This is going to be an interesting year," Jerotaki smiled. " A very interesting year."

Shin sighed as he rounded the corner exiting the cafeteria. He just knew something else was going to happen. " Hey!" a voice called and made the brunette grasp his chest out of shock. Deep blue eyes seemed to laugh at him.

" Touma!" Shin growled as he regained his breath. " That was NOT funny!"

" Actually it was," the blue-haired boy smiled. Then he looked at Seiji who gave him the same glared he gave him every time they saw each other. " Hey Seiji."

" Hello," the blonde responded.

" Hey Touma you have World History with Faku next, right?"

" Yeah so?" a blue brow was raised.

" Well both Seiji and I will be late, but if you take him to class then we'll both make it," Shin gave him a pleading look. Touma wanted to scream no, but he had no real reason why he couldn't. He also actually wanted to be near the blonde, he was just worried about how he'd act around him.

" Fine," Touma nodded and then turn to Seiji. " Guess we go another class together, huh?"

" Guess," Seiji repeated.

" Uh okay," he gave Shin a nervous smile. " See ya after class." The brunette grinned at him before hurrying down the hall.

" Come on Seiji this way," Touma pointed down the opposite hall. The blonde followed him in silence, both feeling slightly nervous.

Seiji didn't understand what it was about the blue-haired boy that gave him the strange feeling in his stomach. The familiarity and link he felt with him, and even Ryo and Shin, was confusing to him. He, who was alone for most his life, couldn't understand the concept of friends and other such things. He was still trying to understand his brother's 'love' for Duo.

" Here we are," Touma said as he scratched the back of his head. Seiji looked at him and realized he hadn't been paying attention at all as the walked. No matter, he told himself. I remember the turns fairly well.

" Hello Mr. Hashiba," the teacher Mr. Faku frowned at them. " Why are you late?"

" Seiji kinda got lost and I had to help him," Touma motioned to the blonde.

" Welcome to the class Date Seiji," Faku smiled at him. He had heard what the blonde had done from the students in his class and believed the other boys had gotten just what they deserved. " Seeing as you two know each other, you can sit in the empty seat next to Hashiba's usual spot. Touma please help him if he needs anything."

" Hai Sensei," Touma and Seiji bowed to him. Then he showed Seiji where they would sit and took their places. With that the class began.

Class was fairly easy and Touma noticed that Seiji wasn't taking any notes. He wanted ask him why, but didn't want to end up on the receiving end of another glare. So he stayed quiet and continued to do his work. After the class they found Shin waiting to take Seiji to his next class. They said goodbye to each other, or rather Touma said goodbye and Seiji just nodded, and then left. Touma was almost certain he had saw a twitch of the blonde's lips when they departed.

Seiji didn't know what to do. He could feel his lips wanting to spread into a strange thing he had seen Duo have many times a day. Heero had called it a smile and he didn't think he liked them. They were ways of faking others into doing things that you wanted. Duo had done it to Heero countless times. He forced his lips to stay in the same straight line he kept them in and followed after Shin. He had to get to his next class, Life Skills.

The class was suppose to help some students to interact with others and rid themselves of social problems. He understood why Heero might have signed him up for such a class, he not having only spent a little over a week around people. Before he was just with guards and random scientists who he would only see every few days between others.

The young teacher, Miss Domo, was very understanding and didn't try to push the students into interacting with each other. She gave them work to do while she helped each one out individually with their problems. She seemed to know exactly how to make each one feel less intimidated or anxious about going out into the world full of people besides them. She herself had only entered it a few years before.

When she came to talk to Seiji he wasn't very sure how to deal with her cheery disposition. " Hello Seiji," she greeted him as she sat down in the desk next to him. " How do like this school so far?"

" Fine," Seiji answered. He truly found it to be less than he had expected, but also with quite a few difficulties.

" I heard about what happened at lunch," she said. " I don't believe it was your fault. Some people just like to bully the new students."

" Acknowledged," Seiji nodded, waiting for her to leave him alone. He still wasn't sure how he was supposed to act up close with people, let alone females. All of the scientists had been men and he had only actually talk to three girls besides Sally Poe, not being a very good experience.

" Well, do you know why you are in this class?" she asked. " Guardians or parents usually sign students up for this class if they believe there is a problem."

" I am here to act more 'normal'," he admitted.

" Normal is vastly overrated," she shrugged. " People need to feel comfortable with themselves and others, not strive to fit in with the crowd."

" Understood," he lied. Weren't you supposed to act normal?

" Good," she smiled. " Maybe if you found something you liked to do, like a sport of after school activity you could make friends with students that have the same interests as you."

" All right," he said. Make 'friends' with other 'students'? Find something you like? These things only confused him farther, but he did realize that she was trying to help him. Find something I like and make friends. He guessed that was what normal was.

" You'll become comfortable sooner or later," she patted him on the shoulder. He stiffened and she quickly moved her hand. " Just give yourself time and try to give people a chance. Not everyone is as bad as they might seem." With that she left him to his work and went to help another student. His mind was confused a filled with questions that he knew she couldn't answer.

When the class ended he waited outside for Shin to show him where his next class was. The brunette was on the other side of the school and would take a while to get there. While he was waiting he noticed that the door across the hall was closed and it seemed no one was in the room. He knew better than to give into his curiosity, but the door plate, Mythology-Yagyu, caught his attention. He had remember an old book he had found when he had tried to escape the labs once.

It was a large book called, World Mythology-Greek Gods to Mystic Armor. He had taken it and hid it before the guards had caught him, but had never been able to finish reading the last three chapters. The scientists had found it stuffed in his bed mattress and taken it away. Seeing the world again had sparked a interest and he walked over to the door.

When he tried to open it he found the door to be locked. The lock seemed to be a special code lock that he easily unscrambled. All he had to do was find the right sounds from the keys like he had been trained. His eyes widened at the artifacts he saw inside the room. The walls were covered with tapestries, racks of ancient swords, and miniature statues of armored warriors. It looked as if he was walking into a mythology exhibit of a museum.

Something shined into his eye from across the room and he turned towards it. It was a long battle sword. But it seemed that it was only a replica for some reason. Seiji knew that it should have been larger. It had a steel blade that led to a shuriken above the handle. It looked very familiar to him, a feeling he had been getting a little too often in past few hours.

He walked over to the shelf it lay on and reached out to touch it. Something told him that he should know something about it. As his finger slid across the sharp edge of the blade someone yelled at him, " What are you doing in here?!"

Seiji turned quickly and didn't pay attention to his fingers. The blade was truly sharp for it cut into his finger with ease. He pulled his hand back and watched the blood drip from his hand onto the floor. Then he turned to looked at the gray-haired man that was staring at him.

" How did you get through the lock?" he asked.

" Sounds," Seiji admitted.

" Why are you in here?" he repeated.

" I don't know," the blonde admitted. He didn't really know if it was his curiosity or something else that ha told him to go into the room.

" Seiji?" Shin appeared in the doorway. " What are you doing in here?" He turned to the elderly man and sighed. " Please forgive him Sensei Yagyu, he's new here."

" Oh," the man nodded. " I understand then." He turned to Seiji with a smile. " Maybe you should come back and I'll tell you the story of that no-datchi."

" Hai," Seiji nodded as Shin pulled him out of the room.

" You're bleeding!" the brunette gasped. " I have to take you to the nurse." He continued to chastise the blonde for wandering off as if he was a small child. The man just watched the blonde with a inquisitive eye.

A/N: Did ya like? I thought the fight scene was down played due to the principal. The one guy was really about to get it.

Kathrine: How's Yagyu? Are we adding enough of the original characters for ya?

JC: Please review and tell us what you think. More will come sooner or later.